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File: 71 KB, 300x266, the-united-states-china-relationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11198116 No.11198116 [Reply] [Original]

Who will the 21st century belong to?

Is China simply unstoppable?

>> No.11198143

China isn't trying to be America. It's just asiaphobic news being spread on the news everyday, to create a new enemy.

>> No.11198151


Increasingly aggressive (and isolating) posture, crippling social anxieties, and a looming housing bubble that's due to pop means that China is hardly the unstoppable behemoth that people would like to think. It's getting into rickets about an impending trade war with an economic pleb who thinks trade deficits are bad.

>> No.11198180


USA are going to be a massive shithole, whites alpha males will kill many niggers and spics but they are too numerous and there will be many ethnic states

Europe is going to live a bloody civil war against muslims and left faggots, ofcourse nationalists will win in 2 years and will estabish the 4th Reich, Jews won't survive these events

China is just whites's slave, they live on our backs, they are "strong" because we are weak

>> No.11198218


>EU includes Norway, Switzerland, Belarus, Ukraine and the UK
>China includes BOTH Koreas

Might as well show the US with Mexico and Canada to be consistent with the level of retardation

>> No.11198232

>not counting our Auto Parts-ners

I wish we'd stop dicking around and just annex Mexico already.

>> No.11198277

lol no

>> No.11198367

the US is proving to be a loose cannon.
EU and China are clearly turning away from it and trying to form other relationships and selfsufficiency.
Russia is waiting for a real nice moment to twist the knife in America's side.
Now that they have a "midde class" China is going to have a hard time explaining to their own people how the rest of the world lives so well.
They'll either have to loosen their grip on government and invite a little democracy in, evolve into a caste system, or conquer Africa.
EU might have a chance, but they'll really need to improve their infrastructure and education programs. The refugees will need to be brought up to speed, or else it'll go back to pre-enlightenment times.

>> No.11198634

Probably Australia

>> No.11198914

KEK no fucking way

>> No.11198938

USA will always be #1 period. The social unrest and loss of confidence that we see now is simply an engineered procesz

They're still decades ahead in exotic tech. What do you think happens to the black budget? Things dont happen for no reason.

>> No.11199045

remember when england was a literal backwater when anatolia was extremely rich and advanced? but look at now

>> No.11199055

we already did
>come to California

>> No.11199066

Should have done it almost 180 years ago..

>> No.11199091
File: 250 KB, 1098x1202, 1537482343881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone it's the Russia being a loose cannon
>defending dictators, chemical warfare in Syria, bullying US with technological warfare and numerous proxy wars, open pre-ww2 anti-west rhetoric
putin is begging to start ww3

>> No.11199097

The tldr is that we're going to dump our bags on China at ATH


>> No.11199111


t. Xi Jinping

>> No.11199143

/pol/ is that way you fucking psychopath ~>

>> No.11199156
File: 30 KB, 720x721, 1515985945162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11199161

It's happening the other way around. Mexico is literally taking back California in front of our eyes. I lived in LA 8 years its fucking disgusting what it's turned into.

>> No.11199232

>The refugees will need to be brought up to speed, or else it'll go back to pre-enlightenment times.

What makes you think they can possibly do that? The niggers and muslims swarming into Europe all only there for gimmie dats. They're too fucking stupid or inbred to understand how run a functioning society. The only hope for Europe is for a populist group to rise up and kick their lazy, worthless asses back to the country they came from.

>> No.11199294

Reminder that if you think you are talking to a chinese shill online just type "Tiananmen Square June 4th, 1989" and their internet will be cut.

>> No.11199327


The USA is already suffering from massive brain drain and dumbing down of its indigenous work force. A huge percentage of our technically educated populace is born abroad and cannot participate in military tech RnD because of security concerns.

How are we going to compete in post 2050’s warfare when the majority of the US born populace is drifting towards a sub 100 median IQ and only cares about fucking random people and getting high? China and Russia are already beating us at drone tech, lasers, hypersonic missiles, SAM systems, AI, quantum computers, and have stolen our stealth fighter technology.

>> No.11199380

Tiananmen Square June 4th, 1989"

>> No.11199391


I’m not Chinese you fucking mong. I hope Russia and China implode

>> No.11199419

YOU SON OF A......

>> No.11199507

How's the social life in LA? Is it a good place for a white 20-something male?

>> No.11199551
File: 118 KB, 614x422, Yellowstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the empire I live in will last forever!

Lmao history has a lesson for you kid, no empire in man's history lasts.

Also Yellowstone will fucking annihilate your country when it blows.

>> No.11199680

well the usa is gimping itself right now soon out of the race

>> No.11199684

>he still doesn't understand that crypto will make countries obsolete

>> No.11199722

21st century won't belong to anyone
Without a major war to drain any one countries reserves they will all have power and start to wield it on smaller neighboring countries.

>> No.11199785


>annihilates the midwest

Wow it’s fucking nothing

>> No.11199805


The entire hemisphere will be blacked out by Ash for years, nowhere to grow crops though-ought the entire continent. Ice age.

>> No.11199830

>USA supplies its people with cheap food to keep them happy
>depletes all of its farmlands soil with retarded agricultural practices for political goals
>mother nature just ashes them up a new breadbasket real quick
>Volcanic nutrients
>Corn stalks the size of lightpoles, cabbage big enough to crush a man

We are God's chosen country. God bless America.

>> No.11199837
File: 192 KB, 860x672, Yellowstone ash field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11199872


Good, global warming will balance it out so we’ll be back to where we started

>> No.11199884

The 21st century will belong to DECENTRALIZATION. All large nations will be nukes by the coming financial collapse, pacing the way for crypto and sound money

China and America are both fucked


>> No.11199897

t. Canadian

>> No.11199973


>> No.11200048


No. Chinks hustle each other more than anyone else - the economic numbers are mostly faked & their infrastructure is a general travesty.


Fuck off Chink. There's no "pan-Asian" identity to hate on. Nobody despises Koreans or Japanese or SE Asians like they do mainlanders. And nobody in the West despises you as much as other Asians. You're like the Jews, anyone that's ever dealt with you knows what scum you are.

>> No.11200089


Yep. /thread indeed.

Only works if they're inside China, and not one of its colonies in Canada or NZ for example.

>> No.11200161
File: 488 KB, 624x951, 749B8ECC-AB22-4020-B8D4-68BF370EB8DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y’all better back awwwwfffffff America!!!

>> No.11200288

China + Russia

>> No.11200412

I think the 21st Century is going to be a clusterfuck for pretty much everyone. EU and US are frantically importing third-world immigrants to drive demand for their economies and keep real estate prices propped up. Asia has a tanking population, isn't willing to engage in Western-style immigration policies, and also has questionable finances.