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11193904 No.11193904 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, so I've decided to switch occupations and I need your advice since it seems a fair amount of you here live off of it.

I'm a sound engineer and my job right now is being, basically, the equivalent of a glorified roadie. I'm fucking sick of setting up equipment for shit bands and especially shit singers while pulling my fucking hair out trying to make them sound good.

I want to start building apps. I want to take my computer and be able to customize it, to make it do whatever the fuck I want. I want to be able to pull data from the web and be able to turn it into a fucking chart/graph. I want to work on exciting new ideas.

I have little to no experience with programming, I've made a couple of scripts in python that were basically text command games where the player had an inventory and could travel around in diferrent rooms, but they were shit and it's nowhere near where I'd like to be. And I don't know how to proceed.

I'm more interested in networks but everything I start reading about network programming seems to need a good deal of previous knowledge. The problem is I don't know what that knowledge is and where to get it.
Where do I start/proceed?
What the fuck do I do, and can someone please give me a meaty answer.

Come on /biz/ you're my first goto I don't want to mingle with those /adv/ faggots

>> No.11194018

Do you know Google and Youtube? Cause your answers are there. Also, once you start, don't be surprise if you find out you are more stupid that you thought.

>> No.11194039

This literally only 10-20% if the population are capable of writing decent code and unless you are in the top 10% it will not come easy.

>> No.11194042
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basically this

>> No.11194131
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So you're basically just telling me I need to copy code and fake it till I make it

>> No.11194132

That number may be even higher now with all of the sophisticated IDEs and frameworks we have today. Of course, we'll need supreme autists to write and manage those frameworks, but we don't need all that many. Hate to say it, but programming is going to get hit hard by automation.

>> No.11194138


>> No.11194148

could bigger bigger cocks be the solution to OPs faggotory? just like cashies faggotory?

>> No.11194303

>Sound Engineer

You're not an engineer faggot
You hook up speakers to reord players
Real engineers take thermodynamics and electro motive force


>> No.11194343

It's my degree, faggot.

>> No.11194509

nah, other anon is right. you aren't really engineering sound quality. are you measuring the acoustic resonance of a particular venue and then adjusting frequency levels accordingly? or are you just tweaking it until is sounds good to you?

>> No.11195199

Look mate fuck all that heres the honest truth. Dont fall into the trap of making it harder than it actually is.

Here's what you do.

KhanAcademy. Start a free account, start learning HTML, and then CSS. Its the most basic thing you need for webdev, and a good start. Just go do it. Dont amp it up and go "oh but i dont know anything about code i dunno shit", just fucking register an account and go do the course.Go through the entire course. Actively try to learn it, and by that I mean really dedicate yourself to it. Retake classes just because. Try new things in their code box.

Once you feel comfortable with HTML and CSS, you can a) learn other languages (next step would be JS) or b) sit down by dinnertable with pen and paper and hash out ideas for a website. Content drives traffic and the better the content the more traffic. At this stage you should read a few guides about SEO and Google, finding good keywords and such. If you google it, google will tell you how to make money with google. Then you pay between 10 bucks and infinity for a domain and you launch your website via one of the many free and paid tools out there. And there you go! Remember, content drives traffic and traffic = money

>> No.11195243

Get on you knees and start providing a service people want faggot
You can wear kneepads if you want I don't care

>> No.11195602

If you want to start from no knowledge and want a minimum barrier, I suggest you buy a subscription to Treehouse. Its 25 bucks a month and does a very good job teaching beginner/intermediate skills. At that point you can learn on your own.

They do a lot of web dev stuff but not exclusively. You can even do a free trial to see if you like it. Its worth a look op. Also, they have a more expensive version, 250 a month, where you get one on one help with a teacher who helps you make a portfolio to get you a job. They get you to write exams and certify you with a 'degree'. They are partnered with a software developer internship company (only if you're in the states)

Idk about the techdegree thing if it's worth it or not, but it was definitely worth the 25 a month for me at the start