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11193016 No.11193016 [Reply] [Original]

One reason why crypto will never be widely adapted is, that if you fuck up once, its over.
I just succsesfully moved my 20k stinky linky to a new address, and i was so scared that i would fuck up SOMEHOW.

>> No.11193029


>physical custody and insurance

have you even read the blakkt data or what? I bet you dont even own a single Bitcoin and have low T.

>> No.11193063

I lost around $40,000 potential worth of Crypto (now worth maybe $5000, still haven't figured out password, so whatever) by forgetting the password to my wallet. Not even LARPing.

>> No.11193070

20000 LINK x 0.00005086 BTC = 1.0172 BTC

>> No.11193072

most brainlets will not interact with crypto directly, they'll use second layer intermediaries with the human support they crave and love
this is what is actually happening, most of you use centralized exchanges and not your own keys
even those of you who use your own keys use packaged software from other people and can't read the source, etc.
decentralization is not about everyone becoming a 150 IQ computer autist. it's about setting up the architecture and economic incentives so that those with the skills can independently attest the network is valid, and none can corrupt the ledger. then you go down the pyramid of competency, with things that are easier to use and require more trust in experts/curators

>> No.11193074

At least you didn't lose your piece of shit ethereum when you moved it from one wallet to another, but the receiving wallet was not compatible with smart contract transactions. Imagine a bunch of boomers making the same mistake my dumbass made. Mass adoption my ass if shit like this can happen, specially to the technology illiterates.

>> No.11193079



>> No.11193101
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1517845357117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a real problem but it's a matter of time until a solution is found. When credit cards first rolled around, fraud was a real issue. It was dealt with, in time.

One possible solution would be a transfer smart contract with an withdrawal key.
>Want to transfer funds from address A to address B
>Open wallet A
>Input address B and transfer amount
>Wallet generates a withdrawal key
>Provide withdrawal key to address B's owner
>Upon entering withdrawal key on wallet B, funds are received
>Key is valid for a set amount of time
>Funds are returned if the key expires

This is much like the credit card system and will be staple when smart contracts are more developed

>> No.11193219


>> No.11193295

With more sovereignty comes more responsibility.
Being dependent of government is easy.
Become a man and try to get by without parents (government)

>> No.11193339

Never test the depth of a river with both feet

>> No.11193559

Thousands of ETH lost this way

>> No.11193592

Absolutely this.
The discovery of what works (validity/truth) via removal of individual instances. Works for the airline industry, work in nature with Evolution, works with payment technology.

Through subtraction, validity is discovered.

>> No.11193594

i mean this is more effort than just sending normal money at this point, absolutely ridiculous idea to make the receiver have to do shit as well

>> No.11193666

If you send funds through an exchange or service that uses smart contracts for transactions of ethereum (ex. Coinmama), to an exchange that does not handle smartcontract transactions, your shit will be stuck in the transaction.

>> No.11193672

my nimiq doesnt have this problem ...IBAN BOYZ

>> No.11193680


Ur a frickin n00b bro. Not everybody is a n00b

>> No.11193699
File: 6 KB, 245x206, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, smart people get rich.

if you don't have the capacity to do this simple task of copying and pasting an address.

you don't deserve to be rich.

now get the fuck out of my board. brainlet.

>> No.11193726

Yup. Also have 20k link. Feels good to have 1 btc of the finest alt coin known to man

>> No.11193766

wait, could buy 1 bitcone instead?

>> No.11193781
File: 140 KB, 1400x969, 04BAE78D-B3C6-43AE-B116-C02A8F4667A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn’t know what Ricardian contracts are top Kek

>> No.11193857

How come?

If it's a one time thing, like a friend or something, he just has to input the key you give him to confirm the transaction.

If it's a high volume thing like an online purchase, the process wouldnt have any more steps than a credit card payment.
>Please select your product
>Please select your payment option
Crypto, done
>Please send X to this address
>Please input the provided withdrawal key

>> No.11193967

A wallet is nothing but a gui. If you know the private key corresponding to an address, you can use an online hash tool and write down the unlock transaction wuth pen and paper and then send the raw transaction to the network

>> No.11194028

I'm glad someone here knows their shit. The problem is that the wallet belongs to the exchange, an I doubt they would kindly hand over the private key to the wallet. Which means you are at their mercy for getting your funds.

>> No.11194108


That is multi sig escrow.

>> No.11194167

ENS is a thing. It's also being implemented into Chainlink and other web3 stuff. Hope you're done accumulating. ;)

>> No.11194185

well written sir