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11191874 No.11191874 [Reply] [Original]

Roughly how many years till the next financial crisis?

>> No.11191889


>> No.11191896


>> No.11191898

Traps are gay

>> No.11191903
File: 140 KB, 590x760, 1534407326081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this

>> No.11191911

Happening now, slow motion roll out, shit-tier ecos debt crisis now, 1st world here in sectors, more coming for us all

>> No.11191918

WTF is that the same person?

>> No.11191933

shaved off jawline and possibly chin, maybe shaved of brow bones, maybe a nose job, lips botox, make up + naturally good hair

>> No.11191960


It's happening already, housing market is already highly unstable everywhere

>mfw bought house for 140K in 2015
>it's worth 350K now
>shit area

>> No.11191967
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It really is them, HAHAAAHA wtf did they do to themselves, this world is fucked

>> No.11191970

So when would you recommend that it's time to buy a house? In 2020 when the crisis is happening?

>> No.11191982

Pro tip: people on biz can't time the financial markets.

>> No.11192004
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Its hot

>> No.11192011
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What the FUCK.



>> No.11192035

imagine being a human being and after thousands of years of successful reproduction you are the father of this. this is your offspring, your legacy.

How van you even cope?

>> No.11192048

easy times breed weak men, as simple as that

>> No.11192050


>> No.11192052

That guy could probably have fucked any chick he wanted when he left the house but he threw it all away to become a freak.

>> No.11192067

kek. over 1000 generations of men, fought and survived long enough to impregnate some women who was primed for breeding. Think of how many battles and wars his past fathers would have had to have endured and won, and now... this.

>> No.11192073

That's a very real life problem. I am planning on buying another house soon in the exact same area, basically next to the one I already bought, for 300K. Now, I know that sounds fucked up but I rather invest my money than sit on it.

It's very easy to say "just wait till the next crisis". However first of all there is no guarentee that it's going to happen soon. I think it will but that's no guarentee.

Secondly, especially in the larger cities house prices (and rental prices) have been going up for decades. Cities like Amsterdam (where I buy houses) and London have dramatically recovered from 2008 and are simply going up in a conjuncture.

So my conclusion would be that's it's fine to buy a house now IF it is an ok location and IF you do not need a mortage OR if your mortage is has a very very low interest rate, which is the case in NL.

>> No.11192076

His fatehr was probably happy to have an alpha chad son

what the hell is going on in this earth, demiurge is fucking with us

>> No.11192121

Unironically the only answer, we need a reset

>> No.11192124

Banks aren't as leveraged as before. Plus nobody is saving, because saving with 1% interest is dumb. There will be a slow down in the economy soon but we don't know.


>> No.11192207

Wrong, people are saving what little money they have and monetary policy is a meme.

>let's lower interest to increase spending while the economy is unstable, people are jobless and trust in the economy is ATL
>people aren't spending money wotthefok how did this happen

Individual debt has already surpassed what it was before 08 and this is debt not on mortages but on even more instable shit such as CC and car loans. Don't forget they insanely high student debt. Have you ever seen the US debt charts broken down into variables? It is fucking insane.

Unemployment is not better. Lots of bs jobs creating no real value. Lots of parrtime jobs. Lots of hospitality.

The bull run in the stock market has been coined the most hated run for a reason. It's entirely fictional. Companies are able to borrow money easier and are massively buying their own stocks. This is widely known. What do you think will happen when interest rates go up?

Also, DB (the financial core of germany and europe) is not doing really good in all this.

>> No.11192267


people that lift and trannies both have the same underlying pathology body dismorphia

>> No.11192278

Weird being that good looking as a guy and then chose to become a transgender

>> No.11192282


only mortgages matter and the mortgage market is fine. cars can be easily repo'd and resold and student debt cannot be ditched

>> No.11192302

when you have everything in life your brain doesn't stop looking for possible problems, same reason why many famous/rich/successful people an hero every year. If you have money, looks, happy family, perfect health your brain will still find something to make you crave it/worry about it, that's just how human brain works.
If that guy was born as a savage 10k years ago I guarantee you he wouldn't even have the time to think about becoming a woman because he would have 10x more important things to worry about but living in the circumstances that he was born into, after years he probably woke up one day wanting to be a woman and that obsession never left him

>> No.11192573
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>implying the last one is over
Keynesian pls go

>> No.11192611

kek. Hope you guys have your money in crypto. USD is going to be a bad place to be soon

>> No.11192615

hahaha ok anon

>> No.11192622

median income of millenials is 25k

housing market is going to correct down harder than 2008 soon

>> No.11192631

makes them even more popular these days, proof being you are all talking about him. Some dudes are natural attention whores and nothing gets more attention today than traps

>> No.11192649

not really looks are a lot more important for women maybe he felt ripped off like if you were born really athletic but born a woman

>> No.11192667

USD is going to be the best place to be before it is the worst.

>> No.11192689

That's retarded and npc tier.

>> No.11192731

How so? You don't think another round of QE will hyperinflate the dollar?

>> No.11192739

QE happens when the dollar is in short supply. It's a cash injection to break the deflationary spiral.

>> No.11192773
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Ahhh fuck imagine having your son be an absolute chad and then he turns the gay up to the maximum on you
I'd be crushed

>> No.11192845

Will a housing market crash reverberate across the entire market like it did in 07-08 if the majority of new blood are renters, plus the market not relying on sub-prime portfolios like it did before?

>> No.11193049

And why is that? Also what is NPC and incel?

>> No.11193149

Goddamn I hate you people. Always spilling your guts, opinions whatever without thinking for one second. Literally 99% of the problems I am discussing on a daily basis can be solved if one simply applies logic and math.

You're the kind of person that shouts from the rooftops that buying is better than renting "in this economy" but never actually did the math (which is very easy) to conclude that it's not at all the case necessarily.

Do you know when houseprices where low? I'll tell you, in 2013/14. Do you know what that means? That means that there is quite a lag in houseprices and the state of the economy, which makes perfect sense.

So let's say that there is a lag of hmm idk 3-5 years for houseprices to correct. And let's assume that the crisis is definitely going to happen in 2020. That would mean that I miss out on 5-8 years of rental income which is net around 18K a year (6% yearly return).

>how do you know???

Because buying houses and renting them out is so simple a toddler can do it. All you need is money or the opportunity to get a good deal on a mortage but that's an issue because they don't want to give out mortages to buy investment proporty.

So that means I would miss out on ~100K in the period I am waiting for houseprices to correct. Literally no one even thinks about opportunity costs, including you. It's so stupid.

I've been telling my partents (who have a fuckton of money) for years to buy houses with the above logic. They simply refuse and "wait for the house prices to correct", unable to understand that the prices in the larger cities are simply not going to correct (or only a relative small amount) due to rapid globilization and foreign investments.

Look at house prices graphs of major cities and they all look the same. Dip in 2010, which is probably suburbs btw, and rise since 2013.

Have fun waiting anon!

>> No.11193218

Thanks for your input anon. Btw NPC is a video game term for non-player character. Its used to describe people who dont really think day to day and simply act on emotion. Incel is someone who can't get laid.

>> No.11193318

cool story bro

>> No.11193394

this, while not a tranny, I feel ripped off for having an incel/neet brain mounted in a chad body.
also, the economy is ready for another dump, most likely after the 2nd term elections are over, just like the Bucsh years.

>> No.11193537

Imagine having nothing in your life than copy pasting one liner OPs and posting cherrypicked trap images

>> No.11193583

pretty good post desu I was born rich but born very ugly so spend all my time depressed about that

>> No.11193616

why are you buying in Amsterdam?

Fucking hell, that city will be under water in a couple years.

>> No.11193630


>> No.11193649

Recession only

>> No.11194258

Okay that's interesting.
So you're saying most of the corrections in house prices happen at the suburbs?
Well then it's worth waiting isn't it?
Besides don't assume people just have cash which isn't already invested. It probably is.
Was there a lag in suburb prices also?

>> No.11194271

True story bro

Thx anon

>> No.11194281

Wat? Ok, why is that?

>> No.11194282

Can't wait for the financial crisis in the year 4038

>> No.11194287


>> No.11194301

They've historically been building dykes to keep the water from flooding them for centuries if not decades

>> No.11194332

hahaha kek, touche anon

>> No.11194357


>t. efficient markets economists

>> No.11194361

That only works for temporary flooding when the average sea level stays the same. If runaway climate change kicks in, which is looking more and more likely, it won't be possible to use the same techniques to keep cities like amsterdam dry. If they were to use dykes, they would have to be so massive that they would require much of the city to be demolished to even make room for them anyway.

>> No.11194366


> Hot Trap

>> No.11194379

>cities like amsterdam

So you mean the entirety of the Netherlands? If that happens ams wil be the least of the trouble for NL.

>> No.11194465

it will be totally different from 2008
not some big bang like in 2008
and not triggered by one thing (e.g. house mortgage) but chaotic turbulences in many areas (high debts, trade wars, risky speculation and so on) and some fucked up countries.

Those who have diversified into gold, cryptos, goods will be lucky.
Owners of cash, stock, whatever other certificates will get rekt. High-end real estate will be fine, low value houses be worth even less.

>> No.11194511

I still have my doubts about crypto being a good asset to hold during a crisis/recession. Even gold dipped hard after 2008 for a year or two.

>> No.11194574
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how ever many years it takes for crypto to tank. So probably like 6-8 months.

>> No.11194578

crypto is going to get absolutely btfo by a recessesion. There is no functionality, so no reason to store fiat in digital assests

>> No.11194638

>not some big bang like in 2008
and not triggered by one thing (e.g. house mortgage)
no it was literally triggered by like one or two specific things. Rampant dogshit mortgages written for people with <500 FICO scores drove up housing prices to rediculous levels, then Lehman brothers illegally borrowed 600 billion fucking dollary doos to bet that they would continue to rise. Then they started falling and Lehamn instantly had to file for chapter 11 and now the US government has to figure out how to deal with their 600 billion dollar fuckup. There were very specific mechanations to the 2008 crisis it wasnt just like one day the market decided to crash.

>> No.11194674

>housing market is already highly unstable everywhere
Not true. Lensing standards are still pretty tight. Student loan debt and national debt will fuel this recession

>> No.11194725

>not true

Have you seen the price/earnings ratio? I don't understand what you mean.

This is what I believe as well. Gold has no functionallity as well but at least it's established crypto isn't.

>> No.11194739

it’s not like student loan debt is resold on the secondary market though. It’s literally the least desireable debt to own because nobody ever fucking pays it they just wait for it to go away in 10 years.

>> No.11194748

I think I read a story that had a similar thing happen. The father ended up killing himself after his son transitioned, must be fucking soul crushing.

>> No.11194763

Crypto will be fine?

>> No.11194777

>There is no functionality, so no reason to store fiat in digital assests

easy transfer anywhere and immediately is a good function, but more important, it's not printed like crazy like fiat money and controlled by a corrupt elite.
Of course, most cryptos are crap and it's not easy to know which ones will be worth it.

>> No.11194793

Bitcoin is literally your best bet

>> No.11194859

>Have you seen the price/earnings ratio? I don't understand what you mean.
it doesn’t matter because there’s no more artificial demand created by a bunch of buyers who cant actually afford the houses

>> No.11194866

only because it's the most famous one, but other cryptos are superior.
Anyway, you should diversify. Bitcoin being one among maybe 10 others.

>> No.11194882

>easy transfer anywhere and immediately is a good function
I don’t get how the US dollar doesn’t already do that

>> No.11194910

You've obviously never tried to transfer a large sum of money to someone in another country

>> No.11194916

Whatever kicks it off will happen in calendar year 2019. By 2020 it will the officially declared a recession. By 2022 it will be clear that it's still worsening. By 2025 humanitarian crises will be happening in the poorer developed countries. By 2028 we'll be at war.

>> No.11194921
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>tfw gay
>tfw gay guys this hot are rare enough already and we lost another one to the kikes.

>> No.11194961

This sounds highly plausible. Just wait till the migrants floods really start pouring into the EU. People are laughing about walls now, just wait.

>> No.11194963

that’s a niche market to say the very least. Most normal people don’t have to transfer large sums of money to people on the other side of the planet and it’s not something that 99% of the population cares about having the ability to do.

>> No.11194993

>bitcoin down 68%
>altcoins down 90%

>chad turns into trap

/pol/ pls go

>> No.11195025

Pfft that makes the father an even bigger faggot than his now daughter. Imagine KYS over some shit like that.

>> No.11195074

Have you been lurking here long enough to cut ties with your son like that? Desensitized by browsing b for years?

>> No.11195109

Travesty. "She" still has a masculine chad face

>> No.11195139

>take glam picture of self like youre taking a shit with flash on
no wonder this guy is a faggot

>> No.11195176

Only in the weak form. This is about long and short term debt cycles though. Long term debt cycles reset every 75-100 years. Last was 2008, before was 1929. When they reset, you get depressions. Inside that are short term debt cycles every 5-8 years. When they reset, you get recessions, bear markets etc.

>> No.11195271

Fees are higher and it's not instant. Besides, what if a bank or fucking paypal thinks you're suspicious and freezes your money?
Or maybe they deduct 10% to cover the increased national debt?

>> No.11195280


Somewhere between 2020 and 2023 there will be a major collapse.

I'm with this guy, 2020 sounds exactly right. Towards the end of Trumps term makes the most sense.

>> No.11195294

You think your ancestors didn't do crazy degenerate sex shit that'd make you vomit?

>> No.11195318

Wait so if I become a cute girl my dad will off himself? Win win.

>> No.11195342

Just get another son? Breed another kid lol it’s that simple. Chances are the other son won’t be a sissy

>> No.11195367

There are countries whose entire economies are based on migrant workers sending money back to their family

>> No.11195380

>3 hour chest workout
Way, way, WAY too fucking long. I could kill that man, actually stop his heart, with a 20 minute workout. Fair warning to anons not to fall into the work out for hours on end trap: it's a tremendous waste of time

>> No.11195386

I van't

>> No.11195434
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get back in the basement fatty

>> No.11195478
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>tfw your female self will never look at you that way

>> No.11195480

>chads transitioning become staceys
>ugly ppl BTFO forever

>> No.11195520
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>all these /pol/tier reply

Based and redpilled. I'm so proud of you guys :') We have the last board who isn't sharted upon by shariablue mods or intense mossad shilling.
We are 4chan, the only ones fighting the good fights. I luv you frens.

>> No.11195569

>Finansial crisis
>Those who have diversified into gold, cryptos, goods will be lucky.

lmao EVERYTHING will go down.

>> No.11195582


>> No.11195607


This, but unironically.

>> No.11195677


>> No.11195702

damn shes hot

>> No.11195723


good luck

>> No.11195757

Why would gold go down in a severe recession? If they print money gold is just about the only thing that will hold its value and go up in price.

>> No.11196816
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i was unironical alrdy..

>> No.11196830

>How van you even cope?
Buy a van a leave

>> No.11197010


wtf. who do you think gave you permission to be gay

>> No.11197158


Do you think when people are losing their jobs and getting evicted left and right they are gonna decide it’s a good idea to buy crypto... LMAO

Crypto investors are the trannies of finance (a product of easy living).

>> No.11197274

2021 latest
2019 signals should start

>> No.11197353


Pretty sure not one of my direct ancestors for the last 10000 years took hormones and castrated themselves.

>> No.11197478
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>fuckin A+ facial structure
>chooses to be ugly tranny

>> No.11197504

bahahahahhahahahahahahhaha yeah dude bitcoin is really gonna be able to tap into that market of poor migrant workers sending money back to their families those guys are really on the cutting edge of tech lmao

wow how could we have been so blind to such a perfect product for the perfect demographic. Crypto will never die because migrant workers need to send money back home and they’ll use crypto. Fucking brilliant.

>> No.11197771

Lol, it's guys like you that are gonna get rekt so hard next time around. Good luck timing that market bro. When housing shits the bed and you lose 200k of value on the house, well youll have 100k rental income to offset it.

>> No.11197831

1 or 2

>> No.11197891
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better comparison

>> No.11197903

Will crypto thrive or will it sink with the ship?

>> No.11197908
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Photoshop and angles change everything. Also right is older pic

>> No.11197981

I got to the point where I could do a 60 and a 50 set if pushups and now bought weights since I can afford them and spend less time.

I do a set or two a day of lifting etc for a minute now and its Much quicker

>> No.11197990

I would strangle someone to look like the left fuck what a waste

>> No.11197994

Pfft, hahahaha

>> No.11198029

Couldnt have gotten too crazy, as STDs might fuck you out of the gene pool

>> No.11198097

This. Incomes don't match prices at all. Prices are so much higher than anyone can really afford. The economy seems totally fictional. Just all funded by debt.

>> No.11198141

God tier aesthetics but gave it up to become a foid. Is he a manlet or something? That's the only reason he would prefer to go female.

>> No.11198145

Why the fuck would you need to workout one body part for three hours?

>> No.11198189
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Imagine the boi pussy though...

>> No.11198424
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>only one year ago
Oh, how the mighty have fallen

>> No.11198534

Finance and International Investment graduate here
To put it simply so you breinlets understand it, there is no way to tell but it will happen soon or sooner.
It happens every fucking time government bails out financial institutions (Those faggots never really learn that it doesn't help other than for their PR),
it is already happening in Europe just look up how much money ex-nazi gov gave to deutsche bank.
It will mostly hit Europe but it will reach other markets things seem to get more and more out of control here.
Want free advice?
Make as much money as you can before it hits because boi, oh boi it will be quite a investment opportunity don't be worried just learn up how much money people made on fear during past financial crises.
Will Crypto leap in price? There is many theories to that you might take risk and win it big, or lose hard anyway I would suggest going much more safe and still lucrative way.

>> No.11198571

yea but what to hold while waiting? usd?

>> No.11198630


No. I don't understand. I would have been his boyfriend. And lifted every day with him and help each other get to 2/3/4/5. And then had sex. And then meal prepped. etc.

Yo dude what the fuck.

>> No.11198808
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Calm down, anon. Here, have the rest of the text.

>> No.11198936
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>He doesn't know about the castrati.

>> No.11198940

literally a fucking waste, what a retard. He doesn't deserve his body

>> No.11198944

But that's not the same guy in OP right?

>> No.11198955

you did anon.

>> No.11198987

Tough question really,
First of all wouldn't hold to stuff, currently there are great investment opportunities on markets (some better some worse depending on your government)
Gold seemed pretty safe especially in dot-com crash, however lately it seems more like a meme even trough it might seem funny I think it is not as safe bet ever since crypto-rise...
Nowadays things are hard to predict just because the value of crypto. About gold I will put it this way, definitely older date investors will jump onto it, but sometimes it is easiest thing to liquidate....
It usually acts opposite to market but feeling of being safe and in control is what makes investors lose money,, crypto also seems to counter act market and thats the problem for me in here.
Consumer staples always seem to be solid, just because there are just commodities people need to function even during crises.
Diversification, liquidity are things you need during such times. Don't act under pressure always analyse your potion cold headed.
Cash is one of best ways just because it pure liquid you don't own anything, and nothing owns you nothing to sell manage safe place to be you might say.
But you see here comes the problem just what will this crisis effect, because I bet my left ball it will effect one way or another gold and crypto.
It might really crush some of unicorn stocks out there that currently are very delicate due to how valuated they are and just how expensive to run they are with how small margins they run, yes I'm talking about those miracles that seem to skyrocket without end for past few years
That's my opinion from my POV, when it comes to cash I prefer CHF just because how many other are dependent from our government and how independent we are from all giants...

>> No.11199027
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It seems to be the same guy.

>> No.11199026

weird nose

>> No.11199044
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Any smart /pol/ tard is hoping for after next term.
>Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.11199048

more like crypto will sink the ship

>> No.11199075

It won't it is wayyyyy to easy to liquidate it, unless the governments fuck over holders even more with dumber regulations...

>> No.11199122

2019-2020 +-2 years
Its either gonna be HUGE or a very slow agonizing crisis.

>> No.11199550

>Its either gonna be HUGE or a very slow agonizing crisis.
Such a gifted economist.

>> No.11199688


Hopefully while Trump's in office... He will let the banks go down (unlike Obama) and boy will it be a interesting few months for those who can't handle their finances. Those in drowning debt will probably have to live VERY frugally too...

>Let me explain

1.) Those living paycheck to paycheck will get weeded out and taught a brutal lesson.
2.) Those who took advantage of those people will probably neck themselves.
3.) Those economies that RELY on American consumption will have even bigger issues (mainly China - why do you think they fucking bought our debt?)

>Trump inherited a booming and artificial"recovery." Crisis 2.0 will happen and it will hurt even harder. It will run it's course and everything will go back to the way it was anyways....

>> No.11199749

You are delusional if you think Trump would ever let a big bank collapse. Even if he didn't want to do it, he would be forced by the Jews he has surround himself with.

>> No.11199844

18 months + or - 6 months.

When this line hits 0, if it stays there for 4 weeks, it’s virtually guaranteed. It’s predicted every recession for the last 60 years.


Easy access to money grows the economy. When money gets expensive, the economy can shrink. We call this a recession.

When money becomes more expensive to borrow short term, vs long term, a recession happens. This is called a negative yield curve. The above chart graphs the spread between the 10 year and 2 year bonds. When it’s negative it means the government needs money now, not later. Since these rates affect the rest of the economy, it means the world needs money now, not later. It means long term investments suffer, and loans dry up.

This is a negative yield curve example.

Hey, I’ll borrow you $50, you need to pay me $100 in 2 weeks.
Hey, I’ll borrow you $50, you need to pay me $75, in 10 years.
Hey, I’ll borrow you $50, you need to pay me $55, in 30 years.

Does this look familiar? It’s how payday loans work. Money is more expensive for shorter periods. This is very bad because when the government needs a ton of money, right now, it issues short term bonds. If those bonds don’t get bought, it raises the interest rates to get them purchased. Interest rates act like a kind of magnet to attract money. Negative yield curves happen when say (for example) a government cuts it’s revenue in a huge tax cut during a growth period. It needs to go on a borrowing spree (not to build anything like infrastructure), but to just pay people to do their jobs.

It’s like burning the furniture on fire to heat a house.

>> No.11199906

The S&P's p/e ratio is already high enough for a major correction to occur. It was around 30 just before the .com bubble burst and it was around 20 when the market peaked in 2007. It is currently a hair over 25. I think the main thing preventing a correction is that interest rates are still super low. We still have 2-3 years before they climb to where they were just before the start of the 2000 and 2008 bear markets.

What I'm trying to figure out is how bad inflation will be during the next recession. QE + the government paying off its debt sounds like a recipe for the dollar weakening, but the dollar was surprisingly strong through the last recession, so IDK.

>> No.11199983

2 things, plz respond.

1. A potential cause for the next crash could be retail debt. A bunch if brick & mortar stores took out huge loans & now can't pay them back because they're getting JUST'ed by Amazon.

2. What happens if the government just continues to buy up private assets?

>> No.11200009

Third quarter of 2019. Screencap this post. Our algorithms don't lie.

>> No.11200049

> + or - 6 months
Bruh, the yield curve inverted at the beginning of 2006 but the 2008 crash didn't happen until quite sometime later.

> It’s predicted every recession for the last 60 years.
The bond market also predicted 7 of the last 5 recessions.

>> No.11200148


You got it, there is a delay, but we are only 0.26% away from 0%.

I expect we'll cross to 0 in 6 - 12 months.

I'm reading the Fed is going to try and mess with it, since they understand it's involved with recessions, but I don't see the rest of the forces that power the yield curves going away.

>> No.11200167

Trips don't lie.

>> No.11200408

probably not a big debt crisis like 08, but more of a slow down.

pension funds will become a problem. Most likely no real increase for the s&p500 in 10 years.

I think it will get bumpy in 1-2 years, just look at the yield curve.

>> No.11200781

Unfunded pensions are going to fuck over entire states

>> No.11200807

2023/ 4

>> No.11201200

cani get an instagram link?

>> No.11201218

This is so sad

>> No.11201241

to back you up on this, corporate debt is out of control and that will cause the next collapse
they arent using enough money from the new taxes to pay off the debt and now interest rates are rising soon the yield curve will be flat and then it will invert

>> No.11201274

>Top tier chads removing themselves from the dating pool to become bitches

I'm not complaining

As for the FtM's, they are by default pathetic small weak featured men who have nothing to offer for hot girls so, this whole thing is a win-win for your average straight guy

>> No.11201275
File: 97 KB, 768x768, ifqgicpjqlm11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11201299

>this post
>digits 88
Checks out.

>> No.11201328

>be a super chad, get lots of attention
>now be a super thot, gets lots of attention
good looking people have it so easy

>> No.11201354

Bi guys aren't complaining either.

>> No.11201378

My friend is a super chad. Doesn't get a tenth of attention that BASIC thots do.

If you're a narcissist hellbent on people worshipping you for no reason. Going hot tranny is probably a good option.

Good looking guys can't coast on their good looks, they still gotta work fairly hard.

>> No.11201381

jesus he's starving

>> No.11201438

Found this audio clip of him speaking 1 month ago.

>> No.11201504

>1.) Those living paycheck to paycheck will get weeded out and taught a brutal lesson.
What, that being poor fucking sucks? I'm pretty sure most of them have figured that one out already.

>> No.11201539


>> No.11202048

unless the chad is gay, then they can def coast on their looks

>> No.11202068
File: 431 KB, 356x300, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008 started all way back in 2006, but the world didn't know until that year.

We could be in one right now with the China and USA war :)

>> No.11202123

Chad face for sure, but actually looks so gay with that duck selfie

>> No.11202180

alright faggits
so what should one be doing to prepare for the happening?

>> No.11202202


There will be no financial crisis. Only a slow withering away.

>> No.11202217

Become a tranny

>> No.11202591

if trump would let the bank fail he would be unironically hailed as god emperor who saved the republic by a good portion of people (anti-bank, communists, libertarians, free marketers, etc).
i think whats a lot more likely is that dems win midterms due to non-stop propaganda that we've seen the past ~3 years. they cockblock trump and reps from doing anything, maybe even causing another government shutdown. trump then loses his reelection, a (((dem))) sockpuppet gets the presidency, crashes the economy and blame everything on trump. then they are free to bail out their (((buddies))) while having an easy fall guy.

>> No.11202637

>My friend is a super chad. Doesn't get a tenth of attention that BASIC thots do.
True, average looking basic bitches get like 5 times the attention of decent chad-like looking guys from my facebook experience back in the olden days of 2017. I'm less depressed since I gave up on normiebook and normies entirely.

>> No.11202651

1.) Damn.
2.) Good.
1.) Interesting.

>> No.11202712


>> No.11202774

>Imagine being this insecure that you need to project it to the internet how happy you are. Literally the only thing you have to show for yourself is your sexuality.

Trannies are attentionwhores.