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File: 671 KB, 1200x1000, 1534478445278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11191141 No.11191141 [Reply] [Original]

I have to go in tomorrow for an interview to retain my NEETbux. Wtf?! I did everything by the book and they have the audacity to interview me like I'm trying to scam the system.

It's not my fault that employers refuse to call me back.

I'm not settling for some retail wagecuck job, I fucking tell you what. I'm not going back to that shit!

I have a degree forsakes.


>> No.11191165

>It's not my fault

It's totally your fault dumbass. Grow up. People are giving you money even though you're a grown man who is supposed to support himself... and you can"t even go to an interview to explain why you're a failure and how you will get out of this situation?

I'm also not working but I can afford it. I never benefited from wellfare programs.

>> No.11191178

>It's not my fault that employers refuse to call me back.

Just walk in and tell them that, why the drama kiddo?

>> No.11191181

I have to go tomorrow too.

Considering to just send them a letter saying "I don't have the energy to come to you, if you want to cut down my bux, so be it, I still don't have the energy". Wouldn't that underline my point?

>> No.11191188
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Wage bucks are the modern Jizya tax that true followers of KEK, early embracers of the post work society are rightfully entitled to.


>> No.11191210


holy shit he’s not stopping!

>> No.11191213


da fuck?

>> No.11191215

those interview suck man I know
in my shithole there is pretty much 0 neetbux but they give you medical insurance if you're unemployed, but you better make sure you're a neet with 0 skills and 0 education otherwise they will shill you som stupid internship or whatever that you arent even allowed to reject. I'm never going back there, fuck them
I'll either be a neet or an hero, they won't take me alive to wageslavery, fuck all that, wagecucking is for idiots

>> No.11191221

and people still fall for stinky 1000 eoy.

>> No.11191223

Based and redpilled

>> No.11191353
File: 1.96 MB, 720x306, NEET leaving jobcenter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to job center and pretend to be slow and retarded
>breath through my mouth the whole time and ask dumb questions
>NEET funds secured
>mfw go home and trade crypto and make mad profits

>> No.11191357
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I just feel like they are going to coerce me into doing something stupid like working at cuck-mart or grill for some technicality.

>> No.11191388


>> No.11191395



>> No.11191398


I'm not going to pretend. I'm just going to tell them how it is. If they don't like it, i'll tell this wagecuck to fuck off.

>> No.11191412

>they will shill you som stupid internship

they've already started hinting that to me, i had plenty of internships during my studies and i certainly don't feel like doing anymore internships as an adult

>> No.11191415

Enjoy wagecucking

>> No.11191418


Fuck YOU! That's my taxes paying your shit. I hope you become homeless and die.

>> No.11191428

the neets are the new elite, like Kings in the past living off of society's labor, deal with it and better get your ass to work, because sure as hell we won't

>> No.11191444

You're pathetic

>> No.11191470


Nah, you're too much of a pussy to be an an hero.

I respect an heroes more than NEETs. NEETs are just parasites. It's the main reason I don't agree with Universal Basic Income, I want NEETs to get old and suffer.

>> No.11191508

>omg why won't productive people continue to give me free money! i refuse to do jobs i'm capable of because i need to pretend my shitty meme degree is worth something. i deserve other people's money as a parasite reeeeee!

>> No.11191526


I'm not going to fall for that. Internships are for suckers and students. I've done the internship meme before, not falling for it again.

>> No.11191537


We are all parasites. You just got to choose how you want to parasite.

>> No.11191591
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back to your cage wagers! because I need money for more LINK and someone has to work for it (it's not gonna be me just so you know)

>> No.11191613

In this economy you can't find a job, that kinda is your fault anon

>> No.11191629
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based and patricianpilled

>> No.11191687
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>wagecucks in full damage controls ITT

Go easy boyz with the wagie slavies, don't forget it's monday today, so the cucks are especially depressed an buttblasted to know it's a whole new week of hell beginning.

We must be nice with them, otherwise they will lose in productivity, and we don't want this to happen, do we?

It's a beautiful day today, i think i'll go outside read a book, go buy myself a croissant and then take a big nap. But you always stay in my mind dear cagies, your suffering is my struggle too. I'm kinda sad when i think too much about you. I should ask a $ rise for this psychological sadness, after my nap i'll check if i can apply for more gibs for "mental fragility" and "depression by substitution"

Courage boys!

>> No.11191720


Fucking good post.

>> No.11191737

They want you to do it to get something on your resume so you can apply for actual jobs, which is Ok in theory but you're still working for some company for free probably doing next to nothing

>> No.11191745

>your suffering is my struggle too. I'm kinda sad when i think too much about you.
this, I get a severe PTSD every sunday evening, sometimes I even have nightmares and then monday morning when I wake up at 11am I remember that everything is alright and I'm safe in my comfy bed far away from wagecuckery

>> No.11191754

even though im a neet right now i still prefer fridays and saturdays, do you feel this way too?

i wonder if that will change the day i retire

>> No.11191760


I have experience. It's just too many fuckers with master degrees applying for the same entry level positions.

It's bullshit.

>> No.11191770


Master degrees are the new bachelor degrees!!


>> No.11191772

im one of those fuckers with a master degree applying for entry level jobs, and im not having any luck either

>> No.11191776

absolutely, every sunday I have flashbacks either from university or the few jobs that I ever held (not for long fortunately), horrifying experience, sometimes I even feel bad for wagers but then I remember how sour and impolite they are toward us NEETS and that feeling goes away instantly

>> No.11191820

going to clean pool pools, cya neets

>> No.11191831
File: 697 KB, 963x945, wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did this OC to make the wagies a lil more happy for today, what do you think guys?

>> No.11191870
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>> No.11191891
File: 92 KB, 582x433, sadulu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the few jobs that I ever held

>(not for long fortunately)
pheww, as most americans i love happy endings!

I myself have the same feels but i can't help it, i would be glad to help the society and contribute and all but.... wageucking is really too atrocious. Like, you have to smile to mr shekelberg, and work the whole day at a job you hate more than anything, with dumb collegues, you start to hate yourself, ... i just can't... Just thinking about it i'm literally shaking!

>> No.11191924

>"mental fragility" and "depression by substitution"
impossible in the UK
they make you work even if you're a paraplegic

>> No.11191937
File: 60 KB, 904x692, 1465869622295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you guys get in neetbux btw?
Myself i earn 900€ (1125$) /month. It's enough to be comfy but not enough to buy me a new car. I wanted to go easy with the cagies and not parasite too much the system so i only applied to one welfare back then, but i clearly need a new (sport) car, so i guess i don't have the choice... I'm kinda pissed the government just don't propose the aids directly and that I have to ask for them but hey, "life is hard" as always said my dad!

I guess i'll have to play it smart (dumb) as anon >>11191353
proposed. I'll say i'm agoraphobe this time i think, so i clearly need extra buxx for a car to avoid the pleb as much as i can.

>> No.11191943

I got literally fired from my fuckin wageslave job today. The sun is shining i went outside and sat at my pond and read on my kindle. Thank god i am a fulltime NEET again bru

>> No.11191952
File: 299 KB, 1200x1000, 1485999506216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that sucks, i knew bongistan was a communist kiked shithole but not that much, stay strong brother =(

I'm so happy for you bud! But don't forget to simulate sadness, otherwise the wagecucks will start to think about quitting their jobs to be like us, but God knows we need them where they are doing what they do.
You plan to apply for unemplyoment neetbux?

>> No.11191953

what happend

>> No.11191959

you're doing God's work anon, I hope everything works out for you. We need to suppress the cagies even more (and here is why it's a good thing!). They don't know it yet but one day they will thanks us, when they finally snap 1 day after mr Schlomoberg spits on them for the 5th time during the same week, they will snap, escape this hell of wageslavery and join the neetdom, maybe we will even become friends with the wagers in the future when they finally wake up? who knows, but we need to siphon even more money out of them and mock them relentlessly for their own good!

>> No.11191964
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>> No.11191973
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1500761590187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely happy your horror is finally over anon. Remmber, there is no higher form of evolution as homo sapiens than NEET.

100% agreed, especially 3 and 5

>> No.11191981
File: 29 KB, 482x800, 1343729124428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my neetbux earn me twice as much

Move to Norway, my man. As an ((immigrant)) you'll make even more than me by default.

I can afford to travel at least twice a year, rent is COVERED by the state, I have a whole house to myself, with modern appliances. Shit I don't even have to pay for my internet or electricity. My NEETbux are earmarked for personal consumption.

>tfw I leave the floor heaters on full blast even during summer because I don't even pay for the shit

>tfw mining rig is using more power than 3 average households a month

>> No.11191988

This is the first step. They are going to ask you to come in more and more. Not because they give a crap about you but so they can gather evidence and compile a file on you. Then one day they will cut off your neetbux. Deemed fit for work but unwilling to cooperate. You didn't think your imaginary mental "illness" would get you free money for life did you?

>> No.11191994
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>> No.11191998
File: 517 KB, 1791x1062, CagieWagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, no they fucking don't

The percentage of people on NEETbux here on 'disability' is probably the highest in the world

>> No.11192016

This right there is the peak of humanity, doesnt get any better than that. Anon I think you just caused a few wagcucks to jump out of their cubicles from the 25th floor

>> No.11192021
File: 220 KB, 500x706, 1383503363501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only downside to this type of existence is that my alcohol consumption has gone up significantly.

Any tips from my fellow enlightened ones on how to decrease my whisky consumption would be appreciated.

>> No.11192028
File: 57 KB, 575x600, 1536041697214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw born in eastern europe
>being a neet is almost impossible, since all you get is not even enough to pay electricity bills
>and even then you still have to regularly check in the gibs office and talk about what jobs have you researched
Forced wagecuck here, i hate every second of my life and I hope my heart will fail from one of the many energydrinks I have each day, because I am too weak to kill myself. I envy you NEETs, some of you dont even know how good you have it.

>> No.11192040
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1487539154129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally heaven on earth, here i come.

> As an ((immigrant)) you'll make even more than me by default
Wait a minute, will it work if i'm a white male?

Also in France usually the neetbux is 450€/month, but i earn the double because i'm handicaped (i've a rare genetic disease who calcify my back) and luckily it's on the list of the 30 handicap disease who open you to rights for neetbux for life. But otherwise i would just be payed 450€.

So if i'm an handicaped migrant, will i touch even more (or have a bigger house?).

Please tell me more about your fabulous country, like who pay for all these sweet neetbux, you have big oil companies who make 90% of the country's GDP like saudi arabia or something like that?

>> No.11192065

they hate anyone under 40 not being employed, it looks bad in the statistics. if you're young and dont have a job they'll hunt you

>> No.11192066

>(i've a rare genetic disease who calcify my back)
What's it called?

>> No.11192078
File: 1.67 MB, 4128x2322, tramalol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like you before, was drinking about a liter of vodka per day. But thanks to my disease, which is painful, the state give me plenty of painkillers, so i replaced alchool with tramadol and it's better because i don't smell like a hobo anymore, its payed by the taxpayers and if i'm stoned and have a car accident it's totally legal, while i would be in a mess with alchool! 100% winning.
Only downside is i'm tired literally all the time, and am totally addicted to opioids. I've 3 shelves like pic related full of tramadol, i take 800mg daily.

>> No.11192087

major ankylosing spondylitis

>> No.11192100

damn, we can agree that working sucks, but a life of chronic pain and daily pain killers?

im not sure which i'd rather

>> No.11192104

Oh good, I don't have that then

>> No.11192127

>im not sure which i'd rather
well, before i was a wagecuck PLUS the chronic pain, so if i must suffer i prefer doing it at home rather than at macdonald behind the counter.

>> No.11192137

Why do you say that? your back is painful too?

>> No.11192138
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>when people at work want to be friends with you

Dude, I'm just here to make money. Leave me alone.

>> No.11192163


I'm a reluctant wagie, the only reason I have a job is because I truly believe in Link and want as much as I can get before it takes off. But it's fucking killing me. God I hate getting up in the morning this is a true hell. I used to sometimes feel depressed and feel bad about being a neet, but now I just don't give a fuck. Every day I am motivated that with Link, and running a node earning income when Mainnet is released, I will be able to retire a rich neet and never work again, and feel more successful than the disgusting wagie shits who treated me badly in the past. I loved being a neet, I just hated dealing with feelings of being a loser with no money.

I used to have a job briefly a few years ago too, but the manager was an abusive prick. I hated that cunt and still do. Day I got fired, I was angry and sad for a bit, but on the drive home the realization that I could play video games for the whole rest of the day, instead of wasting it waging made me happy.


When I was neet the days would just blend into each other and I'd forget what day of the week it was.


>Eastern Euro's have no gibs

Kek, ironic since you fags used to be commies. Wasn't that all about the gibs, or is that just socialists.


>travelling while neet

Lucky cunt. Down in Australia if you pass through an airport while unemployed, the welfare office is notified and your neetbux are automatically stopped. Then you have to go explain to them why you had enough to go on holidays if you want those neetbux back.

>the rest of your post

Why do people even work in Norway if being a neet is that fucking comfy? When I was neet I was stuck in a fucking sharehome renting out one room paying almost my entire neetbux wage just on the rent alone and grocery shopping. I'd have like $50 left over for personal spending.

>> No.11192165

Yea. I was in chronic pain since I was 12 or so. I couldn't sit for half a minute without pain, some days I was like paralyzed. Doctors here are all fake so the only thing I ever had diagnosed was Morbus Scheuermann. I don't even see doctors anymore.

Then a while ago I basically broke my back by pressing hard against a resistance that felt unnatural. Now I can sit without pain but there's a new pain center somewhere in the middle.

You know, just back pain things. I spent some years on painkillers too. But the job center doesn't care. I'm not 50 so I can't have backpain, right?

>> No.11192172

>doesn't understand that he is a slave
>happily remains a slave and tells others to follow

>> No.11192173

>Then a while ago I basically broke my back by pressing hard against a resistance that felt unnatural. Now I can sit without pain
By the way the healing process after I did this took about a year. It wasn't like in Batman.

>> No.11192183
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show up to the interview in womens clothes. its not fault that bigots will not hire a beautiful trans girl like you

>> No.11192186
File: 49 KB, 550x557, 789e617b413bfa720fa05c8695a5d67d--offensive-memes-sesame-streets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate opioids though. I've been on morphine sulphate and tramadol earlier due to an accident that wasnt NEET related.

France? You're golden. Much less paperwork, and they won't treat you like an Abdul, since you're from within the Schengen area. Just make some bullshit up on arrival, that you're here for a temp job or something. The immigration people will take you the nearest bank (yes, really, BANK) and get you a Norwegian social security number. Once all that is in place. You can go to the local NAV (gibs) office and tell them that your job didnt follow through.

Initially they'll give you some small gibs, just to cover your food before they input your data into the system. Then after a couple of weeks, they'll ask you to come in for an interview to review your ability to work. THIS is where you go OH WOE IS ME, I DONT HAVE ANYTHING LEFT IN FRANCE, I'D RATHER WORK IN NORWAY, BUT IM SUFFERING FROM <insert anecdotal shit>, then they'll put you on neetbux instantly, but then require you to see a Norwegian doctor.

Norwegian healthcare is free, and they're the most willing in the world to let you get diagnosed with whatever you choose.

>> No.11192193

I know manyguys in your situation, they have a bimentual meeting with the job center where they have to list every company they contacted and explain why the interview failed. Then the job center call the companiesto verify they indeed tried to have a job.If you didn't applied for at least 10 jobs every two weeks you can lose your bux. It's literally hell on earth for them. And it willbecome even harder for them because the country have literally 0 shekels and is indebted about 200% of the GDP. feelsbad for them man.

>> No.11192222
File: 136 KB, 600x788, DnZZnU_U8AEdCzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I relate to this shit way too hard

People unironically showing me pictures of their kids and house repairs as I nod dispassionately and repeat over and over in my head "I don't give a fuck, go back to your desk, I don't give a fuck, go back to your desk"

>> No.11192224

>Why do people even work in Norway if being a neet is that fucking comfy? When I was neet I was stuck in a fucking sharehome renting out one room paying almost my entire neetbux wage just on the rent alone and grocery shopping. I'd have like $50 left over for personal spending.

The average salary in Norway is about $60-70k a year, so I'm not actually that comfy compared to the rest of my fellow citizens.

A cleaning lady employed by the local council, scrubbing floors at a school gets paid much more than me.

>> No.11192236

>But the job center doesn't care
There are cases here where very very ill people (in a non-meme sense) have doctors notes that say they are not fit for any sort of employment and yet the job center still wants to job test them

then it's picked up by the news and the job center finally stops picking on them, but you think that its only a few lucky ones where the media gets involved, how many geniune sick people are out there getting tormented by the job centres

>> No.11192245

I've been able to dodge it all the time but I really think it's about time they stop asking me.

>> No.11192257


Yeah but a big sum of their money gets taken off them via taxes to pay for your house and electricity for your mining rig. Or do they all live in actual mansions or something.

>> No.11192263

>Kek, ironic since you fags used to be commies. Wasn't that all about the gibs, or is that just socialists.
Gibs were given out to the boomer commies (coomer) and now there is almost nothing left, socialism is good if state has enough money, or the resources like Norway, but now we are piss poor

>> No.11192277

how do you guys feel about self employment? that seems like the ultimate redpill before "fuck you money"

no boss, no guberment breathing down your neck, you can do what you like when you like

>> No.11192279


>Boomers get welfare but Millennials don't

Holy fuck if I was eastern euro I'd be turbo fucking mad at boomers for this.

>> No.11192285

>how do you guys feel about self employment?
Problem is, you won't make money. If you don't make money in week 2, scrap the idea.

>> No.11192290

I really, really hope that you... well, you know the neet drill, kek

>> No.11192293

Not really, our purchasing power parity is extremely high over here, and it's mostly due to HUEG companies, like our oil (which is mostly state owned), fishing farms, production of nitrogen based fertilizer, mining of metals (also mostly state-owned), so the average citizen is taxed less here than in f.ex Sweden.

The state taxes itself basically, which sounds ridiculous, and wouldn't work in a country with a larger population, but the value of our natural resources and state owned exports, far exceeds what the state is spending on infrastructure, welfare, etc. So we basically have a state-owned hedge fund that is worth trillions of dollars, and it keeps growing.

>> No.11192299

>pictures of their kids
if i was king it would be death penalty without trial on the spot. NO ONE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BABYLET.

>> No.11192305
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>Imagine actually being stopped by the NEET police to keep you from leaving your state or country.

Jesus fuck, what a fucking nightmare.

>> No.11192325
File: 28 KB, 437x431, 1535840432016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats that, no one ever told me the NEET drill? fuck

I have 5 hours left before they do the Voight-Kampff Test on me.

>> No.11192337
File: 166 KB, 830x844, 1488482205739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So we basically have a state-owned hedge fund that is worth trillions of dollars, and it keeps growing.
Literally how the world would be without jews to steal all the money via their banking scams. DOTR can't happen soon enough.

>> No.11192348

stay strong brother, and don't forget to act like an autist

>> No.11192365
File: 78 KB, 751x586, Australia_Products_Export_Treemap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a fucking amazing country. If it wasn't a frozen winterland I'd consider neeting it up there.

Australia was similar in that we had an abundance of natural resouces, so much so we got the nickname the lucky country, for that and a few other reasons.

We pissed it down the fucking drain though, our leaders are incompetent idiots and we never developed any substantial manufacturing here. Our economy is literally banana republic tier.

In fact fuck I have a graph, I will just post it, it's a few years old but nothing has changed since then apart from our few car manufacturers closing down since then so now that little blue car square is no longer there and there is even more brown. Our chart looks the same as fucking arab nations or south american shitholes. We are also a welfare state and a nanny state, but at the same time there is a culture of hating all those on welfare and glorifying "aussie battla" low class blue collar wagie shit jobs, so that they have an endless supply of cucks to go mine shit to sell of to China or whoever else will buy our raw resources. Then we let them develop those resources into products and then we buy it back at a premium from them.

>> No.11192475
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 9276543g66w2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i into NEETbux

There's nothing wrong with me and i'm perfectly healthy to work but i don't want to.

HELP how do i NEET

>> No.11192506

Yeah we are fucked
What type of country relies on tourism and mining, the third world. throw some bullshit socialism lite in the mix. We fucked up mate

>> No.11192507

You literally just dont want to work you lazy fuck. Throughout thr whole of humanity people have had the need to work in order to survive. You neet fucks cry about "muh jews, muh slavery" to cope with the fact your leeching off an organism that is too civilized to tell you to fuck off. If anything you should be grateful with present day because anything below a couple hundred years ago you either worked or you died. Fucking lazy cunt just admit what you are

>> No.11192512

based and redpilled
NEETs truly make superior memes

>> No.11192536

KYS waste of space

>> No.11192547

neets are simply recouping what was taken from their and their parents by (((them))).

>> No.11192562

why would i work and pay almost 50% to the state and let them spend my money on shit that won't benefit me like Wars & welfare for single moms shit like that. No no no thanks, taxation is theft and i rather be the one benefiting from it than the one its stolen from. I'll work when we're in a true capitalistic society where the products of my labour are truly mine.

>> No.11192571

I'm not a neet btw i'm still in school but i might become one

>> No.11192576

>I'll work when we're in a true capitalistic society where the products of my labour are truly mine
become a business owner or a freelancer, then your work will always by yours

>> No.11192593

Socialists are about gibs, comies are about "be a slave or be another kind of slave"

>> No.11192599

can you read ? I'll still have to pay taxes which is taking (STEALING) the products of my labour from me. My point is not against working for a boss, its against taxation.

>> No.11192616

first thing first : which country?

>> No.11192621


>> No.11192634


Claim refugee status.

>> No.11192666

kill yourself. make your own money faggot

>> No.11192674


Christ what an absolute hellish system communism is. Literal actual state imposed wage slavery. How does anyone ever support this garbage trash system. Fuck commies.

>> No.11192683

im born & raised here, have only a dutch passport and they have a record to all the schools i went through and they will know who my parents are.

>> No.11192699


It's my money too you inbred faggot, I paid in to it while I was wage cucking.

>> No.11192705

i was expecting the final kaiser soze scene

>> No.11192847


>> No.11192935
File: 816 KB, 528x555, 1537032948944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time is up, time to go face the music.

Wish me luck NEET bros.


>> No.11192977

Godspeed bro

>> No.11193117
File: 496 KB, 700x1016, galuzzi_link_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start a business.
Don't earn money for people 'higher' up than you.

The only excuses you have for not doing this are:
> you are severely physically or mentally handicapped
> you are literally brain dead and are worthless to civilization.

>> No.11193640

holy fuck you're telling me they will just give me an internship in my field? that's great! fuck all these boomer assholes posting job listings for jobs that aren't available to the public and never calling back even when they say they will. Bunch of fucking lying hypocritical pricks. How did I not know about this?

>> No.11193858

Peasants never complained about their money going to kings and the aristocracy so why are you?

>> No.11193892

It's because masters are less common therefore more valuable. In a decade or so masters will become worthless because they will be more abundant. It's basically a state-owned scam since they earn a lot from this.

>> No.11194253

Because the kings and aristocracy weren't intentionally destroying their people and actually tried to keep them safe