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11190429 No.11190429 [Reply] [Original]

Time traveller here, AMA

>> No.11190438

XRP price 2020 EOY ?

>> No.11190446

link price in 1 month?

>> No.11190447


>> No.11190455
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ETN 2018 EOY price.

>> No.11190456

$.025 last price

>> No.11190458

Hey :) You posted because of this right. Hahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahaha, I can read your mind because MY COUNTRY has developed mind reader certs.


>> No.11190461

ETH price end of september?

>> No.11190465

I don’t know what an ETN is it must be one of those coins that died

Ask more meaningful questions goys, I’m not answering anymore price related questions

>> No.11190471

Op what time period are you from

I'm from Epoch 23 so I can probably verify what prices and dates correspond to each other

>> No.11190473

We are all in this together ;)

>> No.11190487

Did Trump stop running for re-election after his 5th term or is he still POTUS?

>> No.11190489

Was born in 2049

>> No.11190503

Trump wins in 2020 but there is a major shift in politics in 2024 before “the event”

>> No.11190510

Ok good. I was born in 2069 (hence epoch 23) and the highest performing coin is BTC sitting at 1,776,762 when I was born

>> No.11190523

name few cool tech from your time

>> No.11190533

Flying cars, dog collars that allow you to speak to your dog in English.

>> No.11190539


>"the event"
Oh boy here comes the retardation.

>> No.11190548

I have autism as do all males born in my year so yes I am technically retarded

>> No.11190549

Yep. Hes about to drop some chromosomes on us.

>> No.11190556

that seems low

>> No.11190562

The event he is referring to is the Texas Revolt that ended in nuclear waste being dumped into waters, bringing cancer and autism levels to ath. Bitcoin surprisingly rises as does Ethereum.

>> No.11190564
File: 40 KB, 480x270, back-to-the-future-2-movie-clip-screenshot-sports-almanac_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a sports almanac from 2000 to 2050 in pdf form... thanks

>> No.11190569

It’s actually a bit to high, BTC is not the top coin by 2025

>> No.11190580

you’re on to something
Sent ;)

>> No.11190591


also, nice John Titor fan fiction anons

>> No.11190593
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Initials/nationality of physicist/s behind time travel science? What happens to omisego? Have many nations implemented a universal basic income?

>> No.11190602

When does ADA get to $1 again?

>> No.11190603

You will see hahha

And when you do, who will you run to?

>> No.11190613

Not sure about that coin it’s not familiar to me
All of them do once robots take over the majority of the work force

>> No.11190618

>he larps at 3 am monday morning

>> No.11190620

I don’t know this coin either see >>11190465

>> No.11190632

For plausible deniability sakes yes this is 100% a larp

>> No.11190638

What are time zones?

>> No.11190640
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>> No.11190645

Not N.T.?

>> No.11190659

Is trump still alive

>> No.11190662
File: 50 KB, 436x263, Screenshot_2018-09-24_16-59-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, has there been experimental verification of things like dark matter, or supersymmetry? What is the stance on string theory? Is there a theory that unifies string theories more completely than M-theory? Is there an accepted theory of quantum gravity in your time? What was leonard susskind's final contribution to physics and how old was he when he passed away? Do the initials MJTN mean anything to you?

>> No.11190664

How are you posting here if the information will change the future?

What's a red flag to look for that means a coin won't succeed in the future, say 2020 onwards

>> No.11190667

I think everyone should know that the world turns socialist with robots ruling many things.

Robots will probably delete our messages soon
We are going against protocol

>> No.11190673

What year is it revealed that John is actually Julians clone sent back in an attempt to reshape certain aspects of what is now known as timeline alpha. What went wrong the caused the split which inevitably lead to the beta timeline, aka where the law allowed you to travel to this time.

Answer that accurately, and I might believe you.

>> No.11190675

what year are you from?

>> No.11190676

What coin is top?

>> No.11190721


I may or may not be joking

Plausible deniability

>> No.11190736

Top 5 cryptos by January 2019?

>> No.11190740
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>> No.11190784

He played a big part but JT made the breakthrough
He died the year after I was born
CERN played a big part in dark matter experimentation, the other questions are a bit out of my expertise I am not a scientist. MJTN no it doesn’t ring a bell
Yes very likely no timeline is set in stone and all have subtle variations, 99% of the coins around today are not around in my timeline.
There is good ai and bad ai, it depends which agency programmed it.
2029, the main points of “shift” that lead me to this specific timeline were 2004, 2008 and 2015
See the post below yours, that anon is on to something
Not too different from the current coins, perhaps in different order the crypto market doesn’t have a major shift until mid 2020

>> No.11190836

Also, since nobody has asked. Why did you come to septemper 2018?

>> No.11190846

I could tell you that but then I’d have to kill you

>> No.11190878

I'm pretty good at keeping secrets

>> No.11190894

That word is a fallacy the only secrets that exist in this world are when only one party knows said Information.

>> No.11190914

you passed the test

>> No.11190917

Are biocunts BTFO yet in your time?

>> No.11190955
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What are the big jackpot numbers for Australian power ball this year and next year?

Ill give 1 million to charity if I win OP.

Also what happens to UUU and vechain?

>> No.11190957
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hey op i know you said link eats shit but I still wish you the best on your miission anyway

>> No.11190968

What is something banned in 2070s which is still allowed today?

>> No.11191003

Yes, the femin virus takes care of itself
I don’t know.
Link eats shit into the next month as most coins do, long term it’s important but only thieves once mr nazarov switches to a different blockchain than Ethereum. God bless

>> No.11191036

What new upcoming jobs are great/paid well in 2025? What should be studied that isn't noticed much today?

>> No.11191040

Thanks for answering my questions, I hope things go well for you.

>> No.11191089
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is there nothing better to do in the future but go back 50 years and shitpost on an indonesian basket weaving forum?

>> No.11191112

Anything related to blockchain, C and C++ is an underrated coding skill that many are overlooking as Many get into higher level languages like JavaScript and python. Robot operator/trainer is a great one too however it takes a combination of interpersonal skills and tech skills there is no “path” you can follow other than self education on a variety of topics to become a robot operator.
My pleasure I wish the same for you
This forum is the hive mind of the internet and the best and brightest minds are currently on biz, the NPC meme is IMPORTANT.

>> No.11191316

what do you think abou ted kaczynski

>> No.11191324

MK ultra victim

>> No.11191327

will his philosophy emerge in any format?

>> No.11191377

>the NPC meme is IMPORTANT
why is the automaton meme important?

>> No.11191382
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What steps can we take as biz raelis to make sure we are rich as hell in five years so we don't need to be working smucks and can afford to make sure our kids don't have autism

>> No.11191387

Is there a nwo coin (like the one on the economist cover)? Is it xrp or iota? What will happen to ukraine? Is it a good idea to hold gold or silver? Where is the best place to live and remain safe? Does utn coin ever become big in russia?

>> No.11191391


>> No.11191402
File: 45 KB, 547x366, puihb12zdp801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does time travel become a thing we can all do? I'd like to go see some ancient battles in Alexander the great and Julius caesaes time maybe see who actually built the pyramids ? (Was it Thoth?)

In ur time line does alexander invade Rome or India after Persia?

Does Hitler declare war on America and invade Russia ? (Operation barbarrosa ?)

Does the north and south avoid conflict? Does the south invade Mexico and the north invade Canada?

Yes I probably have autism too

Fuck off

>> No.11191425

Not really no
Becuase world war 3 is a spiritual war
All in EOS at $1 bottom price, BCH is good at $105 but EOS will have a 1 trillion marketcap by 2025.
Very likely XLM, there’s a push for ETC to fill that void as well hence why it’s on coinbase right now, the NWO fails in my timeline
Link is good when sergey changes to a faster blockchain, it won’t thrive until then.

>> No.11191431

new jesus here whats up guys all in link

>> No.11191435

Time travel is only for the rich or government agents.
Our history is very similar to yours as it is now with a few odd “glitches”

>> No.11191441

well said, teal

>> No.11191491

How many xlm to be millionaire by 2022

>> No.11191502

To answer your other questions, Ukraine goes back to Russian control. Gold yes, silver no, and New Zealand or northern Canada is good

>> No.11191514

I don’t know, they release a lot of extra coins into circulation in the future which “institutional” investors get at a much cheaper rate than the market price while diluting the supply.

>> No.11191540

bless you op

>> No.11191617
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Steins Gate?
I hope you are well John, Keep up the good work.

>> No.11191647

Same to you
The Japanese know much more than we think, anime is their form of memetics and “meme magic”

>> No.11191681

kys, you are lying and talking shit, and in fact eos will be hack exploited and die in mid 2019

>> No.11191686

Their century planning is going to turn out quite nice for them. I expect them to be a superpower again in my lifetime. Unyielding.
They are already inserting the pro-natalist propaganda into their media.

Also they are pretty fucking stiffed at a certain (((religo-ethnic group))) for Fukushima.

Jt What happens to Israel in your timeline?

>> No.11191690

You will see, emotions don’t play well in investments pal ;)

>> No.11191701

Isreal goes to war with USA when the 9/11 truth is revealed

>> No.11191718
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....Dont tell me those fucking Jews win.

>> No.11191732

Compare the population sizes and military strength of the two nations, it’s obvious who wins.

>> No.11191747

Will donald trump fuck 300 million people in the ass

>> No.11191752
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I hope so, because I know the evangelicals here would personally kill their children and become communists if some Jews asked them to.

>> No.11191759


>> No.11191768

Okay it’s been fun guys, gotta run. Take care and god bless everyone here

>> No.11191785

see you, space cowboy

>> No.11191861

does XMR last and is there a race war in America? Does Gab.com become popular?

>> No.11191862
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See ya later JT.

>> No.11192973

unironically shit like this is the greatest FUD

>> No.11193171

oh yeah well MY COUNTRY developed mind radar and I detect that you are all in this together.

>> No.11193540

May you live to be 101.

>> No.11193562
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>> No.11193574


How long until wage cage becomes the industry standard?

>> No.11193849

What role does 4chan play in the future? Tell me the last decade I’ve spend here hasn’t been a complete waste of time.

>> No.11194441

is holochain relevant in the future

>> No.11194464

Nerva (XNV) price in a year.

>> No.11194521


>ID says CUX
>has to specify this is a larp because posting about nuclear radiation on boards could get you v&

Absolute kek