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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 607x532, IMG_20180923_025455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11184919 No.11184919 [Reply] [Original]

The screenshot was real anons
I saw it with my own eyes before it was taken down
What that means I don't know
Why did they take it down
What I can tell you with 100000% certainty is that link was #5 and it had partnerships to be announced

>> No.11184927
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$1000 EOY

>> No.11184936
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I was there anon .. market brought 1600 at 5k sats

>> No.11184948

I think the website was being edited live, thats why there were things changing over a span of time. The list with the projects list something twice, I think link is going to be added again later down the road.

>> No.11184961

I unironically bought back in the instant I saw it
Made like 3k linkies swing trading

>> No.11184966

I see too fren. We is no crazy

>> No.11184972

We did have that larper that said there would be no partnerships announcements at dreamforce, but that they would come later iirc.
I didn't believe it until I saw some of the posts that were saying it didn't happen. They were standard "nothing to see here" shekel posts

This is the most likely case. Regardless, if it didn't actually have partnership names it doesn't really matter, nice teaser though

>> No.11184980

If you knew what you saw you would be posting about where Sergey will be that week, not the marmalade filter covering his photograph.

>> No.11184989

You didn’t see nothing, kid.

>> No.11184992

You have to be a fucking faggot to still be in the "muh partnerships" phase of Chainlink fanboyism.
It's like you've just seen the car or the personal computer be invented and you're like "Oh, I hope there are some good partnerships". It doesn't matter. It's completely world changing technology.

>> No.11185018
File: 212 KB, 417x800, IMG_1295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 eoy is not a meme. We will shock the world. Documentaries will be made about us. People will be like, shit, I didn't know the next bitcoin was right there under our noses. We thought crypto had peaked!! And we'll be like, sux 2 be dum. :^)

>> No.11185020

Hahaha, fuck you queer

>> No.11185024
File: 196 KB, 321x512, 1427525198935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it too

>> No.11185057

I was in the thread where anons kept saying they see it too but I was too lazy to open the link and see for myself. Does that count?

>> No.11185082
File: 255 KB, 991x672, 1530428235293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off delphi, even the teeka larper confessed today, CHECK IT >>11184712

>> No.11185098

Nice larp of a larper

>> No.11185127

I saw it as well and I never lie.

>> No.11185132 [DELETED] 


>> No.11185145

when sergey isn't getting in an argument with money skelly over ETH being a shittoken, jacking off to shota and shadman, or eating bigmacs, Sergey goes to a place called decentralized drinks in SF and gets several McNuggitinis where he drinks all night long and complains about /biz/, memes, and the inability to exit scam.

So he makes sure uber eats 2 McNuggz (plus more for snacking)
1 tub McDonalds Brand Barbeque Sauce (plus more for licking off pinky finger)
1 lg. Mcdonalds Brand Chocolate Milkshake (plus more for bringing all the boys to the yard)
1 bottle Vanilla Vodka (recommended brand: Absolut)

Open the McDonalds bag. Eat one McNugg each, followed by two bites of the Filet-o-Fish (make sure you don't tell anyone that you eat Filet-o-Fishes).

Mix three or four shots of vanilla vodka in the McDonalds Brand Chocolate Milkshake, followed by one shot each directly into your mouth.

Rim each martini glass with McDonalds Brand Barbeque Sauce, and pour milkshake/vodka mixture into the glass. Garnish with a McNugg (which is to be swiped along barbeque sauce rimmed glass after the milkshake has been finished, and consumed with pure, unadulterated glee).

>> No.11185152

his post is 100% serious, ok, listen up. You really dont even have to read shit about chainlink. You dont need to understand the specifics of how it works. You dont need to get the technology or followe every single breadcrumb. The only reason you need to buy a shitload of this is because it gets lots of dubs. I'm not joking

Repeating numbers is one of the most powerful SIGNS, literal signs from the divine. Throughout history, it has been called angelic numbers. Your personal guardian angel has brought you to this board and shown you repeating digits with the chainlink name, true story. I know it sounds crazy but this is ho reality works. Its not logical. It doesnt really follow. You can deny, you can repress, but the truth is out there. Chainlink is the real fucking deal, we're all gona make it. All your dreams will come true. You will be buying a villa, a bike, you will be roleplaying as an anime dude going around the world banging ass. The legend never dies


>> No.11185156

Saw it too. On the about page.

>> No.11185179

Yes I saw it too.
It's very clear that Sergey and Adelyn have decided to start public marketing, by having the team attend multiple events in a very short time span:
- Web3 October 22-23 - first event, very likely to reveal new announcements/partnerships, demo the project. Probably official swift confirm.
- SF Blockchain Week: October5-12 https://sfblockchainweek.io/
It's 3 different events. The first: ETHGlobal San Francisco Hackathon October 5-7. Vitalik and others will be judging. The whole team is attending (Steve, Thomas, Dim etc) and will be presenting simple, practical applications to hype oracles. Sergey will also be speaking.
The other 2 events are SF Blockchain Week Epicenter (October 8-9) and Crypto Economics Security Conference (October 10-12)
Now if you understand these events you understand that start-ups contribute donations/sponsor in exchange for publicity opportunities. In case you missed it, Oasis Labs (another project Ari Juels is involved on) is one of the main sponsors, and was also in the top 5 article. Chainlink only contributed the minimal donation requirement though.
The article is basically paid publicity. But from what we've seen: awkward real-time update of the site, we've seen the Sergey picture without the blue filter, we've seen the participants page wasn't updated with him, we've seen they also added chainlink to the sponsor page at around the same time they added the blue filter to Sergey's pic, all around the same time the article was found etc. I'm guessing there was a deadline for the donations and the team secured it at the last minute and it was only officialized yesterday, hence the real-time fuckery. Meanwhile the first draft of that article was already completed; this means they'll need to re-negotiate with the others, or make a top 6. Anon probably only found it through google because it's not linked on the website itself. I think it will include the web3 news.
- Devcon 4 Oct30-Nov2 - no announcements yet, but very likely

>> No.11185209

it's a marmalade filter you jacking ape!

>> No.11185214

newfag here. whats this about?

>> No.11185345
File: 139 KB, 500x622, B4B33270-FA84-47B1-8FDF-D352E96DF687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pee pee poo poo

>> No.11185476

"I'm not a pedo!" - Astro the Honest

>> No.11185677


>> No.11185776
File: 305 KB, 610x449, 1531635635161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy the fucking tokens.

>> No.11185822

rutabaga orbiter alert!!!


pedos r bad astro!! Bad!!

>> No.11185846

ohnonono rutabaga

>> No.11185849

Nice dubs, anyone have the screenshots of the discord featuring astro defending a pedo?

>> No.11185896
File: 48 KB, 216x381, 428149fb-89eb-498f-a836-c5765f209f1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm ... makeup ...

>> No.11185995

maniac poster is better than you

>> No.11186260
File: 950 KB, 1600x900, just4534591301111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wanna work eight, ten fucking hours at Amazon in a cage? You own nothing, but pee bottle, you got nothing!
Do you want a brainlet normie nolinker on every corner looking after you?
Watching everything you do? Everything you say, man? Do you know I eat octopus pussy three times a day?
I got fucking octopus pussy coming out of my fucking ears.
I got the fuckin’ pajeet scam blockfolio my hair's comin’ through. How you like that?
What, you want me to stay there and do nothing? Hey, I’m no fuckin’ chink criminal, man. I’m no futa or thief.
I’m Toshy Kamotona, a delusional crypto investor from Cuba. And I want my fuckin’ gains, now! …

Is this it? That’s what it’s all about, Sergey?
Eating, drinking, fucking, sucking? Longing, shorting? Pumping, Dumping? Then what? You’re 600 (lbs).
You got your favorite shitcoin bag for a belly. F A T. You got male tits, you need a female bra. They got pubic hair on them.
You got a sick liver, (((they))) got yellow spots on it, and you’re eating this fuckin’ McDonald's shit,
looking like these rich hot fucking tiger mummies in here…
Look at that. An oracle junkie. I got a fuckin’ trustless oracle junkie for a wife.
She don’t eat nothing, but BigMacs. Sleeps all day with them big black cocks inside.
Wakes up from a margin call, and who won’t fuck me ’cause she’s in a trustless decentralized oracle.
I can’t even have an smart contract with her, Sergey.
Her trustless decentralized womb is so polluted with gas transactions, I can’t even have a fuckin’ little smart contract with her! …

>> No.11186266

I never fucked anything over in my life didn’t have it coming to them. You got that?
All I have in this world are my balls and my linkies and I don’t sell them for no one. Do you understand?
That piece of shit up there, I never liked (((them))), I never trusted (((them))).
For all I know (((they))) had me set up and had my friend Pepe Frognandez killed during Second Meme War. But that’s history.
I’m here, he’s not. Do you wanna go on with me, you accumulate it! You don’t, then you make a sell order.

In this timeline, you gotta make the ASIC first. Then when you get the ASIC, you get the hash power. Then when you get the hash power, then you get the roasties.
What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ delusional neet assholes. You know why?
You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me.
You need people like me so you can take your fuckin’ fingers from your sorry digital asses and say, “That’s the JUSTed LINK marine.”
So… what that make you? Bogs? You’re not Bogs. You just know how to hide in a basement, how to shitpost.
Me, I don’t have that problem. Me, I always buy the dip. Even when I shitpost. So say good night to the JUSTed LINK marine! Come on.

The last time you gonna see a JUSTed LINK marine like this again, price will be 1000$ EOY, let me tell you. Come on!

Make way for the JUSTed LINK Marine. There’s a JUSTed LINK marine comin’ through!
Better get outta his way!

>> No.11186297

Typeface fags what font is used in this pic?

>> No.11186322

Comic Sans

>> No.11186345

I was on the site when these changes were allegedly happening. There was nothing. Just desperate linkies larping and pretending they've seen shit to get people to pump their bags. Again.

>> No.11186364
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x2048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11186370

when sergey isn't getting in an argument with money skelly over ETH being a shittoken, jacking off to shota and shadman, or eating bigmacs, Sergey goes to a place called decentralized drinks in SF and gets several McNuggitinis where he drinks all night long and complains about /biz/, memes, and the inability to exit scam.

So he makes sure uber eats 2 McNuggz (plus more for snacking)
1 tub McDonalds Brand Barbeque Sauce (plus more for licking off pinky finger)
1 lg. Mcdonalds Brand Chocolate Milkshake (plus more for bringing all the boys to the yard)
1 bottle Vanilla Vodka (recommended brand: Absolut)

Open the McDonalds bag. Eat one McNugg each, followed by two bites of the Filet-o-Fish (make sure you don't tell anyone that you eat Filet-o-Fishes).

Mix three or four shots of vanilla vodka in the McDonalds Brand Chocolate Milkshake, followed by one shot each directly into your mouth.

Rim each martini glass with McDonalds Brand Barbeque Sauce, and pour milkshake/vodka mixture into the glass. Garnish with a McNugg (which is to be swiped along barbeque sauce rimmed glass after the milkshake has been finished, and consumed with pure, unadulterated glee).

>> No.11186372
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x2048, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11186374
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>> No.11186383
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>> No.11186388


>> No.11186396
File: 451 KB, 750x673, 7777eoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White knight BTFO
pic related another info they don't want you to know

>> No.11186475

He always said main net would coincide with the hiring of a marketing director.

>> No.11186558

Rory said that like half a year ago or even earlier and he's as clueless as average biz marine. Sergey doesn't let him in on any sensitive info, he's just a social media bot. Same with Adelyn, they are meaningless.
Most of you invested in LINK have no idea about anything, if you want to feel bullish try to check out Dan Kochis and Mark Oblad, because it's them + Sergey securing the deals with big companies and shilling to new customers. Most of the crucial work happens behind the closed doors, shilling on twitter or managing biztards on telegram is meanigless in the grand scheme of things

>> No.11186605
File: 158 KB, 800x450, 9ADBD5CB-77F1-4F98-8F9E-BBE13F2C2C4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11186665

Most people have no idea what Marc Oblad is doing and how he's talking with new clients every day