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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11183673 No.11183673 [Reply] [Original]

i seriously do. i long made it and i still visit this board because i can identify with you lil niggers. im high on coco rn and drunk but that just lets me be honest

i hope every single one of you makes it including favelanon. in my last high i gave that lil nig 700$ kek. feltgoodmane

>> No.11184281

>down more than 80% from initial investment
>wake up every day stressed out and in pain

Am I gonna make it anon? It hurts

>> No.11184869

what shitcoin are you holding beloved?

>> No.11184887

Wtf are you me?

>> No.11184904

Wtf are you me

>> No.11184920
File: 62 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-19 at 00.49.40(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favelanon here.

Thanks for the help bro, you gave me faith and motivation to continue.

I was able to translate/write an ebook that I'll release/shill for free to help anons improvement.

Paid a new glass to mother, paid my young brother treatment and still searching for a online job, but atleast I found a freelancer job here in brazil.

Be carefull with coco bro, dont get addicted to that shit.

Thanks for everything!

>> No.11184970

What's your job anon?

>> No.11184998

thanks, this is a nice post.

hey anon, since you made it, market-buy 20 nodes of EGEM and set them up, help our networks out. we're doing good things.


>> No.11185008
File: 71 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-13 at 12.05.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the freelancer place I fix the online mistakes they make, example: someone create a user and put the password Example instead of example, then people cant log because its on caps lock and I insert data from donated business paper notes that they get 2.5% back from the paper note value.

Example: R$100 paper note, I go and declare it for them and they receive R$2,50 back.

But I can do more than 600/daily, so its worth for them.

How I do so much in the same time people usually would do 75-80?
I separe the paper notes by their dates and by the business, the 30 digits number that I have to insert just change the last 5.

Like XXXX23456, the Next will be XXXX23457, thats how I made things faster.

Its boring, but atleast I can listen to synthwave while doing it.

Still searching a online job.

>> No.11185042

Tell me which coin sir

>> No.11185143

love you my bro.

>> No.11185155
File: 9 KB, 236x214, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it anon

>> No.11185224
File: 80 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-19 at 00.53.58(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too, hope things are going well.

>> No.11185293

Love you too breh. Are you up on the current shitcoins right now? I have a few coins I am hopeful for, but I need more plays. Give some advice to a poorfag with a few grand to put on crypto. My dream is being able to quit wage slaving and financially support my partner who is ill right now. It's a pipe dream, but I am determined to do it!

>> No.11186023

>few grand
you have to take more risks anon. you need to all in into some shit to build some base. im not up date which is this the shitcoin flavour of month but holo will pump to 21 sats. get into that

>> No.11186120

I hope i can say the same in a year or two anon. I an unironically depressed after not selling the top in december/january (6 figures) and suicide has been crossing my mind a few times.

I just want to have a minimum of comfy and escape the 9 to 5 while i figure out the rest. Out of all the coins the current market seems to lean to real world adoption after the ethereum/smart contract craze so i am all in on link and qnt.

Nobody will probably care, but i hope i will be there with you in a while because i’m losing hope. Maybe we will all laugh about this bear market on a private discord in 2 years.