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File: 400 KB, 890x666, Interest-Rates-GDP-092018 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11182828 No.11182828 [Reply] [Original]

"Remember, credit is the 'lifeblood' of the economy and with consumer credit now at record levels, and 80% of Americans vastly undersaved, think about all the ways that higher rates impact economic activity in the economy..."


>> No.11182873

It slows it down, forcing some things like real estate to drop in price.

>> No.11182922
File: 5 KB, 250x174, crpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11183040

God I hope so.

Real estate prices are way overvalued right now and I cant wait til all the boomers who own it all and fell for the "my house is my retirement" meme all try to cash out at once and get butt fucked by all the other boomers trying to cash out of their house for retirement.

Hopefully I will have enough money to just buy my own house without a mortgage.

>> No.11183081

And this is the reason why real estate wont crash.

Too much dumb money waiting several years already to buy the dip. Gen Z and mil fags are fucked all the way.

>> No.11183134

Dumb money is buying into it since its been going up. Its really only a matter of time before the next 2008 happens.

Not sure how prices are going to keep going up as the boomers start selling or reverse mortgaging it all off and the younger generations being largely priced out of the market. Somebody is going to have to buy it and its not gonna be millennials or gen Z

>> No.11183176

Sure. ;) Keep waiting on the side, pay your rent and watch the next QE level kick in. You think you are somehow smart to know more than the market and in reality you basically know nothing.

>Soon the next recession is coming
>Desperately repeating himself every year since 2010
>Soon the next recession is coming

>> No.11183217


Noone's going to buy your Mcmansion faggot.

I'll buy after you foreclose when your equity is 50% of your loan value.

>> No.11183254

>Hurr durr implying i have got a loan
>Implying you wont lose 50% of you equity once shit hits the Fan
Soon the next recession is coming, 10years later and still nothing happened...QE has started a new paradigm and you are still too dumb to see it.

>> No.11183258

It's in USD, the currency is about to hyperinflate.

>> No.11183327


Not faggotanon, was shitposting about him earlier, forgot to drop the trip.

But that's actually a good point. I guess technically these boomers (>>11183254)
wont lose their money, only their purchasing power.

>> No.11183392

This reply shows that you literally got no clue about the eco.

>haha boomer fag is in asset A
>haha i am in asset B
>boomer fag will lose

>> No.11183416

how much link for a mcmansion?

>> No.11183454

Regardless of your points you sure do a lot of bitching and moaning.

>> No.11183466


This post proves that you literally a faggot

>muh equities and real estate goes up forever despite the largest generation in the world cashing out en masse to retire
>muh sellers market gonna be a sellers market forever despite wages stagnating below the inflation rate
>surely these young suckers will buy my bags despite the fact that everyone knows it's shit deal.
>surely the foreign real estate speculators will not sell the top and devalue my bags into oblivion when it all come crumbling down

>> No.11183555
File: 261 KB, 656x644, 1536841249083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zerohedge is literally the only news source discussing reality right now.

Go back to fucking fantasy CNN land you fucking normie fuck piece of shit boomer tier retarded faggot

Would un-ironically sock you in the face just for this comment

>> No.11183565

There is no next level of QE. The G20 have enacted bail-in regulations so that the banks convert account balances in excess of 100K to stock and use that money to survive. Canada literally put theirs into effect September 2018.
After that, the stock devalues and the bail-in erases money instead of printing it. We are unironically going to start cycling between easing and erasure because boom bust doesn't work properly in a globalized economy.

>> No.11183657
File: 19 KB, 251x251, 1457565727783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed, based and redpilled

>> No.11183704


source? would like to read

>> No.11183729

Theres no next QE because another fucking round of QE would result in HYPERINFLATION, and the bankers know this.

During the next crash, we are fucked. Period. Unless you own silver btc gold or xmr. No one will be saving yoh

>> No.11184018

Canada in final bail in publication

Confirmation that the framework takes effect in Canada on the 23rd (2 years ahead of the deadline so make of that what you will): https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/rbc-prepares-to-blaze-trail-with-new-bail-in-eligible-bonds-1.1139957

Confirmation of the G20 initiative happening in 2014: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-g20-banks-exclusive/exclusive-g20-finalizing-flexible-bail-in-bond-deal-for-big-banks-sources-idUSKBN0GZ20F20140904

>> No.11184067

A subsequent round would. Converting money to bank bonds and securities then having the public liquidate them in a panic would wipe a lot of the last round away and allow for future rounds or motivate trying something new. That something new is going to take awhile to develop in an iron-clad way and so we're looking at one or more bail-in/out cycles to keep the economy churning. All of the crazy tariff shit today is just to force acknowledge of America as the reserve currency during the next plunge so that the water ways are still policed and someone is holding the wheel to bring the world back out of it.

>> No.11184821

good information anon. From my understanding, these new bonds are not bail in proof like traditional bonds are. So these new bonds are going to be sold as bonds, but they have no security in the event of a catastrophic failure, and can be converted against your will to "equity" if the worst happens.

smart money will stay the fuck away from these bonds that have the same assurance as stocks, and none of the upside. fucking ridiculous.

>> No.11184847

lucky for use, it looks like bond holders will be on the hook for the next crash in Canadian banks, not depositors:

>Exclusions: The bail-in regime does not apply to deposits (e.g. chequing accounts, savings accounts and Guaranteed Investment Certificates), secured liabilities (e.g. covered bonds), eligible financial contracts (e.g. derivatives) or structured notes. Structured notes are debt obligations whose returns may be based on, among other things, the performance of equity indexes, a single equity security, a basket of equity securities, interest rates, commodities, and/or foreign currencies.
