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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11183090 No.11183090 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ will defend this.

>> No.11183101

Truckers have been doing this for decades.

>> No.11183111

Wait, is the cage meme a reality?

>> No.11183112

Why aren't we talking about all the arabs which have trillions in assets? The royal family which also has trillions in assets? Why are you fucking with one guy in particular?

>> No.11183115

At least they're giving them bottles inside the cages now.
Jeez that's a health and safety violation for sure.
Bottles are much more sanity

>> No.11183116

i've been peeing into Gatorade bottles for years now, years.

>> No.11183119
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>> No.11183124

Nothing to defend. If you find yourself forced to work somewhere that makes you pee in a bottle, whose fault is that really? I don't really care about wageslaves, they dug that hole themselves.

>> No.11183125


Yea long distance truckers who might not have access to a bathroom for 50 miles at a time, not couriers/delivery drivers in cities.

>> No.11183126


>> No.11183137

Because a self made billionaire creating jobs is bad.
Robbing an entire country of it's resources and giving it to a royal family is good.

>> No.11183142

No they didn't.
t. rich dude

>> No.11183148

I work in an amazon warehouse and that is horseshit.

>> No.11183149

I bet you not a single person working there is smart enough to invest in crypto. Their fault they don't make it.

>> No.11183151
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Found the brainlets happily cucked by the rich

>> No.11183154

This article is about warehouse staff.

>> No.11183159

This makes sense, they waste less time that way.

>> No.11183171

They're not being FORCED. Do you know what forced is?

A handful of degenerates are too lazy to piss in the toilet and all of a sudden Amazon is "forcing" them to piss in a bottle. Right. These idiots bought REQ at $1.13 and chose to do this all by themselves.

>> No.11183200

>here is your pissbottle
>what if I have to shit?
>that would be extremely unsanitary
>for you

>> No.11183219

found the retard who would be happy living in a shit society like the soviet union or Venezuela.
communism literally only appeases to the lowest common denominator of people who cant think more than one step ahead. but hey;

>> No.11183220


plastic bag

>> No.11183240

if thsi makes my deliveries arrive the net day i ordered it, im fine.

>> No.11183246


ikno right? Give workers bathroom breaks and before you know it, we have the hyperinflation of Venezuela!

>> No.11183256


wow, it's real


>> No.11183281

fucking this. bottle pissers are the bottom sellers of real life

>> No.11183293
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Tbh when I worked in a warehouse I would hide in the bathroom for an hour before lunch and an hour after lunch
Sometimes I just needed to fap. Can Amazon employees fap into their bottles?

>> No.11183324
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>> No.11183481

of course, they're not the ones wageslaving and pissing in bottles, they are the shareholders. Stock price doesnt just rise magically, does it?

>> No.11183534
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>> No.11183578

I worked in Amazon this isn't true at all and is obviously a hit piece on Amazon and Bezo.
Maybe some people did it but they probably did it due to their own choice and not because they feared the Bezos whip.

>> No.11183589

hi Jeff

>> No.11183590

t. bezos

>> No.11183594

Your fault lmao. Get back to your wagecage

>> No.11183642


Nice try Jeff

>> No.11183690

Who cares about wagecucks. Either fight (and die) for your freedom or live a life of slavery.

>> No.11183760
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The meme is real.

>> No.11183783

this sexism
guys can just stick their pepe out of cage and piss at the urinal

>> No.11183823
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>empty your heads
>we only have one shot

>> No.11183855

I work at an amazon warehouse and we have to drink and eat the piss shit if the cages dont open.
The HR department which is mostly indian says its normal and we shouldnt complain.

>> No.11183981
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ffs, you guys
amazon is an arm of the NWO
they get government subsidies and funding from both the american and european governments
amazon is getting billions and billions of dollars in taxpayer funding (and funds from "quantitative easing" (inflation)) to expand their economically unsustainable, generally inhumane operations

on the other hand, *if this is how people want to work*, as in, if THESE are the conditions that the people of a nation are genuinely okay working in, then that's their business, and they don't need saving
but, as you know, that's not the case
what everyone needs to get here is that the businesses that people would LIKE to shop at and work in are getting raped by taxation and regulation (especially minimum wage laws), and are unable to stand on two feet
amazon, on the other hand, is getting YOUR goddamn money to back up and expand their fucking barbaric operations that WOULD NOT SURVIVE without this help
it's central planning; the government has been granted too much power, and they've decided that the success of a private corporation, amazon, is more important than the preferences of the individual citizens of their nation who they are supposed to protect

in other words, the voting power of everyone's dollar has been undermined, and the free market has been corrupted by government
amazon would have had plenty of competition, forcing them to be competitive in the employment marketplace and treat their employees to the standards of those employees' nationality and ethnicity
the government skips the "vote with your dollar" process; they collect your money, and vote for you :)

>> No.11184239

>Here's Why That's A Good Thing

>> No.11184947

>Large Company gets successful
>Implying small businesses don't get billions in subsidies through the SBA

b-bu it's not TRUE capitalism!

>> No.11185890



>> No.11186127

I was going to do this anyway.

>> No.11186719
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What's the big deal? I've been peeing into bottles for ages. I have quite the collection in my bedroom now.

>> No.11186743

>invest in crypto

>> No.11187422
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you know, it's not witty to refer to the number one refrain repeated by socialists and communists every single time their system fails
(which is always)
and, are you implying that what we're living under *is* real capitalism, just because some businesses are entitled to subsidies? that makes everything all balanced and okay? if that was the case, then what the shit are they collecting so much money for in the first place? are you really saying that small businesses, without cronies or recognizable compliance to the NWO on their side, are just as well-off as big businesses are? that they're on a level playing field?

>> No.11187577

not going to lie, i pee in bottles in my truck all the time in a non related job. It's not so bad. Beats having to drive to a gas station and waste time. Also pee outside if I get the right opportunity.

>> No.11187598

this is thee hottest tinder profile i've read today.

>> No.11187750

Every big business is just a successful "small business", and that's why every small business dreams of one day becoming a big business.

What you're talking about is "regulatory capture" and under (((real capitalism))) it would only be worse.

As I'm sure you know, the US government is almost completely controlled by corporate interests of various Fortune 100 companies (Foreign Policy is exclusively controlled by the Military-Industrial complex).

There's a good reason they spend billions on lobbying for less regulations. And it's not because it would make it easier for some mythical small business to displace them because of more competition. This is a delusion that only exists in the minds of Neo-Conservative goys.

>> No.11187982

Someone who uses their brain on /biz, how refreshing.

>> No.11188037
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Kek, the absolute STATE of wagecucks.

>> No.11188086

Why don't they just quit?

>> No.11188103
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>> No.11188120

I wish they didn’t make us buy the Amazon brand piss bottle :(

>> No.11188153


Except that you're completely ignoring the effects of taxpayer subsidies and tax incentives among many other issues. Violent rent seeking (ie the tax system) supporting the interests of the (((elite))) is Plutocracy or Oligarchy, not a free market. Take into account industries (Taxis spring to mind) that actually lobby for high entry costs really just debunks your point, the regulations they seek to remove are typically health & safety compliance related. All of this is only possible due to the state monopoly of violence. And your solution is to centralise power even further? Really, the arguments for Ancap (and the criticism of the current system) are the same as for Leftist forms of Anarchism, difference is really just in how the stateless, classless utopia is to be achieved & how organisation can be handled without state coercion. The future is decentralised networks of individuals that preferably own their own microbusinesses (ie direct ownership of the means of production in your terminology) that simply leverage bottom-up organisation to achieve what governments are doing now. And AnCaps aren't usually opposed (outside of Ayn Rand retards) to not-for-profit structures like mutuals, co-ops, community groups etc in addition to the for-profit business. There's other forms of organisation than "government" or "multinational megacorporation" ya know lel

>> No.11189296

needs gruel feeding tube and catheter to urine bottle.

We gonna cut your lunch and restroom breaks.