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11180920 No.11180920 [Reply] [Original]

I get paid $20/hr for sitting at the university library desk where I’m allowed to study for my own studies. All I have to do is answer some questions every now and then. Have I made it?

>> No.11180950

who gives a shit about tarrifs on governments u fag stop reading that gay shit

>> No.11180953

I had a job like that in university. Enjoy it I guess. It only gets worse after you graduate.

>> No.11180955

No not even close. What questions do you answer if you're still studying basic macro?

>> No.11180963

Just library questions like how to log into the wifi, where to find books etc.

>> No.11180979

That's pretty based. Godspeed Anon.

>> No.11181665

How do you log in to the wifi, and how do you buy books?

>> No.11181677

*find books

>> No.11182275

>using a gay blue highlighter
not gonna make it

>> No.11182359

dont spoil the surprise for him

>> No.11182429
File: 206 KB, 1875x1889, 9B5F12CA-7037-44C7-8628-0CD794DA6927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless that job actually sticks around (it won’t) and you decide to work there the rest of your life (you won’t) you are in for a very disappointing surprise.

>> No.11182480

If your "own studies" are only for you and not some exam you have made it. If not I would say no

>> No.11182519

>"I'm allowed to study for my own studies"
Awwww, that's so cute!!! Congratulations Timmy, you finally got that government grant for being mentally handicapped!

>> No.11182714

$20/hr? no dude, you haven't made it.

>> No.11182775

>asking strangers online if you made it

yeah you made it champ, good job. you are an inspiration

>> No.11182809
File: 78 KB, 586x1026, young dogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, favelanon here ( a thirld world poor guy that do 2 graduations).

Some weeks ago I did almost $0/daily, now I'm doing atlest $25/daily.

My point is: focus on improvements and fly higher buddie, I'm a thirld world guy who make more money than you.

>> No.11182825

I work 50h/week for $900/month as a graduated software developer from the top university in Latin America.
Yes you made it, not because of your shitty job, but because you were born in a first world country.

>> No.11182841

What is the top university?

Are you brazilian and studied on USP (University of São Paulo)?

>> No.11182871

He said he makes that hourly faggot

>> No.11182881

But he didnt said how many hours/daily he is able to do it.

>> No.11182899

Only making 41k here in a starter position in finance. Feelsbadman.

Maybe I should move to brazil and buy a mansion full of full time hookers.

>> No.11182907

favelanon more like faggotanon

>> No.11182909

Yes. Computing Engineering at POLI-USP.
I should have gone to the financial market....

>> No.11182931
File: 60 KB, 1040x780, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-17 at 17.16.39(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna give me your poo poo so I can put my pee pee?

LOL Bro, I'm doing computer engineering too, but in another state university, but you have to realize that 900 (3.6k) is higher than 80% average income. I had friends that did civil engineering and they cant find jobs, its a real shit those days.

I'm with some guys who can code and I'll find the project and pay them a salary.

Atleast you dont need to beg like me.

>> No.11182942

Everything is also a lot more expensive there you dumb shit.

>> No.11182961

That's pretty cool OP. sometimes I wonder what it would be like to work as a librarian. I used to work in my school library for like 1 hour a day for credit. It was awesome. It's very peaceful atmosphere.

>> No.11183659

Why you need to beg? Can't you get an internship?
To be fair is much easier to get a job/internship here in the capital. It was already hard for me, I can't imagine how it must be for people in smaller cities.

>> No.11183678

>tfw starting uni recruiting job soon
>only 8/hr

kill me bois

>> No.11183689

I have a masters degree and make $18.90/hr, so you're doing better than me.

>> No.11183852

I make more doing fastfood

>> No.11183884

Wtf , is everyone becoming an economist now ?

>> No.11183930

You have made it, for now. Unfortunately the low stress, relatively high paid university jobs don't last long.

The ones in the real world suck ass.

>> No.11184064

very nice, i would talk to your school, sometimes they will lower your tuition as well.

Milk that fucking job till you graduate

>> No.11184077

I get paid to drink beer and go around bars and restaurants selling it to their bar managers
free food
free booze
free car
free gas
free life

>> No.11184078

All jobs at my school pay $9-10/hr how the hell did you bag one for 20?

>> No.11184125

shit health and death by 50

>> No.11184146

Because I do 2 grads at the same time, the state (free) one and a paid one that I got 100% discount.

I dont have time for a internship or a regular job and the salary they pay isnt enough to pay the things I have to.

>> No.11184201

OP here. It was a rethorical question. I get paid $20/hr to study, something I would do anyway. So yes I’ve made it for now.