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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 8 KB, 238x212, RANK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11175402 No.11175402 [Reply] [Original]

Only 1mm holders or > can post ITT


>> No.11175408

Faggotron kill yourself

>> No.11175413

Spazoids will COPE

The SE Asian economy is booming bigger than the US in the 40's.




>> No.11175423

>Rank Relex


>> No.11175427





>> No.11175436

400k holder here

Relex is a beast. I know this because I’m intouch with the dev team.

>> No.11175458

0 rlx gatecrasher here. wen platform launch?

>> No.11175476
File: 22 KB, 255x326, fat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3mm and gaining over here, It's like taking candy from a baby on this board at this point

>> No.11175482

one month after you buy 1 RLX

>> No.11175488

Sergey is that you?

>> No.11175500

This is a literal scam shillcoin

>> No.11175501




>> No.11175506

prove it

>> No.11175528

He can’t, RLX team is driving down the price to buy more because of the investors that have been approaching them.

>> No.11175543

Any ranjeet that uses Telegram is in touch with the team but I wouldn't dirty myself by even having an account.

I'm literally buying now, I previously heard 23rd but I know how these shitty little wannabe coins never deliver on time REEEEEE TELL MEEEE

>> No.11175557


anon's ITT, go check the fucking telegram. If you're even a touch autistic you can tell they're driving the price down.

>> No.11175559

I see it

>> No.11175633

You're just saying that. Go look at the discord and telegram, it's obvious what is going on. JUST LOOK.

>> No.11175640

On telegram I just see a bunch of retards posting desu

>> No.11175654

you need to come back in 20 minutes and look deeper and harder. I know you can see it

>> No.11175665

kek these faggots can’t even act like pissed of pajeets

>> No.11175675

WTF is a sistemkoin??

>> No.11175756

Türkiye'nin En Büyük Bitcoin ve Altcoin Borsası

>> No.11175839

Hey you're not a kebabanon, you just fucking used google translate. What else are you lying about - TELL ME.

Kek I just signed up it's like a toddlers my first crypto exchange, I love it! maybe I'll cash out into turkish lira lmao

>> No.11175914

fuck off sid, you're just mad I hold more Vietnamese realestate than you

>> No.11176201

I've got 120k link I don't care what any nig holds. this free real estate you talk of, it's not just in vietnam is it? I'm v v strongly doubting that we're actually going to moon tonight btw shilling anon

>> No.11176289

So far Vietnam, Russia, Myanmar, and China. The US will open up if hey get Finra approval. Well, I should say average Americans will be able to invest in US projects after approval. Until then you'd have to fully fund it. Finra is what will allow crowdfunding for US projects.

Originally it was Sept. 22nd. But they walled it back to "soon" a month ago. So no hard date at the moment but they said the timeframe of the end of summer (22nd) is the general area. So realistically within a week of the 22nd.

>> No.11176413

Retard you’re going to get dumped on


>> No.11176435

800k here
I'd be thrilled with 0.1$. I don't need lambos, I just need a financial boost to start my tourism business. 80k $ is more than enough. Sooo... when 0.1$?

>> No.11176468

That's not me. I'm Sidd.

>> No.11176475

You're just made I"m 1mm >

>> No.11176559

It's the fucking end of summer now. I was buying a bit but I'm bored of this shit already

>> No.11176575

Then don't buy. I don't care. But technically summer isn't over.

>> No.11176698

Working my way back on the first page. Gonna be tough tho

>> No.11176704

10,000 poorfag reporting!

>> No.11176716

technically you're a pajeet that doesn't know their own shitty stinking bags. I've only been looking at this for an hour and can see they've got property in canada but haven't got shit in china. what else have you got wrong?

summer is over retard it's 23rd and autumn here in britbong land

>> No.11176727

davidson owns RLX

only betas will follow him to success

>> No.11176747

how can you only afford 20$ worth? lmao

>> No.11176763

Woodfine Capital Projects is their partner in the US and Canada

>> No.11176779

kek closer to 15 big ones. imagine the stench. are you str8 bois part of a circle suck discord group or something?

>> No.11176781
File: 113 KB, 900x506, 1537473652447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i maxed out all my credit cards buying RLX and dont regret it one bit

c u on the moons anons

>> No.11176783

It's an American company. Why would they use British timeframes? And like I said its the general area of end of summer, not the exact end. So it still has time to meet that deadline.


"Earlier this year, the deputy mayor of Suifenhe, China met with Relex to align plans for Relex Infrastructure’s assistance in the region. Similar talks have also been occurring in Vladivostok, Russia."

The Canada stuff is because of their partner Woodfine Capital, which is in Vancouver. No projects in Canada have been announced, but the areas I've mentioned have got projects lined up.

I really don't think you should invest. You clearly don't know how to research and you're letting your emotions get the best of you. This isn't for moonboys. It's a long term steady climb.

>> No.11176827

even if it is released, why would that incentivize buyers

>> No.11176844


geez this old timer again. why the fuck does everyone think they're vietnamese then grandad? I've already invested, enjoy your slow boring climb while I trade my stack up then dump on you

>> No.11176866

Fucking zombies!

Don't even how to check a transaction, or would have known it's the fucking team suppressing the order book!

>> No.11176877

stop posting this

you're wrong and everyone here knows it

>> No.11176887

tell me more based wallet watcher. I'll dump on these fags after launch

>> No.11176942

send me an erc20 ad. I'll give you 1k rlx if this piece of shit moons

>> No.11176959

lmao, do you even check wallets you absolute retard? As a matter of fact, stop posting in my thread. I already told you 1mm > holders can post only. Dip shit.

>> No.11176989

Am I?

Here you go!


Check this wallet's last 72hours idex trades. And also check that it got his rlx directly from main wallet 72 hours ago or not?

And reply back to me with your findings.

>> No.11176999

A few reasons.
For your average person looking to invest in real estate:
It will allow you to do so. Up until now you've had to have millions to throw at a project. Most developers try to get one or two investors to fund an entire project. This will let many smaller investors do that in a shorter time frame. Instead of putting in $1m to fund a condotel you could put in 10k to just fund one room. And depending on the project either own that room or get yearly returns on it. Depends on the project using B-O-T or PPP. Every build will have different returns listed.

If you're a large scale developer:
It'll allow you to do both smaller projects that the big boys typically overlook or large scale projects that require a lot of money. For instance one project is ~430m. Relex isnt going to be the sole funder, but it could help a portion of that. Say 20% with the other 80 coming from other methods. It's an additional source of revenue that'll speed up your timetables. They've already partnered with woodfine and flc group. That's roughly 9-10b in real estate old money buying in. And these developers (which you are free to call and talk to them, In fact Peter woodfine encourages it) have stated theyd like to do the funding with relex as much as possible. Big projects can be locked in the funding period for years. I'm not saying this is going to be overnight, but it'll cut it down to a few months to maybe a year. If that happens they can start sooner and take on more work which means more money.

If you just want to treat it like any other crypto and not invest it:
When rlx gets put into a funding wallet, it is taken out of circulation and held in escrow. Less available for purchase means prices go up. I won't go into that more because I'm sure you understand supply and demand/scarcity.

There is also the finra indexing to look at. If it gets approved, more people will feel better about buying in. Same with btcs etf. It's still a microcap right now. Think about it.

>> No.11177010

I certainly do. Been doing it since that FD dump at 178.

What did you do, meanwhile?

Oh I know -

You are busy maintaing calm in traders group.

It's funny how you never once been concerned over these shady sales!

I wonder why! T H white!

>> No.11177068

Nobody thinks they're Vietnamese except for retards. Their major partner is Vietnamese and the most headway has been done in Vietnam. In fact Vietnam is looking at it to possibly be the nationally approved crypto. Considering they effectively banned crypto after the skymining scam, that's a huge deal.

And I doubt you have enough to dump on me. I've got an ungodly amount and even my dumping won't affect the market. I'm less worried about you than I am about cointelegraph which holds 85m.

>> No.11177094

Wow, an actually useful comment about rlx on here. Good comment anon

>> No.11177103

This is gonna be a rather big deal. Expect the official announcement in the next three days

>> No.11177113

>I wonder why! T H white!
lmao did you ramjeets used to be part of the same "traders" group then have a lovers tiff?

>> No.11177137

>last 72 hours

how new are you? stop being what you are for like at least a year then come back to it. you've failed.

>> No.11177144


I checked his transactions. He gave himself away on 29th of may 2AM OTC when he bragged in main relex group about how he baught the order book that night.

I checked that night's idex transactions.

Search for his post on this exact date.

>> No.11177150

you're worried about cointelegraph because they're russian scammers oldanon?

is the wallet voyeur in here? send me the cointelegraph wallet, gonna see what shit they're shilling

>> No.11177160

I am Mr K, then I was 2021.

Check for my older posts in main chat. And you will have a better insight about me, given that you are a common investor like me. Not one of these idex manipulators.

>> No.11177163

Anyone that actually understands what Relex is and where they are going knows these aren't "shady sales" nor concerned about short term price. Get over yourself.

>> No.11177166

might it be possible that you need to see more daylight anon? do you know cointelegraph's address?

>> No.11177175

Cointelegraph is not selling. Haven't sold a single rlx since ages. They are misleading you by naming cointelegraph as they are misleading the trader group by naming some whales.

They are those whales!

>> No.11177181

You are tarkovsky or whatever his name is. I can tell because you could never spell bought properly. It's not "baught".

>> No.11177222

Yes I am Tarkovsky. Never denied it.

And yes I write the 'bought' incorrectly the first time. Then I notice and change it.

>> No.11177245

Search for Tarkovsky in main chat. You will get my older posts, and will know how enthusiastic I was for this project.

Still I am.

But I refuse to be manipulated by some people in traders chat. Or by some people who tried doing it in DM.

>> No.11177297

I don't understand why you are doing this. The team isn't dumping. They DID make one bad otc trade. Everything else hasn't been them. Not only is "following the wallets" not proof because they could belong to anyone, but the team has come out and said it wasn't them. They admitted the bad otc trade. They categorically denied everything you have said (without proof I might add).

Not to mention you ran a telegram group trying to fud so you could buy in cheaper. We have the posts you were making about coordinated fud for personal gain. But ignoring all that, why the fuck would anyone believe you? You make a bold claim with no evidence, get called out, and promptly change your name to try and trick people into thinking people actually believe your bullshit? Relex aside, do you not see how shady and untrustworthy you look? I feel like with all the fud and misspelling you are either a teenager trying to get money through deceit, or a turboautsist pajeet.

In all honesty, are you a buttblasted sappling or just dumb?

>> No.11177320

Relex is going to be top 100 within 2019, and top 25 by 2021.

I have 0 doubts.

How many projects out there actually fill a real business need and have an actual blockchain need like Relex does.

So much money is going to flow through that token, I could easily see it becoming the international standard for real estate development.

>> No.11177362
File: 942 KB, 898x896, SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 1 man of relex skeptics who is trying to scare everyone about dumps

be careful who you listen to or you end up following pajeets trying to steal from you


>> No.11177406
File: 264 KB, 1024x860, HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I could have bought at these prices

>> No.11177430

I come on! Enough with the words!

Do you check the transactions I post?

Did you check the last one.

And if you were not a part of that skeptics group don't pretend you know what we're going on there just by a screenshot. If you want I will send you the whole thread, and make up your mind for yourself if I was fudding, co-ordinating or just watching wallets.

And you are doubting my intentions over the words of physeus Silvester or whatever his name is - search for his name. He joined in accused us of not having enough reddit activity. They officially fudded for next few days. And accepted that he was one of us after buying at a lower price. Check my posts before this FD dump.

And for why the people believe me. I am not doing all these for everyone to believe.

I am doing it because I check those transactions. And what I state, are the truths of my finding. I don't post words, poems and romanticism. I post transactions from immutable blockchain, which you won't even bother to look.

But may be I am wrong. You do check these transactions. And you do know that whatever I am staying are truths. But it hurts your intentions. May be you are the very people I am up against. And these posts of yours are not for me but for the others, to deceive them again, that there's nothing in those transactions. And you know that no one will bother checking them.

>> No.11177457

There have been rumors of the team further dumping its coin, but those are simply not true. No wallets that dumped were the team's wallets. Those assuming to know the addresses that dumped the tokens are making logical mistakes and are unable to tell fact from their own fiction. Relex is not a scam. The team has only made one mistake and it's all it took for the FUDers to try and get lower prices. There were coordinated efforts to lower the price further after the whales dumped, but they failed. The price is now stable. Good news are coming around. The platform is to be released very soon and it means that outside investors are ready to seize the opportunity to be early bidders.

>> No.11177496

And let's put it to rest. Once and for all.

If you convince me after I post my finding here, today after this post, in public, you will not find a single post from me about relex skepticism again.

Do you agree? If you say yes, I will post my findings pointwise, you will state what point and assumption you disagree with.

>> No.11177514
File: 268 KB, 387x472, SS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually s.s. youre making things up still.

youre not safe to accuse people of things whenever you want. s.s. even though you think to play god, you accuse and accuse with no proof

if youre wrong with even one statement you have made, youre done.

this is your face.


>> No.11177538

God. I can smell the curry through my computer screen. And look. You changed your id again. Get called out, change your identifier.

Yes. I've checked the wallets posted. Nothing tying it to a team member. It could be anyones. And having a transaction directly from the main wallet doesn't mean anything. The team can either get paid in rlx or $. They are capped at 40m and none of them have taken a full rlx payout. Why would anyone believe you when you can't even do basic research.

And now you're accusing me? I'm not part of the team. I'm heavily invested, yes. But I'm not a team member. Neither is white nor anyone else you've accused.

Just fucking dump your stack and fuck off. Relex doesn't need you. In fact it would be better off without you.

>> No.11177539


Here should be the focus, if you people really care about relex.

>> No.11177543

these games u are playing and fucking with our money is over. if the team knows who u are and youve stated even one thing wrong against them, youre going down.

because of ur own own arrogance you never say i think or maybe you always claim as 100% true. doing that has legal consequences.

youre really dumb but days of manipulating are over


>> No.11177570

u are from kolkata, west bengal, india

would u like me to go on?

>> No.11177572

Words words words.

Not a single person who is ready to discuss the wallet transactions!

>> No.11177581

Oh please do.

And if you didn't notice. My identifier changes in almost every post.

Think about that for while!

I will give you a hint.


>> No.11177595

This reply gets me pretty mad. You're a fucking faggot, stop talking about wallet transactions until you actually look at it.

>> No.11177603

You're going to masturbate to this .jpg someday

>> No.11177604

before u started changing your identity in relex skeptics u went by BM and ur @ was @reach2me

ur name is sourav saha

this is ur instagram https://www.instagram.com/reach2me.sourav/



>> No.11177614

you are undiagnosed schizo effective

>> No.11177623

im done here. will be providing the team with ur name. better make sure every single thing uve said is correct! one thing wrong and bye bye

ill send this to them too since you like to talk shit so much



>> No.11177629

Please go on.

>> No.11177630

Actually met a guy who bought 70% of the supply when it was under 30 vits he spent only a few ETH to do it. Then he hired pajeets to shill everywhere and there is evidence that the team is involved. Not joking.

>> No.11177639
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, B53EC6BE-F5AB-46B4-9030-F5EAA71D3510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking prices tho

>> No.11177646

Autism autism autism.

Nobody cares. But fine. Prove to me any of these wallets are team wallets. When you can't (because you can't prove shit unless you get the owner to admit it. Welcome to crypto) leave forever.

But I know you won't. You will just get bootyblasted, leave this thread, change your name in the TG and keep doing what you do.

It's fact that india has more scammers per capita than people. You're just another scammer.

>> No.11177647
File: 1.06 MB, 714x789, SS3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only fitting that ur getting fucked on 4chan since u tried to fuck with us. good luck pajeet fucker

>> No.11177648

same faggotry, leave ass mad retard

>> No.11177653

By all means.

And you want me to be candid.

That's not me! But you do what you do.

And for the rest for you.

You people are threatening me because of the transactions I posted and conclusions I drawn?


>> No.11177657

You clearly are because not even 70% is in circulation.

>> No.11177669

Okay then

Let's talk about those logics then. Forget all this. And finish it first that whether it's a team wallet or not. Because you are making us run in circle by not even looking at the transactions which were made today. And just two transactions. Only two!

1. Its the main team wallet. Is it not?


2. Its a transaction of 10M

from main team wallet

to this
(0x954592577855bb0335a1ccD2a899a9a5a27513fB) wallet, is it not?

3. And finally, this is a trasaction of same 10M
(https://etherscan.io/tx/0x350a3096d0fd6d30e3e7ef00729af6ce68e45bb6d5a53feaa036933d6a6dde68)) from

this wallet

to idex exchange wallet,
is it not?

now which of these 3 points you don't agree with?

>> No.11177680

70% of circulating supply you cum guzzling nignog

>> No.11177699
File: 12 KB, 439x123, SS4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok reach2me

you also posted in here

you can 'follow the messages' if u like to see its the same person.

>> No.11177724

Please go on. Post all these on social media. I dare you!

>> No.11177757

already messaged the team with ur information. they can track u through reach2me or bhytgv9876 on reddit

ur fucking with an entire company with ur accusations and u think there wont be any consequences?

u think u can accuse people and a team, and not face consequences?

i been listening and watching you, and you think youre so good but youre a bad person.

youve attacked countless innocent people because you think youre either a savior or youre trying to buy more even cheaper. wouldnt be surprised to see your buy orders on there as u keep talking!


>> No.11177761

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.11177763

Yes. That's the team wallet. Yes they transferred it to someone and it was moved to idex. So what? 15k isn't a dump. And the second wallet isn't necessarily a team member. Prove it is.

In fact, let's say you could prove it? So what? Let's say that is a team member. If it is, they are allowed to be paid in RLX and they are allowed to sell if they want. They are allowed to also sell off rlx to cover company expenses since there was no ico.

So now fail to prove that is the team dumping on anyone (which it isn't because like I said you can't prove it short of the owner of the wallet admitting its their wallet) and fail to prove how it is harmful. Then never bring it up again.

>> No.11177777

hes a pajeet scumbag and going to get sued for defamation. if he wants to continue let him, bigger hole for his body

>> No.11177783

Who cares? These transactions mean nothing. They put over 1b RLX on the open market up to this point. No shit they are going to sell once in a while, since the point is to get their token in the hands of people willing to buy them to use them on their platform or sell them to people who will sell theirs to investors wanting to use the platform and to fund their business.

There is absolutely nothing nefarious about it yet some dimwits here want to make a big deal of it somehow.

>> No.11177787

Of your posting Pajeets itt your either a brainlet or a shill. How can you not see (in the telegram and discord) that these fuckers are larping st shy Reet shitters? ARE YOU RETARDED

>> No.11177789

Those numbas!

>> No.11177799

So back when circ was 5%? So what? 70% of 0 is still 0. But no. I totally believe you anon.

>> No.11177801

Really. Are you that much technically challenged!

And fyi -

It's the company who is fucking with you.

When I made that post, price on idex was around 700. After that it hasn't been dumped much, because team is scared of bulk selling.

And ask yourself who brought the price down to 700. There was no 4chan posts before that. You might remember those sells which company admitted.

If it wasn't for me price would have been 400.

But whatever!

>> No.11177821
File: 879 KB, 678x855, SS5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur literally insane

>> No.11177823

The price dropped with the bad otc and the team pumped it back up to where it was before the dump when they realized their mistake. So what's your point?

>> No.11177831

I am not debating what they are allowed or not. I am only debating that they are selling.

>> No.11177854

Do you know that more than 90% of the sales are made with this wallet in last 2 days, and because of that price is still tanking. And you say what's my point!

>> No.11177872

You do know we’re going to make you apologize next week, right?

>> No.11177873

actually u many times accused the team specifically, sure we can go back and find all ur posts.

what u dont get is that whenevr u incorrectly accuse people, u can be accused for that every time ur wrong. and guilty!

and if u thought u were safe bc it was anonymous, its not. your names and accounts are out now. youre welcome.

go back to ur pajeet little friends at panihati utsav


>> No.11177874

Do the believe me. Here they are.

Please look at it, if you are just a common investor. And not associated with team in any way.

And tell me if you don't find anything suspicious.

>> No.11177897

I will. Surely I will. If I am wrong. Would not hesitate for a second, if I was wrong.

Check this wallet transactions which I forgot to link in the last post.

>> No.11177900

I'll say it again: SO. FUCKING. WHAT?

Your claim that you're supposed to be proving is that the team is, in your words "suppressing the order book". You haven't proved that. You have showed one transfer to idex for a whopping 15k. If anything the team has been shown to not affect the market price by pumping after the otc mistake.

So prove its suppression or leave.

>> No.11177911


>> No.11177922


youre mentally retarded sourav lmao

>> No.11177923

He can't, he's literally grasping at straws trying to make it seem like a big deal. And its a meager amount so its hardly suppressing the order books if so. All this shit is peanuts for where they are going.

Speaking of deals, its a fucking great price to buy in now especially with their latest news. You should be glad the team moved some to IDEX to pick up for cheap.

>> No.11177938

I showed just one transactions. There are others of same kind. Check out themselves.

And you refusing to accept that the team is involved, even by looking at idex transfer with just one burn wallet in between, just shows that you are too damn arrogant to accept what is clear like the daylight.

>> No.11177942

Idgaf if you believe me that guy made a few million. Yall are getting scammed by a fake ass company in the crypto wild west

>> No.11177947

Hardly supressing you say?


Almost all sales in last three days are from this address. And you say hardly supressing!

>> No.11177974

dont worry he'll be in jail soon enough.

you called out specific individuals as manipulating the market and launched campaigns against them. thats not just wrong its illegal, even in your shithole country

youre fucked sourav. so fucked.


>> No.11177984

It amounts to about $26,000 give or take a few thousand with ETH pricing which is nothing. Try harder.

>> No.11178014

You are special kind of idiot, arn't you?

By now you should have filed the chargesheet!

>> No.11178036

Doesn't change the fact that he is responsible for 99% of sells last few days.

And if you believe what you wrote, then you must be of opinion that prices haven't tanked much?

>> No.11178094

That doesn't prove the team is involved. The only part you can link to the team is the first transaction. You said you'd prove suppression (the team intentionally keeping the price down). You have yet to do that.

For instance it could be the team paying out a salary to a member who is selling. That's not supression.

It could be the team selling for expenses. That's not supression.

It could be the team sold to someone not on the team who is selling his crypto. That's not supression.

It could be something else. You haven't proved anything. Even if you could, why would they intentionally try to drop the price of their company? It makes no sense you crazy person.

>> No.11178102

The only idiot here is you. Just because you don't understand the business model of Relex and why the tokens need to enter the market doesn't make what they're doing shady. The current price is irrelevant and it doesn't matter who is selling at the moment. You've already been schooled several times in this thread about it but you continue to ignore it. If you weren't so short sighted and open your eyes you might be able to understand it and why you're wrong, but I highly doubt you ever will.

>> No.11178120

Before making the claim that price are not being supressed. Check this out. I mean for real. Match the amount to idex market history. And get back to me if you find that I am lying when I say, and I quote, 'almost all sales by made by this wallet last few days'.


>> No.11178136

How can a human being be this unwanted and stupid and not realize it

>> No.11178140

I called you an idiot because of your lawsuits threats.

You can be an idiot in other ways too. But those are not why I called you that.

Do you understand!


>> No.11178152

Team, is it!

>> No.11178159

Now you're shifting the goal posts. You said you'd prove suppression. I don't care if the team sells or transfers or whatever. Did you think they were just going to make a crypto and hold onto it forever just because?

Either prove that is suppression or never mention it again. Prove that second wallet is a team member and prove the team is driving the price down on purpose (or at least keeping it stagnant).

You can't.

>> No.11178170

Youre such a paranoid delusional wow ur fucking crazy

>> No.11178206

For me it is a prove, that team has transferred funds to idex via an intermediary wallet, and that wallet's sells dominate more than 90% of all sales last few days.

And I think it's enough of a prove for many.

If you are certain that it's not. Post this comment in main chat and trades' chat, and ask for opinion from community members.

Because I am not sure if you anons are not from team, except for shy. And because of this no matter how hard I try to put forth my finding you will always play it down.

>> No.11178208

Sid I’ve asked you twice now, get fucked for fag

>> No.11178231

You not caring doesn't mean everyone should not care.

I for one, care.

And many others too. Who DM occasionally for information about recent sells. Like what wallet was involved. There I don't give opinion I just give the address, and they follow the trail afterwards by themselves.

>> No.11178234

we're all on 4chan from the team

>> No.11178248

Thanks for clarifying.

But that is not what I am interested in.

>> No.11178262


>> No.11178265

Rlx going going to explode. 700k poor fag here.

>> No.11178275

You’ll never be a heavy weight

>> No.11178283

Oh I am!

Your efforts say I am!

>> No.11178287

? lol

>> No.11178304

So did you consider asking opinions of community members, I mean you should!

99% of them are not here to see how I am dilusional in my findings. Help them!

Post it to main chat, with this comment -

>> No.11178305

It's not proof. Proof is called proof because it proves something. It's speculation. To prove it you need to link the second wallet to a team member and get evidence that its an intentional price drop. Otherwise you are jumping to conclusions based on partial info.

No, I'm not from on the team. Just an investor. And nobody in the telegram believes you. General consensus is you are fudding to buy in lower.

1. You make speculations based on partial info. You can't link wallet 2 to the team nor know their intentions.

2. You accuse everyone of being on the team or blinded by the project.

3. You spam nonsense and set up buy walls

4. You change your ID constantly on TG and 4chan to convince people that more than one person gives a shit.

Your findings are bad and you should feel bad. If you don't see why after I just explained it to you, you are not only intentionally trying to mislead people but an honest to god retard too. I have refuted your points and you have failed to prove its suppression of the order book. So just drop it already.

>> No.11178310

Fucking spaz

>> No.11178312

shows over folks sourav saha is a heavyweight!

>> No.11178326

Stop changing your id. I can still tell its you based on your shitty grasp of English grammar.

>> No.11178327

this is the truth

>> No.11178341



>> No.11178344

You’re trying waaaaay too hard

>> No.11178360

Well if it is not proof. Why don't you ask for community members' opinion? Because I think it's enough of a proof. But you say it doesn't. Let the community decide.

And as for changing ID. I do it for my own protection. Because I am just someone holding a few millions of coins, up against a company whose valuation goes in billions.

Had I not protected myself, think of how 'shy' attacks were getting personal to me.

>> No.11178371

Lmao stop posting any time nigger idiot

>> No.11178373

Sometimes when dealing with downies, you really need to drive the point home.

Indians are legit stupid. I'm surprised the price being this low doesn't give him a boner. Everyone knows curry covered virgins are second only to jews in being cheap.

>> No.11178377

I never denied it asshole.

I said I am behind vpn. It does on its own.

Let me say it again. All post made in favour of team selling in this thread are made by me, and me alone.

>> No.11178388


>> No.11178393

i have plenty more about u now

Sourav ur the craziest person ive talked to in a while

how was jaydekapur university? how is it being an unmarried 32 year old neckbeard?

>> No.11178406

Stay poor


>> No.11178408

Nope. I'm am kind of curious why you jumped to Michael, though. I honestly laughed because he seems much nicer than me. Thanks for that.

>> No.11178414

Bc hes a paranoid delusional

>> No.11178415


>> No.11178434

I am to be doing the needful, dear. Gugi gugi.

>> No.11178435


You think that person is me. Then post about this identity on reddit, telegram and everywhere. And see if I give a damn.

And you sure are technically challenged! Between what puzzles me is that you are sure of your findings, for you it's enough of a proof that I am who you say I am. But I am wrong when I post transactions!

Is it hypocrisy. Or just dumb! I don't know. Only a stupid would know.

>> No.11178447

Are you! Curious!

So tell me how you jumped to my personal identities being true!

So you are allowed to make assumptions, and forward those as proofs!

And between I am sorry I wrote Micheal. I got confused. I meant to say Jonathan.

>> No.11178453

send me a sign pic on tg right now prove thats not u. Oh wait u can't bc it is u lol pajeet indian liar

>> No.11178461

I am not in those chats asshole. Don't you remember.

>> No.11178485

messaged u psychopath, prove it now

>> No.11178512

Not Michael. Not jonathan. Not t h white. Not a team member. As far as I'm aware, you and I have never spoke before today.

And I don't know if you're the person phy is talking about. I do know you're tarkovsky because of your poor spelling and grammar, like I said. I'm ASSUMING you are indian because I'm around them a lot and I know how cheap, autistic, self righteous, and downright stupid they can be. Also because of the fudding meme.

Second generation indians that grew up here are fine, but I honestly don't know how native indians survive into adulthood. Darwinism should have taken them out long ago.

So, no. It's not hypocrisy. Just good old fashioned detective work with a tinge of racism.

>> No.11178528

anyone following this, no response from mr man himself lol

>> No.11178536

So do you think a person like you is worthy of a discussion at first place?

>> No.11178546

Thank you. Now I can block you.

>> No.11178566

it's a fucking metamask wallet brainlet. if you want to move funds to IDEx...what do you do? you have to go through a temp wallet....so do they.

>> No.11178575

guilty as charged

>> No.11178594

Oh I'm active enough in relex. You probably have seen me around. We've just never had any direct interaction.

You were spouting nonsense. I called you out on it, you shifted the goal posts, and now you're trying to pretend that you're above others.

And just like how I know and can draw those assumptions about you, I know that even though you failed to prove suppression, you will continue to post about it after today, like I said you would here:

Believe what you want and do what you want. I can't make you do anything. Just realize how transparent you are. And stop being such a stereotype.

>> No.11178616

Thank you! Finally someone!

But careful they are all detectives here. They will find your location and file a chargesheet. Because you are guilty of jeopardizing a company malicious intentions. And no has ever done that!

>> No.11178641

Actually you don't. Ledger can directly interface with. Id assume trezor can too. You can dump them directly onto the exchange. Now if you don't have one of those, sure. Still doesn't prove its the teams, though.

>> No.11178647

For many, >>11177669

If you chose not to believe it. Then there's nothing I can do about it.

Also, your racism shows your unbringing. And I refuse to reply to you anymore.

>> No.11178667

For many, these are enough of a proof >>11177669 #
>>11177897 #
>>11177911 #

If you chose not to believe it. Then there's nothing I can do about it.

Also, your racism shows your unbringing, and says more about you than it does about me.

>> No.11178676

lose an argument and then throw a hissy fit and say your not playing anymore, nice sourav saha

>> No.11178688

they've never moved funds directly from either of the known team wallets directly to IDEX or ED, so we can say with some certainly that they aren't using a Ledger. It always goes through a temp wallet.

>> No.11178701

I gave my reasons for not conversing to a racist.

As for the team transactions, what gave you an idea I am not playing. And will not be doing that anymore!

I sure will be doing it until team stops supressing the order book.

>> No.11178716

did u invest ur last 2 pajeet cents into this project? get a fucking life

>> No.11178741





>> No.11178746

For any community member lurking here right now. Check out these posts mentioned here >>11178667

And grow a spine. Ask questions. Don't be a sheep.

>> No.11178749

I don't hate you because of your skin color. Like I said, most second generation Indians are okay in my book. I hate you because you're a stereotype. And a bad one at that.

And just because you have some arbitrary hangup because of that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Up until now I've attacked your argument. Not you. I'm now going for low hanging fruit because you just either don't understand or you do understand but want to be a piece of shit anyway.

You do you. At best you're annoying/paranoid and have no social skills. At worst you're intentionally misleading people and have no conscience. Just don't get upset when nobody takes you seriously or calls you out on it, Rajesh.

>> No.11178756

What everyone. There's only two of you. One is 'phy', and the other one, whoever the fuck he is, sound like Jonathan.

>> No.11178773

>> Up until now I've attacked your argument

No you haven't. You haven't done just that. Read your posts or refresh your memory.

>> No.11178799

It's fine if you don't want to talk to me/are done with this conversation. But I'm not jonathan. The last thing id want to do is say the things I've said and pin those words on someone else. They are mine and mine alone. I'm nobody you've accused, nor have you and I ever spoken in the telegram/will ever speak in the telegram. I doubt you've even given me more than a second thought in there.

>> No.11178805

You are irrelevant. Your book does not matter. Get off that high horse.

And any speculations about me, except that I am Tarkovsky, aren't even remotely true.

And even a new member of that community knows it's Tarkovsky. It was always been him.

Do not quite a work there too!

>> No.11178813

Lol what the fuck u can't even english

>> No.11178823

I've been with this project since one cold night in Dec a random Anon mentioned it and said it would change investing forever. Since then I've come to realize 2 things:
1) don't eat yellow snow.
2) this token or coin is complete and utter bullshit

That's all I got. Listen to any respectable BTC maxi. And know that you are literally pissing money away with things of this sort. Good Luck

>> No.11178827

No I can't. It's not my first language.

How fluently do you Russian?

>> No.11178828

Oh. You are right. I did call you a turboautist pajeet early on. My bad. In my defense, that was a joke. Or was meant to be. Didn't realize it was so on the nose.

So you are correct.

>> No.11178833

*Ain't quite a work there too.


>> No.11178837

you're not russian lol

you're sourav saha little pajeet from west bengal

>> No.11178848

thats even worse lol

>> No.11178854

It wasn't on the nose. And I don't care about your beviour on the internet.

It was only to show you what kind of shitty person you are, who attacks someone starting a rational argument based on their skin colour and their food habits.

>> No.11178870

I am not. Is asking someone if they are fluent in English automatically indicates that the person asking is Russian!

And you are here to decide over the authenticity of blockchain trasactions.!

>> No.11178874

still waiting for my pic sourav


>> No.11178953

What pic?

Do you seriously expect me to send you my pic!

I mean, how thick are you man!

>> No.11178958

Not on skin color and food habits. Boy that curry thing really got under your skin, huh?

It's the way you type. The bad grammar, the misspellings, the fact that you spell color "colour" indicating you're either from Britain (not likely as they tend not to fuck up English) or some place dominated by them for a long time. Like India.

>> No.11178993

Not being fluent in English shows only that it is not my first language.

But being racist shows what kind of a person you are.

>> No.11179036

lol don't care.

And with that, I'm going to bed. G'night Mohinder.

P.S. poo in loo, mader chod

>> No.11179058

I know you don't.

That's why said - you are irrelevant.

>> No.11179111

And for someone who cares about relex and it's business operations. Check out this comment.


>> No.11179315

fucking checked
buy chainlink instead

>> No.11179925

This thread gives me hope :)

>> No.11179988

Why exactly?

>> No.11180042

I'm a holder but I can't decide if this wallet/team selling/price suppression is important or not

>> No.11180048

>>11179925 this post gives me aids.

If any anon who wants to know about some good news, Relex has been finalising projects for platform release. There are currently two project which have been announced, worth $420 million USD and $800 million USD.



>> No.11180077

If you're worried about current price because you bought in at ATH, then yes. If you're not too worried about current price, and want longer gains then no. With two projects announced for the platform release, and FINRA compliancy due, price suppressing shouldn't be anything to worry about. Even so, there's no reason the team would be suppressing prices - they have nothing to gain from doing so.

This project won't moon overnight, but it will definitely have a gradual increase in demand as tokens are taken out of supply for investing into projects. I'm speculating that with the future comings of the business, RLX tokens should reach at least $0.01 USD EOY.

>> No.11180365

Finally the interesting shit gets mentioned. So the team sells 15k $ worth of relex within a week on idex and simultaniously adds two other projects with the combined worth of 1.2B $ to their portfolio.

Is there one person who thinks the 15k $ sell is the big thing out of these two?

>> No.11180415

I've been holding since January, so I'm definitely in for the long run. I don't think it's of much importance, since they've been quite easy to follow, talk to, etc. I hope it works out for the best and we get to 0.1 in a year's time

>> No.11180459 [DELETED] 

Holding from March, but to tell you the truth, a little worried how they are handling their finances.

>> No.11180671



>> No.11180679

Sid on suicide watch

>> No.11180685

1.4 mm holder here. Feels comfy.

>> No.11181852

When are you going to sell?

>> No.11182944

1.25$ I what I keep hearing

>> No.11182970

lol keep hearing where?
although, if there's a bullrun, even your price could be achived

>> No.11183288

You don't deserve what you've bough into

>> No.11183489
File: 156 KB, 750x1334, wojak 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say this

If you have ANY confidence in the purchase that you made, you will be able to make that mother fucker 100x even in a bear market. Start small /biz/. Grow for the mustard seed.

>> No.11183490

you can fuck right off with that attitude mate. i bought in in early january, before you i bet, and hold almost 1 million.

i would like to know where he keeps hearing about 1.25$... he could be hearing voices in his head for all i know.

>> No.11183858

I can say $0.01 EOY seems much more reasonable, onwards to $0.10 over the next.

>> No.11184237

You’re a loser and everyone knows it

>> No.11184339

that sounds about right. but oh no, we have to make outrageous claims, right? 10$ EOD at least

and you're a retarded lunatic who's hearing things in his head. problem?

>> No.11184655

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11184665

Think this is on the lower end. However I don't bet in this market. It'll be waaaay up in some years from now tho.

>> No.11184876

Sid talks

>> No.11184894

If you’re taking about whale pool, then yes

>> No.11185026

I'd argue this is mid-range with probably maximum $0.025 unless there's a bull run.

>> No.11185058

Sid talks

>> No.11185060

Sid talks

>> No.11185101

Bro Sid talks but doesn’t do much else lmao

>> No.11185104


>> No.11185426


retards gonna retard

>> No.11186341
File: 12 KB, 285x246, firefox_2018-09-23_23-38-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having your website down in 2018 is fucking kek, my 10yo old son can do better and I don't even have a son https://relex.io

>> No.11186354

nvm it's the coingecko link

>> No.11186403


same goes for you:

>> No.11186481

Epic bro

Literally all he does is talk. You just have to wait to say anything important until he leave the chat.

>> No.11186485

Lmao sell your bags, I need them pussy

>> No.11186510


I mean not having www redirection in 2018 is pretty scarry for a "tech" startup

>> No.11186548

No one cares what you thing

>> No.11186561

why don't you faggots go on telegram instead of polluting the board with your drivel

>> No.11186669

Because it’s easily manipulated