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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11172126 No.11172126 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is working with Openlaw, Accord (which IBM is a part of), is practically confirmed to be used by SWIFT, and just got shilled by Suntrust Banks. Why the FUCK is it trading at under 4900 sats right now? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MARKET

>> No.11172184


>> No.11172188

15 cents is its base price.

It might pump a bit due to partnership news or a general crypto bullrun, but it always wants to go back to 15 cents.
And that’s with full knowledge of Swift, Accord, Openlaw, ZeppelinOS, etc.

>> No.11172196

The market does not give a shit about 'fundamentals'.

>> No.11172202

>ERC shitcoin
>why is it shit?
you guys are so fucking dumb really

>> No.11172218

It literally was the pump to get out.
How can you not get this?

>> No.11172219

Actually it's base is 18 cents. That is in correlation with how each LINK is divisible to 18 decimal places.

>> No.11172222

Plenty of tokens have mooned like crazy.

>> No.11172229

>when the top of your head is lower than the sides

>> No.11172242

Sure, in a bullrun where lowbrain normies throw money at everything that is "the next bitcoin" everything moons. Doesn't change the fact that it's a prefab 1 day to setup pre written code ERC crap token (like the rest). Nice digits though

>> No.11172249

why could all these positive things not have any effect on the price
I wonder why

>> No.11172250


just because you see the big picture doesn't mean the market does. chainlink may have made a few tweets advertising these partnerships but for the most part none of it is well known. consider reddit. we give reddit a lot of flack, and with good reason, but reddit is definitely better informed than the average hypebeast moonboi crypto trader- yet even reddit thinks that chainlink is a shitcoin (or doesn't know about it at all). /biz/ has been sowing the seeds of chainlink's destruction for the past year in the name of "muh accumulation" and it's going to take quite some time for the disinformation to reverse.

>> No.11172270

Doesn't really matter that Link is a token, the network is what will give it value.

>> No.11172271

Tokens have mooned (and stayed mooned) before the massive bullrun too.

>> No.11172275
File: 113 KB, 900x506, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life. The sooner you start saving the sooner you can get ahead in life. Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan (an infamous trolling board) to lead people to financial ruin. This is NOT A JOKE. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x100 or x1000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said himself those days are over. Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the December/January bloodbath. Smart money already exited the crypto world. Crypto is basically a highly specialized database, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains. There is no need for crypto chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes. Think XRP when you think chainlink. The company ripple (smartcontracts) is doing well but the coin XRP(chainlink) isn't even needed for the companies technology. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of making x100 or x1000 returns are over." Chainlink needs a 399900% increase in price over the next couple of months to reach $1000 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over. Consider this for chainlink at current price to reach $1 you need an increase of 700% or a 233% increase every month until EOY. This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.

>> No.11172280

Name me 3 succesfull tokens that are still tokens today

>> No.11172281


>> No.11172282

/biz/ kept fudding LINK whenever it was mentioned on reddit.
Despite how shit reddit is, it's still a good entry way for normies to get informed on crypto and since reddit is under the impression LINK is shit, well...

>> No.11172292

why should LINK exist as a token and why will it make me money?

>> No.11172300

Off the top of my head: xrp, xlm, bnb.

>> No.11172309

two of those aren't tokens..

>> No.11172315

Only BNB is a token, and that's a good one.

>> No.11172319

A means to guarantee immediate payment/compensation within a decentralized network that bridges the gap between DLT and real-world data.

>> No.11172321

Just relax and accumulate, the fomo will happen later

>> No.11172328

All three are tokens.

>> No.11172336
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show me the contract of XRP

>> No.11172339

>the absolute state of /biz/ 2018

>> No.11172340

Regarding link, some anon mentioned this in another thread: "you can't introduce external data into a closed system and maintain trustlessness" can someone refute this? He said that because of this, link is not a viable long term solution.

>> No.11172346

Because you consider it to be much more than it is. And so far it has been vaporware "partnerships" and lies upon lies.

>> No.11172354

Refute what, it's absolute nonsense masquerading as insight just because it uses some relevant words.

>> No.11172362

We literally pumped from 4K to 6600 sats. Expect 4600 to be the floor and any little announcement in the coming weeks to rocket it back up.

Be thankful you can accumulate at a reasonable price before this fucker cements it’s place in the top 20 within the next few weeks.

>> No.11172366

Is it true though? I don't have a programming background so I don't know if it's valid or not.

>> No.11172380

Lumens were minted at a fixed amount, and were never mined.
They’re tokens.

>> No.11172387

>LINK investors

>> No.11172389

It’s probably going to dip to $0.20 again

>> No.11172400

Do you even understand what a token is. Look: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/binance-coin/

at the left side: "Token".

Now look at https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/stellar/

Left side: "Coin"

>> No.11172403
File: 445 KB, 1072x1580, Boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because retards with meme accounts are bad optics

>> No.11172424

It doesn't even make sense. A trustless oracle feeds a payment trigger to a trustless platform. The payment is executed and the record of the triggering is registered on the blockchain. At no point is the "trustlessness" of either system even affected. It's just fucktards trying to string sequences of semi cogent information together to make it seem like they have an actual argument.

>> No.11172436

Coin = independent blockchain, token = no independent blockchain. thank me later

>> No.11172439

Tokens are minted, coins are mined.
Anything else is arbitrary.

>> No.11172450

I see, thank you for taking the time to explain that to me.

>> No.11172454

no, see >>11172436

>> No.11172460

By this logic bitcoin is a token.

>> No.11172462


>> No.11172466

Wrong. It's been this way for years. Your misinterpretation isn't going to change that.

>> No.11172473

Wew lad just stop posting

>> No.11172479

This. Now /biz/ is bitching about the price, fudding faggots

>> No.11172505

If independent blockchain is the only requirement, bitcoin is a token.

Cope, I guess.

>> No.11172509





>> No.11172514

This is why I've been saying to stop the fud. It doesn't necessarily need to be shilled, but the discussion on other platforms needs to be allowed to grow organically

>> No.11172516

Good for more accumulation though isn't it? Also if Sergey manages to pull this off, a bunch of autists from 4chan or plebbit won't matter, big suits will be using the tech which will cause massive fomo.

>> No.11172517


>> No.11172526

based retard

>> No.11172538

Are you saying bitcoin doesn’t have an independent blockchain?

>> No.11172549

I am not buying more yet because I think the market willl crash again. I think ETH is going to double disgust abd BTC will be sub 4k again before we see the adoption we need to become millionaires off of link. When LINK is sub 20 cents again, I will buy.

>> No.11172550

I can't believe people actually believe that Chainlink is anything more than a shitcoin with no actual use case.

>> No.11172552

yeah it has, so it's a coin. What's so hard to understand? BNB doesn't so it's a token, it's based on ETH's blockchain.

>> No.11172562

XRP does = coin
XLM does = coin

>> No.11172563

double digits*

>> No.11172567

Every street is a toilet but not every toilet is a street. Do you see, sir?

>> No.11172573

I’m just fucking with you bucko.
But xlm is a token.

>> No.11172580

another thread on the same subject...gunna say what i always say.. doesnt fucking matter if people know about it, it will rise in value due to network usage..the more the network is being used the more expensive one link will be...fucking impatient retards

>> No.11172601

They’re not mined, they’re just printed.

>> No.11172609

https://stellarchain.io/ what's this? Oooh it's a blockchain. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11172664


OK fucktards I'll explain it to you because your stupidity and shittalking pisses me off.
Chainlink is gonna be a middleware that connects BLOCKCHAINS to the outside world (real world). Explain to me, you idiots, why would it have to be its own blockchain too? Explain to me what difference would it make if Link was running on its own blockchain vs being a token built on top of ethereum?
You do realize that link token's purpose is to serve as payment and collateral? How would being its own blockchain make that better/easier/different? explain it to me you absolute fucktards.

Some idiot said,
>he he I can create an erc20 token in 5 minutes
then go do it and let's see how much value people give it you fucking subhuman. It's about the decentralized oracle network, go check the code in their pivotal tracker and tell me if that looks like "only being an erc20 token".

You fucking crypto moonboy idiots think that: not a blockchain = worthless, while not realizing that all the blockchains you're jerking off with your frends from plebbit are fucking worthless if they cannot communicate with outside world.

>> No.11172666

>Doesn't refute it

Pathetic, really.

>> No.11172674

Ripple has its own blockchain too, but xrp was always a token.
Because they’re just printed, not mined.

That’s the only distinction that matters in the value proposition.

>> No.11172681
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Only newfags care about muh erc.

Let me guess, john oliver taught you to hate them

>> No.11172683

The token’s use case is simple: compensation.
The system it powers (decentralized oracles) is not.

>> No.11172710

>This shit is working with Openlaw, Accord (which IBM is a part of), is practically confirmed to be used by SWIFT, and just got shilled by Suntrust Banks. Why the FUCK is it trading at under 4900 sats right now? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MARKET

When you buy shitcoins you should be prepared for shit prices.

>> No.11172719


>> No.11172731

You can say it's a token, but everybody agrees on the fact that it's a coin. Check out coinmarketcap. End of discussion mate

>> No.11172747

So relying on another coin (ETH) is ok? If ETH crashes, link is worthless

>> No.11172752
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So your trillion dollars middleware can't handle some bantz..
Hmmmm ..

>> No.11172761

what do you mean crashes? stops existing or crashes in price?

>> No.11172772

because no one trades fundamentals

>> No.11172773

Stops existing, fatal bugs, scaling problems...

>> No.11172778

Patience OP... patience.

>> No.11172830

....said the retard

>> No.11172833
File: 116 KB, 701x517, nolinker syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and why would it stop existing? under what circumstances would that happen? fatal bugs? you do realize it's all open source and anyone can fork ethereum if money skelly starts chimping out? in terms of scaling solutions if you have a way to make a faster blockchain without sacriicing security then go ahead and do it.

The CL team can always simply airdrop new tokens to the current holders on a different blockchains if something better than eth comes out.

Your argument is like saying, "Im not gonna invest in Volkswagen, because if a big global earthquake comes and the ground gets flipped upside down cars are useless" and then expecting volskwagen to have a solution for earthquake prevention methods.

I swear there is not a single coin/token in the crypto market that is under such double standards as LINK, haters will come up with everything they can to discredit it.

I'm sreencapping all of your posts btw and gonna be posting them everyday next year until mods create a rule to ban mockery and I get banned for causing mass suicides

>> No.11172862

dude get a life, jesus christ

>> No.11172875

If XRP is a token, then XLM is.
And afaik XRP was always called a token.

Don't fall for the "b-b-b-but it's a COIN" marketing jew.

>> No.11172876

LINK is a meme and I'd say about half of LINK shills don't actually own any, they just like the memes because they are dank

$1000 EOY right guys

>> No.11172879

You do realise that if cryptokitties clogs up ETH so that's it not really usefull anymore. What would SWIFT do? Volkswagen doesn't rely on a different company, it's standalone.

>> No.11172888

They both are coins. It's not rocket science here. Jesus

>> No.11172893

>If ETH crashes, link is worthless
No. That's exactly why Link is a separate token.

Just look at the price action the past months, Link keeps doing pretty much the polar opposite of whatever ETH does.

>> No.11172902

link is not gonna be getting transacted 100000/s. It's not a micropayment token, doesn't need to be super fast. Payments can be paid in batches and most contracts/jobs will probably be longterm, the team already debunked that many times

>> No.11172906

ETH is only used for token traffic.
And Link token traffic can be batched for instance in case of long-term contracts.

And ETH has a bunch of developments in the pipeline to ramp up traffic.

>> No.11172922

Swift won't use Chainlink /w ETH.

>> No.11172961

But it isn't a seperate token. It's a contract under ETH.

Every transaction (contract) (payment through link) needs to be logged i guess, so every payment is a tx? How will link handle those and how many tps will they be able to do?

>> No.11172968
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>it's not a token, it's a token!

>> No.11172972

Hey guys I am from Papua New Guinea, and have been selling claims to my “oil” for years. I had a vision, I had a this , I had a that, I really did. It has been going great for me and my family, until this smart contract company came around. Now I cannot promise “this or that” to my investors. Fuck Sergey and fuck chainlink.

>> No.11172996

Yeah and a "seperate" token doesn't exist. So your post doesn't make sense in the first place

>> No.11172997

Y-yeah anon, I don't own any link..

>> No.11173009

>practically confirmed to be used by SWIFT
>practically confirmed
I have a theory. I believe that literally nobody on this board has any meaningful experience in R&D in any major corporation, government or institution.

I believe that nobody here actually understands how major institutions, test, PoC, contract or implement new technologies.

I believe that everyone here is incentivized to hope and dream that their tiny amount of early information about crypto is enough to help them become wealthy.

You have NO IDEA what SWIFT is thinking. Nothing that has a happened between them and LINK means anything at all in terms of a permanent, CONTRACTED business relationship.

You see a minor interaction and hope for the moon. This market is immensely immature.

>> No.11173011
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SWIFT is also no longer the most relevant player that might end up using Chainlink.

The trade war between America and China has been ramping up, and China along with Russia have decided to develop their own SWIFT variant.

Also sharding for ETH will come out in about 2-3 years, approximately at the time when smart contract real-world adoption will really start ramping up.

>> No.11173043
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Why would they need a contract?
CL is middleware. SWIFT is probably sitting on LINK like a chicken on an egg, to lay it. And end up using it, like you use toilet paper or a water stream to clean your ass after taking a dump. It's a nasty job, but someone's gotta do it.

>> No.11173056

i think we can conclude here that LINK is complete shit.

>> No.11173068

Based semantics argument.

>> No.11173083

If LINK is so good why has no place other than here really talked about it? 4chan isn’t some obscure website but only here and some Reddit posts ever talk about this coin
If it’s so good why are we the only ones yammering about it?

>> No.11173116

I’m guessing in your mind Swift, Accord, ZeppelinOs, openlaw, wef, ... don’t count?

>> No.11173118

nobody knows the exxact numbers at this point, if you think that link traffic itself will grind eth to a halt then... I hope you're right because that means I'm filthy rich when that happens.
Like I said payments will be batched, if the networks is getting slow contracts/jobs will be extended in time

>> No.11173123

Bump for asking a legit question

>> No.11173124

This are partnership announcements
You’d think with all that shit LINK would be on fucking CNBC right now but it isn’t

>> No.11173125

It literally doesn't even matter. You are talking about a fundamentally important infrastructural piece of a new system of value exchange that unlocks literally trillions of dollars of value.
The ONLY question is whether the Chainlink network works as intended. If it does, then SWIFT doesn't even matter. If it does, then SWIFT will be lucky to have access to Chainlink and not the other way around.

>> No.11173144

Just stop all of these never ending circle jerk threads. We already know we'll all be rich soon. Just someone tell me how many link tokens i need to retire? 10-20 million usd.

>> No.11173146

>you have no idea

Actually we do dumbass. They completed phase 1 of a POC. Stop being a retard

>> No.11173148

no marketing whatsoever.
/biz/ picked up on it, realized its potential, and began to take it up as its own. Facilitated (in no small part) by the massive amount of quality memes.

>> No.11173167

Why is there a need for a token, and why would the price rise if the transactions are free? Also, aren't you goint to need ETH do handle the transactions (the users of LINK, the companies)

>> No.11173169

I know right?
Only a matter of time i guess.

>> No.11173186

It hasn’t mainnet yet.

>> No.11173187
File: 67 KB, 404x341, 29F3B057-10FE-4425-B699-3562437F3AF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t need LINK to use the network why would the price rise?

>> No.11173199

Same goes for EOS, more txs than ETH still at 6$, because the coin is absolutly useless

>> No.11173201

the larger the bags, the sooner (making it), and inversely so. Time and making it amount is the relevant factor here, not so much the bags.

>> No.11173227

At least REQ with all its downfalls does something that would make it more valuable if people actually used it

>> No.11173232

there needs to be a token for payments and collateral (you as a node operator lock a certain amount in a contract in case you provide bad data)
the token's price will rise because of the above due to massively shrunk supply and people needing them to run nodes for income.

What do you mean transactions are free?
and yes, you'll need a tiny bit of eth in your wallet to send link but I heard there are some new features which allow you to pay the fee in the token you're sneding, similarily like exchanges charge link for withdrawal and not eth

>> No.11173254

But you don’t need LINK to run a node
Why would the price go up when you don’t need it to work?

>> No.11173262


>> No.11173271

you don't need it technically but you're also not gonna make any money if you cannot provide any collateral (in form of link), the more link you have staked for collateral purposes the more jobs you can take on, the more income, basicly compund interest more less

>> No.11173294

you are a MANIAC

>> No.11173312

fuck off you stupid cunt

>> No.11173316

>don’t need LINK to run node
>node gets used
>get LINK
>no need to buy any since you already got some and will get more
Why would the price increase?

>> No.11173321

I'm a brainlet so can you answer this...instead of internet tokens why can't USD be used?

>> No.11173333

ok, but in a normal scenario, collateral will never be used. Because, bad data and API's are RARE. I mean, if data gets entered into a smartcontract, does that cost ETH, because that's a tx?

>> No.11173335

Cause USD is the biggest shitcoin of them all

>> No.11173363

USD can't be held in an on-chain smart contract. It can be converted to LINK and back though, no prob. The smart contract would simply call upon another to do that and there you go; seamless conversion.

>> No.11173374

Top kek

>> No.11173438
File: 167 KB, 750x580, 335CEE86-5D8D-413F-B0D6-96C68C909223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because bitcoin cash is going to implement oracles itself.

>> No.11173451

1. Smartcontract creators using Chainlink will need to pay fees to node owners in $LINK tokens.
2. #Smartcontract creators will use nodes based on reputation and has LINK collateral value that equals to a portion of the contract

There is incentive to hold massive amounts of LINK within the node to accommodate high value smartcontracts such as bonds, derivatives etc...

I estimate 90% of the LINK supply will be for node operation. That leaves a 10% LINK circulating supply. This is just a small reason why people who understand what link is and does believe that Singularity is just around the corner.

>> No.11173452

yes, I'm sure you're ever gonna get any momentum providing some weather data, in 2 year maybe you will be elligible for a serious contract/job
>but why would muh price increase
I already told you, link has the best token economics in probably all of crypto yet haters like you try to convince everyone that 2+2=5.
Fucking ripple has a USELESS token/coin yet sits at $23B, please tell me more how Link with its token economics is not gonna go up lol.
Just don't buy dude, there is nothing more I can say

what do you mean collateral will never be used? you mean it will be never paid out? it doesn't matter, the whole point is that a shitload of tokens will be locked up as collateral shrinking the circulating supply. That's all that matters, people think that the amount of traffic/txs in crypto matters, like all the bitcoin haters bitching that it's not a currency hurr durr, none of that matters. Shrinking the circulating supply is the ONLY thing that matters because it makes a thing scarce and therefore expensive. as for your other question I believe yes, not sure how much that congests the network itself but ehtereum is not the only blockchain that's gonna be used for smartcntracts, many companies will probably prefer permissioned blockchains

>> No.11173455

I mean the thing that kind of keeps me up at night and the thing that gets me super excited is that right now someone in Papua New Guinea can discover oil, they can discover a natural resource, they can discover something of value. And within the current system they can make a bunch of promises that they know at the time they are making them they won’t have to keep because the legal infrastructure and banking infrastructure and all these things that are supposed to enforce their promises, they won’t. This is why a lot of folks who control resources, that really in terms of just terms belong to other people, make false promises right. So I really think in the future the really cool thing I think would be if someone gets a natural resource or someone gets a piece of a company or something that does belong to a larger group of people and instead of them going out and making a bunch of vague promises like we have a vision, we have a this, we have a that, instead of all these...all these wonderful nice terms to get the placate people into doing their will, they will...they will make a smart contract - Sergey Nazarov

>> No.11173473

If LINK truly is going to do that why isn’t volume almost completely 0 from rich fucks buying it all and just waiting?

>> No.11173483

Now you have to ask what is the hype on Chainlink? Why are there so many blockchain devs talking about it? Cause they understand the Oracle problem. In short, Smartcontracts aren't that smart and can't function without real world data. Chainlink is the best solution for this. Decentralized oracles are designed to bring data to that smartcontract. Hence why so many people within the blockchain world understand that ALL smartcontract platforms are useless without Chainlink.

>> No.11173492

Quads of misunderstanding. The collateral function is there to disincentivize the mishandling of data by oracles acting in bad faith. The issue isn't api's reporting bad data.

>> No.11173496

>if ethereum or bitcoin were gonna be so massive why were there 50c at some point in time?

>> No.11173505

The thing I don't understand is why we know about this, but others don't? If this is set to disrupt entire industries then why aren't there more people talking about this? I'm not talking redditors, I'm talking people who work in the industry, lawyers, businessmen, tech guys. Not gosner, but the kind of guys who work for gosner. If you worked heavily with contracts, maybe at a large company, wouldn't you be aware of threats to your job? There's a lot of people at the intersection of tech, law and finance. Where are they? How come a bunch of neets know more about the supposed future of contracts and exchange?

Look at all the mentions of link by random articles. It's almost always about being one of the many solutions to the Oracle problem, usually mentioned along oraclize and other shit. There's no recognition of potential or autistic dot connecting. Shouldn't there be some talk from knowledgeable people who work in the industry. Like the guys who made linkpool. Smart guys who see the potential, but not super rich insiders. Shouldn't there be more of them? This is more concerning to me than the lack of attention from popular crypto names. It's more telling, I think. I feel insane when I read about link here. Surely others would have noticed this shit?

>> No.11173506

That's like asking why didn't rich people boughte the whole btc supply, or ethereum supply. People don't take the risk or know about it. That's why most of us stay poor and work regular wagecuck jobs. Almost no one invests.

>> No.11173509

Those are different
Literally nobody saw BTC becoming what it became except autist techies and ETH caught on a helluva lot faster than this meme cube

>> No.11173542

This just gave you away, newfag. People thought for years ether was a shitcoin. It was discussed here on Biz, but enough people chose to ignore it.

>> No.11173547

so what dude if you don't wanna buy that's absolutely fine but I'm not a sheep to look at what others are doing, you're probably gonna fomo in at $5 and you will brag to your friends how much of a financial genius you are LMAO

>> No.11173558

In theory if one entity owned a majority of the link tokens, it would no longer be decentralized correct?

>> No.11173567

>Why are there so many blockchain devs talking about it?
Chainlink is notorious for being unknown outside of 4chan...

>> No.11173571


Because people are still stuck on the next "Ethereum Killer". EOS, NEO, TRX, XLM, TOMO, ADA, ZIL, ONT, XEM, WAVES, CRS, and the list goes on, probably about 50 more platforms.

Its so idiotic to me that people actually believe we need these many platforms to run a smartcontract economy. We need 1 or 2. that is all. All of those people that are invested in this eras Webportals (AOL, Lycos, MSN search and 50 others) are gonna go broke.

They don't know about Chainlink cause they aren't doing the research. That is so clear to me. I mean just look at people invested in NEO to get GAS. GAS is token that has limitless supply and is constantly being created. There is no value to that.

People just don't see it. I learned this from the dotcom era. People are still trying to invest in the next AOL. Sad really.

There is only one decentralized oracle solution right now.

For all those that question the validity of Chainlink I suggest to really deep dive and research.

This is your best chance and finding a 1000 coin at under $.50. No other token presents this opportunity.

>> No.11173575

>How come a bunch of neets know more about the supposed future of contracts and exchange?
because those guys are satisfied with their wagecuck jobs and don't even bother researching crypto, they think it's all a scam 100% (when in fact they are wrong because it's like 99%) meanwhile the neets are more inclined to research for the golden egg

>> No.11173578
File: 457 KB, 606x463, B547EB8D-A3FD-4D7A-A49D-BA77760CE612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH launched in 2015
>around 3 bucks
>one year in it was around 12
>LINK launched about a year ago
>started at 15 cents now 33

>> No.11173581

Should of brought Xrp linky stinkies

>> No.11173605

People buy and the price goes up, then people sell and the price goes down. People who sell think it will go down. People who buy think it will go up.

>> No.11173611
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>If ETH crashes, link is worthless

>> No.11173618

>started at 60 cents in 2015
>Didn't reach 3 dollars until 2016 February
>Reached around 10 dollars that year, and stayed at that price till 2017 (with several dumps)
> took off arround 2017 Q2

It seems you haven't done your research.

>> No.11173625


>> No.11173634

That makes it even more that it caught on before LINK
What has LINK done? Rode the coattails of Bitcoin and then shrunk back to only double?
ETH maintained being beyond a dollar

>> No.11173650

>What is market cap

>> No.11173651

Lol dude you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.11173664

>hurr durr muh marketcap
Literally pointless cause I want money not some fucking full value thing that means nothing to me

>> No.11173674

Then compare first price with first ath returns.

>> No.11173689

>he thinks riding BTCs coattails means LINK was bigger than ETH in the early days

>> No.11173716

Your linkys will stay stinky until 3-7 years from now. If you don’t understand this you haven’t been doing your research. But I still believe in the prophecy 10,000 eoy

>> No.11173723
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>> No.11173751

Horatio Hornblower hates hot ham.

>> No.11173753

>13 posts by this ID
Imagine being a faggot full time

>> No.11173767

Noope, didn't say or imply that.
I was helping you out with your little dilemma on how to compare two cocks for length.
You're the one pitting them against each other, while I simply don't give a fuck for the next couple of years.

>> No.11173779
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10000$ EOY

>> No.11173784

Yeah it's right, if ETH is gone tomorrow LINK is gone

>> No.11173796
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>> No.11173814

Yeah, doesn't exist, does it?

>> No.11173853

old fud holy shit
try harder

>> No.11173870

I'm not fudding, it's the truth, i'm getting laughed at for telling the truth.

>> No.11173930

Your an idiot.

Link is not tied to ETH. It can work with any blockchain, BTC and even hyperledger.

So, no, what you say is not the truth.

>> No.11173936

How are you going to send your tokens in ETH isn't working tomorrow?

>> No.11173964

Transfer and call function

>> No.11173970

Sorry those are ETH attributes

>> No.11174000

>This is just a small reason why people who understand what link is and does believe that Singularity is just around the corner.
The apocalypse is just around the corner, dude.

>> No.11174015

True. We dig way more here and are always early. Just be patient guys, we are going to have our day

>> No.11174037

>ico didn't use a smartcontract
need anyone say more?

>> No.11174041

I mean if there was a complete blackout and everything was shut down and destroyed in your end of world scenario. Then yeah, everything would cease to exist.

Your an idiot.

>> No.11174054
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>>11173970 >>11173964 >>11173936 >>11173930 >>11173870 >>11173853 >>11173796 >>11173784 >>11173779
you are all fucking retards

>> No.11174055

Jokes on you mother fucker

>> No.11174065

Volkswagen doesn't rely on a different company, it's standalone.
>you gotta be one dense motherfucker to believe that Volkswagen doesn't rely on different suppliers for the car parts they need

>> No.11174074

go fuck yourself nigger

>> No.11174080

No, if ETH doesn't work tomorrow, and Bitcoin and everything else does. You can't transfer your tokens, so LINK would be useless.


That's not the point

>> No.11174109

yes, and maybe the tooth fairy still comes to you.

Listen. how about describing in detail what you mean instead of saying "what if we wake up tomorrow and the sun is not there"

Look, in all the examples you could come up with LINK could migrate to another blockchain. So again, your an idiot.

>> No.11174139

I think it's kind of like blockchain mining resources. If one entity owns a majority of the hardware then it's not decentralized anymore, but it just hasn't really happened for an extended period, and when it has happened the majority holder didn't use their power maliciously.

However, I think it's a bit different here because as long as 100% of tokens aren't held by one entity users will always have a choice of different nodes whereas if a majority of mining resources are held by one entity they completely dictate the blockchain: users of that blockchain have no choice as to what version of it that they see.

Even if one entity holds 100% of the tokens the decentralization and trustlessness only completely collapses if they're operating literally one node, but that's no different from a centralized oracle which already exist on the market. Such action would put someone would claims to be wanting to operate a decentralized oracle node out of a job in a market where plenty of smart contracts are demanding a decentralized oracle.

>> No.11174142

If ETH has a popular app tomorrow that completly clogs up the network, and transfer takes days. LINK transfer takes days. That's the simple truth.

>> No.11174149

That anon was full of shit.
>I want to query the temperature right now in Dallas, TX.
>data available from 100 thermometers
>query a bunch of chainlink nodes that pull in data from 100 thermometers and return the average
wa la

>> No.11174174

Also, LINK couldn't migrate to BTC network. Maybe use data, but migrate, they could go to EOS, but they'd still be cucked

>> No.11174180

Well if it does, LINK will just port over to another blockchain then

>> No.11174202

sharding will fix that

>> No.11174235

Are you a fucking idiot? If markets gave a shit about fundamentals nothing would be overvalued or undervalued. A good investment is when you buy something that is undervalued because it is fundamentally more valuable than its market price. OP is naive because he's smart enough to see the value of chainlink but is surprised that people can be exposed to facts and reason and still not accept them. Chainlink is fucking highway robbery, everyone else in the market is buying hay for horses and we're buying oil because we're reading about this new guy Henry Ford.

>> No.11174236

in 2021

>> No.11174285


>> No.11174395
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Poetry Anon, poetry. /singularity/eoy

>> No.11174409

Why did you stop at "days". Why not years?

LIsten, The only thing I can see clog the network like that is a full blown smartcontract economy made possible because of LINK. And trust me, you want to be invested in the Cement company laying down freeways around the world even if it means those Freeways will have some serious traffic jams.

>> No.11174440

If there's one thing I've learned in 1.5 years in crypto it's that fundamentals mean nothing and normie hype means everything. Most of the shit in the top 20 is completely useless but they market themselves well. Chainlink doesn't market at all. Tiger mommy barely even associate with the project.

>> No.11174473

There's some things from the chainlink code that I like, but there shills are annoying. Go build something.

>> No.11174504

3 years of accumulating eth and link sounds good to me

>> No.11174517

>Chainlink is fucking highway robbery, everyone else in the market is buying hay for horses and we're buying oil because we're reading about this new guy Henry Ford.
From a technical standpoint is chainlink really that revolutionary and more importantly...is it feasible to pull off? I don't have a programming background so I'm a brainlet

>> No.11174531
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>> No.11174569

Look at the supply? This is worse than the xrp scam

>> No.11174593

you need it to transfer the data retard

fucking DYOR

>> No.11174614

Did you mean to say
>now is not the time for fomo. that comes later

>> No.11174631

wow no shit sherlock, who said otherwise?
please KYS

>> No.11174640

priced in

>> No.11174649

>From a technical standpoint is chainlink really that revolutionary
It's the only trustless oracle that has made significant progress toward completion.

>is it feasible
If you mean: is implementing it possible, then most likely? The concepts and algorithms (for reputation and aggregation) they outline for in the white paper seem sound. Try reading it, you can get the broad strokes even without any coding background.

>> No.11174656


it's difficult to gauge just how revolutionary chainlink will be in comparison to something like automobiles that run on oil, but understand that chainlink will revolutionize not just contracts but trust as an abstract concept in and of itself. when it comes to processing or fulfilling contracts chainlink is poised to make trust between parties entirely irrelevant. we cannot know just how revolutionary or far reaching this will be, but it should be evident that it has the potential to be world changing.

>> No.11174680

I just find it too good to be true that I am invested early into something that has so much potential.

>> No.11174681
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>> No.11174760

People have invested in things in the past based on fundamentals and made it, maybe that's you now.

>> No.11174762


look, you can either buy into the "if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is" meme so that you can potentially feel pragmatic and wise in the near future, or you can expose yourself to some risk and uncertainty in pursuit of something greater than yourself.

achieving wealth isn't some fairy tale ending. people become rich every day.

>> No.11174777

Umm it’s a token

>> No.11174808

And this is why you’ll be forever poor

>> No.11174819

>Volkswagen doesn't rely on a different company, it's standalone.
Most stupid post I have seen in a long time

>> No.11174919

Why are so many holders trying to help nolinkers understand? Just post dumb memes so they dont do any digging

>> No.11174935

Volkswagen actually imposes draconic penalties on their suppliers, so it's not that bad of an analogy. If VW can't deliver because of something happening in their supply chain, they WILL be compensated.

>> No.11175034

It still relies on different companies

>> No.11175091

they are building nodes.

>> No.11175503

They want to avoid being labeled as a security. So long as their product is not yet available, they won't market the token.

>> No.11175527

then sell. you obviously are too much of a brainlet to understand what you're buying. why would you buy something without understanding what you're buying?
I also have some snake oil to sell you.

>> No.11175624

Doesn't this contradict staking being profitable then?

>> No.11175651

Well, those """"partnerships"""" are 99,9% imaginary. Market is fine.

>> No.11175694
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>> No.11176539

>you don’t need LINK to run a node
You don't need a car to get places either, you can just walk.

You're a dumbass to be honest.

>> No.11176566
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>> No.11177640

Not a bad point
I think some of the fud is paid for

>> No.11177690
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>they still think utility tokens can make them rich


It's the dawning of a new era. We'll see where the value accumulates.

>> No.11178457

I wonder how many that anon held past $100.

>> No.11178471

>/biz/ has been sowing the seeds of chainlink's destruction
It's like suggesting a FUD campaign could stop the car from replacing the horse drawn carriage. The product Chainlink is aiming to create is so fundamentally important to the future smart contract economy that, as long as it works, it will be worth hundreds of billions of dollars even without a single cent of speculator money.

>> No.11178609

No one cares about how poor you are. If you haven't accumulated in a year, you aren't going to. Guess those McDonald's checks aren't rolling in quick enough are they anon?

>> No.11178683

because SWIFT is literal jews. XRP/XRapid the standard

>> No.11178692

you got scammed by a bot spammed shitcoin. take profits (or losses) and move on ffs

>> No.11178694

what a thread

>> No.11178696

How fucking new are you?

>> No.11178702
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Makes you wonder...

>> No.11178723

Chainlink hasn't even started advertising what they do yet. That's about to happen.

>> No.11178724

The scarab is a pretty potent symbol. Creation from nothing, rebirth, apotheosis, etc.

>> No.11178753
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>> No.11179781

There was a fud campaign during the rise of the car. They said it would be terrible because all the roads would have to be rebuilt and fuel stations would be needed everywhere and this would require supporting infrastructure which would be expensive etc. Also these cars are noisy and create dust and go faster than 10 mph!!! Sentiments change like how the French hated the Eiffel tower what an eyesore! But eventually accepted and adored in as a national treasure.
Read Latour's Aramis for more examples of fud. My favourite is how Satoshi is a financial rapist taking wealth away from people (provided bitcoin fails)

>> No.11179860

>practically confirmed
This tiggled me

>> No.11179928

when it's on the news you're too late bud

>> No.11180085


Based and redpilled.

>> No.11180934

Absolute Base

>> No.11181055


Stupid fucking linkies will never learn

>> No.11182070

Hold for as long as you possibly can anon, wait for another bubble to sell.

Don’t be Ronald Wayne.

>> No.11182090

You have a severe misunderstanding of LINK’s token economics. Read the whitepaper and ask Thomas questions, it’s too much to go over here.

>> No.11182150

It seems like a lot of you guys have a misunderstanding of what ‘blockchain agnostic’ means and the implications of LINK being an ERC token.

The LINK token is used to distribute value through the network. It’s only on the Ethereum network because chainlink doesn’t need a blockchain, so it doesn’t make sense to build one just for the LINK token. If Ethereum were to collapse for some reason, the LINK token would simply be redistributed via airdrop through another blockchain.

Blockchain agnostic means that an adapter can be built to make chainlink work on any blockchain. That being said, ChainLink was built with Ethereum as its native blockchain, so it might be affected by an Ethereum collapse, I don’t know. I’m sure the team could rework the code, but it would take work.

>> No.11182223

So basically ETH 4x in one year and chainlink 2x in a year.

ETH goes 100x from there

We go 100x from here we are still at 30$

>> No.11182280
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Boy, I'm happy you mentioned Henry ford. I love Henry ford.

If I was a chick in 1910 I would have wanted him to pump me full of sticky cum so I could have this mans baby.

A true Salt and Earth American

>> No.11182339

I want to send this post to my friends invested in these shitcoins but I'd prefer to roll up to their homes in a Lambo with my boyfriend sucking me off from the passenger seat

>> No.11182341
File: 287 KB, 400x414, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for explain it to us retards, Anon, it's appreciated. Posts ilke this always remind me why I've bought LINK and hold it.

>> No.11182393

its the egyptian prince of darkness seth, god of transformation, powerful wizard

powerful indeed

>> No.11182505

Now that is a fine example of a true /biz nessman. Once we make it with link we can divert our energy into exposing the Jews as well.