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1116722 No.1116722 [Reply] [Original]

Ex-retail, now full time independent FX trader here.
Made 132K GBP last year with minimum effort.
1-3 risk to reward ratio as standard.
I'm not shilling or selling any "systems".
Advice and anecdotes freely given.
Ask me anything.

>> No.1116725

gib monie in bitcoin


>> No.1116728

I'd like to do this. Where do I start? I have around 80k usd in starting capital and will blow my brains out if I stay at my current job another year.

>> No.1116732

Bitcoin is old news, it's had it's day. There are far more sophisticated crypto-currencies out there.
Not that I would touch any of them.

>> No.1116741

80K is a good amount of money to have but not if it's your only savings..
I wouldn't risk it on the forex markets, too much could go wrong.
Property is your best bet, until you have some spare cash you could bear losing.

>> No.1116769
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what is your average rate of return?

>> No.1116773

>far more sophisticated crypto-currencies out there.

Do they begin with 'E' and end with 'thereum'?

>> No.1116795

How do I learn?
I have quite low amounts of money
i live in 3rd world shithole

>> No.1116816

Where is a good place to learn how to make a forex strategy? I know pretty everything I need to know about basic forex trading. I just need help figuring out how make better predictions but not hand holding, just a starting point to understanding movement in the forex market. How can I tell if I'm buying or selling at the end of peaks and dips? Seems like I buy and shit falls, I sell and shit goes up.

>> No.1116896

would you touch GBP/PLN?

>> No.1116905
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I'll bet you got some bud wild spreads for such things

>> No.1116917

How do you get started? What books and resources do you recommend for a beginner?

What is you main trading strategy? Technical, fundamental or a mix of both?

What time frames do you use?

And what do you think about day trading vs swing vs longer term?

>> No.1116920
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fundamentals are worthless. and just let the computer do the work. hell, it's 2016. ive personally never even tried trading manually

>> No.1116953

How do you let the computer do it? Mirror trading?

>> No.1116967
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Yeah i guess you can call it mirror trading, or whatever. I dont have a software that learns by itself lel, that's some more advanced stuff. I've once seen that stuff in test action tho. Those kinds of softwares are starting to get more popular too I guess. But yet most individuals test and optimize their strategies and simply use computer for implementing the trades by the set rules

>> No.1116972

Show us your account history for the last 30 days. Then we can talk business.

>> No.1116991

did you use your own system or did you purchase one?

>> No.1117013

I have currently been looking into this and i got a friend that says hes making $100 a day. How hard is it to do that? I want to start of with $500, is that enough?

>> No.1117044


>> No.1117315

looks like OP bailed