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11164448 No.11164448 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so stupid? The system is fucked and out dated? Why get in debt with thousands of dollars for your tuition to make around 60k+ Even if it were 90k, When
now a days you can literally just invest 10k and be making 100k yearly and grow year after year endlessly why fucking limit yourself to a yearly salary?
Help me understand, and also, why are there rich people that go back to school? Does life really get that boring? I think those people lack creativity, thoughts?

>> No.11164473

I also dont get why people have kids when they cant afford them. I find it hard to sympathize with people who struggle with money but also decided to have children

>> No.11164476
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risk tolerance. all these people actually believe their shitty jobs will provide them a semblance of safety and stability. it's sad, really.

>> No.11164477

shouldve just bought some BTC like damn lol just press a button LMAO

>> No.11164716

This. Take me for example - studied comp sci to be outsourced 2.5 years in on my first project. Doing my own stuff now. These teachers need to specialize in private tutoring where the real money is made. For good or bad you can't be a passive spectator in life anymore and get somewhere good.

>> No.11164826


Most of these poor people that get children are just a way to make sure that they have to someone in the future to take care of them when they become old fucks. These parents don't care that you will get bullied for wearing cheap clothes at school, they don't care about your nutrition and buy you cheap and shitty food like McDonald's, they don't care that you won't get your first car at 16, they don't care that you don't go on trips with friends because you can't afford it. They see you like cattle. You are just their future servant that will wipe their asses when they are 80+ and weak to do it themselves.

>> No.11164840

You are absolutely right and its sad thats where a powerful thing called perspective comes in, Ive offered friends opportunities that only come once in a lifetime and their reply “but is it stable?”
Next thing you know they got fired of what they thought was a “stable job” and who knows how much time passed after he got another job, which payed him equal or less, which is sad cause I offered them the knowledge to not be able to get fired and write his own checks, but he will never know, you can give people all the answers but they choose to remain dumb.

Im studying psychology not because of the pay but to understand stuff.

>> No.11164847

My mom basically said this when asked why she had so many kids on 25k a year

>> No.11164866

How much sjw bullshit do you have to deal with studying psychology in uni though?

>> No.11165192

>implying poor fasgs think that far ahead

>> No.11165320

>says the person who is down 90% from December

>> No.11165395

how do you retards not understand how flawed this logic is... you're all delusional thinking you're not going to be in the same boat. you're the exact people trump targeted. Stupid, angry, and "temporarily" poor.

>> No.11165529

>doesn’t understand how the jews focused the entire economy against white men.

>> No.11165586

>be me
>be attorney
>invest most my money
>currently have $350K invested in stocks/mutual funds
>earn $18K in capital gains and dividends every year
>reinvest all
>without adding another $ outside of reinvestments, my portfolios should grow to $1M in 10 years
>tfw I can be a complete NEET in 20 years regardless


>> No.11165605

oh my god this is dumb it hurts.

>> No.11165611

Yeah everyone should just quit their jobs and invest in the market. That would totally work!

>> No.11165639

>literally just invest 10k and be making 100k yearly
>tfw 40k invested in tax free mutual funds with bank
>going up slow as shit
literally how

>> No.11165645

>being a demoshit

Based Trump is why our economy is outstanding right now anon

>> No.11165658

compounding interest creates a snowballing effect. over time it will get quicker and quicker and grow exponentially. the more you have, the more it works for you and so on. the only issue is to decide when to relax and spend some of those gains

>> No.11165745
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I like the term you used, “snowball effect” I use that a lot, some people cant visualize nor understand it.

>> No.11165761

Nice pic bro, it's the truth.

>> No.11165770

>open mutual funds Jul 20 2017
>started investing about $2500/month Oct 30 2017 to now
I guess I'm just being impatient. The compounding reinvestments have been shit though. With one anomaly being $138.52 reinvested (weird because my investment at that point was very low, and it was early on), the other 3 have been reinvestments of under $50.00. I guess I just have to wait though.

Do you add funds past the point of it being tax-free? Not really sure what to do since I just maxed out.

>> No.11165931

School is cool if you want to learn in depth the topic or thing you love doing in life

>> No.11166215


Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.11166233

that is the opera home screen background

>> No.11166236


Guarantee she lives in SF

>> No.11166247
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>salty that he didn't short the top

>> No.11166278

>go to college and get in debt
>dont go and read up on stuff you need for a project online

>> No.11166571

My bank gives about 3% return, how are you getting 5%? What do you invest in?

>> No.11166692

Let me guess. She's divorced? Oh.....

>> No.11166754
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What kind of opportunities have you offered them? One anon on /biz/ was talking about how there was a hiring event in midland TX for the oilfields, >$70k annual and they were hiring any warm body that passed their way, but I passed it up because no money to get to odessa and I was scared I wouldn't have enough energy to keep up.

>> No.11166963

great argument, pat yourself on the back with this one

>> No.11166982

because when people get a certain age, they want to have children despite circumstances in life. That's the way it's been for thousands of years

>> No.11166983

>Why get in debt with thousands of dollars for your tuition to make around 60k+

Because college is a financial scam that targets young 17 and 18 year olds who do not understand the kind of commitment they are making and/or are sold on false promises of future income. They make the decision because the system does everything in its power to make it so.

Look at the marketing they have. Kids are sold on the idea from day 1 that they need to go to college to get a good job. And the shitty part is it's true. As much as 4chan likes to shill muh trades, more and more jobs are getting gated behind college degrees. In particular low level leadership jobs that people used to work their way into (ie lowest level supervisor) are getting gated behind college degrees. Shit's killing mobility.

>> No.11166986

How do you invest 10k and make 100k yearly???

>> No.11167029

He's lieing

>> No.11167102

Teaching is one of the highest paid profession in the country.
>average salary $52k/year
>only work 9 months per year
>5 hour days because they get a 2 period break and reuse lesson plans year after year
>$52k/9 months = $5700/month
>$5700/4 weeks/25 hours = ~$60/hour

>> No.11167134

Kids are worth it

>> No.11167167

this. and they baby you into yours 20s to encourage you to be dependent on them just to ensure you stay.

>> No.11167205

1 should be at home raising children, your causing inflation by your value transfer in tax

2 you voted democrat for big gov some one has to pay the bureaucrats

3 your not white

4 poor life choices

>> No.11167253

Shit bro. You spent 4 years in college studying comp sci to get your job outsourced? Tough luck. Why dont you go back to school and study something in the health care field? Thats safe for now

>> No.11167268

I actually feel so lucky.

When I started college, the state of Florida had a program that paid 100% of tuition. But it had a budget freeze and tuition kept rising every. In my senior year, it only paid 50% of my tuition.

Graduated with $27k I debt. Paid it off with my first year's stock grant from work and still had some left over.

I guess I just got lucky? Got a cushy job as a software engineer at a big FAANG+M company.

Making $250k/yr at current stock prices.

>> No.11167305

> why are there rich people that go back to school? I think those people lack creativity
I agree with the thoughts behind the rest of your post, but this part lost me. Why would you NOT want to learn new things with the spare time you have from not wagecucking? Sure, there are other things you can do, but investing time into expanding your education is a form of self-improvement much like lifting, pursuing a creative hobby, or travelling are. I hate universities for the most part, but is it that hard for you to imagine that someone might want to devote their time to going back to studying one of the sciences to try and further humanity? Or business and finance so that you can build a legacy on your wealth? Or what about working towards studying something like plumbing / electricity / horticulture? I'd say that you're the one who lacks creativity desu.

>> No.11167307

I went to a CS program that was not bad but definitely below what's needed to prepare for top tech interviews.

I used CS textbooks about a year after graduating to relearn algorithms and data structures and operating systems and then interviewed at Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

I dual-majored in math, though, which i feel helped me understand the proofs in the cs textbooks. Not because of any math-specific knowledge, but mostly so I could feel comfortable following proofs .

>> No.11167315
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1523298716942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need mo' money for education, let's vote for more grants, scholarships, and money for public colleges and also anybody with no credit should be able to go into 6 figures of unforgivable debt at age 18 before their prefrontal cortex is even developed yet
>Colleges suddenly realize that students have an influx of huge amounts of free or easy money and charge more for books and tuition because they can
>wtf why is the price of college going up, the government needs to step in and gib mo money fo dem education programs n sheeit
>Elected Democrats gib mo money to colleges
>Suddenly, every 18 year old in the country has access to even more free or easy money
>Every college realizes they can charge more for tuition, books, lodging etc because they can without any impact on enrollment
>Education quality flatlines or goes down and the money just gets pissed away on stupid shit like new buildings and landscaping and on staff salaries
>Wtf why can't I get a job with my sociology degree my professor told me to follow my heart and the money will magically follow
>God damn fucking Republicans hate education, they got us into this mess
>Rinse and fucking repeat

>> No.11167330

Ah what a difference location makes. Just up north in Vancouver I graduated a software engineer and making $60,000 CAD a year is normal. The benefits I have match 12% in invested company assets. School is cheaper but fuck this place. What's your salary? Entry level position?

>> No.11167339

This depends on the state and how many years you've been working. The average isn't very accurate. Not to mention it doesn't account for living costs. One thing is certain though, teaching does afford you a solid middle class lifestyle, not upper middle but at least middle.

>> No.11167443

Living costs shouldn't be a factor because you make more in rich places and less in poor places, but the woman in the op Pic is seriously fucking something up. Probably only making interest payments on $100k of debt because she went to school out of state for le experience

>> No.11167496

Teaching is quite lucrative if you work in an area with strong unions. Teachers in Boston and the Philly suburbs clear 100k, with cushy pensions

>> No.11167503

Good one NPC, good theory, it was the Jews, not white people who hate you.

inb4 "the jews made white people hate me as a white person, not my fault and no that doesn't make whites NPC's just because Jews can trick 99% of whites so effortlessly like cattle."

>> No.11167509

>The average is not accurate
It is, unless you live in some poor, right-to-work states. Teachers in the Northeast clear six figures

>> No.11167566

This is the advice that young, impressionable people get from the elders and authority figures in their lives.
>you're not special or remarkable in any way
>go to college (don't wanna be flip-pin' burgers)
>you're always gonna have a boss
>get a good, stable job
>compete in the tank with all the other fish
People that are in the place to make a lifelong impression on others have dismal outlooks and defeatist attitudes about success.. possibly linked to their own struggles, possibly linked to whatever they heard from "experts" on some cable tv show.

>> No.11167590

Pretty much this.

Nobody becomes successful doing what every single normie already does.

>> No.11167611

The problem with poor people isn't their income, but their spending.

>> No.11167695
File: 157 KB, 409x409, pepe-npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the advice that young, impressionable people get from the elders and authority figures in their lives.
>you're not special or remarkable in any way

A lot of children are spoiled by their parents though. If they didn't get special snowflake syndrome from being excessively coddled by their parents, they get it from the media they consume. A lot of stories in video games, anime, and books promote the idea of the underdog becoming successful. This in part is responsible for fueling this epidemic.

These spoiled kids with huge egos refuse to be judged by any standard and see every authority figure as an enemy. Because they think themselves as geniuses who would succeed when given the chance, they will never see their shortcomings and flaws until much later in life than others.

>> No.11167697

My mom went as far as to sabotage my career so I'd be forced to move back in with her.

>> No.11167727

Florida Prepaid?

>> No.11167738

amen, brother

>> No.11167763 [DELETED] 

You pay for Florida prepaid. He is talking about bright futures

>> No.11167799

teacher here. Let me explain the stat you pulled most likely from /pol/.

I worked in a non-union and union state.

The southern state i worked in was a right to work state, and you were seriously treated like garbage. Schools have a hard time.poaching good teachers and offering higher pays because if you didnt resign before May they threaten to petition the state to take away your teaching license for a year which makes a permanent mark on your record. Also, going back to your stat, those stats NEVER account for cost of living. teachers in DC make $50k starting and will NEVER see higher than $65k in their entire career in a non-union stat

I moved to a union state, and many of the shit that non-union states did, it would NEVER fly.

If they want to save the teaching profession,they need to allow poaching of teachers from school districts. If this were possible there would be no need of a union The worst thing an admin has to deal with would be havig no certified teacher to teach a class mid-year.

Also i wrote all this on my phone so i apologize for any errors. I know you jerks will hold me to a high standard.

>> No.11167803

Trump is truly a poir mans idea of a rich person, has no class and has made actually rich magnates laugh/cringe at him for decades before memes and liberal stupidity got him in the WH.
I mean Trump steaks at the Sharper Image? Come on...

>> No.11167813

I was not spoiled as a child, I do not come from rich parents, I did not borrow a small loan of a million dollars from my parents, nor have i ever gotten a loan from the government, the little help my parents offered me i told them to give to my sister instead, she studies medicine so now would be a good time to say; nothing wrong with school, I just think you dont need to devote 1/3+ of your life to become something, I tell her i better never see her get that miserable ass face doctors get

>> No.11167837

teacher here. those are union states. rest of the US, teachers get treated like shit and paid shit.

PA, NY, MI, MA, &CA only union states

>> No.11167839

Good point. The "you're special for.... ...? and don't ever forget it" philosophy is even worse than the old "nail that sticks out gets hammered" one.

There is a fine line between enabling the worst in a kid because they "have potential to be something great" and enabling them to grow stronger and realize their true potential.

The perpetually misunderstood underdog super genius state of mind leads to so many levels and layers of conflict that people who can't break out of their heads just drop out of society instead.

>> No.11167848

made a mistake..not MI...meant IL. MI union got fucked years ago, and they lost their members and turned right to work state.

>> No.11167858

yeah but no way we actually need unions, they're anti-american communism blah blah free market bullshit blah
It hurts seeing them erode and thus our workers' rights and benefits too erode

>> No.11167862

Checked. Gonna spend all weekend saving up feces to throw at my boss.

>> No.11167866

Teacher here (8th grade math). Yeah the school treats me, its staff, like shit, but it's a shit job. I don't consider this much fucking higher than something like McDonald's, so I'm really not surprised. You babysit teenagers all day (i.e. house-trained children that van already speak and walk). Stop complaining.

>> No.11167872

Maybe he means 10k to get certified in something like Oracle to get a job.

>> No.11167887

you mean have private organization paid for by individuals, by their own choice, to collectively negotiate contracts outside of government interference? doesnt really sound like communism to me.

The corporate welfare recieving kikes are the ones that strengthened unions.

>> No.11167910

>poor people
>thinking ahead
>this random dude came in me, now I'm pregnant, oops whatever I'll keep it lol

>> No.11167921

It loses corporations money and makes life better for everyone
if that's not anti american socialist communism I don't know what is.

I hate this stupid anti union propaganda and what's worse people have bought into it hook, line, and sinker. I get openly chastised for bringing them up anywhere, people are extremely obedient dogs for the rich douchebags feeding them scraps from the table.

>> No.11167937

That's more than half the states. Not everyone can live in the Northeast where they overpay teachers. This is why the average is misleading, because it's taking into account +15 year plus teachers in union states, which are a clear outlier. The average starting salary is ~32-40K.

>> No.11167941

i think you misunderstood what i said there.

Im actually saying if corporate welfare didnt exist, it wouldnt have given reasons for a union to exist. But because theyre greedy lobbyists that people dont care to mention, unions need to exist.

>> No.11167943
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ohiofag here

uncle is teacher non union school

makes 60kyear prob been a teacher 15-20 years idk he went into teaching str8 out of uni

lives in a small town
seems like he's doing fine

every school I went to my teachers bitched about pay but they're making 40-60k likes it's nothing

teachers get paid fine if they are butthurt they aren't compensated in scale with their cost of living maybe seek a new profession or move

>those teachers making 50k in a low cost of living state bitching about anything

>> No.11167972
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I was thinking about this today, the whole system is fucked but not in the way the article probably implies. How does society get away with grooming people into putting themselves in these situations?
>yeah just take out loans go to college for a practical major and do decently and you'll get a job ez
I know literally nobody who had this experience unless they got their job through nepotism, in fact one of my friends had the second highest GPA out of everybody in his major and took 6 months to get a job because he didn't find any internships. Nobody talks about how to actually find jobs. I got lucky I majored in computer engineering (selected randomly out of available STEM majors when they asked at orientation because I didn't know what to do) and autismo'd career and finance stuff online after failing to get an internship my first year since my career center, parents, and professors were completely useless. I got lucky and had my parents pay most of my college bills too. Imagine people have all of the authority figures in their life unironically lead them to believe it's worth it to pay for a private school with loans for some job with 45k starting.

On the other hand even though people like to shit on degrees nowadays, they are pretty much the only set requirement for a lot of jobs. I think for most people interested in those the best approach is probably to do community college->state school. The valid part of "degrees are bullshit" is that you don't really need to learn most of the shit for your job in school and the real value of colleges is socialization and networking - not something worth going into retarded amounts of debt for, and state schools are pretty reasonably priced. You HAVE to know what kind of job you're going to get and be familiar with job postings and requirements though. If I could go back and do one thing differently I would look up job postings my freshman year and structure my electives based on that.

>> No.11167988

what you do for that job along with expectations is the reason. Your uncle is most likely burned out and is coasting without doing anything new in his curriculum.

If it were in a factory or you were in sales, then your performance can easily be measured by sales or quality control.

Now imagine working in a factory, and the part going down the line youre responsible for now has the freedom to say, "dis shit be wack...I aint doin dis shit. fuck you!". You are also given no support to fix the bad part. Now youre just an "over paid" worker who just needs to stop complaining and work harder. Its all your fault.

Thats the teaching profession in a nutshell.

>> No.11168080

>people thinking a degree in the study of a particular subject is equivalent to 4 years of vocational training
Another problem of many. Also, wtf is with american college tuition. The CC I got to in leafland has a tuition of like 6k leafbucks per year (not including books and other stuff). The american equivalent is like 16k for tuition and then they have to pay like 1k a month to share a bedroom with 3 others and living in the dorms is mandatory for students.

I may not be a rich fellow but at least I have no student loans lol

>> No.11168117

That's because there's a modicum of moderation needed for unions, it's bad if there's none and the state abuses the employee; it's bad if there's one and it abuses the taxpayers or even its own members. Unions in, say, Illinois are just as much of a problem as no-unions in a place like Georgia, but for their own separate reasons.

>> No.11168130

The guy is assuming he'll get 11% compounded (turning $350,000 into 1,000,000 in 10 years), which is quite a bit more than 5%. He's getting his return through investing in the stock market. With what I assume his salary is an a lawyer, he'll easily hit $1M in 10 years time if you add in new money he saves from his salary.

>> No.11168137

>t. knows exactly what black "students" are like

checking those dubs too

>> No.11168146

Yep. I read the article last week and it's shitty journalism. Without offering an opinion of whether teachers are underpaid or fairly paid, the teachers in the article are very shitty with money and you have to wonder if people that stupid should be teaching anybody anything.

>> No.11168179

>You are also given no support to fix the bad part.
What you're supposed to do is flunk the nigger. Don't want to learn the three R's? F for you nigger and you get to repeat the class next year.

>> No.11168184

literally blame burger boomers for both things, the current fucked college system and people not realizing whats wrong with it before its too late. I think millennials are generally going to try to have a much more nuanced view of their kids careers and educations compared to the previous generation because shits fucked.

>> No.11168218

doubt he's burned out because he doesn't teach in a shitty school.

I'm sure he does coast on it though, who doesn't after doing the same job for that long?

your argument gets flushed down the toilet with simple supply and demand

more people want to be teachers than teaching positions. cry more. people need to realize their professions are more than just a job and is a lifestyle and need to consider wages before picking. I didn't pick my career based off what I "love to do"

I picked it off of a balance of what I don't mind doing and pays me a satisfying wage

>> No.11168240

Where you live and where you work is 100% your choice and is not accounted for in any salary statistics. Making over 50k/year for a part time job that only requires a Batchelors degree is pretty top tier desu. I don't even have anything against it, I just don't like hearing about how teachers are underpaid when they're statistically some of the highest paid workers.

>> No.11168254

I wish we could, but teachers dont make policy, my friend.

In the first hood school i worked at we would get memos saying not to write up black kids as the suspension rate makes the school look racist.

We were also never allowed to give a student less than a 50. You can do absolutely nothing for a 50.

At the end of all of this, we werent allowed to transfer to a new school. We also could not look for a new job at a school in another district, because those jobs get posted in June or July. We would get our teaching license suspended for a year, if you tried to resign on or after june. Now your stuck...shit pay, shit people, shitty life.

Thankfully i moved back to my home state to be near family, which is a union state. Now i like what I do.

>> No.11168256

Its always the same sob story. Women and minorities most affected. Fucking learn how to make a budget dummy.

>> No.11168294

Ah, the turkey problem

>> No.11168318

False. All of it on your shitty theory of supply and demand.

There is a massive shortage of teachers because the profession is severely under paid with what you have to do. Google it. Districts dont like to tell you why there is a shortage, because they know the teaching profession sucks balls for the majority. The coushey teachers youre thinking of is like comparing CEOs to office grunts. The teachers that are getting paid bank are the left over baby boomers. The millenials are not picking uo their scraps.

Pensions now need need to be paid 5 % by the employee. There is no free lunch anymore.

Youve never worked a day in the profession, have no clue how the system works, and spray out diarhea non sense with zero facts.

If youre so jelous of these teachers, tyrone needs a teacher. go teach.

You may work 9 months, but your life is to that school.

>> No.11168331

If there are better working conditions you should move. If you don't then you are accepting what is available in your area. But what all of you are ignoring is that teaching is only a part time job. My contention is that makes the profession highly paid, but if you can't make ends meet then you should start working full time like everyone else.


>> No.11168377

not a part time job. Working 9 months is like nurses and other jobs who work 4 days on 3 days off.

You still need professional development hours (180)to keep your license. You take home your work. in some cases it is a literally a 13+ hour job, especially when youre forced to do extra clubs without stipends. Now youre also working all day on weekends for those events.

It is not a 9-5 job where your work stays at work.

>> No.11168411

>be good at science, math, writing etc
>go be a teacher for food stamps or go work for du pont, IBM, the media for the big bucks
This is why talent has left education.

>> No.11168419

pubic school teachers make like 100k in cali. reading cat in the hat to kids and making insane amounts of money.

>> No.11168451

false. They received steps and are most likely working in a very high cost of living area.

San Fran teachers starting salary is $50k-$55k minimum and are even offering down payment assistance (not free money) on a house just so they can hire certified teachers and retain them.

They would most likely need to work for 15-20 years before even seeing 100k.

>> No.11168466

Then nursing is a part time job too. 180 hours of personal development works out to like 3.5 hours per week. How long it takes to to grade papers and do lesson plans is entirely dependent on you but it could easily be streamlined with things like scantrons, reusing/modifying existing lesson plans, prep periods, etc, but it probably depends on the subject. If you're working inefficiently then sure it can be a lot, but that's on you, not the system.

>> No.11168569

no clue what youre talking about. Not worth the argument.

The fact you even mentioned scantron shows how out of touch your are with the educational system k-12.

4days on 3 days off is not a part time job when youre working 12 hours a day idiot, do the math. You must be one of those people who walk around with your head so far up your ass, you have shit stains on your chest.

>> No.11168582

i live in a shitty part of california where the median household income is 36k but teacher salaries are all nearing or above 100k.

>> No.11168685


If she works that much and can only cover "bills" there's a 98% chance she fucked up badly somewhere.

>> No.11168704

ur mom gay

>> No.11168720

Teachers shouldn't exist. Parents should educate their children. And skilled trades men should teach job skills. Modern Teachers should be a minimum wage position.

>> No.11168722
File: 246 KB, 777x759, 1482559062449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not jealous of teachers I don't give a fuck and my uncle is perfectly satisfied with his profession so much so my cousin (his son) is going to be a teacher as well

stay butthurt youre in some inner city school district though

>> No.11168724

and youre not teaching there? why not?

Come on, 100k. look what people are saying...its soooo easy.

>> No.11168751


then why the fuck do you still do it faggot

>> No.11168764

It requires being a legitimate liberal though. How would the op fake that?

>> No.11168787

The year I was going to resign, I got lucky on finding out about a job opening in one of those better school districts. So I stayed. Not many can have that, those are who I am arguing for because I completely get their situations.

>> No.11168821

100% this too. Thanks, anon.

>> No.11168824

Too many bad memories of school. Would trigger my ptsd to go back into that environment.

This. It's a bullshit jobs program basically that creates nothing of value.

>> No.11168924

Teachers don't work 12 hour days (maybe 6) and and have summers off. Scantrons are basically what all my teachers used after 6th grade for everything besides essays.

But at the end of the day, even if we assume that everything I claim was 100% false and what you claim 100% true, teaching is a chosen profession and anyone who doesn't like it isn't being forced to do it. If you choose to enter a profession that has shit pay then you want shit pay.

>> No.11169088
File: 132 KB, 838x442, screenshotAtUploadCC_1537597410191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now a days you can literally just invest 10k and be making 100k yearly and grow year after year endlessly why fucking limit yourself to a yearly salary?

>> No.11169132

>OP confusing NPC for actual "people"
>OP confusing himself for an actual person

>> No.11169392

Ruined the person credited with saying it

>> No.11169582


>> No.11169590

>missing the point

nobody is talking about trump dude

>> No.11169601


Never gonna make it

>> No.11169608

Assholes complain about everything. Give the world and they will still find something to complain about.

>> No.11169621


>in 20 years

Sounds terrible tbqh

>> No.11169826

are any of you guys starting to realise just how fake and bullshit so many of these jobs are? This is what we get when we live in a consumerist debt based system. we deserve to suffer

>> No.11169936


well thanks for that red pill suppository.

didn't realise i could fit so many up my ass sideways but more than a few have been shoved in there this year.

>> No.11170188
File: 98 KB, 1024x419, children_bad_for_climate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes good goys do not have children

>> No.11171337

Not that anon, but Florida prepaid is easy mode

>> No.11172519
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180910_183104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that sucks, I moved away a few weeks ago to study agriculture and mine keeps fucking calling me up and complaining at me that I should come back, for no reason

>> No.11172604

Buy Safex.

>> No.11172956

I know, I'm very glad I have it thanks to my parents. I still have no idea how I'm going to pay for cost of living stuff though

>> No.11173155
