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File: 720 KB, 1200x1306, oomerchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11159573 No.11159573 [Reply] [Original]

We have completed the set, we have boomers, zoomer, doomers, and bloomers. Post memes here

>> No.11159588

wtf I am the bloomer now

>> No.11159595


>> No.11159616


>> No.11159642

why does the libertarian left wojak have a lyric from a song sung by the wehrmacht

>> No.11159787

you'll trigger the /pol/tards

>> No.11159802

they live in a constant state of triggered, it's impossible to untrigger them

>> No.11159803
File: 210 KB, 1409x1600, 55639337-C19A-4ADE-9D22-A98AE1E98F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast of champions

>> No.11159817

enjoy your watered down bowl of Jesus flesh

>> No.11159819

there is no such thing as a 'libertarian left'.

>> No.11159844

fuck off ancap

>> No.11159859
File: 153 KB, 785x562, 45541995-71D8-4066-843E-76B65C8C459D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I do

>> No.11159869

the top right half of the libertarian left square does exist, but I would agree with you that the bottom left half is an oxymoron.

>> No.11159870

small government progressives? i could have sworn one of those ran for president... bernie something...

>> No.11159874
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>> No.11159875
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you know it's true

>> No.11159926

Bernie was an authoritarian gun grabber who also wanted close borders because "RAH WE CANT HAVE PEOPLE WORKING FOR 2$ AN HOUR", who thought Julian Assange and Edward Snowden needed to be punished, and who wants everyone to be indoctrinated even more in education. His only actual liberal position was to decriminalize marijuana, big whoop.

>> No.11159928

>actually believing in ancap
Go to Somalia, the haven of libertarians.

>> No.11159935


>> No.11159965
File: 20 KB, 500x281, maduro eating banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to its neighbours somalia fared far better under "anarchy" / civil war than it would have under single government rule - and oh by the way: the state somalia is in is a direct result of its previous marxist government.

>> No.11160015

Fine, you go live in an ancap country like Somalia while I live in a social democratic country such as Denmark, Germany, Japan and such.
You know deep down that Social Democracy is the only good system, and ancap is a delusion.

>> No.11160040
File: 37 KB, 640x360, med_1488423767_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More bloomer memes plz, I finally see a feel I know in that one.

>> No.11160043

Somalia isn't doing any better than its neighbors, as far as I know it probably is the worst country to live in right now, anarchy just isn't a solution for a system.

>> No.11160047

No social democracy has ever worked without a market economy. Even the danish prime minister has said they're a market economy, and they've had to continually scale back their welfare state. Make blanket statements all you like, but all facts are on our side.

>> No.11160097

Social democracy implies a market economy with regulations. Which empirically works, meanwhile, if you look at the facts/history you'll realize that all the greatest economic crashes (in the US) have happened due to deregulations on the market, again, ancap just doesn't work, it never did in the modern world and it never will.

>> No.11160115


>> No.11160134

>Social democracy implies a market economy with regulations
No it does not. Those social democracies you listed don't even have a minimum wage.
A crash is a good thing, its like taking sour medicine before you become ill. The real problem is socialism causing massive bubbles such as in the stock market now, tuition, or housing.

>> No.11160188


>> No.11160234

those countries I have listed are filled with laws and policies to protect the individuals, social democracy is a capitalist system in which individual rights are more important than corporate profits.
Under all metrics of evaluation of well being you can see that Scandinavian countries (+ Jap/SK) are doing the best, their middle class is strong and healthy and there is little to no poverty. Meanwhile, if you look at an ancap system, the corporate profits are way more important than individual rights, in fact, in an ancap system there simply are no individual rights, you're born rich or get fucked. What you get is a weak middle class, lots of poverty, and a roller coaster economy.

Ancap is a delusion, it never worked in a modern country and it never will.

>> No.11160277

"Social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy."

>> No.11160306
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>those countries I have listed are filled with laws and policies to protect the individuals
Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism does not mean no laws.
>Under all metrics of evaluation of well being you can see that Scandinavian countries
Switzerland is the second most prosperous nation in the world at the moment, and the most libertarian.
Norway is ahead only because of inflation and bubbles created by government. Norway reminds me exactly of Japan in the 1980s.
>Blanket statements
Every graph you can think of shows libertarianism being the best. There's no other way to explain why they are so prosperous.

>> No.11160775
File: 182 KB, 1000x1000, opposites-attract-comic0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i keep hearing this "go to somalia if you want no laws!" meme? like, you do realize that you saying this to an american who wants the return of free market capitalism to their nation is like banning the consumption of chocolate by europeans in europe, and then saying "oh, you like chocolate? well, africa has a lot of cocoa beans! YOU move!"
like, wtf, dude
credit to somalia where it's due, in that they've been trying to recover from the shithole marxist government that annihilated the fuck out of their country—but, you do realize that some societies do free market capitalism better than others, right?

you are accepting systems of complacency. all of those societies benefit and progress technologically from capitalism elsewhere—which is not a problem, if that's how they want to live. thing is, you should not force people who want to live entirely separate lives from you to live under your rules and regulations, and to pay towards your goods.

>laws and policies to protect the individuals
fucking lord—i've been suffering from a health condition for nine fucking years thanks to "laws and policies to protect the individuals". if you believe these lies at face value and vote for them to be enacted, your kids suffer the majority of the consequences and preexisting massive corporations stand to gain unrivaled power.
>ancap is a delusion, never worked in a modern country
name one ancap modern country, lol
near-ancapism is what made america so outstandingly rich and powerful in the late 1800s and early 1900s
the effects of an intelligent, naturally independent, and high-standards society with extremely low regulation and taxation back then has continued to make america extremely economically prosperous, well up until now
bloody rapid-fire innovations every other week, for christ's sake
how can you possibly argue that ancapism doesn't work? if you want socialism, that's fine—just, don't force it on people who don't want it.

>> No.11160800

How the fuck do i become a bloomer

>> No.11161089

did you make up this bloomer meme? never seen it before, but i identify much more with him than the doomer.

>> No.11161115

You forgot the loomers

>> No.11161215

>tfw bloomer boomer

Who else /based/ here?

>> No.11161301

yeah its cause of govt, totally not them being niggers

>> No.11161393

who is the guy with the black shirt in this pic?

>> No.11161495
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Ancapism does not work, unfortunately. Only soibois believe in that. Any man who's been in a fight and did not kill or get killed because he knew in the back of his mind that there would be serious consequences to it knows that. You should strive for greater economic freedom and regulation of oligopolies, but don't go too far on the no-government thing.

>Be hunter-gatherers just 20 thousand years ago
>Literally monkeys with pointy sticks killing on the daily to survive
>Get to the point where there are very few murders in western countries
>Wanting to reverse that
Really makes you think. I'm a big dude and try to intimidate people to make my life easier all the time. Many times it doesn't work. Today, for example, a 5'0 or something girl just told me off because I took some soiboi's seat when he went to the toilet. I felt like bashing her skull in, but just said he could still seat beside me instead. If there were no govt I'd have at least smacked her in the gut. Her father/boyfriend/brothers could come after me, but that's way better odds than having an entire police system after you. I'd keep on smashing/shooting sassy women and weaker men until I myself got blasted in the brain. And the next dude might be an even bigger asshole.

It's really counterproductive, we're better off like this, as a species. Having the strong under control and the weak under protection, to some extent.

>> No.11161726

yeah its kind of simple. In ancient times when someone got murdered revenge was sought. When the murderer was killed by the murdered family or friends, the family/friends of the original murderer sought revenge aswell. Thus a cycle of murders would ensue. Therefore was the need for a 'neutral' authority who would take the role of avenger. Therefore government. This is but one of the reasons it exists

>> No.11161739

>s-soi boys
The absolute arguments from statists. didn't read btw.

>> No.11161774

Where my bloomer chads at?

>> No.11161779

A fascist.

>> No.11161803
File: 245 KB, 700x471, 2016_09_20_11_00savepic_ru_11456288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i and a few other people cannot demonstrate self-control without a governing authority
>this is your problem; pay taxes to keep me under arbitrary restraint, or i'll kill people
"an armed society is a polite society" 101
at least, as long as your society is predominantly european/american whites

you may be suffering from lead or mercury poisoning
look into emeramide; once it's for sale, eat a whole bunch of it
at any dose, it is 100% completely and totally non-toxic, and you'll face absolutely no negative consequences in eating it
it'll get into every one of your cells and remove every last bit of lead and mercury in your body
you could stand to benefit quiiiite immensely

>implying that, in an ancap state, since governing authorities cannot necessarily be publicly-funded and federal, they also cannot be privatized and local
>implying that the majority of our laws are in the interest of the public, and that they protect the useful weak (and that these laws, in the end, benefit people who are objectively useless to society more than both the useful and useless having liberty would)
>implying that we don't live under a crony capitalist/corporatocratic socialist oligarchy where government bureaucrats working in the interest of large private corporations make laws that protect those large corporations from the negative consequences that they would face in not working in the interest of their customers
>implying that we're not all sick, dying, and mentally disoriented from this
here's a good one from this era, just for example:

>> No.11161837
File: 146 KB, 720x1080, Dm_OcxnW4AAw5qg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11161844

Jesus Christ these memes are gay and unfunny. This place is literally R eddit 2.0

>> No.11161876

yes you are essentialy correct in describing symptoms of the sickness. The fact is any kind of real change requires leadership and a mass of followers. This has been the way in all history.
Which is why your ideology will always remain in paper. The only way to establish it in the real world is to impose it, which goes against its very nature.
Fascists/natsocs evidently understand this, which is why they support a strong govt. Only centralized power is able to force change, for the good or for the bad.

>> No.11161917

>who needs a government?
>we should just trust people not to kill and rape and steal
>what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11161948

You are all promoted to "poomers"
The ones that had evolved to poo level.

>> No.11162099

> gun grabber
He was a pro-gun fudd but was forced to pretend otherwise by Hillary.
> close borders
he said he didn't want open borders, he didn't say anything about closing them completely
>Julian Assange
Literally a shill bought and paid for by russia
> education = indoctrination
oh no it's retarded....

>> No.11162282

>Japan and Scandinavia
>doing great
One is importing muslims at a staggering rate to build up the bottom of their pyramid, the other is slowly dying of sodoku

>> No.11162434
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>> No.11162452
File: 64 KB, 517x767, 31786504_10160493747645515_8930358183826817024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact is any kind of real change requires leadership and a mass of followers.
except private corporations literally make everything
like, everything
even the branches of the corporatocracy today—google, mondelez, apple, general motors, nestle, pepsico, ford—make all the shit
individuals still innovate, but they're barely able to do business as a result of regulation

you can believe all you want that a leader and their followers make things happen—doesn't change the fact that all they typically make happen if they're applying positive pressure on others in society and not acting on voluntarism is they cause destruction and disorder, pushing people (especially the most productive, if a leader and their supporters are enforcing economic or health policy) in directions that they weren't meant to go in.

>>implying that, in an ancap state, since governing authorities cannot necessarily be publicly-funded and federal, they also cannot be privatized and local
>>"an armed society is a polite society" 101
also there is such a thing as freedom of association and disassociation
if you want to be a part of an enclave within an ancap society and they're willing to accept you, you can do it
these enclaves could admit whatever kind of people that they wanted, and enforce their own sets of rules and regulations that both you and they come to an agreement on, prior to you being permitted the freedom to come and go from there

lol, this

>> No.11162481

Feels good man. Sobriety was the key to everything for me.

>> No.11162523

you unironically have to leave /pol/

you should also lift, convert to christianity or buddhism, be kind to animals, do some type of volunteer work ontop of your meaningful job, and have healthy relationships with women.

>> No.11162527

whats up fellow bloomers, we're all gonna make it

this, quitting weed was the best decision of my life. I do kinda miss it sometimes when I'm bored or watching some shitty TV show tho

>> No.11162536
File: 430 KB, 1702x630, bernie_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm that 30 year old Bloomer

>> No.11162585

>>implying that, in an ancap state, since governing authorities cannot necessarily be publicly-funded and federal, they also cannot be privatized and local
Cool so I can hire a private militia to murder your family.

>"an armed society is a polite society" 101
It isn't though. America is an armed society and it's one of the least polite societies out there.

Ancaps really are the dumbest cunts out there. Even worse than communists.

>> No.11162625
File: 144 KB, 500x566, received_238584603670849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked these versions better

>> No.11162644

>except private corporations literally make everything
business is business. Law is law. Two different worlds. Even those corps have a clear hierarchy and structure, which is not what you advocate.
>all they typically make happen is they cause destruction and disorder, pushing people in directions that they weren't meant to go in.
So does Money. You actually support money being the number one decider in the activity of people. If not profitable, not done. If not paid enough, not done. Millions of issues arise from this. You cant leave it to the masses to act voluntarily in a society ruled by money and profits. Business will always seek to expand regardless of whatever impact it is having, positive or negative. Its the nature of it. At one point business does deals with others, to establish floor market prices for example. When its all about profit and there is zero regulation, whats to stop agro corps from burning entire harvests to keep supply low and price high If it makes sense for them (higher profit)? Retarded shit like this would be a daily thing in your utopia

>> No.11162649

What does this have to do with /biz/?

>> No.11162687

>small government
I'm actually interested in how you can reconcile these two things in your mind

>> No.11162720

This is all good except for the adopt Christianity or Buddhism bits. Both are anti-life nonsense that will enslave you to others just as readily as fascism.

>> No.11162738

I'm for necessary government, though a small government would be nice too.
Use taxes for good and to help the middle class, while still preserving the basics of capitalism.

>> No.11162750
File: 94 KB, 776x217, do-it-faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.11162754
File: 128 KB, 979x974, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think having some sort of moral guidance is helpful and leads to a lot of those "Bloomer" attributes/life views.

Definitely not necessary to convert to organized religion, but can help people organize right from wrong and put them on a path to a better lifestyle.

>> No.11162927

why the fuck is libertarian left labeled with "doesn't smoke, drug free"

>> No.11162972

I generally agree, but I think it's important to look at why different moral systems worked and take what's important from them. The baggage associated with them, even if they're not religion, can be enough to effectively blackpill someone.

>> No.11162990

Yeah, there's that concept, called "joke".

>> No.11163557
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, jonah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one fucking hurts

>> No.11163575
File: 90 KB, 800x800, 1528491411557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 bloomer in training coming through
planting my first seeds of the new spring today, welsh bunching onions

>> No.11163588
File: 64 KB, 800x480, Ensign_Linksmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11163609

Literally nothing you just wrote is true.

>> No.11163611
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1534645854342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2 year sober and still on the eternal internal struggle with life

>> No.11163693
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get some religion in you mayno. Bless ;)

>> No.11163799

This is incorrect. If you follow a more systematic (i.e. treat meditation as a skill just like lifting weights, with different levels of progressions that can be observed and replicated) approach and don’t take things literally you’ll be great.

I’m actually an atheist but I recognize the sick empathy / life gains my devout Christian friends make.

>> No.11163944
File: 32 KB, 750x546, 226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doomer bloomer memes are fucking retarded reddit memes

nujack was better, at least that was OC. if these stupid ass new memes had OC variants of wojak it might be acceptable. that's why boomer and zoomer work, they are OC


>> No.11163952

>reads wikipedia article on Nietzsche once

>> No.11163953

so i have been a boomer since im 15 years old?

>> No.11163986

We're in a bull market leftygag you'll have to wait until January to post your ebin pink fields screencaps.

>> No.11164075

Had no idea I was a bloomer :O

>> No.11164244
File: 542 KB, 2048x2048, 4F320ED3-B028-4A3D-90A4-AB2362B2AB35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vroomers haha peepeepoopoomers

>> No.11164261

We're hitting EPIC levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.11164418

This board is fucking dead, m8.

>> No.11164551

how i peepee poopoo

>> No.11164602
File: 248 KB, 1170x400, 1170_400_b4214b801c0f69b2cb447dc54d4f5485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool so i can hire a hypothetical group of thugs who are willing to try to kill innocent people who are probably armed and that likely live in a neighborhood of other armed people
yeah that private militia is gonna last a good long time
shit business ideas 101

>america is an armed society and it's one of the least polite societies out there
because it's a big homogenized multicultural melting pot of a bunch of people with wildly different principals and ideals who don't want a goddamn thing to do with one-another but don't have any capacity to disassociate
americans owned guns and respected one-another for a looooong time prior to the 1960s

>Ancaps really are the dumbest cunts out there. Even worse than communists.
lol, "fuck you" too
i get the feeling that you didn't even really read my post

>Even those corps have a clear hierarchy and structure, which is not what you advocate.
as long as they respect the liberties of others, corporations can have as clear of a hierarchy and structure as they want—nobody is forced to live under the laws of that corporation. if you want to opt out, you can opt out.

the things that your society is willing to spend money on is a reflection of the state of your society. if something currently isn't profitable but is objectively good, then someone will find a way to make it profitable. if work isn't worth enough to be done at a certain price, then people will offer more money for that work to be completed (or in the case of research, funding can be acquired), and the price of the goods that such work produces will go up—and if this is not possible, then this work might not be worth all that much.
if a business is expanding and there is truly no government influence involved, then that expansion is an accurate depiction of what that society most values. it's what they're voting for. instantaneous elections. if they find something that they don't like about that business, then they buy from a competitor.

>> No.11164975
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>corporations can have as clear of a hierarchy and structure as they want—nobody is forced to live under the laws of that corporation.
oh but you will when they dominate every aspect of your society. Whose boot is worse, the state's boot or the faceless corp boot?
>if you want to opt out, you can opt out
thats like saying nobody forces you to wagecuck for $10 an hour, you can opt out anytime you want (you can actually, but at what cost?)
>the things that your society is willing to spend money on is a reflection of the state of your society
the XX century has shown us how easily it is to influence the masses. What people are willing to spend money in doesnt really benefit them in the long term. Proof being how everyone wants the latest gadget while your infrastructure is decaying. If you're betting on dumb money (the masses) to keep your nation healthy you're fucked. They'd rather waste it on drugs and other vices like gambling. The end result would be the same as a commie shithole. Money left to its own will find its way into the pockets of the already wealthy, through banks and corps. A plutocracy with nothing to able to stop it, no private army, nothing. Take a trip to Mexico or Colombia and you'll get a glimpse of this. Druglords above the law, buying everything with money. When you can either bribe anyone or kill them if they dont comply, there is no stopping it.
>rest of your post
could work in theory. In practice those who create money have absolute power. The money lenders. They get to decide who gets funds for what, not society at large.

>> No.11165091
File: 600 KB, 650x994, bolshevism_jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a Jewish Communist.
>pic related

>> No.11165103
File: 419 KB, 1358x1087, liberia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somalia is a garbage shithole because the Somalian race is garbage.

>> No.11165356

This is the most accurate one. Is there a support group for us

>> No.11165387

Shouldn't the bloomer have a few more wrinkles since he is only 3 years away from being a boomer? Would differentiate him from other younger wojaks.

>> No.11165430

What natural resources does Liberia have? America has more oil than Saudi Arabia iirc.