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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 400x240, ripple-xrp-coinsph-400x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156979 No.11156979 [Reply] [Original]

Do i need to fomo

>> No.11156985

Buy 0xBTC instead. Ripple is a boomer faggots pump and dump

>> No.11156987

When you think its time to fomo a dump is imminent. Don't buy the top anon.

>> No.11157007

I told you mother fuckers to go all in at 25 cents but nobody listened.

>> No.11157097

I bought at 36c sold at 45 during the night.
Woke up at 45c bought again and sold at 47.

Im good.

>> No.11158096

I thought we were all LARPing as stinky linkies but actually buying XRP

>> No.11158118

the $600 valuation is not a meme
if this a bull market I wouldn't consider selling til $40 eoy

>> No.11158155

Its a pump and dump. But you already missed the good part probably.

>> No.11158165

Wrong and bluepilled

>> No.11158176

Duh nigguh. Only idiots on /biz/ fud xrp

>> No.11158200

XRP pumping = dumb money is back.
It means you can throw money into any shitcoin as they will also pump soon.

>> No.11158202
File: 131 KB, 1200x1198, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a crypto
>centralised to hell
>no smart contracts(maybe some day in a very distant future)
>might flip eth
picrelated but add "berg" to each username

>> No.11158215

Waiting for you to realise you’re the dumb money anon

This mentality is why garbage pumps.

>> No.11158223
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Which is 90% of the board

>> No.11158230

It is a real crypto
It’s more decentralised than BTC and ETH

Try do some research instead of listening to retards on twitter

>> No.11158233

Ripple is a long term prospect keep it

>> No.11158239

Does it has blockchain?

>> No.11158261

Stay poor faggot

>> No.11158266


>> No.11158275

Whats last block number then?

>> No.11158276

I’m all in XRP since sub one cent.

You’re the one advocating anons put their money into any random alt lmao

You’re literally the dumb money

>> No.11158280

not with Ripple mate

>> No.11158282
File: 23 KB, 732x419, flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dotted yellow line is the point where XRP overtakes ETH. Yes you need to fomo.

There is very obviously institutional money flowing in now.

>> No.11158294


There’s a new block every 4 seconds so that was out of date the second I posted

>> No.11158316

dude wat, are you high or something?

>> No.11158329

Have you even bothered to look for yourself?

>> No.11158338

You either giving me a link to that bullshit or fucking off. Ripple has no blocks lmao.

>> No.11158352

at this exact moment you should short it, but later expect another wave up, possibly much bigger.

>> No.11158376

Anon I don’t need to do your homework for you lmao

Believe whatever stupid shit you want
Here’s a random recent transaction you can look up



>> No.11158385

So tell me what makes xrp more valuable since yesterday?
How do you justify these 40% gains if it’s not some dumb fomo behavior?

>> No.11158408

>asked to present blocks
>presents tx
ok, buddy, thanks for being clueless little faggot

>> No.11158415

It’s been heavily oversold relative to fundamentals since the bear market started

Now the bear market has ended

Fundamentals have increased significantly during the bear market

Retards love to FUD XRP like nothing else so nothing is priced in

Suddenly people realise banks will use it and its being integrated into YouTube, Wikipedia

Suddenly everyone wants to buy it

>> No.11158432

Mate if I send you a raw block from a full history server what are you going to do with it?

Read the transaction notice it tells you which ledger (block) it was included in.

If you really want to see the blocks just jump on the dev kit or sync a node and pull down a raw ledger

>> No.11158459

You can see the ledger / block header here


>> No.11158462

>ledger (block)
stay a redditspacing retard, go buy some more of jewshit at the top, its not like you're the first, nor the last

>> No.11158465

>Suddenly people realise banks will use it and its being integrated into YouTube, Wikipedia
How far away is that though?

>> No.11158482


XRapid is the XRP product banks will use and that’s going live this year

Stay poor fren

>> No.11158484

What is google

>> No.11158499
File: 127 KB, 1000x640, BoomerGIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use Coil now to support wikipedia and youtube

>> No.11158508

>Now the bear market has ended

*Dies of laughter*

>> No.11158517

i'd rather not take advice from someone who can't differentiate ledger from block
i swear you really don't know the difference, and i'm 100% certain you don't understand why this is important
but honestly this
>XRapid is the XRP product banks will use and that’s going live this year
just tells me you're just another jewshill
fuck off and die of cancer

>> No.11158525

Only difference between a ledger and a block is the name. They both contain a hash of the previous block. They both contain an ordered list of transactions.

>> No.11158532
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 1513111607562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Only difference between a ledger and a block is the name
picrelated is literally you, not even memeing right now, stop embarassing yourself

>> No.11158542

Look at its already enormous marketcap. Its been to $3 before crashing down harder than any other coin. If you like small gains go for it.

>> No.11158550

What’s your counter argument?


Seems like you’re a pedantic retard. Seems like you’ve never read the codebase for either BTC or XRP. Seems a lot like you have a short on XRP and are getting increasingly nervous because you’re trading based on emotions instead of facts anon. Seems like that to me anyway.

>> No.11158556
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 1520637799284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought XRP at 0.76 so theres a long way to go. Hoping for the best, already think of all that money as lost anyway.

>> No.11158559
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1232113332155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like you still don't understand the difference between ledger and block
god you're hillarious, go look at that code bruh, might help you

>> No.11158573

Holy shit it will soon flip ETH

Tfw top 3 crypto isn't even a crypto

>> No.11158574

You’re struggling to elucidate a difference. Go on enlighten us all

>> No.11158579

No the jooz are trying their best to kick the weak hands out and take your shekels before etf approval. Check what gold etf did to that useless stone price. There are less bitcoins that gold so visualize it. They want your shekels. HODL anon

>> No.11158594

Like it already did twice last year?

>> No.11158605

nope i just rather watch you struggle to undertand basic principles and shill your shitcoin to biztards who are again going to buy it at 8-10k sats as they always do and ride to the fucking ground right away after a small pump to 12-13, where they will not sell becuase they are greedy pieces of shit

>> No.11158613

T. Someone without an argument

If you had an argument you’d present it because it would serve your purpose of FUDing XRP. But you don’t because simple fact is ledgers and blocks are the same data structure.

>> No.11158621

I will present my argument once you present me XRP blocks.

>> No.11158678

Already did but here’s a full block for you


>> No.11158681
File: 109 KB, 500x566, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks blocks are needed for decentralized network that uses consensus algo

fucking grow up you POW maximalist

>> No.11158686
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>> No.11158695

XRP has blocks they are called ledgers

He’s likely going to comeback with hurt durr no mining no coinbase transaction as his “difference” when in reality those have nothing to do with the data structure of a block in a blockchain

>> No.11158705

that's shoped, gtfo

>> No.11158711

> XRP has blocks they are called ledgers
the mere thing that you don't even give it a thought after being mocked and mocked again is even more hilarious than you shilling kikecoin without even understanding how to shill

>> No.11158712

I know but hur durr you need blocks otherwise it's something evil.

>> No.11158719

You're an idiot, blocks have nothing to do with the consensus algorithm.

>> No.11158720

Mocked by whom? And with what?

You have literally not provided one single argument. Just go on and on about how this is allegedly all a Jewish conspiracy?

Fuck man do you think before you type?

>> No.11158726
File: 161 KB, 500x313, 18E48F49-1010-4BBC-A81E-B13AADF5704A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your salty tears sustain me NUMNUMNUM

>> No.11158733

why are you asking about XRP blocks?

keys retard

>> No.11158741
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 0607BFF2-1C01-454B-B233-ECAD9563ABC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11158744

Are you the literal walking breathing defenition of insanity or something?
Have a thought of actually checking what are you talking about even crossed your mind or are you still going to say ledger is a block?

>> No.11158746

I'm not asking about any block, I'm just saying that a decentralized network with a consensus algorithm can use a blockchain or it can use something else.

>> No.11158747

Other anons here are right desu biz doesn’t deserve XRP

>> No.11158750

what if I tell you you don't need to mine to verify transactions, and that block / ledger is just a unit to group transactions

>> No.11158756

Ripple network uses a hash tree structure.

>> No.11158759

Again. Having a degree in this field, having worked on blockchain projects for literally years, having coded them from scratch I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that a ledger and a block are the same data structure

I’m sorry anon your pathetic attempt at FUD has simply failed.

Try at least present an argument next time.

>> No.11158764

Thank you goyim

>> No.11158775

So what's your point? That noone ever bought any shitcoin on top and sold at the bottom?

>> No.11158779

>applying to authority on an anonymous dildo alcoholic meet up app
present it or shut the fuck up, clown

>> No.11158791

has no arguments, keeps on blathering

>> No.11158819

>can't present whats asked of him
>pretends he has arguments
>fails miserably and slides into ad-home not once but twice from different angles
I just simply love btfoing xrp shills, they are of such shit quality yet think of themselves as complete geniouses.

>> No.11158820

I don’t need to nor do I wish to.

Again the elements of this data structure are:
1. A cryptographic hash of the previous valid block in the chain
2. An ordered list of transactions

You don’t need POW or POS or anything else fancy. You do need consensus rules for determining which was the last valid block but they are not part of the data structure.

As I’ve said both a bitcoin block and an XRP ledger contain these elements. Thus they are both blockchain block data structures.

That should hardly surprise anyone since the XRP ledger is modeled from bitcoin.

Anyway it’s been most unpleasant talking to you. As with most BTC maximalists it seems the intelligent ones have long since abandoned the coin and hence the sole defenders are the low IQ types such as yourself.

Have a nice night (day).

>> No.11158824
File: 42 KB, 758x811, XRPisn'tstopping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart, last rally it made before this one. It litterly doesn't stop.

>> No.11158830

newfag spotted

>> No.11158832
File: 499 KB, 245x240, uuuhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11158847

>this whole post
> they are of such shit quality yet think of themselves as complete geniouses.
>still can't figure it out

>> No.11158858
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>> No.11158873
File: 90 KB, 680x360, adoration-of-the-golden-calf-pousinn-680x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying the jewish coin

wow so /biz/ came full circle on this one

your desperation for kike shekels is the bullish indicator I've been waiting for

>> No.11158878
File: 488 KB, 245x184, 41F77922-6784-403A-900F-2870E2EF33C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11158892

Idc if it's swahili, it's going up

>> No.11158898

yes, fomo after it went up 50% fucking percent you complete retard, that's why you all won't make money even in a bull run

>> No.11158903

Oh boi I hope you still have shorts open

You shorted the bottom didn’t you anon

>> No.11158910

you have channels teaching the masses how to buy crypto or is that xrp-normie thing?
Here you cant bring up the argument or every "expert" will laugh at you and calling it a tax on stupidity and a fad

>> No.11158928

XRP is popular with boomers

>> No.11158952


>> No.11158957
File: 99 KB, 1371x567, XRPUSDSHORTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have miles to go, bears in utter disbelief

>> No.11158960

Me dunno... @ 6500 could claim p&d
This coin 8k now
And XRP really loves bouncing between 9k and 11k

>> No.11158967
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>> No.11159037
File: 4 KB, 287x132, Boomerseason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11159071
File: 694 KB, 1125x2436, 71A3351E-F2BD-4C36-B454-0BBE07857B77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This going to be so much fun

Check the fiat pair volumes

XRapid might already be live but unannounced

If so shorts about to get so rekt it’s not even funny... I feel bad for their starving children

>> No.11159172

Flip about to happen

>> No.11159178
File: 77 KB, 1110x712, 1531623382766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11159191


>> No.11159199

flippity flop, suck my big ripple cock

>> No.11159206


>> No.11159232

why? it won't change anything.
If the past repeats, ripple pump is close to ending (in terms of days, not percentage), and then eth is going to pump.

>> No.11159242

It will keep on pumping until the Ripple conference in a week

LMAO Bill Clinton will be there

>> No.11159251
File: 22 KB, 272x283, tumblr_ogfuvhWkbj1rcq78eo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't he dead?

Also I just FOMO'd into Ripple.

Fuck I hope it pays off...

>> No.11159258

Maybe Ripple Labs reanimated him. Everyone get into Ripple. Seriously.That conference will be a boomer paradise and XRP might reach a new ATH

>> No.11159259

just remove that image, eth already going up but its too early
please for the love of vitalik i beg you

>> No.11159284

anon ripple fomoers don't care about that, they buy because it goes up and believe ripple $1000 eoy. Just read this for proof:
>That conference will be a boomer paradise and XRP might reach a new ATH

>> No.11159301

Reminder that this is the only real solution on earth against the current system.

>> No.11159332
File: 18 KB, 803x218, flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my balls eth.

>> No.11159452

if your point was to show XRP flipped ETH twice already so this is nothing special, what you're actually shown instead is how BTC market dominance is decreasing gradually,,,

XRP flips both of them permanently soon

>> No.11159462

this guy gets it

>> No.11159520

no he doesn't

why would anyone dump before the xrapid announcement?

anyone with sense is going to wait to see who gets the revealed as the xrapid live partner

that could trigger the biggest FOMO imaginable

selling now is dumb

>> No.11159568

>FOMO'd in at 8850

How badly is this gonna hurt

>> No.11159583
File: 84 KB, 1581x339, this is going into my cringe compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consult chainlink chart

>> No.11159589
File: 33 KB, 429x343, 1535165212692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to feel good when you make it

>> No.11159592

Ripple market cap is fake as they regularly change the circulating supply

>> No.11159611

>he doesn’t know about «sell the news»

>> No.11159628

>Put in Bpay to get Ripple fucking a week ago
>still hasn't come through

Fuck I hate my fucking bank fuck.

>> No.11159635

Depends on the type of fomo. XRP is a long term hold. Woldnt get in unless you're ready for a 2 or 3 year position but it will be worth it.

Take a look at the amount of pajeet link threads on biz and tell me if you want to ask for advice here

>> No.11159676

Just hold dude, if you don't think XRP can breach 1$-3$ then you shouldn't be buying anyway. I think it's going to break its ATH however

>> No.11159683

>nope. I'm just a dumb shit
lel why even reply?

>> No.11159846

Ripple is a shit hold just get in when it pumps

>> No.11159848

does that mean ETH bull soon

>> No.11159856

xrp is the bitcoin killer

>> No.11159857

if history repeats, yes, just after ripple crashes

>> No.11160125

Sold all my chink shitcoins (NEO, OMG, etc.) and went all in on XRP.

>> No.11160135



>> No.11160170

>this is where they start posting pink wojacks of catastrophic losses
daily reminder, jews always dump twice

>> No.11160237

go shit in the street. You know nothing about the utility or how the coin works. Institutions are likely turning on Xrapid which is creating the rally. Name another coin that can do this kind of move without bitcoin. While you were busy pajeeting actual shit coins you missed out

>> No.11160442

yes its going to $500+

>> No.11160450

whales exit at 80 cents, pump is over

>> No.11160463

God bless America and XRP

>> No.11160524



>> No.11160544

I've been trying for 5 years, it's impossible to time XRP. and it always go way higher than what any sane trader should take profits at.

>> No.11160572

At Ripple.

>> No.11160583

So, what, this is going back down to 20 cents in like five minutes then?

>> No.11160588

I bought in to kill this rally. XRP cannot pass BTC, and everything I buy tanks immediately. Sorry XRP holders.

>> No.11160597

rode this from 0.6 to 0.8 then tethered up.

what now ?

>> No.11160626

check charts again, buddy
i've seen at least 5 major xrp pumps and it always goes like this
i history will repeat itself it will go as low as 8k and then rebound to around 10, if you're risky enough you can make some money on it, i personally wouldn't ever touch this dedicated pnd shitcoin

>> No.11160630

Thx fren

>> No.11160631

Literally fucking lost money from buying in at 59 cents, fucking up the dump at 80 cents and had a browser issue.


Tell me it's going back up at sometime, right?

>> No.11160643
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>> No.11160689

buy ETH and wait

>> No.11160723

>set order for eth at 223.02
>1 cent away from filling
thanks binance

>> No.11160806

XRP moon

>> No.11160915

That went really well for BCASH lol
BTC up 12%
Bcash down 75%
ETH down 33%

>> No.11161058

funny but what is the real diffrence block and leger. in this instance asking as a brainlet

>> No.11161068
File: 92 KB, 250x250, nothing to see here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11161137

ledger is a whole chain
block is a block, xrp has no blocks, it just adds itterations of ledgers and nodes reach consensus if its actually a real ledger, this ledgers do not need each other for xrp to function and on the contrary blockchain can't exist even if one block is deleted, it would be a fork then
xrp shills are retards, he literally called a block of btc to be a whole fucking ledger and didn't saw difference
"coder and multiple blockchain creator" my ass lmao

>> No.11161174

>this is your brain on ripple

>> No.11161190

Yes. The ATH is over $3. Still plenty of headroom left.

>> No.11161265

lol gonna laugh my balls off when people think its a bargain but just ignore the circulating supply. Nothing to see here.

>> No.11161287

There's a reason why everybody is switching to Ripple:


Legit shit