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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11153727 No.11153727 [Reply] [Original]

>Its sad/exciting/scary at the same fucking time im telling you. I didnt invest more than I could and im a happy dude with a happy wife (=happy life). However, you sometimes do not know what to feel. I was just reading the Amsterdam write-up, getting all smiles but in the back of my mind know that this is not the first time. So much good developments in general in the crypto sphere but a large part of us is pretty wrecked with the current prize. So thoughts slip in that this could maybe also be some dope working for amarketing/shill agencywhich is a very real thing nowadays. Now my honest believe is that this is not the case allthough the CREAM thing keeps sounding a bit shady to me. Also if someone worked for large US Banks/investment funds, is that really good thing yes? It shows me a person is motivated by money and does not really care for ethical behavior (facts). This counts for many industries nowadays so yeah what the fuck can you do about it. Anyhow im rambling on now, all I wanted to say is that crypto is the most funky investment I have ever made. It gives me multiple feelings at the same time. Im hodling strong though cause we all know when that pump comes, it comes mega hard and we feel like we invented sex itself oeeh yeaah. Catch ya later boys, keep the positive vibes alive!

>> No.11153832

Anyone else notice how sharply the VeChain shill posts died on biz? makes you wonder....doesn't it?

>> No.11153988

>thinks anyone involved in vechain gives a shit about ethical behaviour
The absolute state of reddit in 2001+17

>> No.11154252

Alright, now THIS is epic!

>> No.11154266

I dropped ven the second they made that fake bmw announcement a while back. It was looking okay-ish before that.

>> No.11154449

It’s because foxy finally necked himself

>> No.11154872

This pic is literally my dream. I'd give anything to lick a woman's ass.

>> No.11154933
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neck yourself, degenerate

>> No.11155015

Foxy was team fud brainlet. I'm talking about how we no longer see all the low effort "buy now or stay poor" threads anymore. Vechain used to have the loudest, most obnoxious fan base. They are eerily silent around here these days. must be they necked themselves.

>> No.11155062

VeChain is dead on /biz/. There's like 3 bagholders left and two of them are hired by Cream or Cream himself

>> No.11155093

I stopped paying attention to the Vechain saga a while ago, who/what did Foxy do?

>> No.11155102

cope harder bizraelis

>> No.11155118

But BMW said they are working together...

>> No.11155321

VET actually have companies/enterprises using blockchain. Not just nerds playing funky digital cats on it. Deal with it.

>> No.11155343

no proof

>> No.11155356

>vet actually have
Chinese shill spotted.

>> No.11155394

U have no proof that there is no proof

>> No.11155416
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>not wanting bitches to lick ur ass instead

sry but you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.11155448

This board is dead, so no point in shilling on here anymore.