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11153238 No.11153238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So im sat in an unspecified Asian airport. Live in Asia for 7 years now, only visited my home country once in that time. Married to an Asian wife.

So around me are so as typical asian families with extended families kids etc. Women tending to kids and generally being hot sexy but sweet mothers..

So im not used to being around Westerners at all..so two American women in their 20s sat next to me chatting loudly. I almost felt sick listening to their degenerate talk. Clearly one is dating and sleeping with multiple guys and actually quoted Brigitte Jones like she was a real person and also heard them mention sex in the city. Clearly these sad deluded women think they are fucking great when they were at best a 5.

In conclusion yes western women are a terrible investment. I say lets start a twitter campaign to say no to degenerate white #whitewomenareshit.

>> No.11153273

all women are shit, noodlewhores are just stuck in a 20th century society, as soon as more and more women empowerment shit happens over there it'll be the same

>> No.11153320


True. And its happening. But Asia is still the land of family chastity and marriage.

>> No.11153430

Why are you living in Asia? We don't want you here.

>> No.11153452

yeah, they're getting worse. Thanks western world for fucking everything up.

>> No.11153536

There is no reason to listen to you.

1- You choose to go to another country to find another woman, in another words your woman is so mentally ill that she betrays all her country, lineage and culture for make babies with an outsider: you
2- That means at a ultimate level your woman doesnt even care to the place she was born, her heritage and antecessor and her babies that will be race mixed resulting in probably an non asian non US guy who wont get into in any of both cultures
3- You failed as a man in your own country, had to go to the other side of the world to be able to find a woman that you dont even know the past

So, OP, what can you teach about a subject that you failed? Is your yellow fever something you liked too? What will you say to your sons being mid height and probably "mental culture problems" because they aint americans neither asians.

You are the man version of the interacial couple

>> No.11153745

yup and in 30 years when asia is westernized all women will be like this

>> No.11153773

we are early adopters, we decide the market. you fatalist doomer.

>> No.11153786

Our Jewish overlords instructed to give you some diversity. The white male will steal all your women. You mad, yellow boy?

>> No.11153801 [DELETED] 


>> No.11153845
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>> No.11153909

Please let this be future pasta.
What a roast.

>> No.11153915


OP, comment?

>> No.11153940

>Western womyn in 2018
Can't believe someone will meme himself like that. I understand that boomers back in 1980s didn't have any choice but nowadays youd have to be an idiot to go for that

>> No.11153992

>been away for 7 years
>thot quote Bridget jones
>thot mention sex in the city

I call bullshit! No women were making Bridget Jones and sex and the city references in 2011, let alone in 2018. Try harder if you're going to larp faggot.

>> No.11154004
File: 337 KB, 1144x888, 1515552735824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really respected you until this post. Considering you yourself are from Brazil, one of the most mixed countries on Earth (and its not even a meme) you're really talking shit. I thought you were a bit smarter, but you're really just a kid.

Let me tell you and other anons here what women actually want from you
1. Security and everything that comes with it
2. Getting their pussy wet

Thats it.

>> No.11154061
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>this guy!

I'm not even buying OP's larp. I doubt he's married and it's more likely his wife is a loli fuck doll than a noodle muncher.

>> No.11154113

Wow.... I.. sheeeeeit. Op unironically, no. Listen to me, for real. UNIRONICALLY BTFO.

But yeah, caucacunts are disgusting.

>> No.11154129
File: 3.32 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180907_142544011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I'm from brazil but that doesnt mean I'm dumb or live in a distorted reality.

I see mixed guys and woman everyday, on rare ocasions (1 of 1000 at max) you will see someone with some good traces and above average, the rest arent white to be considered white, neither black because they aint black.

They stay at an abyss that they are just mixed without any good relative trait of both parts.

Yes, I agree with you and your points, but someone that goes away from his country and that wants to be supported on his yellow fever should be aware that this isnt a normal thing.

Do you think I like to not be black neither white? I dont have a culture that I belong too, I'm mixed and thats all.

A yellow fever child have the higher chances of neither being considered asian nor american, its like Eliot Rodger you know? Even with money your sons will suffer because they dont belong to that culture.

Asians seek white man, ok
But your son wont be a white man neither an asian
So what woman will want your son if even his mother betrayed her race for an outsider?

I'm race mixed and I didnt wish nobody would need to suffer to understand why that shit fuck with your brain.

>> No.11154151

i only date whites.

>> No.11154164

>Ellioting any son you have

I just can't do it.

>> No.11154167

So im sat in an unspecified Asian airport. Live in Asia for 7 years now, only visited my home country once in that time. Married to an Asian wife.

So around me are so as typical asian families with extended families kids etc. Women tending to kids and generally being hot sexy but sweet mothers..

So im not used to being around Jews at all..so two Isreali women in their 20s sat next to me chatting loudly. I almost felt sick listening to their degenerate talk. Clearly one is dating and sleeping with multiple guys and actually quoted Brigitte Jones like she was a real person and also heard them mention sex in the city. Clearly these sad deluded women think they are fucking great when they were at best a 5.

In conclusion yes jewiah women are a terrible investment. I say lets start a twitter campaign to say no to degenerate Jew #jewishwomenareahit.

>> No.11154173
File: 262 KB, 417x434, 1526582929593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These points involve a lot of assuming. I lived in china and met plenty of dudes, including some successful businessmen and diplomats, who went abroad single and at a young age and just happened to find a woman. It's literally what pioneers and conquerers did throughout history. Our little monkey here is just coping that he can't do the same as op and is stuck with hueroasties.

Eu tambem sou brasileiro, viajei pra fora porque sou inteligente e fui trabalhar la. Tu devia pensar mais antes de sair falando lixo que só soa como cope de pobre.

>Pic related, based president who has a slav wife

>> No.11154180
File: 3.22 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180907_114542899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes, western woman sucks at all, but that doesnt mean that there isnt any that can be good enough to raise your children.

I know the average western woman is degenerate, with a lot of sexual partners, mentally ill and other shit, but to give up and argue with yada yada is another shit.

So, I live in Brazil and I have a gf that I took her virginity, her parents are catholic and have a stable marriage, she have a sister that is virgin because she didnt found any real man and thats it.

I know there are many girls that are degenerate because I fucked a lot of them, but you know that you have to be smart if you want something exceptional.

I have nothing against oriental woman, but to go literally to the other side of the world and pretend to be superior is something that isnt ok.

>> No.11154211
File: 17 KB, 511x288, images-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melania Trump, born Melanija Knavs in Novo Mesto, Slovenia

>> No.11154221

>comparing yourself to conquerers that had literally harems just because you enjoy yellow fever

If you cant mate with the same woman from your country it means you aint sucessfull in the place you belong, that means that you at some way to find a sexual partner had to go to another place that wasnt your original place.

Trump have s slav wife that was a model and she looks like a "white western woman", dont cope with the yada yada that your chinese wife will be the same because arians=/=mongoloid.

I have known a lot of MGTOW that cope to try to argue their yellow fever.. its simple: you failed to find a exceptional western partner and had to find an oriental one.

Its you that are risking your sons to not belong to neither american or asian culture.

>> No.11154227

Ok fag go find one that wont sell her country out. Let me know how that goes. All women are like that. They dont give a single shit about nationality or borders. Thats why they dont understand why trump is making such a big deal about the wall.

>> No.11154249
File: 3.92 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180907_113755365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already found, I have a gf that I took her virginity, that is mentally ok, that is above average looking and that "love" and adore me, its your problem if you couldnt find something exceptional.

>> No.11154258

Oh shit I just realized you dont like white people going to other countries to plant their seed because its happening in your shithole too. I bet those 3rd world brazilian roasties just jump on white dick the first chance they get. And you end up getting cucked.

>> No.11154269

mmmm yep until she finds someone better or gets bored. Also virgin, haha. I bet she tells that to all the boys.

>> No.11154285

Dude, I already told many times that the average brazilian woman adore foreigners (we call "gringos"), as in the world cup 2014 a lot of europeans that came here fucked a lot of brazilian girls, but the african ones didnt score nothing.

I'm not a liar, this is a fact dude.

Dude, have you ever seen an "himen"? That wouldnt be able to be faked unless she did himen reconstruction that is expensive as fuck, she didnt had other boys, I knew her for more than 2 years and she didnt had anyone because her family is strict as fuck.

Yes, I destroyed her himen and she couldnt hold my cock in the first times ( I just use extra large condoms because I have a big and large peepee).

She can always find someone better, I'm a man dude, I'm not afraid to lose her, kek, you are such a pussie.

>> No.11154287


Women are biologically programmed to have less loyalty to nationality or culture.

By accepting or even seeking out "outsiders" it gives their offspring more genetic diversity.

>> No.11154300

>if I do yellow fever its a good genetic diversity

>oh look its a blonde with a nigga western woman are so degenerate

>now come here my lofe wifeei Xing Ling Shaolin, I know you love me - I rove iu aite man

>> No.11154304

>By accepting or even seeking out "outsiders" it gives their offspring more genetic diversity.
That would also apply to men though.

>> No.11154310
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Hey OP. It's you.

>> No.11154327
File: 89 KB, 1024x1014, IMG-20180829-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My children won't be halflings, you fucking macaco faggot. I'm not married at all. Never said I was.
You, yet again, build your reality around facts you don't know. I've seen your threads. You pretend to be some form of guru when you can barely type proper english, and biztards read your shit for entertainment because you make them believe you're a brave warrior in a terrible terrible predicament that is to have been born in Brazil.
Well, it's not.
>8th biggest economy in the world
>Plenty of land and only 200m citizens
>No major conflicts in the past 100 years
>No communism
>No censorship
Brazil is far from the worst place in the world and you're far from some unsung hero. You're a bitch-ass dunning-kruger struck nigger begging for pity points on a thai whaling symposium, nothing more.

>> No.11154334

The reason women adapted to it is because they were taken as prisoners and impregnated by whoever killed the male members of their families. Human females have been genetically selected over generations to have little to no loyalty as an adaptive mechanism.

>> No.11154351

You just shit talk, you told me you are brazilian and now you wanna say shit just because you are a pussie upper class.

See how distorted you are, you are from the same country I am but you believe that I am a "macaco" but you aint one, lol.

Fuck off pussie idiot.

>> No.11154354


I agree with everything you said, but that post coming from a Brazilian of all people is ironic.

>> No.11154400
File: 117 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-01 at 15.02.39(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm race mixed, that means I'm not black nor white.

So I cant use any cultural advantage because I dont belong to anything.

When the eugenic upper white class see me they always think me as a "good slave that got a better life" and the black guys will always see me as a "white wannabe".

That means I cannot fit the poor group neither the rich group, so I got fucked because the cops dont take me lighter because they see me like a black guy and the white dudes wont see me as equal because they see me as black too and the black ones think I'm a wannabe white guy and I cant fit with them.

Welcome to a racemixed guy life.

>> No.11154407
File: 360 KB, 600x800, cSrjhVn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11154433


nigga your entire country is the product of interracial coupling and you have no lineage or culture that is older than a single generation

just lmao at this self own

>> No.11154440

Patrician taste.
Everyone should only court their own.

>> No.11154484

This is a lie.

Brazilian elite is white as fuck with european lineage, you bought some false bullshit that just fit with the poor proletarian class.

The ones that are mixed are the medium and low class, the upper class is majority white with european ancestry.

Dont talk shit you dont even know.

Just search and you will see.

>> No.11154489

>Clearly one is dating and sleeping with multiple guys and actually quoted Brigitte Jones like she was a real person and also heard them mention sex in the city.

this never happened

feels like I'm reading /TRP/ with typically nerd NEET male out of touch it is

I bet if someone scoped OP's IP address it certainly wouldn't be in asia at all. Good luck on your fantasy LARP faggot, you'll probably eventually get to cambodia or vietnam but you'll end up sleeping with whores like every other sex pest.

>> No.11154502

>Human females have been genetically selected over generations to have little to no loyalty as an adaptive mechanism.
>genetically selected to have no loyalty
I can't even...you clearly never had a fruitful relationship with a woman.

>> No.11154509


you're a fucking mulatto spic who doesn't know his own grandfather you dumb monkey. You even admitted this before.

>> No.11154532

>stupid anon say all is mixex
>I tell him the upper class are white with european ancestry and admit that the poor ones like me that doesnt belong to nothing
>hurr durr u told u fucking negro u macaco u want banana durr

What part you couldnt read?

>> No.11154568

Tfw OP watches Bridgette Jones lmao

>> No.11154636

Hahahha I fucking love you

>> No.11154731

Kek. based mudblood favelanon

>> No.11154767

>begs money in tawianese cartoon image board
>have the audacity to tell how other people should live
keep begging on and I hate everyone that gave this monkey money. you encourage his behavior

>> No.11154805

I dont told anyone how to live, I just answered OP and his tenacity to try to appears as god enlighthned when he didnt made nothing of good.

>money begging
No, I just beg for a job because I couldnt found any, neither I asked for any upfront payment so you are a liar. I just begged to someone gave me any type of job that I would do in advance.

You are probably mentally ill to doesnt understand that I never said this is a wrong way to live, I just told OP that his perspective was delusional and distorted.

Fuck off.

>> No.11154913

>starting every single fucking sentence with "So"
Please die

>> No.11154956

Can’t wait until your execution video pops up on LiveLeak.

>> No.11154964

Why you say that for me?

Isnt enough that I live in a shithole and I'm already poor, lol?

>> No.11155182

You’re right, that was mean.

>> No.11155278

Yeah, what’s your point roastie?