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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 537x615, 1534685923807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11148733 No.11148733 [Reply] [Original]

Link and Req partnership ;)
Broship confirmed

>> No.11148746

That would be a clever exit scam.

I think the exit scam will be this russian "selling" his project to an indian though.

screencap it

>> No.11148779

That shit was confirmed months ago
Now because you fucking linkies never finished the mainnet, us REQies are more than 97% from ATH

>> No.11148813

You will be using the best product ever. Mainnet will be impeccable. And REQ will moon even harder than Link.

>> No.11148879

Lmao this unironically

>> No.11149011

If you admit REQ needs LINK.. why would you...?

Nevermind.. fucking biz

>> No.11149054

REQ is just a customer of LINK.

>> No.11149076

Is this some kind of new fud, trying to tie req with link to save it from dumping off the face of the planet.

>> No.11149101

LINK needs ETH, but LINK has a higher ROI than ETH.
REQ needs LINK, but in the same way LINK can just use something other than ETH if need be, REQ can use whatever hypothetical oracle outperforms LINK.

>> No.11149115

Request network has nothing to do with Link.

Stop trying to associate with us you fucking paid shill pajeets

>> No.11149130
File: 33 KB, 750x516, 3melu9mwwky01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK doesn't need ETH you fucking rat brained retard

>> No.11149518

Kys pajeet

>> No.11149525

lmao you're gonna be poor forever

>> No.11149547

This image is like smearing shit all over the Mona Lisa.

>> No.11149583

This. Fuck off you frenched pajeets, no one is going to refund your dumb life decisions. See you back at 2 cents.

>> No.11149594

>room temperature IQ

>> No.11149630

Stop shitting up my website with your curry-smelling shitposts and fuck off, you shitskin untermensch.

>> No.11149732

Isnt REQ ganna use the OMG network for Fiat integration

>> No.11149746

Tick tock Sergey. Better call them off.

>> No.11149756
File: 194 KB, 1000x1000, REQLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do pity those of you that can't see that these will be THE two projects to bring the blockchain, decentralized consensus mechanisms for approving transactions, and smart contracts to the real world.

A decade from now, we'll think of the blockchain world as having two eras: Before REQ and LINK, and after REQ and LINK. Blockchains are child's play things right now, they aren't providing anyone any real value, they're speculative toys at their most serious and used to make silly ponzi schemes at their least serious. But with REQ and LINK? You've got a financial revolution on your hands.

B2B payments will be transformed with these two. Invoicing, accounting, all of it revolutionized, made simple and easy with REQ and LINK.

>> No.11149772
File: 260 KB, 1024x888, biz patricians choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing one... QSP. REQ uses QSP for their entire audit mechanic.

>> No.11149794

Friendly reminder that REQ does not need a token to function. The token is in fact detrimental to adoption.

>> No.11149810

This is the most pathetic, delusional thing I have read on 4chan all day.

>> No.11149820

QSP is worthless. Enigma would be a better fit in that spot.

>> No.11149862

y e a s

>> No.11149931

REQ is already committed to using QSP lol.

Enigma is blockchain agnostic private smart contracts. A completely separate product which ironically will become obsolete in the near future.

ETH has plans for on chain privacy functions for their smart contracts.
You could argue that since ENG is blockchain agnostic, it will be used for smart contracts outside of Ethereum.

Well if you think LINK will ever deliver, then that use case is pointless because LINK will be able to read any blockchain data, conduct a private smart contract transaction on Ethereum, then respond to the request provider.

ENG is at best a band-aid solution that will pump in the smart contract bubble as accountants and contract lawyers are losing their jobs. Long term though? It's just a band-aid solution.

>> No.11149948

Anyone who listened to me a month ago is up 30% already, this train is just getting started. LINK will be yuuuge, but there is monumental gains to be had on REQ at the moment as well.

The hard part is knowing when to catch it before the news, but I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never sell my LINK, so I just threw in more fiat for REQ to get way ahead of the herd

>> No.11150019

Stop trying to fud so you can accumulate req. We are in this together link and req