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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11140952 No.11140952 [Reply] [Original]

Every anon who’s made it needs to watch this: https://youtu.be/Ty7CTYFYhl4&t=4s


>> No.11141029

never ever get married guys. and if you do place all your wealth in a smart contract prenup.

>> No.11141117

marriage is retarded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXpsT3e8UsM

>> No.11141153

Not sure what it's like for non-americans, but don't just think you can get a pre-nup and you're safe. States like CA have laws in place that force you to divide half your savings and assets if you're married 10+ years.

If you do decide to marry someone:
the second anyone knows about how much you really make/are worth, you've lost and they can hold it over you to do as they please.
>talk to the best ((( lawyer))) in town to go over the marriage laws in your state and do not tell anyone about it or hint that you may speak with a lawyer.
it'll cost you a couple hundred dollars, but better that than to step in shit without realizing.
>have her sign as air-tight of a prenup as your state will allow.
>have a secret stash of your crypto, stocks, gold, etc.

if shit hits the fan:
>buy new computer WITH CASH
>use said computer only on public wifi
>take a good chunk of you liquid cash, buy monero, and transfer it to an ledger wallet
>start going to a casino/betting online.
>Judge: "where did all the money go anon?"
>I got so depressed over the looming divorce I started gambling (see evidence here) and lost X amount.

>> No.11141160
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I can't take this blackpill... I just can't. I feel like the only person who really gets me is my romantic partner , and I'd hate to be alone...
But in the back of my head I know this is true.

>> No.11141710
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This based anon gets it.

>> No.11141929

based and redpilled

>> No.11142757

>i gambled it all and lost
Does the judge actually buy this shitty story?
Dont they have the power to simply make you cough up money by being in debt forever?

>> No.11142898
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>ITT: the saddest after school special ever

>> No.11142937


can they take half my crypto's under current law?

>> No.11142940

not if you don't give them the keys

>> No.11142967
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how would they know how much you have...

pic related

>> No.11142980

i dont wanna know if they can actually take it realistically i just wanna know what the law says

>> No.11143021

This is solid advice, anon. But there's a much simpler solution:
Just DON'T get married, fuckers.

>> No.11143042

the (((law))) says you are a slave

>> No.11143792
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Good thing I live in Pakistan. Ain't no bitch divorcing me here.

>> No.11144312


the problem is respecting whores in the first place. I've cheated on and ghosted girls over and over, and I've been cheated on too. It's fucking social anarchy out there.

If you were to ever get divorced, put your money all into crypto, hide that shit, get a good lawyer, and make up some story that you lost it. There is NO fucking way some whore or white Knight onions judge is getting his hands on my wealth.

>> No.11144519
File: 97 KB, 450x300, datphan_directv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TRUTH. XMR and OPsec is your friend bois.