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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11140342 No.11140342 [Reply] [Original]

Ill invite /fit/. Let discuss.

>> No.11140368

Honestly being in good shape is going to help you out immensely in the world of business as far as getting jobs, promotions, etc. goes, so I think /biz/ and /fit/ are about equal.

>> No.11140373

/biz/ has more LINK, /fit/ looks better


>> No.11140411

It's 4chan so it's autism on every board.
Autistic smart wealthy guy > autistic muscular strong guy

>> No.11140432

/fit/ will tell you theyre more alpha. But money talks. Health is important too. But have fun being healthy waking up after a no sleep to work with NPCs.

>> No.11140444

/biz/ has alpha mentality. /fit/ falls into 2 camps, born alphas that were always fit and fat betas who got fit and now circlejerk about their lifting routine while still being unable to talk to real girls without a credit card number.

>> No.11140462

The problem with /fit/ is that the obsession stops getting you actual progress fairly quickly

/biz/ is more patrician because it's bottomless and has a lasting multigenerational impact.

>> No.11140475

Most of fit are skinny fats or pseudo neckbeard that lift slow as fuck and take 10 minutes to write down their lifts in between sets.

There are natty guys in shape and juice heads that post their pics for attention and maintain the circle jerk of oat squats and GOMAD.

>> No.11140477

most of biz has to work for it while theres nothing impressive about never being overweight in your life, and just lifting a little to stay in shape.

>> No.11140484


>> No.11140540

/fit/izens are angry manlets
/biz/ is bunch of poor Indians trying to scam each other
You fucked up
You are here forever

>> No.11140563

There is no "we are better than the others", only the holy trinity

>> No.11140574

>not browsing both
>not training your hardest while waiting for the singularity
>not wanting to become better, physically, financially and mentally

>> No.11140580

At /biz were actually trying to adapt to a rapidly evolving market and make it.

At /fit there's nothing new to discuss, all the information about getting in shape is already out there/in the sticky, so it devolves into a shitty version of the misc where everyone just literally wastes their time autistically.

/Biz provides genuine value, /fit is just for losers who have given up on life and just want to waste their time talking about every autistic striation they have

t. Miscer and psl'er for.mant years, now only browse /biz.and zerohedge

>> No.11140615

>genuine value
>buy link guys

>> No.11140625

I'd say /fit/ desu, here it's just full of pajeets but with good ass memes while /fit/ is 25/50/25 chads, autistic chads and /fat/ties larping

>> No.11140626

A true patrician leverages them equally. If you're a millionaire and jacked with drive and direction you're doing better than 99.99999% of the human population.

>> No.11140638

man misc brings me waaaay back

>> No.11140642


>> No.11140643


>> No.11140649

Whiteknight gay Mods nuked that place. Back in 2010-2012 it was one of the greatest forums in internet history

>> No.11140664

t. Manlet /fit roidmonkey

>> No.11140715

>be 5/10 typical guy
>get fit
>be 6/10

>be 5/10 typical guy
>get rich
>be 10/10

>> No.11140812

no money can buy you that 6ft3 and the dick that comes with it though

>> No.11140844

>be 10/10 broke chad
>make money easily because everyone naturally likes having me around
>occasionally become rich 10/10 uber chad
the real red pill is the company i work for doesn't have a single ugly person. everyone looks like a fucking model or close. it's like they literally screen ppl and weed out the ugly ones

>> No.11140904

This. If your average Anon wasn’t slightly autistic and/or socially retarded then it would be worth discussing (but still money > fit).

>> No.11140929


>short manlet
>short fat manlet with money

which one will get the girl?

>> No.11141027
File: 138 KB, 792x844, 1537336996968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you point me to the genuine value section?
All I get when I ask where to start is:
>buy kneepads an suck mad dick

I'm fresh to money stuffs. I torrented several gigs about cryptos and tens of gigs of Rohn, Robbins, Kiyosaki, Zigler, Tracy et al.
What do?

>> No.11141072

This place shilled BTC, it shilled eth, it shilled dgb and neo, I used to try to swing trade and fight these autists but why do it? They're right, link is going to be 4chans greatest win probably, far greater than trump because it's actually going to benefit our lives and allow us to retire before 30 rather than be some distant autistic moral victory

Between all the autistic wojaks and screeching at small market movements, projects go through a deeply darwinian process here since we can shit test each other and offend each other as much as we like, unlike anywhere else online basically

>> No.11141120
File: 178 KB, 500x491, 1537276923157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was going to buy link ironically just for the memes
Well say I had a few hundred each month I saved? What percentage would you put into what?
Have any books I should read?
How much link should I buy to make it?

>> No.11141142

This place isn't just retarded link memes. I have learned about four actual, unironic gems by lurking here.

>> No.11141152

I'd say its harder to get rich than it is to get fit

>> No.11141167

Sup /biz/, still jacking off to your worthless shitcoins ?

>> No.11141170

/biz/ & /fit/ both turn into /r9k/ when they having bad time
Most alpha board am /tv/

>> No.11141171

>what is disconnect between reality and perception for $100

>> No.11141182

If you're only dealing with 100's then just all in link, that's shit tier money and you shouldn't worry about saving it

That being said we are on the brink of a major financial crisis, so I would also be buying silver gold xmr and btc if you had more.money, that is

If you want to educate yourself Read all of nassim talebs books in order , thinking fast and slow by kahneman, adaptive markets by Andrew love, the elephant in the brain, the rational male, and the creature from Jekyll island

>> No.11141335
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1537364674474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice and brutal honesty.
I have an ounce of gold and about 5k in fiat and I save 300-600 month.
I'll spend it between btc link and gold most likely.
I won't be affected by the crash due to where I live.
So my shit tier money won't be any shittier.
When the crash happens, what then buy stocks and real estate when it's low?

>> No.11141603


dont forget /b for trap porn

>> No.11141714

There's nothing alpha about complaining about the new Star Wars or JOing to Mille Bobby Brown's modeling pics.

>> No.11141979

Biz is average intelligence

>> No.11142014
File: 22 KB, 398x500, 1537403438231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that there's actually people in /biz/ that are actually wealthy instead of bunch of pajeets and poorfags.

While in /fit/ there is actually fit people

>> No.11142032

/pol/ /biz/ /fit/ /ck/ is patrician

>> No.11142174
File: 50 KB, 700x672, 1537165144407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace /pol/ with /lit/ for true enlightenment. All the really important /pol/ redpills are common discussions on /biz/ and /fit/ anyway.

>> No.11142192

so the board with the most normal people?

maybe /biz/ but im biased
also maybe /pol/
probably /do it yourself/
maybe /out/
maybe /gif/
maybe /b/

also i just want to say that is /fa/ the most faggot board ever or is that just me? i would go there maybe once a year because i want a new jacket but fuck the shit they think looks good is plain embarrassing

>> No.11142250


fuuu bro are you aweir. good times brah.

>> No.11142316


How has nobody checked this man’s trips yet, /fit/ is visiting and we act like savages??

I love fit, a few years back I got in great shape because of that board and it changed how I see myself. One of the few boards that can lead to self-improvement. But yeah, there’s nothing sadder than the anons who got jacked and still realize they can’t talk to girls. At least they’re a step closer though.

>> No.11142324


> not fapping exclusively on /gif/

never going to make it

>> No.11143455

this, /pol/ is a phase, /lit/ is for life

/fit/ /biz/ /lit/ masterrace with a side of /trv/ and /ck/ for a well-rounded life

>> No.11143703

There isn't a universal group of people on either board. /fit/ has plenty of muscle heads but it also has shittons of Skellies and trap faggots. The same way on /biz/ there may be some decently wealthy stock market traders but most people are retarded cryptofags and subhuman NEETS.

>> No.11143719
File: 429 KB, 960x574, pepsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically /fit/. /fit/ is where you can find useful information to build muscle and become better looking. /biz/ on the other hand is a shit board full of pajeets, brainlets, and scammers with shit financial advice. Everyone on /fit/ makes it but no one on /biz/ does.

>> No.11143746

fit is only good if you dyel faggots or literal fat people.

looksmaxxing is easy as fuck.
making millions is not.

>> No.11144321

are you guys memeing about /fit/?
/fit/ is the most insecure board on this shitty website.
they're all just repressed homosexuals who think if you're a certain height you're entitled to pussy everywhere

>> No.11144333


Mma > lifting
STEM career > trading
