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11139576 No.11139576 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you cryptofags, especially in the US cashed out large amounts of money from crypto? What's your overall crypto net worth as well?

>> No.11139620
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>cashing out your crypto into depreciating meme fiat money.

Constantly increasing supply, constantly decreasing value. Leave what you don't need to BTC.

>> No.11139633
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hi jeb!

>> No.11139635
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Didn't answer the question.

>> No.11139662

Yeah, why would you store your money in fiat that decreases 2% every year, I'd rather let it decrease by 70% with crypto in less than a year. Yeah that sounds reasonable!

>> No.11139697
File: 605 KB, 975x975, 1537352614125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin doesn't depreciate.
It holds it's value.
One bitcoin = one bitcoin

It's depreciating fiat meme money vs Stable BTC

>> No.11139709

Nobody gives a shit about coin, see you at 0,weeb.

>> No.11139718
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Alright Pajeet.

>> No.11139750

But one bitcoin can be divided a million times and therefore depreciate because of it.

>> No.11139812

1 year ago today btc was $4100 you faggot.
its up like 60%

>> No.11139854

Is anybody going to answer? Cause I want to know the best way to cash out a couple hundered links post singularity

>> No.11139971

Nobody cashes out LOL

>> No.11140152


>> No.11140183

use Payfair

>> No.11140258

maybe not a "large amount" but i cashed out about $15k in january. it all went fine, i did it in increments so there were no holds put on any the transfers. i paid the taxes in april and that was it

"you can't cash out" is a meme

>> No.11140269

oh, and i still got about $10k left in crypto. not really expecting it to bounce at this point but it's worth the risk for me just to keep it in the system...

>> No.11140275

use payfair nigga.

>> No.11140277

How much taxes did you pay and are you American?

>> No.11140914


>> No.11141161

I never understood this. People say why would you convert your crypto to fiat as fiat depreciates. Yet those very same people compare their crypto to the usd to figure its value. If there were no usd to compare it to, then how many gallons of milk could you buy with it? Everyone wants fiat as it is the only usable currency.

>> No.11141193

I have a $100k limit on Coinbase. Never had to use more than $30k.

I think they'll approve just about anyone for the higher limits. I had less than a million dollars in trade volume and I just decided that the $10k daily withdrawal limit was too much (it never was) and I clicked on the application and in less than ten words I typed "$10k is too small" or something to that effect. It was approved minutes later.

>> No.11141242

I sell my crypto gradually to individual people as they need it. Nothing on paper and all in monero mainly. The money I get from it I send to myself as a money order and then I rebuy crypto with it to then sell again later. Or buy mining equipment