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11138672 No.11138672 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short the Rothschilds?

>> No.11138680

Also how do I short jay electronicas life?

>> No.11138684

They have a few shitty kids to throw to the masses. The public family isn't even the main one anymore.

>> No.11138696

>thinks he can short the (((chosen ones)))

>> No.11138723

i don't get it why date a nigger?

>> No.11138739


>> No.11138742

Their brainwashing affected more than just the goyim. Also daddy issues.

>> No.11138751

This right here is proof the Jews aren't in some mass race-mixing conspiracy. They are cucked just as badly as the rest of us

>> No.11138764

>Imagine actually stil believing there is some mass brainwashing conspiracy when the ROTHSCHILDS THEM FUCKING SELVES are getting cucked by bbc

Peak stormfrontcel delusion

>> No.11138822

so how many rothchilds are married to negros and have black babies? until i see the sextape of this broad getting Electroniggered - it didn't happen.

>> No.11138872
File: 647 KB, 586x609, chrome_2018-09-19_17-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucks niggers
>tweets minions
>moves from boyfriend to boyfriend while trying to raise 5 children
fucking lmao, the Rothschilds are 1 generation away from looking for a job at MacDonalds.

>> No.11138880

Brainlet. Jews have always race mixed as much as they could. It makes them less ugly and they are more accepted in the societies they ((infiltrate)). Only the priest ones stay pure blooded cause those dont live as leeches in goyim societies, they stay in their small communities or nowadays Israel

>> No.11138896

Why would anyone want their teeth knocked out. Stupid question imo

>> No.11138908

that nigger has balls of steel making a threat like that you gotta admit

>> No.11138936

she isn't a real zionist and she is not of the rothschilds

>> No.11138949

>poison every well in the world
>a few of your tribe also happen to drink from it
>(((see))) we didn't poison the wells!

Fuck you JIDF.

>> No.11138950

stupid goyim. kate is a puppet/ fake rothschild

>> No.11138959

He is dumb of course. He probably thinks his dad is Ross from friends.

>> No.11138961

There are rotten apples in every family. These people have a lot of children, the ones that agree and follow with their twisted vision inherent the power. The others get money and they dont care about them. As long as they have 2 or 3 offspring each they can count on, the others dont matter

>> No.11138971
File: 341 KB, 2048x2048, D4BB005C-C72D-4557-982C-6517ACC50C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>control world through Jewry
>can’t prevent your granddaughter, the heiress to House Rothschild, from getting BLACKED

Is there any one man who is more JUSTed harder than Jacob? Kek

>> No.11138992

Fuck you dude, minions are based

>> No.11139004
File: 49 KB, 617x262, chrome_2018-09-19_18-06-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not balls. It's from being an impulsive woman full of estrogen. Black males have 15% more Estradiol which is an Estrogen Steroid and the major female hormone. That's why their are impulsive and get violently easily. Imagine the volatile emotions of a woman on a 200 pound man, and you'll understand why blacks are what they are.

You can just look at the guy's smooth and soft skin and see he's overflowing with estrogen+testosterone.

>> No.11139014

Kike brigade on full force kek. Read

>> No.11139018

This is proof that some Jews are self-hating basket cases. Jewish women are 10x more batshit crazy and degenerate than european women.

>> No.11139049
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>> No.11139081

Kek seeing his whole legacy fall to blacked pieces

>> No.11139090

Unironically get his SSN and take out a life insurance policy on him. You can take a life insurance policy out on ANYONE with their info LEGALLY. Then again, he might commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head and suffocating himself in a body bag in his bathtub... Life insurance doesn't pay for suicides...

>> No.11139146

>You can just look at the guy's smooth and soft skin

nigga u gay

>> No.11139153

Of course she would date a tree hockey aficionado.

>> No.11139178

His voice is the creepiest you'll ever hear

>> No.11139197

>trying to raise 5 children

>> No.11139218


usually they do a quick phone interview with the persons who's insured so he will be aware/have to give consent and it does payout for suicides as long as the policy has been in force for more than 2 years

>> No.11139234

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.11139259

>when blacks literally beat whites and kikes in their own game

>> No.11139279

My 88 dubs say you can

>> No.11139313
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>> No.11139363

She has 3 kids with former husband
This is just a larp
She is also anti drumpf on twitter
I might rethink the opinion on drumpf seriously

>> No.11139416


Lol omg u misspelled his name lmao

Niggas be like 'drumpft'

>> No.11139508


Imagine having unlimited wealth and then birthing a daughter that behaves like this...

In her mind, she probably thinks she is saving the white race by colonizing these nigs. She is just making all our lives a living hell.

>> No.11139670


> In her mind, she probably thinks she is saving the white race by colonizing these nigs.

I can guarantee you that is not a thought that has entered her mind. Your head is broken.

>> No.11139738

> bringing logic to the whores behavior
Lmao the state of incels

>> No.11139746

high iq post

>> No.11139789


Explains the fondness for jewelry and shoes.

>> No.11140350

Unironically as a fashion accessory, especially when it comes to rich/upper middle class girls. It isn't virtue signaling in these cases, but it often is with middle income females.

>> No.11140370

why is she called heiress?

>> No.11140384

>Life insurance doesn't pay for suicides...
it does acyually

>> No.11140393

we'll look back on this as people look back on bestiality

>> No.11140409

>yo you a rosschild?
>is ya mom rachel or liz cuz rachel fly as fuck and I hear she do anal

>> No.11140452

>hi i'm coalburner rothschild
>shiiiet i ain't the daddy!

>> No.11140470
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>> No.11140500

Mental gymanstics through the roof. Your theories are all bullshit face it. A direct Rothschild literally got blacked by a low inhib rapper thug, apply Occam's razor you fucking faggots

>> No.11140963

lmao imagine being this bluepilled

>> No.11141047

Incredibly small sample size. kinda zealous to be drawing such far reaching conclusions desu.

>> No.11141058

you don't deserve to live anymore kike. Jews are not white.

>> No.11141062

You upset blacky? But in all seriousness we should stop the racial fighting and deal with the real enemy

>> No.11141326

By supporting the established of a National Socialist America

>> No.11141336

How is Africa for a sample size on blacks?

>> No.11141411

You are pretty much defending these enigmatic trillionaires who horde all of their money and control everything. Maybe the guy has a genuine reason for his aggression towards the Rothschild family.