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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 1080x813, Rutapedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11137735 No.11137735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11137895

Maybe he tried swing trading

>> No.11137900

paedophile btfo

>> No.11137917

Ummm... sweetie.

How much LINKIES you guys willing to pay for doxxing?

>> No.11137926

I liked him.

>> No.11137939

Rutabaga is a pedo

>> No.11137940

>I'm actually super gay but I'm in denial because it looks like a girl

>> No.11137959
File: 191 KB, 448x360, orelse_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill him

>> No.11137966

@chainlinkfan was rutabaga

>> No.11137967 [DELETED] 

Mossad will pay for his assassination! He will be missed.

>> No.11137992

I know.

>> No.11138031

Kek. Thank god she’s off the discord. She was annoying as fuck. And encouraged shilling to the reddit. Can’t wait for her to get vanned

>> No.11138049

Doctor Rutabooga is not lady.

>> No.11138051

He was not a "girl"
He obviously lacked balls but no vegana anywhere to be found.
It was just a retard who pretended to be cute and all you autists believed it.

>> No.11138062

I could careless what gender. His typing + amount of constant gossip was woman defining enough.

>> No.11138137

ChainLinkFan was me actually you faggots.

>> No.11138175

Also rutabaga good luck cashing out. Since you have probably been flagged, any time you wish to withdrawal your linkies the bank and IRS are going to extensively screen you. When they find out you moderated dating sites and scrapped their pictures then bragged about doing it. They’re just going to nail to the cross and steal your linkies. The law doesn’t treat pedos fairly and they’ll say you sold those photos and that’s how you acquired linkies. They won’t ever let a pedo be rich. It’s common sense.

>> No.11138188

Was the best Chainlink twitter account. What happened?

>> No.11138190

How much of a sad life do you live to make up bullshit like this? Get a fucking life.

>> No.11138191


>> No.11138209

There's a bunch of sad fat neet fucks in this thread who need to go get laid. That's the who

>> No.11138212


>> No.11138227

Whats the truth about all this? Cant be arsed to dig about Discord drama

>> No.11138229


Based and redpilled. Dare I say Astro is our guy?

>> No.11138230
File: 79 KB, 250x242, 1536960652782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a blog!

>> No.11138233

I have a pretty solid idea of who you are now.

>> No.11138236
File: 191 KB, 653x477, 1531847674324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nooooooo this one doesn't exist. There's now only hundreds of LINK shill accounts to follow.

>> No.11138238

The only legit twitter source is gone, well done retards.

>> No.11138239

So a 4chan autist was larping as a chick on the discord and a bunch of discrod faggots had a crush on the LARP.
These are the "market movers" that shitpost on /biz/, everybody. The absolute fucking state...

>> No.11138245

>ChainLinkFan was me actually you faggots.
> There's a bunch of sad fat neet fucks in this thread who need to go get laid. That's the who

Are you outing yourself as a collective of sad fat neet fucks? Is this what tripfags are? Just schizo versions of regular biz users?

>> No.11138251
File: 18 KB, 705x105, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too

>> No.11138278

If you're going to start claiming to be behind all of these accounts and larps, you're going to need to start providing some evidence. Otherwise, you're just the attention seeking faggot that you've always been.

>> No.11138282
File: 212 KB, 1125x1212, B3DFEF09-DA18-4D6C-ACB8-30BF17C792DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lenocinium is being exposed lmao

>> No.11138318

>eth/btc or your token
I need their contact RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

>> No.11138320
File: 5 KB, 222x227, 1536802227326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this?

>> No.11138321
File: 32 KB, 720x549, dabbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really don't

>> No.11138323
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw astro is so desperate for attention not only is he a tripfag but he larps as a girl on discord just to get (You)s
Holy fuck dude did your parents EVER hold you as a child?Or did they show you WAY too much attention? Are you actually able to reflect on the fact you have a pathological need for attention, or is that so close to the bone that your mind just veers away when you start to think about it?
Holy fucking shit, dude, the problem with narcissistic personality disorders is that narcissists are the last people in the world to ever seek help. I don't hold out much hope for you.

>> No.11138360
File: 366 KB, 1125x1760, 539414B9-E8CB-4CB6-B928-EE435AEFA012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11138402

Such projection
Such White Knight

>> No.11138409

a literal who

>> No.11138411

Like anyone would believe this crap. Yes a project that raised 32 million, has done hardly any marketing themselves and is clearly working hard behind the scenes is going to hire a bunch a bunch of obese neets to post on a taiwanese caligraphy forum. To do what, pump the price? Knowing the retards in crypto all you have to do to pump the price is make vague announcements on twitter. No need to hire a couple of basement dwellers.

>> No.11138414

I bet he is also behind this post and the other larps this week:

>> No.11138453



>> No.11138458

You faggots do realise that she reported whoever sent her death and rape threats to the police? Hope you were behind 10 proxies.

>> No.11138499

Yes and? I can fake shit as well doesn't mean its bievable.

>> No.11138510

fuck off redditor, you must go back

>> No.11138518

>wants to be a discord celebrity and doxes themselves for internet attention
>complains when the internet retard brigade does bad things with their personal information

>> No.11138612


>> No.11138643

They have been backtraced

>> No.11138670

Imagine having a little fun without first protecting your neck. Fuck off normie

>> No.11138671

There has never been a tripfag who aggravated me more than this fucking nigger right here. I hope you end up in a liveleak video

>> No.11138683

>6k for sending a twitter

>> No.11138699

heard you think ruta's pedo behavior was acceptable in civil society. astro, I expected you to at least be above pederasty, shame shame. Stealing nude pics of under age children is pederasty you sick fuck,

>> No.11138725

Linknewsoracle is decent

>> No.11138727

Shut up fucker!

t. Pederast

>> No.11138755

>willingly spending time in a crypto discord

>> No.11138841
File: 26 KB, 261x313, nambla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11138847

You heard wrong then mother fucker. My public conversation is quite clear how against pedos I am. Go screenshot where it is you think I'm a pedo. You're psychologically projecting. sick fucker

>> No.11138897
File: 329 KB, 1080x1606, ruta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping good company astro add ruta to the mix and you guys make quite the trio

>> No.11138998

This thread is fucking embarrassing. Take this shit back to the gay little discord it came from

>> No.11139023

Rub and tugga.

>> No.11139226

the classic "they sent me death threats and rape threats"

>> No.11139280

welcome to the internet retard lmfao