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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 361x366, 0xbitcoin_stylish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130658 No.11130658 [Reply] [Original]

>up 94% against ETH on the 30 day chart

Yeah, I'm thinkin' we're gonna be rich.

>> No.11130676

I’m only studying and have no job, yet I managed to accumulate 12k of those bad boys

What’s your excuse anon? Still muh link and singularity?

>> No.11130692

interest in this coin is dying, quick.

> can you feel it mr. krabs?

>> No.11130706

This, get out while you can. Fucking pointless token

>> No.11130812

when this token is useless whole crypto space is useless then 0xbtc is crypto too da fullest

>> No.11130913


The weakest of weak FUD. More 0xBTChads are made every day.


Not gonna lie, I'm 'mirin'.

>> No.11130939

i dumped my bags once i realised their contract is coded terribly

>> No.11130955

I'm feeling bored just being in here. If you can't tell my honesty through a computer screen, then I quite frankly don't care. I did care enough to make this post though because I forgot to turn on my filters with new web browser, and that seemed like more work than being an asshole to someone online.

>> No.11130992


t. accumulating



>> No.11131027

no im being serious. i unironically dont care even if this does go up. my autism prevents me from supporting such lazy development.

someone will take their code, fix it, and ill invest in that one instead

>> No.11131057

but you can't point to the line in the code that's buggy because of reasons, right?

>> No.11131070

its not buggy its just a mess

doubled up functions for no reason

its not even 21m tokens

>> No.11131090

>doubled up functions for no reason
such as?

the reason it's not 21m tokens is that someone mined a few tokens to the 0x0000.. address by mistake, and those were deducted from the total supply.

>> No.11131154

well you win i guess
total supply should stay at 21 no mater where the tokens go. just like btc.

>> No.11131172

I had 3989 0xBTC and tossed them all for ether. I only hold ether now and currently own 455 ETH. My target is 500 ether.

>> No.11131184

The supply is 21MM

Ethscan just subtracts burned tokens from their number

Same with bitcoin

Look up actual supply of bitcoin accounting for burn and lost coins diptard

>> No.11131197

Will you buy the rope before or after 1 0xBTC = 0.1 ETH?

>> No.11131247

I await ether 3,500 next year
Then 6,500 EOY next year
Then ether's market cap at or above 1 trillion sometime around 2020-±

No need for outdated POW. Everything will be on the Ethereum platform after sharding.

>> No.11131285

guess that's why real blockchains use the UTXO model

>> No.11131367

care to explain why you think that an uncapped utility token with an ever-changing monetary policy will reach those heights? Just because it's associated with the network?

what do you even mean by that? Those 0xBitcoins still exist and can be seen on the 0x00.. address, it's just that etherscan counts them as "burnt".

>> No.11131556

Sure, but what isn't?

>> No.11131613
File: 421 KB, 700x475, 0xbtcnotselling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11131627


Chainlink, Bitcoin, Cardano, Monero, etc. Not kidding, look it up for yourself. Other coins don't come close to a 94% monthly gain on ETH.

>> No.11131632


This is a future JUSTing if I've ever seen one.

>> No.11131633

This shit is going to make me so fucking rich

>> No.11131634

lol guessing you're the guy who posted the fake, invalid solidity code yesterday that wasn't even in the contract. Which anyone can verify in 30 seconds

>> No.11131657

if you're not buying 0xBTC with that ether, during the current dip, with the eth price devaluating, I dunno what to say to you lol

>> No.11131670

You and me both, fren

>> No.11131871

Maybe because Ethereum took it in the ass?

>> No.11131880

Unironically $10 EOY, $100 by Q2 2019

>> No.11131898


Yep. Now you just have to ask yourself why that is. Also, see here: >>11131627


Based and orangepilled.

>> No.11132104

Let me say again: this shit is going to make me so fucking rich

>> No.11132116


Based "shit is gonna make me so rich" poster.

>> No.11132446

Based and orangepilled

>> No.11132482

will this shit ever be listed on binance?

>> No.11132504

Even though I'm not invested in it, I wish you all the success, 0xBTC holders!


>> No.11132515

you have to pay to get listed on binance

>> No.11132624

When it's $5 and has 2M volume

>> No.11132656

Too optimistic, it needs to fly a lot higher to get listed on Binance.

>> No.11132669


Unless your Holo and Binance wants to fomo in so they give it to you for free, yeah. 0xBTC is a Pajeet scamcoin.
Nothing more. The dev literally just copied and pasted BTC into an ERC20 and now shills it on here with brainlet marketing. It’ll never go anywhere.

>> No.11132773

another screencap for 2020.

0xBTC has proven to be a store of value, period.

enjoy wanting to kill yourself for missing the opportunity to be a millionaire, again.

>> No.11132834

theyre all so stupid it hurts.... keep getting burned in icos stupid fags

>> No.11133158

Thank you good sir, and same luck to you!

>> No.11133164

Wow, you've never programmed a fucking thing in your life, have you? VCR doesn't count. Tell us, what wonderful ICO did you buy into instead?

>> No.11133631

I get paid at the end of the month, I support this coin,but I'm not risking paying at these prices,im sorry but I'm going to have to fud this coin down to about 30cents, I can't even mine a decent amount only have 130 and wanna go for 1k. Sorry again.

>> No.11133667

There is no fud that will stick against this. Your efforts will be in vain and we will definitely not see 30 cents any time soon, if ever.

>> No.11133712

U have no idea what I can do and how much power I have online, I am the biggest fud expert u gave come across, or maybe I'll do the opposite and are going to dump my top 1 wallet on you all.

>> No.11133768

It literally fuds itself the only times it has ever gone up are obvious PnDs (look at volume history and the buys/sells that happened on pumps). These create new generations of brain dead bag holders who refuse to sell but guess what? You’re still whale food. Some people have millions of these ready to dump once they can set up a good run. When the whales are gone the pnd games end and the shitcoin dies for good.

>> No.11133855

Top 3 wallets are exchanges, sonny-boy, better up your fud game.

>> No.11133960

Em I mean top 10.... hahaha plus I'm just exposing the pattern of fud.... project is going to make me rich...

>> No.11134016

>-84% in 3 months
yikes, dodged a bullet there

>> No.11134037
File: 1.87 MB, 1964x2822, 1535626331053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people have millions of these
as if, everything else you said is even more retarded

>> No.11134257

That's true, it's held value really well compared to the other coins

>> No.11134763
File: 39 KB, 400x352, hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Never invest in a pump and dump since you can never know when the pump will stop and the dump will start. On many occasions will the hype simply collapse on its own. Also remember that the moment when you buy his bags is the moment the Pajeet has won. The lack of any and all fundamentals make the death of this cryptofraud inevitable creating a game that is rigged against the players. People who trade Pajeetcurrencies are like gamblers who play slot machines and believe that they can win it big. After you bought a scamtoken you can only sell it to another victim before the price goes to zero and the only way you can make a gain is by making someone else lose even more. Never ever will the Pajeet ask you to get his shitcoin back.

>Since your information come from the Pajeets website or the monkey itself you will never gain an advantage with respect to information over anybody else. The only way in which the Pajeet can be considered fair is in the way that he lies to everybody equally. Thus the moment you buy is the moment everyone else is buying and the price is high. And the moment you realize that the hype is over is the moment everyone realizes the same and the price crashes. In the end you buy high and sell low.

I dont know why it is so hard for you to accept that your project is dead. Look at your thread. Its filled with nothing but anons reminding everyone that this is a scam and your sad echos that it isnt. Your shitcoins reputation is damaged beyond repair and its all your fault. You made a nonsencical shitcoin and you sucked as a pajeet. But you inability to handle this just shows how fucked you really are.

>> No.11134824

>literally the first ERC20 token that mathematically can not be a scam
>calls it a scam
>doesn't even explain how it could possibly be a scam
stale fud/10

>> No.11134870
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, 0xSCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Its your job to explain why this is a scam
>Its not my job to explain that it isnt
stereotype pajeet logic

>> No.11134924

>contract deployed: February 6th
>Bitcointalk thread created: February 6th
>first thread on reddit: February 7th
>first thread on /biz/: February 14th
Please tell me more about the "secret premine" that you rambled a whole wall of text about. But you already knew all of this, I've presented you with these very same facts countless of times. Your argument has no legs to stand on, and yet you persist. Why?

as always, links for proof:

>> No.11134991

Shut up Simon you fag

>> No.11135109

Looks like that's enough getting btfo for him today. The pajeet fears the truth.

>> No.11135457

omg you sound so dumb millions hahahah you dont know the supply....

>> No.11135509

in the begining i thought you were a inteligent fudder but you really just a dumbfuck trying too accumilate for the cheap kys

>> No.11135878

thats just facts....

>> No.11136066

well, yes, it is.

>> No.11136148

The price has not moved for 8 hours now, what the fuck is going on?

>> No.11136812

No one's selling, that's what's going on. The order book is a total Mexican standoff.

>> No.11136842

Wwwaaassuuu wasuu wasssuu

>> No.11136928

Are we at 0.30cents yet I'm still waiting, or should I load fud level 2???

>> No.11136941
File: 8 KB, 130x213, a_True_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stagger my buys at $200 a piece over the next few weeks. BTC won't take a shit right after that right?

>> No.11137774

It'd take at least a few months to get down to 30 cents, and it could easily go above $1 instead in that time

>> No.11137831
File: 38 KB, 580x460, 19e9b03e2f7e0adb6375460b1749b27e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The greatest problem when trying to counter this scamtoken with facts is that this token has hardly any facts that can be contradicted. 0xBTC is a pure hypecoin that is dependent on hype and spam for its very survival and has no fundamentals at all and thus has nothing that anyone can contradict. It is nothing but a piece of stolen code from Bitcoin copied into an ERC20 token creating a minable token.

>There was never a final buyer and there never will be.

You can spend hours every day creating your lazy hype threads but all it takes is 1 visible post made in 5 min to doubt your nonsence. Then you are only left with your fundamentals of which you have none and your whole thread is kill. Every time you post "muh Juge Dohm is agumuladin" or "muh Juge Dohm has hat enoof" you appear really desperate and everyone can see this.

>> No.11137848

I admit I find you funny

t. 1.5k bagholder

>> No.11137901

I'll buy at 10 cents once it hits binance

>> No.11137952

Low IQ fud and delusions of grandeur. At least figure out a way to update your scam fud to account for the fact that your "secret premine" idea is unworkable

>> No.11137955

unironically so fucking rich, FUUUUUCK

>> No.11138044
File: 2.38 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orangepilled as fuck

>> No.11138082

Can mods delete these paid pajeet threads? So obvious that it’s the same person/people replying to each other with different IPs.

>> No.11138277

I don't understand why anyone would be buying

>> No.11138338

Obviously the only reason to buy right now is speculation. I bought some as a bet that ethereum scaling will succeed better than bitcoin's and in a couple of years 0xbtc will have the benefit of very low transaction fees, built in integration with ethereum smart contracts, and well understood economic properties based on those of bitcoin.

>> No.11138395

are you fucking retarded? literally ANY other coin is up compared to ETH

fucking retard

>> No.11138511
File: 192 KB, 1280x521, every thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture describes you so accurately it's not even funny

>> No.11139692


see: >>11131627


Thanks breh. =)