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File: 80 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_13366380-stock-photo-talulah-riley-elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11126592 No.11126592 [Reply] [Original]

>he believes negro babies starving in africa is code
>he thinks 4 year old girld getting assraped is some programmers design

I just...why do ppl worship him again?

>> No.11126604

You listed the reasons.

>> No.11126608
File: 1.44 MB, 1004x2958, Matrix_Redpill_Explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11126636

>he make electric car vroom vroom
>he make underground tunnel
>he make spaceship

>> No.11126653

>he believes negro babies starving in africa is God’s work
>he thinks 4 year old girls getting assraped is some God’s work

I just...why do ppl worship a God again?

Your OP is not in any way an argument against simulation theory.

>> No.11126831

He is the new Jobs. Complete asshole but people love him regardless. I think it is some sort of slave mentality people have they want something to be controlled by and not have to think or act for themselves. So rich people who have no respect for anyone else are people who receive worship from these slaves

>> No.11127776

He's an autist okay.
But he revived the electric car despite a century of technological suppression.
that alone makes him an American fucking hero.

>> No.11127802


>> No.11127813

>He doesn't torture his nigger Sims or slaughter people on his deathcoasters

>> No.11127824

>assuming that a simulation can only be av a utopia

Graduate middle and high school before you come back to this site.

>> No.11127826

No, he doesn't believe that. He says that the chance of this being base reality is billions to one against. That doesn't exclude the possibility that we are in base reality.

>> No.11127843

>Bad things happen
>Therefore everything's just quarks and atoms and elementary particles

Seems like you're an illiterate who hasn't read any philosophy, metaphysics, or thought deeply about anything ever OP

>> No.11127881

You don’t “graduate” middle school dumbfuck

>> No.11127909
File: 274 KB, 1800x2703, tr_ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talulah's h/w ratio is bonkers. Maybe our based simulation autist is using Grimes to measure suboptimal parameter satisfaction

>> No.11127936

Anon, I...

>> No.11128033

is this worth reading or just /pol/ tier bullshit?

>> No.11128044

Its worth reading if only because its an interesting interpretation of the matrix that makes sense given the symbolism. Its only really /pol/-tier near the end when they imply the jews killed Keanus wife and child.

>> No.11128085

>Its only really /pol/-tier near the end when they imply the jews killed Keanus wife and child

Keanu's Life:
- Wants to escape Hollywood, gets pulled back in
- Wife dies
- Child dies

John Wick
- Wants to escape assassination life, gets pulled back in
- Wife dies
- Dog dies (dog can be related to child)

One hell of a coincidence if not planned.

>> No.11128127

/pol/-tier bullshit, obviously. Do have a read though.

>> No.11128389

it was pretty good actually

>> No.11128864

We're in a sim and they have chosen to give us AI. They didn't program rape and starvation directly, these things have happened to be generated organically. It's the code version of the butterfly effect.

>> No.11129557


>> No.11130213

Ya because the Prius didn't exist. Muskrats are fucking insufferable.


>> No.11130282

kino /pol/ jew ramblings

>> No.11130399

You can call me a boomer you stupid faggots.

We made it and you dumb fucks never will. Suck a dick

>> No.11130431

Prius is a hybrid though dumbass

>> No.11130595

>He thinks the pool is open

>> No.11130615

>niggers starving
>4 yos getting raped
It's a feature not a bug

>> No.11130648

Fucking WRECKED OP go back to making ellipses on leddit

>> No.11130804

>some kid is bullied to the point of suicide on WoW in 2007
>this experience was obviously coded for by the design team at blizzard

>> No.11131063
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>> No.11131081

simulation can be random you absolute moron. Jt doesn't have to be like The Sims

>> No.11131234

prius is a fucking shitty puece if shit. comparing that to an all electric tesla os pure dumbfuck tier nigerian IQ material. how does it feel to be such a stupid reddit faggot?

>> No.11131315

>I think it is some sort of slave mentality people have they want something to be controlled by and not have to think or act for themselves.

This applies to anyone who looks up to a powerful figure. You usually can't be in a position of power without doing unethical things. Psychopathic people can also worship other psychopathic people because it validates their behavior.

>> No.11131394
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>> No.11131467

It's impossible to understand the morality of things running the simulation. They could be entirely scientific in nature in which case not interfering would be their goal. To simply observe what happens in different evolutionary situations.

It's impossible to guess if they would even care about human level intelligences going through trauma or not.

>> No.11131479

It's not random. People do fucked up stuff to their Sims all the time.

>> No.11131522

Also, if they simulate our entire universe, maybe we're just some minor random bug, some pixels that behave in a different way than the others, it is possible they didn't even detect that on this small rock something like organized structures emerged.
Maybe our small rock needs more processing power than other rocks and that's how they detect what's going on at some point but if I were to make a simulated universe to check for example if our theory of gravity checks out with quantum dynamics at large scale or something I probably wouldn't check in on every planet's surface at all times.

>> No.11131548

>Also, if they simulate our entire universe, maybe we're just some minor random bug, some pixels that behave in a different way than the others, it is possible they didn't even detect that on this small rock something like organized structures emerged.
You're an idiot.

>> No.11131566

The programmer doesn't control what the sims will do, that's why He gave them free will.

He also gave free and will to those who are meant to fight the things you mention, so giddy up and do your job instead of crying about how things are

>> No.11131575

>You're an idiot

Explain pls. Even if we're not in a simulation I'd argue that we are some random bug, because billions of years ago a molecule was spontaneously formed that locally reduced entropy by input of energy (heat, sunlight etc) and we only exist because it is a loophole that just works.

>> No.11131596
File: 140 KB, 614x911, 1537309156152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here. remember to be nice to her

>> No.11131612

Size is something you perceive inside the simulation. It doesn't actually exist you dumb jerk.

>> No.11131698

Then let's call it data, for 10^86 particles in the visible universe you'd need billions of billions of exabytes to store the state of the simulation, we're only a tiny fraction of that data, good luck combing through 99.99999% moondust to find some random particles behaving like we do, when you don't even specifically look for us.

>> No.11131706


the dubs ask, the dubs answer

>> No.11131758
File: 8 KB, 224x250, 1536961540187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is too much of a brainlet to understand ancestor simulators
heh better luck next time kiddo

>> No.11132024

grimes actually has a decent body. not a patch on talulah, but who is?

>> No.11132217
File: 115 KB, 625x444, 9D017E86-EB93-48CC-8224-F62710753698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your try running billions of ancestor simulations and coming up with new ideas OP...

Ever have a prostitute suck your dick and then kill her and take your money back in GTAV?

Ever join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim?

Every drop Nuclear Bombs and kill millions of people in Civilization V?

Ever have sex with your cousin then throw her in a dungeon and have her tortured then executed all the while expelling the Jews from your country as you slowly die from syphilis in Crusader Kings 2?


>> No.11133287
File: 256 KB, 483x581, C90B5717-D2F3-48AA-8EB1-CC12D87A6CE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlets guess who most likely created the simulation? AI, for whatever reason it created it an AI is not human. Therefore it won’t have human empathy and morality like we would. Odds are it would see things like you mentioned occurring in nature and include that in the simulation. The real question is why did the AI (which would basically be a god) create the simulation? Boredom? Is it a test to see if certain personality types may upload their consciousness to the AI to live forever? Is it trying to create the perfect civilization species?

>> No.11133300

wow, where is this from?

>> No.11133323

grimes was really tan

>> No.11133330

>they dont program african starvation simulators for fun
not going to make it

>> No.11133335

You are definitely not the brightest tool in the shed, anon. Elon, the puppet's job is to mislead you goyim.

AI is a fucking meme and you fell for it.

>> No.11133399

>smartest minds on the planet all agree AI will be the biggest technological event of humankind’s history
>random 4channer says it’s a meme
Hmmmmm, you know what you’re right, I’m sure everything will be fine this is Da Joos fault!

>> No.11134485
File: 449 KB, 1674x1022, civ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it trying to create the perfect civilization species?
yes unironically

>> No.11134795


The part that confuses me is the stuff about the garden of eden, if the red pill is the fruit of knowledge, that means that the garden is analogous to the matrix, and God is analogous to the Jews?

>> No.11134818


Reminder that Musk literally WORSHIPS an AI that doesn't exist yet. He believes that it inevitably will exist and can/will retroactively punish those who oppose it through simulations. This makes him very dangerous because if he was ever presented with a gate keeper scenario (AI in a box) he would betray humans and unleash whatever all powerful AI exists, even if it could end up backfiring and having all of humanity enslaved in a giant paperclip factory.

>> No.11134839

He's not an asshole at all though.

>> No.11134879

we can assume with access to the power needed to run a simulation, or more likely hundreds of simulations, it would be easy to find an "anomaly" like us. also, i feel like its easier to assume less that theres an enormous empty universe that someone is combing and more that the universe is empty because it is a control test. if youre running a study whats the first thing you do? isolate your variables. who says its a coincidence that we are alone?

>> No.11134999
File: 129 KB, 1260x706, ss+(2018-09-19+at+09.42.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This makes him very dangerous because if he was ever presented with a gate keeper scenario (AI in a box) he would betray humans and unleash whatever all powerful AI exists
i disagree

>so what happened with you when you decided.. or, when you took on a more fatalistic attitude? was there any specific thing or was it just the inevitability of our future?
>i tried to convince people to slow down.. to slow down AI, to regulate the AI. it was futile. i tried for years. they wouldn't listen. nobody listened. nobody listened.
>are people more inclined to listen today? it seems like an issue more brought up in the last 5 years rather than being science fiction.
>maybe they will... so far they havent.

>> No.11135121

>he believes OP being a literal faggot is code
>he thinks OP getting assraped is some programmers design

>> No.11135365
File: 38 KB, 640x640, Jade Brazil 20180716_100833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do understand why you think a person intended that rape and starvation were to be integral to existence but it could arise out of a simple piece of code that adds complexity.
Think of a fractal

>> No.11135834

Yeah could also be a possibility, I just wanted to point out that the devs may not have created us to study civilization or may not be like "lol let's delete all the food from africa and see what happens" but more like "Hey John come here you have to see that, that's odd" when randomly discovering our earth. Some viewpoints in this thread have been pretty human-centered so I wanted to provide a different perspective.
But in the end it's moot, it's like discussing interpretations of quantum physics, it's not going to get us anywhere since it's not verifiable.

>> No.11135948
File: 90 KB, 684x960, C979503B-570B-4A0A-B740-35A2E6D2064F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I’m leaning towards this, I think in each simulation that runs it pics the best bits and pieces/most desirable traits and loads that into the next simulation until the perfect specimen/utopia is created. Seems like a good purpose to give to something as advanced and godlike such as an AI that could run things that powerful. Do you think it will allow the consciousness of those who exhibit the desirable traits we adapt in our simulation to be loaded into the final product? Or are we just a stepping stone that will become obsolete?

>> No.11135968
File: 64 KB, 800x445, 956C7A3B-DCE5-4AE7-A995-D1AEDE91B7D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sayin...

>> No.11136114
File: 57 KB, 220x122, A692D684-2F56-42D7-A5E4-A72C6C519D30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all this talk about the Devs making this and that happen? It’s possible that the real OP in the year 2089 purchased this game for 37.23 LINK and has modded the the vanilla version to include African starvation and assraping just for the lulz. OP is so immersed in his game, that his avatar is really struggling with these decisions, and therefore came into 4chan to bitch about it and complain about the Elon NPC to a bunch of Anon NPCs... just one posibility.