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11124695 No.11124695 [Reply] [Original]

The only green I’ll see today edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Open] [Embed] [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Open] [Embed] [Open]

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>11122016

>> No.11124711

How much of an autist you have to be to make nearly every single /smg/ thread ?

>> No.11124715
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Rip Teh Profit ;-;

>> No.11124727

It’s my own fault for trusting the nips. The rough part is I was $6 away from an ATH. I’m just glad I’m using so little money till I learn.

>> No.11124736
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>caring who makes the OP, as long as the copypasta is there

>> No.11124740
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teh profit didnt gamble though

>> No.11124750

Chickened out and sold my AMD shares. Just don’t feel comfortable how seemingly everyone is saying it’s going to rise. Seems like growth would be pretty slow anyway

>> No.11124751

never buy chinaman stocks

they lie about everything

>> No.11124754

First for fuck Comfy the turbo faggot.
Thanks for fresh bread, Texas Anon.

>> No.11124758

Ok so you guys optimistic about 9ish GALT? Don’t want to sell now for pleb profits

>> No.11124766

If GALT will go up that much I would drop hundreds on it...

>> No.11124771

I think that's a smart move. Anyone who bought at or above $20 had my respect. That took some big balls.
How did you do with your gains?

>> No.11124773
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His personal life screwed him over
How the mighty have fallen

>> No.11124776

If I don’t you guys will let it 404.

>> No.11124779
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Well he is mainly an option trader
He is not a Buffett-sama memester
But I think his main problem is his IRL shit and he needs the money to sort it out

>> No.11124782

I'm trying to get $500 together before it gets to $7.

>> No.11124784

I also bought KOSS today. Anybody knows why I did it?

>> No.11124785
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An ok day, almost made back yesterday's lossea

The right amount, altho he has had a bunch of OP's lately..

>> No.11124789

If cancer data is good, it could easily reach that price
If the other catalysts are good (phase 3 NASH trials, buyout/partnership) are also good, it could go much higher

>> No.11124798 [DELETED] 

This. Only niggers are worse than the chinks.

>> No.11124805
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>the ride never ends

>> No.11124814

Clearly you have never met an Italian

>> No.11124825

Bought cheap CRON puts today. Can't wait for tomorrow :)

>> No.11124850
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>> No.11124854
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>> No.11124875

That's rich, coming from an ugly mormon faggot that's fucked relations of both sexes.

>> No.11124876

AMD is trash and will never amount to anything

>> No.11124900

Catch you all on Thursday.

>> No.11124908

He’s actually still a virgin

>> No.11124926

what happened?

>> No.11124940

He was on the long end of the bonds, ignoring fundamentals for meme-anal-ysis.

>> No.11124942

Shhhh, it adds to my mystique if they think I had sex with a qt loli hermaphrodite

>> No.11124953

That’s what I might do. I feel like it will probably be a huge waste but im gonna dump 500 on GALT. Hard to imagine the price will actually decrease by a ton if it doesn’t pan out

>> No.11124973

Fuck today's been a great day

>> No.11124991

I hear on fogs noose :DDD wage growth is slower than inflation in US, how true is this and how much should I care about it being in Europe with US stocks

>> No.11125002

Comfy your new child hermaphrodite thing is even worse than the hooker beating. How far will you go next? Literally what could be more despicable than your current desires?

>> No.11125031
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circuit breaker halt made me sell too early only made a small gains today.

>> No.11125035

I'm interested in buying some growth ETFs. Any recommendations? Something with a P/E ratio of 10-20, preferably, and something not 100% reliant on the tech sector. I currently own a handful of shares with SPYG and some other miscellaneous stocks.


By the way, I've been reading Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor." Really eye-opening. Would recommend to anyone caught up in hype.

>> No.11125042

If no action is taken, that means less consumer spending
But I think market will be betting on uncle Powell taking action and express a more hawkish tone
So, USD moons and stocks dipping would be my forecast (I don't put money on it because I only go long on companies I like, as Buffett-sama has taught us all)

>> No.11125045

Nobody ever lost money taking gains anon

>> No.11125046
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>tfw 10,000 NBEV at $1.80

>> No.11125059

Buy the CHAD 2000, IWM, you'll be grabbing cash and slapping ass in no time.

>> No.11125063

Not sure desu, I'll probably give the child hermie thing a 2 week run then up it to something even more disturbing to horrify the newfags
If I don't constantly make things worse, things get stale

>> No.11125066

Did you start with 25k+ or been working up to it ?

>> No.11125068

>0.01 shekels has been deposited into your Intel Inside™ account

>> No.11125088

Beautiful! Are you going to get out or hold for more sweet gains?

>> No.11125104
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No one is horrified. You are simply at the top of the list of people I would like to murder.

>> No.11125106

first time stock buyer.
i bought from the royal bank of scotland

>> No.11125111
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>> No.11125120
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Do it faggot, just take pictures for RKG

>> No.11125128


I'm going to start unloading shares between $3-$5.

>> No.11125144

Put the rest of your money in NLST if you want it to 20x by 2020.

>> No.11125147

All from NIO gains but don't touch it because is going to crash and burn.

>> No.11125148

I look at this picture and realize why you’re still a virgin. Get some style boo.

>> No.11125151

>something even more disturbing to horrify the newfags

>> No.11125161
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>tfw fell for NIO, bought at it 13 and its now under $8

>> No.11125164

ACB spook ya?

>> No.11125170

Going to ? It already is. The stall horns are wailing. Passangers have their heads tucked between the seats with floatation devices attached

>> No.11125178

Vintage 70s ski wear is always in style

>> No.11125179

Why am I the only one who thinks any sort of crash will go from USD to stocks and not the other way around? Deep goncern

>> No.11125180

Imagine unironically buying gold during the greatest bull market of all time

>> No.11125185

For """investors""" here going long on TLT like me, here is an interesting article :

>International demand for US bonds is strong
>but the little yellow slant-eyed scammers seem to be dumping them since january
>which means today's bond bloodbath may also be their doings
>Nanking 2.0 when ???

>> No.11125190

Interesting. I'm hoping for $4 myself. I have a much smaller stake than you but it would be a nice gain.

>> No.11125195

get rekt newfag

>> No.11125198

TRST or another weed play senpai?

What is it?

>> No.11125201

I've got 50 call options on GLD right now. Bull market is nothing more than a russian conspiracy designed by president Toad from Mario Kart.

>> No.11125202

Worry if 7.48 breaks, otherwise remain bullish.

>> No.11125208

yeah had no idea how the market was going to react to the new announcement. I fucked up.

>> No.11125231
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Hands up everybody, this time its no fucking joke if you press that sell button on your CRON shares I'll shoot your fucking guts.

>> No.11125232

oh fug, my buy is on 7.5

>> No.11125242
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>> No.11125244

The reason is margins

USD gets weaker ("crashes") when investors can take margins and invest elsewhere
USD gets stronger when their assets dip in value. They get margin-called, are forced to sell their assets and buy USD to meet the call

>> No.11125245

What are some good energy longs? No renewable garbage please, only boomer oil/gas.

>> No.11125249

It's up 12% today. Sell before everyone else does and you get caught holding homie

>> No.11125258

aaaah makes sense now, Im becoming paranoid and want to go full ret.. I mean Ron Paul and only buy commodities

>> No.11125274

Don't worry
I have never seen a lazy and dishonest chink
So people at NIO must be working very very hard to create value for their foreign shareholders from a country their government have an excellent relationship with

>> No.11125280


CRON sucks.

>> No.11125299

GNE is looking alright.

>> No.11125308
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We discussed this in a previous thread, but is 5G actually going to cause cancer?
Buying telecoms looks good (NOK, VZ), but what if they cause the end of mankind?

>> No.11125310

USO/XOP are good for trading, if you want you can look into MLPs for high dividends, I have a large position in MLPA which is an ETF with a bunch of MLPs in it. Sweet 8% dividend.

>> No.11125318

Probably mind control your melted brain, but buying T is a bobrainer.

>> No.11125321

when is this data for GALT coming out?

>> No.11125342

whups finger slipped sorry

>> No.11125363
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>TLRY's current price

This shit is going to crash isn't it?

>> No.11125373

yep, the puts are too fucking expensive for my taste though.

>> No.11125390

ETFs don't have p/e ratios

>> No.11125430

They kind of do, people like Shiller calculate both the CAPE and regular PE of various markets/indicies around the world. An ETF would reflect that PE/CAPE depending how it followed the index, though I'm not sure how weighing would play into it

>> No.11125461

No, they kinda dont. End

>> No.11125475

You can get the average P/E ratio of the over all ETF and use that as a stand in for it's ""P/E"" ratio, correct? But I still don't know how weighing would play into that

>> No.11125535

Interest rate hikes and tariffs on steel. Puts on GM? These puts are expensive. Think they will pay off?

>> No.11125539

Not the end. A rebirth.

>> No.11125558

Should be by the end of the week
If not by then, sometime soon after

>> No.11125565
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Evacuate meatspace

>> No.11125578
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>Is 5G actually going to cause cancer
>Is radio going to cause cancer
>Is telephones going to cause cancer
>Is cell phones going to cause cancer
>Is microwaves going to cause cancer
>Is 3g going to cause cancer
>Is 4g going to cause cancer
>Is wifi going to cause cancer

gee I don't know

>> No.11125584

you are correct
that guy obviously has never heard anyone talk about the s&p500's "P/E" before

>> No.11125590

>remain bullish on chink TSLA
Always do the oppositw of /biz/ applies to /smg/ aswell

>> No.11125604

sshhhhh we need him to buy our bags at the top

>> No.11125644

gunna happen with or without your buys. VZ is a great buy for medium term profits. I mean, they are a home ISP, a mobile provider, and are now into streaming TV. Seems like they are going to focus on sports, which is a huge $$$ item.

>On May 23, 2017, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam confirmed the company's plan to launch a streaming TV service.[119] The integrated AOL-Yahoo operation, housed under the newly created Oath division, will be organized around key content-based pillars.[120]


They also want to become a bookie, which should fucking print money.

>> No.11125664

Where is Bagholder Extraordinaire? One day he will be right and we actually enter a bear market, hope he didnt get liquidated.

>> No.11125708
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He said he was leaving during that bender he went on a week ago and he was coming back after Yom Kippur. So Friday I guess

>> No.11125748

He’s the MLPA guy.

>> No.11125779

you fucked it you’re done

>> No.11125785

When will BABA recover. I want to end it.

>> No.11125803


>The ID "brapt"

>> No.11125804

As someone who only buys stocks I feel like I miss out on a lot of the excitement. Seems like a lot of you guys buy calls/puts and thus really have stuff to follow every day.

>> No.11125820

Options are just leveraged stocks, /shrug. I only buy because I'm poor. Also it's fun

>> No.11125822

Don't fall for the option trader meme

I am a Buffett-sama memester and I know exactly how you feel

Bear in mind that many option traders are just barely breakeven (at best) at the end of the game

>> No.11125835

I'm still here.

>> No.11125850

Aren't you supposed to go to french speaking nigger land ?

>> No.11125876

Its gonna crash but Big beverage has been pumping it hard latley, And they just started a 2nd round of pumping it yesterday. Fucking ridiculous i sold off at 100% and bought back in for some more after the news

This buble is ridiculous its like bitcoin buble.

>> No.11125919
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Also reminder to always run with the wolves.

>> No.11125928


>> No.11125962
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>> No.11125970

But you caught what I think where France will be ending in

>> No.11126004

I made close to 3k doing ER options plays with my student loan refund. Starting thinking I was an expert trader. Turns out I was unreasonably lucky and took my profits and ran.

>> No.11126050

Careful. Some faggot mod flagged me with a warning earlier today. Hiroshimoot's era will be remembered for the absolute comfy-tier faggots polluting the boards with their horseshit.

>> No.11126052


i just come here to laugh at pink wojaks while I'm confident my portfolios will continue to go up over time, my DRIP is set, and I'll retire early. occasionally I'll see a good stock tip.

>> No.11126062

is investing in the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF a good idea?

>> No.11126085
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Shout out to TQQQ

>> No.11126100
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idk, looks risky

>> No.11126113
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if you're pic related yes

>> No.11126119

who is that?

>> No.11126121

It's pretty much the smartest thing you can do as a normal person.

>> No.11126124
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>> No.11126136

He seems like a cool guy, I'd like to know his nane

>> No.11126148

i'm a newfag so i thought it's a good place to start out

not even sure what that wojak represents

i never really see it discussed here, so i wondered if there was some better alternative

>> No.11126158

Credit where it's due: MYOS homo powder was up $.06/share today.

>> No.11126166

Anons I have bad news. University is starting up and I can't be here to sperg 24/7 under my trip, so I will be retiring as a tripfag until December. I'll see you all in hell
>inb4 you've done this before

>> No.11126187

Just keep buying TQQQ until you're 50

>> No.11126188

what university starts at the end of September, in the middle of the week?

>> No.11126205

/smg/ doesn't discuss smart investing. People here are adrenaline junkies with gambling addiction who love the euphoria of hyped stocks and market rallies.

>> No.11126213

It's been going on for a while now, my shitposting is interrupting my studies
I may need to seek help

>> No.11126218
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NBEV breaks $3, first time in a while.

>> No.11126220

if you want to be a smart investor you buy these things:


thats about it, you can buy some of the top 20 companies in the world by mcap if you really want to but thsoe will cover you in basically any combination you can think of

>> No.11126224

If you are building a retirement portfolio, it's a sure thing. Just buy now and wait 30 years. It's not discussed here because it's investing 101. It's boring. It's easy mode. Discussing your latest meme dream gamble is what we do here.

>> No.11126242

Now taking bets on how long this will last! I bet a million doll hairs you will return to your trip or avatarfag as christchan on or before Wednesday, September 26.

>> No.11126243

That's not smart investing, that's conservative investing.

>> No.11126250

if you have the 10k minimum then yeah you’ll proabably have like 40k in 10 years

>> No.11126253

When my school was still on the quarter system we usually started in mid-September. Most Ohio colleges are now on the same semester schedule so we start in late August now.

>> No.11126284

>just open a vanguard account loooool
like you can afford the 10000 minimum deposit you retard

>> No.11126290

half of that is leveraged ETFs 2x and it includes no bonds or Boomer Jones Industrial Average

its about as aggressive as you can get without having a near 100% risk of ruin over a few decades

>> No.11126355

>without having a near 100% risk of ruin
how so? If the market collapses then everything evaporates. I don’t doubt that the guys at Vanguard don’t know what they’re doing but it’s not like they’re immune to the economy tanking.

>> No.11126371
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what happened? Did he suffer total loss today?

>> No.11126494

>conservative investing
>not smart investing

pick one and only one. when i'm retired in 10 years i'll be shitposting boomer images while working on hobbies as my passive income pays for necessities + fun

>> No.11126601

Why not shout out to UDOW? Why have you forsaken the DOW?
His roommates moved out so his rent went up by 4 times, I think he got screwed by bonds and family stuff

>> No.11126607

who's the fucking retard? have you ever actually tried making an account with vanguard? why delude yourself into thinking you can't save until you have 10k?

fucking idiot, man. if you have less money there's more reason to save because you can open a ROTH IRA and save NON TAXED DOLLARS you fucking idiot. i WISH i could go back in time and tell my younger self to make a ROTH IRA before i made too much.

fucking a.

>> No.11126632
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I now bless TRXC with the power of meme magic it will skyrocket tomorrow.

>> No.11126660

where's ratsu? he promised a new episode by thursday

>> No.11126674

This is ratsu >>11126371

>> No.11126679

who /weed/ here?

made a few hundy on the aurora and aphria spikes today, feelin gud

>> No.11126705

The DOW is based but its time for the Chadaq to take the lead again

ooooo I forgot
Yeah Ill release it thursday, possibly friday

>> No.11126716

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being meme 10 being sincere, how much do you actually believe in the Golden bull run?

>> No.11126743

10, I have full confidence in this

>> No.11126761

2020 recession though?

>> No.11126777
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reminder to stay patient and not let market irrationality or short term fluctuations in price cloud your judgment and interfere with your long term profits

>> No.11126781

Nasdaq 100 or S&P 500?

>> No.11126790

If I have an extra 500...what stock would you blow it on? Looking for a stock thats around 5 bucks or less with a chance to rise.

>> No.11126791

No, just a correction of around 15%
1950s type bullrun

>> No.11126802


>> No.11126809


>> No.11126810

Tilray options

>> No.11126816

>why delude yourself into thinking you can't save until you have 10k?
trust me buddy I know I can do that, I don’t think your fucking dumb ass can given you’re coming into a discussion about amateur investing and going “durrr just give it to vanguard” like you’re so fucking enlightened
>you have less money there's more reason to save because you can open a ROTH IRA and save NON TAXED DOLLARS you fucking idiot
wow dude it’s like I haven’t been maxing out my 401k contributions for the past 2 years of something wow thanks you really are enlightened huh

also you don’t full capitalize Roth it’s not an acronym it’s a guy’s name you dolt

>> No.11126826


I'm dude weed.

Any good low priced plays senpai?

>> No.11126830



>> No.11126854


What makes you think this?

>> No.11126857

Open a Roth IRA through TD Ameritrade and only buy vanguard products
Exactly the same thing only with no minimum

>> No.11126873

I've got EMMBF on my watchlist, Supreme Cannabis has been pumping lately, but still is pretty far away from the 52 week high.

Terra Tech Corp also might be decent, but not too sure on that one though since they have a lot more regulatory hurdles than Canadian weed companies.

Also, Aurora, Aphria and Canopy are probably still good buys

>> No.11126888

how old are you anon?

>> No.11126927
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APH deal
Value added products
Canntab partnership + clinical testing jsut started
Slow release pills coming 2019 january
GOod quality weed according to the reviews
good customer service
John Stewart
oral sprays
in house oil extraction
CBD patches and topicals coming

and hasnt mooned yet. I'm long on this one

Also hodling NMUS

>> No.11126928
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Have a modest position at $11, one of these days it'll finished green, one of these days.

>> No.11126969

My APH, CWEB & TRST were v nice to have today.

>> No.11126998

what the fuck is "money market redemption'? they took all my funds and put them back in?

>> No.11127069

Reminder some fucking millionare spic tried to short weed and killed his portfolio.

>> No.11127073


>> No.11127088

>His roommates moved out so his rent went up by 4 times
funds not secured
my electric bill got fucked cuz no ones paid me for it for 2 months now, so i had to pay some outrageous late fees and two months out front

the other stuff is personal and i dont wanna blogpost about it

but since i dont have speculative money to fuck around w, i figure i shouldnt meme too hard w yall desu

the bonds hurt but thats not really the problem

>> No.11127096

Buy Canopy Rivers on Thursday.

>> No.11127135

id like to add
if the DRUScruise happens any point in the near future ill be back ASAP

the problem is the last of my specc munnies is tied down there for now. dont wanna touch my boomer shit at all (as thats not the point), and its not that much anyways

but fuck
when it rains it pours, doesnt it?

>> No.11127145

newb question about limit orders...will they still try to find the best possible price for buying/selling, or will they stick close to the limit?

>> No.11127153

Limit buys at the limit, no more, no less.

>> No.11127192

No. A limit buy will buy at the top available ask at or below your limit price. At limit price or better, in other words. Limit sells work same way; it goes through at limit or above limit.

>> No.11127201


This stock is getting shilled like mad.

>> No.11127203

Order is valid until fulfilled or cancelled after 24h?

>> No.11127219

msft puts r ripe or nah

>> No.11127224

You set the expiration yourself when you put in the order. It can be for the day, valid until filled, or anything in between in number of days.

For good reason.

>> No.11127235

you cannot get a 'worse' price if you use a limit order

never market buy or sell anything, always limit

>> No.11127236


What sort of position do you plan to open?

I might try to swing trade it, depending on how high it flys.

>> No.11127269

Swing trade. I'm only in for the hype and fomo. Don't care if the company actually does anything in future.

>> No.11127276
File: 2.12 MB, 640x360, she is fine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /biz/ think about healthcare etfs? I've been thinking about buying one because I can count on fat boomers to buy heart medications and knee replacements. Am I late to the party or do the boomers still have decades of clinging to life ahead of them?

>Classic webm related

>> No.11127287


Fair. What are your expectations? Trying to temper mine.

>> No.11127288


>> No.11127297

Really? Is he famous?

>> No.11127300

2x from opening day opening price.

>> No.11127305

I just picked up my space man suit from the cleaners. Can we go to the moon?

>> No.11127309


And what are your buying plans?

Are you setting a limit order? Or a market order?

>> No.11127327

lol anon trade how you want. It doesn't matter what i'm going to do.

>> No.11127346

Just use limit orders.

>> No.11127362


Just tryna get a feel for how other people are playing this one in particular homie.

>> No.11127369
File: 33 KB, 548x449, 1509580743867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy TQQQ

>> No.11127431

I'm going to buy between $100-$500 worth at open, and I'll probably hop off the ride around lunch if I'm at plus-20% or better. Others will hold longer because they got the big balls and/or a better feel for this shit.

>> No.11127440
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, 1508439745662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry teh profit
Guess youll be on the road now, playing shows just to scrap by

>> No.11127469

Unironically get a job in a packaging center for the holidays, they are hiring now for some quick cash.
They are so desperate they give you signing/completion bonuses and you can talk them up on wages

>> No.11127477
File: 17 KB, 230x215, 1514153787973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11127481


I don't understand this meme.

>> No.11127498

Look at the TQQQ charts.
Then look at your charts.
Then buy TQQQ.

>> No.11127500


I was thinking of dumping in 1000, and only getting off when I'd made $500 on top of that.

>> No.11127505

that retard is way too over confident, hope he gets knocked down a few pegs and realizes he's not as smart as he thinks he is

>> No.11127515

I'm looking for a swing trade of like three days my dude.

You must be some sort of boomer. I'm not looking to retire early, I'm looking to buy coke this weekend.

>> No.11127525

Another newb question: lets say you buy some shares at like 5, but then the only other ones of the same share are 5.50. would this get listed as two different positions in your portfolio? or do they all get lumped as the same stock? if they are lumped how would you know the gain for the share price you bought it for, because wouldnt it depend?

>> No.11127532

>I'm looking to buy coke this weekend.
not gonna make it

just do what the rest of us did and sell drugs for your drug money

they're lumped and all brokers will show you the average you paid for them

>> No.11127549


They take an average. There's no way you're old enough to invest if you couldn't intuitively figure that out.

I do sell drugs, but that's my investing money. It's a circle.

>> No.11127550

oh i see. i guess thats why buying/selling limit makes even more sense, since you know how much your profiting/losing by

>> No.11127558

no thats another one of the big problems that i dont want to talk about, as i literally cannot identify myself or my whole career path a REKT

i shitpost and say faggot and nigger too much online
its not even representative of how i am irl, but you know how fuckers are, especially w entertainment. and if the dots ever got connected i could possibly even fuk up some of my other friends who are ACTUALLY under real limelight. shit is scary desu senpai

and normally id just go do some mexican tier gruntwerk, but now that its fall, all that outdoor werks is outta the question (plus i actually need to have it be on the books to put it into m brokerage or ill get IRS'd)

ill look into it thx

oh i know im not senpai
i just like to argue w folks online. its been a hobby of mine for a while. and i find it to be a really good way for me to learn desu
dont take it personal, and dont take it seriously

but i honestly WISH this had anything to do w my trading. that would be an easy fix

>> No.11127559

Ive got $110 to spare, what stocks would you recommend? Prefer low volatility

>> No.11127563

he gotten better over this year But he overcomplicates his strategies
Too many indicators and shit

>> No.11127572

A prostitute

>> No.11127573

>i just like to argue w folks online. its been a hobby of mine for a while
well that i can appreciate then

>> No.11127581
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x720, small iguana btfos roastie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prefer low volatility

Both are huge, recession proof, dividend-issuing companies that are vital backbones of the US infrastructure

>> No.11127589

Generally if you set the limit at the current stock price, will you usually have the order fulfilled? Or do most people set it a little above/below what the current price is to guarantee you get all the shares you want?

>> No.11127601

buffet bought warrants/options on goldman in '08. all asset managers use leverage/options. you should too. never can have too many weapons in the war on poverty.

>> No.11127602

That would be some good shit. In general I could be more patient, but if I feel good about the gain I get the hell out on stuff like this. Obviously my strategy is different for my div stocks, but look no further than the NIO chink scam last week to see what happens to those who stay too long or FOMO themselves.

>> No.11127609

hahahahaha what a stupid bitch.

>> No.11127629

What are unironically the best blue chip stocks to own?

>> No.11127639


>> No.11127640

is there anything blue chip that isnt tech ?

>> No.11127657

for example the current GALT price is 6.25. If I set my limit at 6.25, do you think i would end up getting all the shares I asked for? or is it better to shoot a bit higher like 6.40 in case the stock increases?

>> No.11127658

How fucking dare you do that shit to a fellow anon.

>> No.11127678

You'll get a better answer from others here (I've only been around a few months), but I use Robinhood for trading and can't use fractional cents. Last week I bought some Netlist. It was at .3275 or some shit. I rounded down my limit price to .32, and later in the afternoon it went down to .315. My order went through at .32.
For what it's worth I set it to sell at .46 the same day, and that went through yesterday. Small gain, but I haven't lost money on a gain yet.

>> No.11127689

god damn the Nikkei just keeps Chadding up

>> No.11127693

>hahahahaha what a stupid bitch.
She is, because she didn't know that iguanas like most reptiles have teeth.

>> No.11127704


Why even bother?

>> No.11127713

Maybe Robinhood bought it for you before it went down in the afternoon?

>> No.11127718

Fuck you, cunt. You can turn off your trips but everyone knows what an ugly bitch you are, Cunty. I hope you fail all of your gender studies courses and kill yourself.

>> No.11127728

i just like autism desu
especially coding it
i use bollinger bands/keltner channels and CCI and sometimes OBV. other times when comparing things ill look at lotsa different indicators, but for my trading i usually keep it much more simple.

the thing i really need to work on is not swinging at every pitch that goes over the plate. i get myself stuck in some shitty position sometimes and have to spend all my time hedging. but then something elsewill come along and ill try that too, then not have enough dry powder to properly hedge THAT

once my OTC meme pops (very soon), ill have a lot of extra money to fuck around w and i think im gonna try devoting all of my money to ONE strat at a time for my active part. i was thinking my puts on SLV, hedge w PPLT longs. that one was just pumping out money for a minute there but then i got distracted

>> No.11127732

did it just gap up like over a 1% this morning

>> No.11127746

Don't listen to comfy. He's a retard and wants everyone to be as miserable as he is. Hopefully he gets cancer and dies.

>> No.11127796

fuck it i might just dump NIO tomorow. not worth it waiting it to rise up, i think its just fucking dead. admit i got swindeled and move on..

>> No.11127817

My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this—and I have countless times, in just about every act I’ve committed—and coming face-to-face with these truths, there is no catharsis. I gain no deeper knowledge about myself, no new understanding can be extracted from my telling. There has been no reason for me to tell you any of this. This confession has meant nothing

>> No.11127851

so we got the nikkei goin chad and bonds crashing w absolutely no survivors, eh? ive noticed CHF has just taken the fuck off lately. wat do the swiss got, that we doesnt?

>> No.11127867
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need for watch / read the Naruto Pain Arc

>> No.11127896
File: 43 KB, 741x568, D9F9CE0F-E26A-437C-82E8-6BD802E54E58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I insider trade

>> No.11127934
File: 508 KB, 1200x1099, Sasuke+sama+can+beat+anyone+from+the+dragon+ball+universe+_8e3ed86fdf7c5b68b07430baebf36a73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont think about it while being in U.S.
we are very rigged system when it comes to insider trading

>> No.11127942

Go to a synogague.

>> No.11127950

Stealth carry traders
so no more yen, + BOJ giving a pump
Nikkei 40k

>> No.11127951

How deep are you? What's your average?

>> No.11127980
File: 205 KB, 847x471, my pain is far greater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one needs to watch the pain arc, or anything after

if you must then just read the manga, save yourself some time

but really naruto is entry level baby tier shit, theres thousands of better animes out there

RKG you just get worse and worse the more I get to know you

>> No.11128004

I've never seen naruto and I never will. If I'm going to watch weebshit i want stuff like we watched last saturday

>> No.11128005

What's your average?

>> No.11128006

Kneepad is also a communist which is more concerning.

>> No.11128025
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Pic related is the only political scale that matters

>> No.11128036
File: 3.57 MB, 3224x4536, 4chan pills guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like baby
here, watch this

>> No.11128107
File: 32 KB, 298x300, CBF736BE-BF31-49B6-94AD-AFAC3EED4F90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No but please do buy them, I want to see the best pink wojaks before the year’s over

>> No.11128109
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>> No.11128136
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But what about if there is a crash?

Should you try to get out of the leverage before the crash?
Or is the risk of failing to time the market too high?

>> No.11128173

Anybody trade with Schwab and know the deal on these Canadian weed IPOs? I can trade international now, but will I have to wait a week for otc ticker if I don't have a global account?

>> No.11128252
File: 150 KB, 1422x1310, plat vs silv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cool
apparently platinum tends to outperform silver in the first half of the bullrun. now think of what it could do w platinum being as grossly oversold as it is. now think what would happen if south africa (full of plat) goes full zimbabwe. i think were looking at the VERY beginnings of the platinum bull.

>top is plat prices in bars, silver in white. scaled to %
>bottom is plat/slv spread

>> No.11128261

It's my understanding that Schwab is one of the better brokers in terms of commisions on trades. I only have an Etrade account and RH though.

>> No.11128272

theyre bretty gud and a decent bank too imo
do not trade options w them
not even to sell calls
ridiculous slippage

>> No.11128279

do u guys do spreads or other strats or just single options and hope it goes ur direction

>> No.11128286

and i dont mean my orders being inaccurate.
i mean the commission. its fucking stupid

>> No.11128287

Anybody find TNK's movements sort of odd? It generally moves during regular trading hours but at the end of the trading day it dips hard and then doesn't move at all AH like most penny stocks do. Just seems unusual.

>> No.11128291

Then you fucking get bogged and you buy the dip nigger

>> No.11128329
File: 68 KB, 800x450, Nagatotraining[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont get me wrong nagato is probably one of the best characters in the entire show, but they should have ended it with pain's final fight

tobi just ruins the show from then on, and the amount of asspulls just grows exponentially once the assault on the leaf village ends

also anime quality dropped like a rock there too, but that was due to budget, not story

not even mentioning the 300+ episodes of low quality filler, in both naruto and in shippuden

>> No.11128333

if you know this is the peak then you should be 100x leveraged down, otherwis eyour lying

i know i will retire and you wont

>> No.11128488


low volatility with a hundred buck will net you a cool 20 dollars after 6-12 months of hodling.

>> No.11128533
File: 95 KB, 1199x578, narutopowerlevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF the ending Naruto am perfect from Shonen perspective, pure logarithmic power growth for 200+ chapters
its THE best part of Naruto

>> No.11128537

A limit order set at current price may be below the current ask price. It will not fill until someone puts in a sell order (ask) at or below your limit, or market sells. Always check the bid/ask to see where those prices are for the moment. Bid is the top buy order(s) on the ledger, ask is the lowest sell on the ledger. Sometimes the difference between the two is only 1 cent, sometimes it is more.

>> No.11128579
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Since 2009, TQQQ has increased 41 times.
Really missed that bus

>> No.11128595

>i get myself stuck in some shitty position sometimes and have to spend all my time hedging. but then something elsewill come along and ill try that too, then not have enough dry powder to properly hedge THAT

Yep. Available cash is important. You can really get in a jam when you have everything tied up in existing positions. At that point it's a choice of hodl it out, sell at a loss, or sell some other position at a suboptimal time just to free up the funds to cost average or hedge.

>> No.11128602
File: 13 KB, 480x300, rkg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your investing account balance if you don't mind me asking kneepad?

>> No.11128620


V and COST my man

V in particular is a fucking tank. Goes up, dips a little every couple of weeks to cool off the RSI, then keeps going up.

>> No.11128644

I sold all my SHOP yesterday before close. FUCK ME.

>> No.11128653
File: 51 KB, 389x462, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no give numbers, but me 0% investments right now, and 100% daytrading

>> No.11128668

COST was doing just fine barreling onward and crushing skulls until bitch Wells Fargo piped up last week to downgrade it for being too Chad.

Hey Wells Fargo, I don't remember anybody asking you a god damn thing. Shouldn't you be busy scamming customers?

Anyway, that shit got shrugged off after a couple days and now we are resuming course.

>> No.11128675


>> No.11128678

Figured I'd ask. I've always wondered what kind of money you're trading with you mysterious succubus.

>> No.11128693
File: 982 KB, 477x360, rkg55555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its either 700 bucks or 130,000 dollars isn't it. I can never tell when you're telling the truth you silly

>> No.11128707

So if you were to keep it simple, if you were buying, would you just suggest setting the limit to the ask price? Is that the best way to guarantee you will get all your shares?

>> No.11128729
File: 19 KB, 288x215, ThPNJGNUZS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will $GOV recover?

>> No.11128768
File: 85 KB, 271x286, crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reit that turned me NEET

>> No.11128790

>buying in chinese tesla
real tesla has done nothing and you expect chinese tesla to do anything?

>> No.11128813

how does it feel this girl makes more money than you?


>> No.11128814
File: 29 KB, 827x447, lmaoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11128821

anon, just hold onto it. Taking almost 50% losses over impatience is not smart trading.

>> No.11128835

Anybody who sold AMD today sissied out.

I understand that it's been running hot, but it's not like the price is some kind of absolute TLRY nonsense.

Depending on what develops over these next few months, $30, if not $40, could be absolutely justified. It's hard to get through all the noise to see that though, as the FUD, Nvidia fanboyism, and general bearfaggotry directed at AMD is unreal.

>> No.11128840

buy some nike and wait for november dividends

>> No.11128844
File: 109 KB, 650x938, 1530080761262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's another youtube anime movie for saturday (this one is my personal favorite, I was surprised to find it on youtube)

>> No.11128859
File: 1.30 MB, 266x200, 5544425-6148241292-tumbl[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure logarithmic power growth for 200+ chapters
it not even close to logarithmic if you include the time axis

its babies first shonen, not great

if you want true logarithmic power growth then look no further than pic related


it even has an epic soundtrack

fuck even evangellion could arguably be a better shonen than naruto

>> No.11128882

Is 4chan still down?

>> No.11128908

new yaoi, nice

>> No.11128943

WTF GALT just felt by 23 cents in the past few minutes...people are still trading it i guess

>> No.11128954

I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe just fo ahead and old on to that for a while. Maybe it'll hit 10, 11, or better if you wait it out. I wouldn't want to take a big loss like that if I could reduce it with some patience.

>> No.11128975

What's the price now? I see $6.02.

>> No.11128993

How do you know if a biotech stock is a good buy?

>> No.11128995

JPM dividend going from 56 cents to 80 cents. fucking nice

>> No.11128998

Nice, let's watch it

>> No.11129009

If it's called GALT you're good to go.

>> No.11129023

V is still expending globally so they still have more room to grow. I highly recommend it because it treated me well when I had it.

>> No.11129037
File: 676 KB, 1099x1600, 1455627263331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you read up on the science supporting the products it's making
if it has promising science and competent management, it's a buy

>> No.11129043

i think you're right. i'll hold onto it a bit longer

>> No.11129056

Wew lad thats bigger growth than citibank now

>> No.11129097

I sold out of AMD because it's incredibly overvalued. It can only go down from here, and I'd rather reinvest those funds in more promising stocks while it hasn't lost big and buy in again later on.


>> No.11129132
File: 3.08 MB, 3036x4048, 1535912728258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price is $6.02
he was previously seeing $6.25

>> No.11129153

it closed at $6.02, iirc, the $6.25 figure likely came from after hours trading

>> No.11129162
File: 83 KB, 885x961, 1534290295386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw GALT collapses after being a pretty good meme

>> No.11129168

i saw 6.25 like 10 mins ago then it changed to 6.02. maybe my broker is just really behind

>> No.11129176
File: 39 KB, 958x607, qtt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit is NIO going to be the next QTT 2.0? down 35 percent after IPO.

>> No.11129195


>> No.11129222

it closed at 6.02, the price just went up to 6.25 on an after hours trade

>> No.11129236

It's hard because you want to stop the bleeding, but selling now would be like using a welding torch instead of getting stitches. Good luck, and let us know how it's going for you.

>> No.11129895

nah, GALT's p much set to at least get it approved for NASH cirrhosis without esophageal varices at this point

the cancer stuff is up in the air though

>> No.11130404

We're reaching out to let you know that starting September 19th, you won't be able to purchase additional shares of Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACBFF) on Robinhood. You will, however, be able to hold and sell the shares you currently own.

This is happening because there's limited support at execution venues for the large volume of ACBFF orders we've received. We appreciate your understanding and hope to re-enable buy orders for ACBFF in the future.

>> No.11130654

What broker?