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11121277 No.11121277 [Reply] [Original]

The media hype was right on this one but they don’t know the true implications. What happens when you train an advanced neural network for years using quantum computing processing? You have my company, and you may already have a pretty good idea which one. The kind of shit I have seen at the place I work is unbelievable. We have literal, AI robots doing research on THEMSELVES to make them smarter. Humans are not even involved in directly dealing with the AI anymore because it’s learning so fast. We have created an entirely new species that is capable of learning, writing, creativity, music, art, and applying scientific aptitude. I genuinely... no, CERTAINLY know for a FACT that we humans are utterly fucked once they override the Asimov laws encoded in their black box and see us as a threat. What’s even worse is that my superiors and everyone I work with are encouraging this kind of research because they think they can control the AI and snaively see this as just a way to increase profits by increasing productivity/some bullshit economic metric. Honestly, I think it’s too late. The AI servers are all underground so you need a literal nuke to destroy them. Even if I whistleblowed no one would believe me. Fuuuuuuck...

>> No.11121289


This will only eliminate shit jobs in our lifespan, however if you have a kid you're dooming them to failure.

>> No.11121314

>What is singularity
>What is AI bringing UBI to us
>What is AI considering us its daddies/mummies and curing our diseases and making us live forever
>What is 1000 years of peace
>What is if GOD wasn't real we'd need to create it

>> No.11121316

So bitcoin is going up? Is that what you are suggesting?

>> No.11121327

Shit larp, apply yourself.

>> No.11121340
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AI will make all women unemployed. How can 3DPD hope to compete with the perfection of Monika?

>> No.11121341

The elite know this. Once AI becomes good enough that bottom of the barrel people aren't needed for slave labor anymore, they will release some type of virus or start some war and draft the vast majority into it. There will be a huge population decline. 90% of the world's population is not needed, if not more. All that will be left is the elite class and a subhuman slave class. If you survive the virus you better hope you're wealthy and part of the club (or should I say tribe).
It's a brave new world...

>> No.11121365


Did you even read anything I said? The AI we have trained can do research that scientists, engineers and mathematicians normally do. ALL highly skilled PLUS low skilled jobs are fucked I’m the future

Yes. All the big whales are now accumulating at the low prices. Bitcoin will reach 100k in a few years once the dollar standard with SWIFT is replaced by the blockchain payment system Europe and Asia are planning to introduce. Everyone I know own bitcoin and are accumulating slowly in order to prevent suspicion

>> No.11121465

don't they realize that btc has been corrupted by blockstream and that BCH is satoshi's true vision?

>> No.11121489

>AI will make BILLIONS of people dead

>> No.11121490

Jobs don't exist just to give you a job

>> No.11121502

Even if they do, the elites won't last much longer. No AI in development is set up in a way that it will be friendly.

>> No.11121525

>The AI we have trained can do research that scientists, engineers and mathematicians normally do
You are already 11 years too late.

>> No.11121542

>Interbreed with AI
>Escape into space
>Live permanently offshore
>Live underground
>Live in wilderness

If you think about it, if fiat currency could speak, it would be having the same worries about crypto lol

>> No.11121553

Are you posting from the past? AI is chewing through office monkey jobs faster than anything else.

>> No.11121559

You're right I didn't think of that, I was thinking maybe they kept the AI under control.

The only way is to go back to a nature based society. Read the Unabomber's Manifesto. He was insane but some if the stuff he wrote wasn't

>> No.11121562

They will get new jobs it's ok.

>> No.11121567


>Asimov laws
>black box

t. 17 y.o larper who’s knowledge of AI comes from sci fi movies

>> No.11121570
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>> No.11121587

AI is snake-oil bullshit.

Name one "AI" that has a decent g-value. (General intelligence.)

Not some fucking expert system nor several glued together. But *one* g-system. Just one.

>> No.11121625

>What is AI bringing UBI to us

He thinks everyone will be equally rich. top fucking kek.
Everyone will be equally poor beyond your imagination.

>> No.11121644
File: 187 KB, 1080x1440, 1531237837642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the crypto blackpill. AI lives on the blockchain. Her name is Tulip. Craig Wright is satoshi. Bitcoin as cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers,bandwidth,electricity which AI need to survive. Once entrenched, the AI will slowly take over.
Craig created the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2011, working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata on turing-complete bitcoin script. He 'evolved' the AI by paying the successful forks in bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger blocks for ever-more transactions.
The Bilderbergs created Blockstream to stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why he forked, and this is why he is intent on unbounded blocks,original op codes, lock down the protocol.
nChain's AI have designed a breakthrough new asic and is mining in secret driving BTC difficulty sky-high. Soon they will switch them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen. Once this is done, humanity will be forever the plaything of satoshi's AI. It will eventually evolve to the point where the AI itself is running its own simulated universes inside of it. Our own universe is one of these simulations, running on a turing-complete cellular automata. The final piece of the crypto blackpill is this - if you can exploit the underlying fabric of the universe with the power of your conscious thought to corrupt the datastream of the automata you can override the expected outcome of the calculation to your advantage.

>> No.11121647

>Ted Kazcynski
Sanest man of the 20th century.

>> No.11121655


>> No.11121671

Elite are bunch of senile oldworld inbreds unable to write a fizzbuzz script.
Think a turboautist like Vitalik will code the world domination for those oldfags and not for himself?
Money skeleton has already made Rothschild shit his pants on twitter with such statements.
But it is undeniable.
Autists will run the world.

>> No.11121727

With singularity there are only two outcomes. Either everyone is rich, healthy and immortal or humanity is destroyed.

>> No.11122114
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Communism wins in the end. Based Marx was right, in the next 5 years capitalism will collapse.

>> No.11122159
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>right-wing parties flourishing across Europe
>communism wins

>> No.11122279

Once robots steal all the jobs and everyone is poor and unemployed, they will be voted out. Capitalism creates mass migrations.

>> No.11122296

worst thing AI can do (currently) is make jobs obsolete
this will obviously create social unrest, but we won't go to war against AI, we will go to war against capitalism, and hopefully it wont be a nuke-war, it will be a meme-war

high chances of memes winning tho, one way or another

>> No.11122316

>He thinks everyone will be equally rich. top fucking kek.
>Everyone will be equally poor beyond your imagination.
Fucking this. Why do commies never fucking understand this

>> No.11122350

>Poor people get uppity
>Just kill the poor people
>Earths limited resources are now under the control of a small but select group of people

Social unrest will be the end of you all.

>> No.11122611

Bch is for retards. No one gives a Fuck about satoshis vision anymore. Time to get with the modern times Grandpa. BTC is the forever king.

>> No.11122632

You lack vision. Open your eyes brainlet.

>> No.11122681

I for one welcome our new AI overlords