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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11118615 No.11118615 [Reply] [Original]

don't mind me, just a 2 cent coin that's gonna hit $1 in a month just passing through

>> No.11118619
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pu pu pi pi

>> No.11118646

laugh all you want linkfag, I'm going to be seeing massive returns in the next few months while you get exit scammed, pajeet

>> No.11118710

nerva will do very good once normies get a hold of it, have you had a chance to shill it on reddit yet?

>> No.11118722

Fuck you.

>> No.11118774

The Binance rumblings are true. It’s coming sooner you think.

>> No.11118849

Why only 20% circulating supply?

>> No.11118963

I been buying 5 k every day for past two weeks OP, this is easy money, project is pure brilliance. Time to shill this on Reddit, once normie get a hold of this.... we not stopping.

>> No.11119621

Binance rumblings are not true.
No word of this on their discord.

>> No.11119629

This is total bullshit by the way. Binance lol, maybe if you're going to spread shit at least make it more realisitc...

>> No.11119685

Why are there so many Nerva threads with OPs begging people to buy? Was /biz/ like this last year with Chainlink?

>> No.11119704

seems like a solid project to me, what dont you like about it?

>> No.11119875

Biz still like this with Chainlink lol. He is right about that $1 being around the corner you know?

>> No.11120780
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Your shitty copy pasta (>>11119394) uses the very same crappy arguments 0xShitcoin had which was nothing but a P&D with a delusional pajeet shilling it. It is obvious to everyone that you are a scammer pushing yet another cryptofraud on /biz/. But what makes your scam so retarded is the fact that you are recycling his dumb arguments.

>It’s not that these Pajeets are different or savages but that they reveal their true nature on /biz/ trying to scam everyone into their crypto frauds and it is their very soul that everyone here despises.

>When I was still a child I felt compassion toward those unfortunate members of those underdeveloped cultures but when I got older I realized that their misery is the mirror image of their own characters. They call you sir and friend but all they really want is to rob your money. And furthermore they also behave the same way toward their own kind.

>Every time I go to a flea market I see those dark skinned professional traders selling cheap low quality stuff. Yet no matter how cheap these things are they are never worth the price:
>Dull knifes that bend like plastic
>Fake diesel watches with buttons for a stopwatch yet these buttons are not functional
>Headphones that break after a few months
And they are also selling that crap to each other. I see them every day and hear them talking to each other and they never complain about such behavior but brag instead.

>> No.11120794
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>Suddenly it became very clear to me why Chinese concrete crumbles on touch, why Africa has no running water or electricity or why Indian code entirely is worthless. No matter how bad things are, they will never stop stealing and start producing like an honest person but will instead turn every productive endeavor into just another scam. They do not understand character building, their personalities are guided by nothing but lower instincts and their souls are devoid of all higher aspirations. They are cursed to turn everything they touch into dust and all you can do is keep them out of your society.

>Every new shitcoin is just another proof of this and the market cap of all those scamtokens is the measure of their corruption. This is the reason why I am not only justified to do whatever I want to get rid of those Pajeets but it is every /biz/tards duty to keep this board alive. This is how full/pol/ dealt with their shills and look at their results. There they have real discussions and post so long that they are divided into multiple paragraphs. This is what /biz/ looked like in the past and I believe that it is possible to make /biz/ great again.

>> No.11120809

I have been mining and buying Nerva, it is a good project. I would like to know more about their CN-Adaptive mining algorithm though, if anybody has info on it. I can't find anything about it.

>> No.11121504

The thing is I was considering buying this but all this shilling is off-putting. There are few coins that are shilled this extensively on here that do well I learned that mistake from NKN...