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File: 304 KB, 770x775, FD9334CB-A722-4D6A-9038-53BB52690F44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11118193 No.11118193 [Reply] [Original]

i am a EOS whale with more than 20 million EOS, all of which i acquired below ICO price back in may 2017. EOS performed way better than i thought it would in April, and i cashed out more than enough to live comfortably for the next few decades.

after cashing out a few million dollars, i let my remaining 10MM EOS tokens ride. however, after realizing the volume for EOS on binance was so drastically low, i figured it was more profitable to actively manipulate the market, than to hope for another bull run of 2017 proportions.

so i dumped.

and dumped.

and dumped.

i found the best time to dump was not when the price was tanking (medium-sized bag holders with 100k+ tokens will take care of that for you), but when the price was mooning - or looked like it was about to moon. here's a secret for you: EOS has some of the weakest bulls of any coin on binance. usually it only takes less than a million tokens, efficiently timed, to crush any small pump and take EOS/BTC ratio back into the red for the day, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last 38 days on binance, the EOS/ETH chart only has seven - yes, seven - green 1-day candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today seems to be in the green, but EOS is still struggling to make it back above $5, and has currently dipped to rank #5 on coinmarketcap?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go up, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 10MM tokens i let ride now exceeds 13MM, simply from doing this over, and over, and over again.

i am a bagholder's worst nightmare.

>> No.11118199

I don't know if I want to be me anymore

I don't know if I'm actually trans or if I just don't want to be myself anymore. I still want to be a girl, and I have dysphoria, but my want isn't just to be a girl version of myself. If I had the choice I'd be a completely different person instead.
I had a dream today about swapping bodies. A lot of my dreams are about becoming someone else entirely. I'm almost never just a girl in my dreams, I always have to make the conscious decision to become one.
I'm just scared that even after transition I'll still hate myself, because in the end I'll still be me :(

>> No.11118200

Hey can I have some money please

>> No.11118205

>Dipped to 5th
U R A Faggot sage kys

>> No.11118208
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bobo always wins

>> No.11118216

Cucked and bluepilled
Post eos account name ;)
No you
Indeed til at least 2019

>> No.11118220

All of those words, and not a single piece of proof to back them up.
You're just as pathetic as any retard who actually believes your drivel. Sage.

>> No.11118230

He expects proof on a Mongolian dick slapping forum top heh

>> No.11118248


Did I do that right?

>> No.11118255

Sent ;)

>> No.11118295
File: 148 KB, 768x960, FC98C7C7-F80E-4DF1-BFF9-FECCE41A5A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind sir

>> No.11118326
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Based Bobo

>> No.11118336

I read the very same thing, word for word, a few months ago. Do you re-post your story every now and then just to brag or are you larping, anon? I don't hold any EOS, so I don't give a shit.

>> No.11118385

>is this a larp?

Sure hope not I’m poor

>> No.11118396
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>> No.11118408
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>> No.11118419
File: 65 KB, 392x429, 070204BF-E048-4D71-86FB-EE86C3C5FE92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ending of the id is perfect bo

>> No.11118436

nice copy paste larp, EOS ICO was something of 1$ by the way. So 20 million didn't happen

>> No.11118503

Great, keep crashing your own coin. Good luck mate.

>> No.11118530

nice larp faggot

>> No.11118532

>he doesn’t realize you can short eos

>> No.11118601

How long does it take for deposits to show up on binance?

>> No.11118628

how much did he send you

>> No.11118637


Nothing that I see unless it is taking time to clear - can you check pending deposits?

>> No.11118651

wow... fucking lame. you posted binance's address. post the tx. of the deposit transaction so we can check to see if his account really does have 13MM eos in it

>> No.11118655

pretty sure it doesn't lol

>> No.11118660

How do I do that

>> No.11118669

There are no pending deps on my transaction page

>> No.11118736
File: 156 KB, 808x605, 0A157431-1FE5-4063-A698-8E6D40DBFDDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sad

>> No.11118822


>> No.11119231
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>> No.11119245
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>> No.11119255
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>> No.11119264
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>> No.11119272
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>all bobos ded in thread. sector clear.