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File: 75 KB, 1083x622, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 12.00.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11116582 No.11116582 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that you get slided whenever you talk about income inequality on this board? Post your best income inequality memes/graphs. Ill start: 90% of Millennials make less than 60k a year.

>> No.11116599

This generation is full of bums, it's going to be so easy to be top 5%

>> No.11116600

fuck off commie

>> No.11116603

>young people don't make a lot

Wow op brilliant insight. Glad people research spend time and money researching this absolutely vital stuff

>> No.11116610
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>> No.11116617

>Totally misses the point that average standard of living has fallen significantly.
Kys k

>> No.11116620
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>> No.11116642


This is thanks to globalism.

>> No.11116652

Nobody cares about you here, or in life, commie

>> No.11117007
File: 444 KB, 1536x1536, 1534273430615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time

>> No.11117014

they make less becuase they bitch about doing work and rather go to a tswift concert.

>> No.11117063


Haha, this is literally the typical american, no one is actually poor they're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Yeah sure, ALL of you will be millionaires one day. Haha, reminds me of that study where 90% of drivers thought they were better than average. So fucking delusional. Unfortunately in the real world someone has to be average and even below averag, and most of you will be these people, NOT the millionaires. Wake the fuck up already retards.

>> No.11117081


or maybe it's wages not rising along with productivity or even inflation. who wouldn't bitch about making slave wages

>> No.11117095

The solution is simple...
Make Unions Great Again

>> No.11117112

The US is ridiculously unequal, it's the only third world country by it's own will

>> No.11117149

90% of Millenials in Venezuela and North Korea will eat rat for dinner tonight.

>> No.11117158


But then when you realize the average normie blows their salary on lifestyles they can’t afford instead of invest, and makes retard tier life decisions like fuck without a condom at age 16 or major in sociology, you feel very smart all of a sudden for being a virgin CS major who lives like a pauper.

>> No.11117201
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this commie is actually mad

>> No.11117394
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>tfw in the 1%
>the bottom 1%

>> No.11117404

that picture is the most retarded thing ever.
that picture is the reason that capitalism actually works and why it works so well. how about you change it to communism?

>why are you cheering fry? your not elite?
>true but someday the elite will recognise me for my work and let me be free from having to ever work again

>> No.11117413

I am 31337

>> No.11117420

found the jewish corporate overlord boot licking cucks

>> No.11117440

>found the delusional goldbug
>found the shitty trader
>found the doomsday manchild

There are many things I can call you, but the fact is you will lose even more money and thats enough satisfaction

>> No.11117456

>jewish shill attempts to demoralize the down trodden working class by shit posting about decentralized currency
kys kike

>> No.11117510

This. I lived in Laos. Zero income inequality. Everyone is poor.

>> No.11117549

This one is the biggest structural problem

>> No.11117603

To have people who are not ultra rich defending this system is one of the most spectacular propaganda coups of the 20th/21th Century. It's honestly a spectacular piece of brainwashing.
They are made to think in this completely dipolar delusion where the only alternative to the massive structural inequality and looting from the majority by the one percent is "muh communism" which is a bogieman drilled right into the heart of their minds since the 50s.
They will shut down conversations about how to better structure capitalism for their own wellbeing by shouting it down as being "communist", and only defend an extremist position that literally makes their own life worse. Think about that from a propaganda perspective. It's honestly fucking amazing.

>> No.11117651
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It annoys me how retarded americunts are. Why the fuck are you allowing your corporate overlords to rob yourself for all the resources and the chance for a decent future?
Unironically guillotine them now

>> No.11117785
File: 50 KB, 825x656, bgproductivityandcompensationchart1825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They point to data showing that productivity has risen sharply since the 1970s while wages have stagnated. They conclude that productivity-driven economic growth does not necessarily benefit American workers.

These claims rest on misinterpreted economic statistics. They juxtapose productivity and pay[1] data that cannot be directly compared, leading to inaccurate conclusions. The claim that pay has lagged far behind productivity growth:

-Examines wage growth instead of total compensation, which includes rapidly growing benefits;
-Uses different price indexes to adjust pay and productivity for inflation;
-Omits the effect of faster depreciation, which reduces net income but not gross productivity; and
-Ignores known measurement errors in Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) productivity calculations.

>> No.11117843

I don't care about the statistics, they are just an instrument for manipulation. What matters, and what I can easily see, is that the quality of the products ( and food ) has been steadily declining. They are not only destroying good jobs by moving them abroad, they are not only exploiting people for labour, but they are also selling you complete garbage, that has been engineered not to last. Buy and demand local products, boycott the multinational jew.

>> No.11117868

Fucking keking at that pic

>> No.11117873


>ignores the insane, skyrocketing costs of necessities: housing, education, and healthcare

Heritage Foundation is also the ideologically-possessed institute that brought us the "Affordable" Care Act.

If there weren't a problem with wages not keeping up with requisite expenses, we would not see the flood of populist support for Trump and Sanders. The proof is in the pudding, no matter how the Lords of the "Free" Market try to spin it.

>> No.11117875

Good call m8.

>> No.11117878


>anyone who criticizes my delusion is a commie

Good luck with your IQ, you're going to need it.

>> No.11117887

this is unironically the trump voting base which is a staggering number of people in this country

holy fuck

>> No.11117893

It's just debunking the wages vs. productivity thing. I agree with you about the sky rocketing costs of those things, but that's because of government, not the free market.

>> No.11117919

There is an astonishingly large amount of dirty libs ITT

>> No.11117928

>Examines wage growth instead of total compensation, which includes rapidly growing benefits;
Citation needed, lmao

>> No.11117937

The phrase "income inequality" didn't tip you off?

>> No.11118116
File: 504 KB, 969x1107, 1537170555748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh libs

I'm a conservative, I don't like people being exploited by corporations. You're just a corporate bootlicker. No one wants small businesses to pay more taxes, no one wants you to pay more taxes. In fact, less is better. But it is ignorant of you to not see that multinationals and corporations are getting huge tax cuts and those go straight into the pocket of the board of directors, not the workers, not middle management.

In America, people get fucked by their corporate overlords. In Europe, however, people get fucked by their government overlords.