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11115469 No.11115469 [Reply] [Original]

Economically I'm doing great, I've got cool shit, lots of money, and good long term stability. But at the same time I'm also a shut in NEET with no friends, no meaningful relationships, and no motivation to do anything other than beat my meat 6 times a day.

Who here has this feel?

>> No.11115480

Not me because people go out of their way to be my friend

>> No.11115507

You need a new hobby. Something skill based you can work on that will give good feels when you improve from month to month. I play bass guitar and do wood working. Both were tough and even frustrating to start but felt better and better as I improved from beginner to intermediate.

>> No.11115522

Jesus that face. It's like someone woke him up at 2am to shoot photos showing how awesome his life is to his fans.

Also it goes faps < whores < thots < S.O.s

If you're actually young and rich buy a whore, then get a whore for free via a thot, then get a thot that balances out your life and isn't actually a thot anymore. Each step you'll realize is an improvement.

Oh, and guard your money from them all. >_>

>> No.11115536

>Oh, and guard your money from them all. >_>

THIS. For god sakes. Even if you think 'oh... she's not like that. She's a good girl'. Protect your money. Don't tell them exactly how much you have. Prenup if you decide to ball n' chain it. I know prenups get thrown out by feminist judges sometimes but do it anyway. It's something at least.

>> No.11115586

I'm into boat building, and I've also got a locost 7 build in progress. Working on the projects is nice but it's only a temporary distraction and everything comes back as soon as I stop working.

I'm not even looking that far right now, shit, I'd be over the moon if I just had a friend I could chat with every couple of weeks over a coffee or beer.

>> No.11115655


Hmm. Sounds like you're depressed. I know people think anti depressants are overprescribed (which is true) and needless, but they really can help provided you find the one that works for you. I have dysthymia and OCD. On meds for both. Those drugs saved my life.

Worth looking in to.

>> No.11115696

Ok listen around 2 years ago i was in a high prestige job and people started to kiss my ass for it. Literally highschool fags showing up after years becoming suddenly super interested in me again. Literally had people emailing (lel) me that the envious. Bitches stalking me... everything. Then comes depression and i fuck up everything and become a NEET fuckin faggot. Fast forward i am in a shit job right now all my fellow workslaves love me i think they can sense there is something magic about me. And you know what? I also have given up bro. This Keanu Reeves face you posted, Thats literally my face every living moment. Every smile is fake. Sorry to break this to you but you know have seen beyond the curtain. You a high intelligence male you consciously and subconsciously fully emerged into the abysmal situation in which you were put in starting with your birth.

>> No.11115716

>Get a thot that balances out your life and isn't actually a thot anymore
I already have anon. We've been dating for a few months now. She used to be a crazy party girl that would never date anyone, but now that she's hit her late 20's she's realized she needs a man to support her.

>> No.11115735

Fuck man are you me... Never going to give it up though. I see NEET wageslavedom a moral experience before I can return to greatness, but not fuck it up this time.

>> No.11115783
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Actually went to a shrink with a phd and everything. She couldn't help me at all. Its almost impossible to communicate why i literally have a blonde chesty german girl in my facebook asking for a date and why i havent answered in 4 months. Maybe one should literally get pic related outfit and sit like this in a park on sundays afternoon.

>> No.11115812

Join a club or something OP or maybe start a youtube channel and vlog your life of the cool shit that you do idk.. I'm sure you'll think of something good luck.

>> No.11116562

pick up tekken

>> No.11116622

I feel the same my man. And I am beginning to realize why people that have kids don’t really get these feels. A child is a never ending project. If you decide to go the childless route, it seems as if there will always be a sense of something missing/empty/wrong. That being said, I really can’t imagine myself having a child. Some of us are just doomed. Your iq is too high OP I’m sorry.

>> No.11116855

Then fuck her? If you're not into it, it might be because you fap too much.

>> No.11116970

Be careful anon, you can easily get #rek'd by her. Get a vasectomy and a good lawyer and you'll be good.

>> No.11117015

>It's like someone woke him up at 2am to shoot photos showing how awesome his life is to his fans.
plus his entire family, wife and kid died in a car crash, and paparazzi routinely bring it up while stalking him IRL in an effort to get him to sperg out on camera

true facts

>> No.11117240
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>hi guys welcome to my non biz related blog