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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1111502 No.1111502 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /biz/ approved cities. I live in Knoxville, TN, and there is no way to get ahead in this shithole.

>median income is $33k PER HOUSEHOLD
>No real industry here other than ORNL for the stemtards and UT
>fat people and poverty everywhere

Chicago looks promising, and I've heard Boise is a boomtown, I'm young uneducated, and unecumbered with a background in sales.

Where can I go to get ahead, and be with money-minded hard working people to learn from and (hopefully) one day start a business.

Pic related from my personal collection of the fine people who populate this town.

>> No.1111539

Help me out cucks

>> No.1111560

Austin, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Raleigh, NC
Charlotte, NC
Denver, CO

>> No.1111610

Breddy good list

nigga please

>> No.1111713

Thanks lad, may I ask what it is that made you choose those cities?

>> No.1111726

The issue with cities like that is that there's no pool of brainpower to recruit from if you opt to delegate, outsourcing can be a hassle, and transferring hires elsewhere may not be easy.


Great talent, but this place isn't cheap. Great for tech business though.

>> No.1111793

East Texas if you're a lawyer.

>> No.1111813

if you don't mind snow northern indianapolis or columbus OH

>> No.1111841

Johnson County Kansas


>> No.1111845

what does /biz/ think of Cincinnati? I've lived like 20 minutes from there my whole life.

>> No.1111871
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Former TN fag here.

I lived in Chattanooga.

Never before in my life have I seen so many fatties. I got a speeding ticket once and had to go to court. 1/2 the people there for tickets were obese. The courtroom was on the 2nd floor of the building and when everyone walked up the steps multiple people were out of breath and had to lean over and catch their breath.

Never been to a more racist place either.

As for where to go, anywhere. Just get the fuck out of Tennessee.

I will except Nashville though. Nashville was nice.

>> No.1111940

Been to Nashville a couple of times and loved it. No one was fat, and very few were ugly. Idk what kind of job opportunities there are there though. Where do you live now?

>> No.1111944

Depends on what you want to do with your life. and the people who think that what you do is valuable.

Idaho is one of the creepiest places I've ever been.

Chicago, lots of money, and a budding restaurant capital, corrupt as hell.

Texas left a bad taste in my mouth but go ahead.

>> No.1111952

Everywhere with niggers is racist because even niggers hate niggers you cuck

>> No.1111985
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Stay where you are. We don't want your kind here.

>> No.1112227

How was Idaho creepy? Where doesn't suck according to you?

>> No.1112271

Not the other guy, but I understand what he's saying. Idaho has many beautiful landscapes, but you'll often find the abandoned shells of mining settlements from long past. Kinda spooky, even without considering the tales of hauntings.

But as you go deep into the sticks, you'll come across micro-townships consisting of several houses, a convenience store, and a gas station. There are settlements that are even smaller than that--and it's all located in the middle of nowhere. And don't get me started on the inhabitants...

>> No.1112274

You say Cincinnati , I say the place we send our homeless people.

>> No.1112277

New York / LA / San Francisco

>> No.1112280

Northeast or northwest
No other options.

>> No.1112301

Like What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Are they all farming communities? How do places like that sustain themselves?

>> No.1112310


>> No.1112314

I know someone who lives in knoxville and makes a living selling boats that cost like a quarter million and up. There are a lot of very wealthy communities in east knoxville. Sound like you're just a poor fuck who surrounds themselves with other poor.

>> No.1112317

>Never been to a more racist place either.

Hahah, you're hardly in the south in chattanooga. I moved from TN to north AL and fuck this place is so much worse. I'd rather live in Chattanooga than this shithole. Also the south is full of racist obese people. Especially the niggers.

>> No.1112327
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Idahoan here. I have no idea how they survive because most of it is desert or lava. So no farming except for hay. I think they all share a tiny house and live at a subsistence level. Great fishing for rainbows and browns near this pic was taken though on the little wood river

>> No.1112336
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so /biz/ is against education then

>> No.1112346

No what's eating gilbert grape had too many people.

It was mostly the sparse population that threw me. Seeing the same people over and over again where I live requires planning.

>> No.1112361

What does everyone think of Vancouver, WA which is right next to Portland, OR. No income tax in Washington and no sales tax right across the border in Oregon. Win win, no?

>> No.1112646

>No income tax in Washington and no sales tax right across the border in Oregon
When Sanders get's elected we'll sort that right out

#feelthebern fucker

>> No.1112651

Didnt Wyoming blow up recently causr they found oil? I read fast food workers there get $15 an hour.


>> No.1112659

>Fort Worth, TX
DFW is a fantastic area, one of the lowest unemployment rates and booming areas all over the place.

>> No.1112682

He's looking to move

>> No.1112699

/biz/ at its finest....

No going to wyoming or montana is not recommended because of the recent slowdown in oil prices. They are losing jobs faster than ever.

>> No.1112720


I'd believe it

> The south is full of racism

IDK, things in Georgia work out pretty well. I had plenty of black friends, and just a pretty well mixed society all together. I never saw any race hostility on either side.

The hostility was pretty obvious on both sides in Tennessee.

Here in GA I can walk through the black part of town and its no big deal. I walked through a black part of town in TN, and people were looking at me like get the fuck out of here whitey.

>> No.1112946

Tell me more about Georgia, I plan on moving there sometime 5 years down the line.

>> No.1113063

OP here. Every time I drove through GA to get to Florida it had by far the nastiest bathrooms and gas stations and people I've seen in my life. The people in small town georgia are uglier than the people of East, TN. And to do that it almost seems like you have to be deliberate

>> No.1113128

When it comes to Georgia you gotta live in or around Atlanta. The rest of the state looks like a third world shithole.

>> No.1113169

>People jumping ship and not taking opportunity to move on a weak market


>> No.1114696

I've been to Savannah before and didn't think it was half bad. It's not as upscale as Atlanta, but it seemed like a comfy town. I need to go back sometime.

>> No.1114718
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>Two of those cities are in my home state

>> No.1114741
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Money and opportunity are great. It's like Texas, so many jobs, so many fields, people coming in and out constantly. And the cost of living isnt bad especially if you dont live in the city.

People are nice, the food is good, plenty of hot willing women for sex.

Living in Atlanta is a mixed bag. Some areas are okay. But the roads are awful and the traffic is awful.

North Georgia is nice. Thats where I live. Best of both worlds. Really not much to complain about here. Maybe not as beautiful as west coast, but North Georgia pretty much has it all.

IDK really nothing to complain about here, life is good. Really the only thing that pisses me off here is the traffic, but thats only in and around Atlanta.

> pic related. Doing some hanggliding for $100 in northwest Georgia

This state has some cool shit.

>> No.1114742


Savannah's pretty nice. But the scad kids and streetniggers will piss you off.

Also not much you can do there that makes money.

>> No.1114851

Anyone who said Austin is wrong. Why is this board so deeply embarrassing? It's like the autistic know-it-all family member or friend who deserves a horrific death. I think /mlp/ or /pol/ might be more substantial and factual.

>> No.1115718
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Shithole? I live in oklahoma average here is 15,000 per year.

>> No.1117346

you should check out Portland, Maine. It's where all the hipsters who can't afford NYC are going. Pretty up and coming.

>> No.1119183


Oregon doesn't want you WA fags. You're next after we rid ourselves of the CA menace from the south...

>> No.1119188

Oregonians: the douchebags of the west coast.

>> No.1119193


no, friend. That title goes to the assholes from Southern California that drive up property prices and far left ideas everywhere they go... I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Washingtonians are not so bad really, basically the same as Oregonians. I am just jelly that I can't buy liquor at my grocery store so don't take it personally.

>> No.1119286

Oregon is boring. Portland sucks.