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11113868 No.11113868 [Reply] [Original]

Before 25 no girl ever looks at you seriously...

Hit 26, in good shape, drive a good car for my age (audi a4), career taking off.

Every match is a 27 roastie, or a hot single mom...

How does money fix this situation?

>> No.11113896

Lower your age on Facebook to 23

>> No.11113906

I fact just say you're 23 from here until you get crows feet.

>> No.11114041

You have this backwards, girls go for older guys because older = better chance of being rich and successful = the girl can stop working and get shit handed to her for free

The golden ages for men are probably 28-40 with a peak around 35 where they are at the height of their career and physical health. Meanwhile women peak around 21 and then it’s all downhill from there. If they manage to stay single until 30 they are pretty much viewed as used up trash that no other men wanted. Even late 20s now is getting real close to that point

>> No.11114050

Yah but if he claims to be 23 and has photos of his status symbols then he will match with girls younger than 27

>> No.11114091

He should just ignore the old roasties and set his filters to 25 and under so they don’t come up

>> No.11114274

This. Also, tinder is bottom of the barrel there are much better options.

>> No.11114278


26/27 for women changes what they want drastically.

Before 25, it's all fun and good looks.

Once 26/27 they want a guy with money and status.

I could not believe how much the dating game changed when I hit 27. Suddenly it was an interview for what I was doing with my life, and what my future looked like.

>> No.11114303

what does "patterns me" mean?
>I have never seen a vagina

>> No.11114328

>Suddenly it was an interview for what I was doing with my life, and what my future looked like.

lel I'm 36 and do this to women. they hate it

>> No.11114347

Well what are they faggot?

>> No.11114377



The double standards that women fail to realize has been the battle of my lifetime.

And I have a wife and a daughter. I'm surrounded by women.

>> No.11114388
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>hes looking to find wife on tinder

>> No.11114394

>26/27 for women changes what they want drastically.

Yup, because they know they fucked up and didn’t trap a wealthy and successful man while they were in their early/mid 20s and at their peak physical attractiveness. And they know they have maybe 2-3 years tops before they are absolutely fucked, so this game time to find the richest, most successful and attractive man they can find who will put up with them to have a consistent nut

>> No.11114397

Get some edgy bio about memes. You'll get plenty of 18 yolds with daddy issues if you look decent.

>> No.11114504

A slap, a spank etc, leaving behind a pattern (handprint etc) where it landed. The desire to get patterned basically signals a brat wanting to be daddy’s girl

>> No.11114520

>know good girl just turning 26
>good job, good values, loving, loyal
>she got fucked in a 7 year relationship with a loser
>start dating because desperate to lose virginity at 29 even though not really attracted
>all she wants is a husband and family
>she's in love with me now
>i don't have the heart to leave her because she is practically post wall and I couldn't stand to see her get taken advantage of again and get pumped and dumped by losers that don't care about her

what do i do boys

>> No.11114558

>she got fucked in a 7 year relationship with a loser
divorced? i cant understand a girl who wants marriage/family dating that long.

>> No.11114563

Don’t believe the witch lies.

>> No.11114578

Also, I have a good friend who is a really decent/kind person. He got divorced and some guy was about to marry her and reached our to him on facebook because he was having cold feet and wanted to know what their relationship was like and if he really was a loser/cheater/abusive/etc. It was clear she was just aiming for sympathy but it really made me think.

>> No.11114601

Rip your life

Remember, you only have one

>> No.11114608

Go ahead and date her and marry her if you like. But just know that as soon as that happens:
-she will quit her job to be a “““stay at home mom/wife”””, but will continue to stay unemployed (or maybe work part time at best) even after the child is raised
-she will stop going to the gym and caring about her weight and will gain 30 lbs with the first year of marriage
-she will stop wearing makeup and putting effort into her outfits
-she will have sex with you maybe 2-3 times a week max
-she will bitch and complain at you if you don’t get at least one promotion every 2 years, don’t make well over 200k, don’t buy her a new luxury car every 3 years, and have a pool installed that’s slightly smaller than the goldberg’s down the street

Your life may be great for the next couple years, but it will be a living hell for the next 40 after that

>> No.11114634

>How does money fix this situation?
Are we talking about decent amount of money (500k and up) or kiddie play money? Decent amount of money opens doors to high quality driven women, not on your little phone app but in real life. Think angel investing events, consulting gigs, places where you interview them and you're in control.

>> No.11114645
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My friends dad is fucking a girl 27 years younger than him.. Shes only like 2 years older than us lmao just be a chad and fuck younger girls

>> No.11114658

Go the fuck outside. Look, I know the sexual marketplace is fucked. There's no denying that. But it seems like every guy who complains about it the loudest is looking for a girlfriend on Tinder or some other online dating site. That's ridiculous. Do you think there are good women there? If women find it so easy to find a man, do they need Tinder or whatever for anything except slutting around? Think about it.

This. Also, nice trips. Hail Hitler.

>> No.11114680

*dubs, dammit


>she will quit her job to be a “““stay at home mom/wife”””, but will continue to stay unemployed (or maybe work part time at best) even after the child is raised

Raising a child properly is a full time job. Why would you want your wife going to work every day? So she can have an affair with her boss?

>> No.11114689

Get 18-20 year old girls

>> No.11114717

For the first year or so, sure. But if both parents are making a viable income it’s not that hard to hire a nanny for a few hours a day for the first couple years until the child is old enough for daycare

>> No.11114738


Yep. After 33, women that have not married or had kids get really really desperate for a man.

>> No.11114758
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Well shit man there are more "options" these days. Tinder is fucked.. People used to actually meet in person besides us chads who dont need that stupid app

>> No.11114759


>got taken advantage of

Let an old dog school you for a minute here. Women that "get taken advantage of" want to be taken advantage of. For whatever psychology 101 reason, they chose that kind of life on purpose because it satisfies them in some way.

Don't get tricked into feeling sorry for a woman. Many bitches have been playing this game since they were 10 years old.

Besides a woman who has been with a man for 3 years or more, and he has not put a ring on it, that's the fault of the woman for being an idiot.

>> No.11114777


This is painfully accurate.

They sympathy woman turns into exactly what is described in this post.

They want sympathy because it's an easy/lazy path to getting the results they want in life. And that mentality turns into exactly what this poster is describing.

>> No.11114862

this is the correct answer

>> No.11114910

This guy is clearly the only one who is married in this thread and therefore the only one who truly gets it

>> No.11114957

if you're just trying to slam pusy then why does any of this matter. just don't get them pregnant

>> No.11115034


>poor enough that he has to work
>drives German luxury car

Not gonna make it

>> No.11115046

>hire a nanny for a few hours a day for the first couple years until the child is old enough for daycare

A fucking nanny and a daycare is not a substitute for a loving mother, you money obsessed Jew.

>> No.11115065


I'm married yes.

>> No.11115103
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Lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.11115498

You regret getting married?

>> No.11115740

This. It's fucking exhausting.
>worked my ass off to get out of one of the poorest regions in the US
>no debt
>passed PhD candidacy with prominent scientist
>generally have my life in order
>nearly every girl I come across in the middle class has had everything handed to them
>no direction in life
>student debt out the ass
>hasn't worked a full day in their life because I'm a full time student and its so hard teehee
>but I love to travel teehee

>> No.11115908

I'm 26 and good job, but basically don't interact with any women. After school were do you guys even find them? Tinder?
Idk I just like to do things and go places that are free and not crowded where I can sit around and relax for a bit with no agenda, like that comfy rock by the lake. Do girls not do this? Do I have to join an organization/club/class? Shits confusing.

>> No.11115997



Marriage and kids is better than being single.

As a single person you can go out, get drunk, no responsibilities, etc. But night after night truly lonely is not as good as being in a home with people that love you. And that even includes random fucking with women. It's better to have one woman who loves you, than a bunch of hos.

Also you still get some of the single life feels. I can still party occassionally. And sex with my wife is still pretty good.

It's just a lot of work really. It's expensive, and you have to put effort into your wife, and your kids. You can't just zone out and forget about them, or they will hate you. Maintaining a family is like 3x the effort of just being a single guy. Women can preach feminism all they want, but the bulk of the work is on a man to make a family work.

>> No.11116025


As a single person you are best off living in the city. I hate the city, but that's a much much much more target rich environment. If you are in the suburbs or the country side most women after a certain age will be taken. Or divorced with kids, etc...

Dating websites are good. You can try church. Social events and clubs.

Not many good women out there my friend, it's fucking hell these days.

Of all my friends, family, etc. I know one guy who I think has a quality wife.

Shit's crazy. I don't know what happened to this world.

>> No.11116157

Part of the stipend I get or my research is in return for assisting with classes at the university, which is why I deal with so many girls that are fulltime students

>> No.11116247

fucking kek another delusional cuck

how old is your wife and kids ??

>> No.11116290
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Just a quick, often forgotten reminder: many guys are just as bad when they marry. For most, it takes reasonable willpower to stay driven, attentive and in shape when you're coming back to the same pussy no matter what, and you know how much of a hassle it would be for the other person to dump you.

>Inb4 muh only ubermensch soibois do that, i squat lmao6plates five times a week
Just think of all the married couples you know irl and tell me how many of the fat bitchy wives have successful fit husbands

>> No.11116371

Hell is other people

Heaven is other people too

I know I could stay single and deal with it forever, but I'm not going to. I'm rolling the dice for heaven or dying.

>> No.11116379

damn.. your post is in line with a realization i've had recently. i'm the male equivalent of a roastie that's about to hit the wall. i always thought i was too good looking to have to worry about getting women until i started to approach boomerhood. now my looks are fading and i'm just a loser with nothing to offer a decent women wanting to start a family. the quality of women i can attract deceases by the month. i'm fucked. LINK 1k/suicide EOY

>> No.11116475

Women don't give a fuck how old you are bro. Tbh they don't really care about money as much as you think. Women are actually quite shallow. If you want a hottie just dress like a douche, act like a douche and do douche things. Because what women really find attractive the most is confidence. A man with a lot of confidence will pull a train of women. If you're relying on your money, career or car to get women then you'll only get gold diggers and there will always be someone richer than you. Also, a broke confident douche could still steal your woman, no matter how rich you get.

If you lack confidence, just fucking pretend you're confident. Buy brand name clothes, wear Foundation to get flawless skin, dye your eyelashes, have facials and take up muay Thai (women prefer a douche who can knock people out). Fuck the money. Enjoy your life.

>> No.11116569

>getting your asshole professionally bleached will give you all the confidence you need to approach women.
If only I had been given this advice 12 years ago.

>> No.11116753


>> No.11116788
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you gotta go on PoF bro
even the 18 year olds are moms of 4 from 8 dads and
tired of playing GAMES!!

>> No.11117167

>sending your kid to daycare
>letting other people raise your kids
Absolute bugman.

>> No.11117344

I've experienced this over the past year. I'm 6"3 and good shape. I use to bang women off my looks and chicks would not care when they found I lived at home at age 25. Now I can still bang chicks but the quality is lower. I went on a date with a hot chick a few months ago and she was into me till she found out I was living at home and then she straight up starts yawning non stop during the rest of the date. I plan on moving out in a month but it has definitely killed my dating my life much more so than a few years ago when I lived at home for a few months.

>> No.11117595

>women peak around 21
this is the age where a lot start to become roasties. 16-19 is prime

>> No.11117947

>peak around 35 where they are at the height of their career
If your career peaks at 35 you're doing it wrong

>> No.11118240

this is how I am experiencing life.