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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 938x977, 156336843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11107866 No.11107866 [Reply] [Original]

This is the worst meme to have come out of this place. The worst. It's literally the manifestation of your entitled attitudes. I get it, you're dealing with arrogance, entitlement and false expectations. But believing that the majority of humanity doesn't talk to themselves are a bunch of soulless, vapid humans is not productive. How about start coming to terms with the fact that you're not good enough to engage in a productive manner with the rest of the world yet? That's more healthy.
Also, how about you knuckleheads stop viewing yourselves in such a divine light? That'd be a great fucking start too. How about start improving yourselves, instead of continually catering to your gigantic egos?
So suck it up. Get a job, fill out the application for McDonald's or whatever the local fastfood place is... maybe you got to do some cleaning. Whatever...
If you can't do that then at least admit to yourselves that you're entitled, and not living up to your own expectations. This simple admittance would be, unironically, the most productive thing you've done all fucking day.

>> No.11107893
File: 13 KB, 416x435, 12762812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the worst meme to have come out of this place. The worst. It's literally the manifestation of your entitled attitudes. I get it, you're dealing with arrogance, entitlement and false expectations. But believing that the majority of humanity doesn't talk to themselves are a bunch of soulless, vapid humans is not productive. How about start coming to terms with the fact that you're not good enough to engage in a productive manner with the rest of the world yet? That's more healthy. Also, how about you knuckleheads stop viewing yourselves in such a divine light? That'd be a great fucking start too. How about start improving yourselves, instead of continually catering to your gigantic egos? So suck it up. Get a job, fill out the application for McDonald's or whatever the local fastfood place is... maybe you got to do some cleaning. Whatever... If you can't do that then at least admit to yourselves that you're entitled, and not living up to your own expectations. This simple admittance would be, unironically, the most productive thing you've done all fucking day.

>> No.11107904

My little cousin just killed himself. I hope youre happy

>> No.11107913

Kek I love how triggered it makes NPC’s

>> No.11107916

i am

>> No.11107920


>> No.11107925
File: 117 KB, 971x546, vvff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPCs have no inner voice
They're sheep.

Pic related: NPCs trying to obtain money from investors

>> No.11107927
File: 3.14 MB, 530x257, 1536818839887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



OP, why are you belittling others?

>> No.11107932


>> No.11107959

It's hilarious that you think getting a reality check is on par with getting belittled.
I haven't met one person that doesn't talk to themselves.

>> No.11108002

Don't worry it won't last. It's not funny enough.

>> No.11108166
File: 12 KB, 192x262, wagecage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to work NPC

>> No.11108180

They are DEAD sheep, as they may not be led by the shepherd.

>> No.11108325

This is the worst meme because it's all chan users trying to project their insecurities on those they are jealous of...people that aren't socially awkward.

>> No.11108346
File: 39 KB, 416x435, 15371947sasd85443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the worst meme to have come out of this place. The worst. It's literally the manifestation of your entitled attitudes. I get it, you're dealing with arrogance, entitlement and false expectations. But believing that the majority of humanity doesn't talk to themselves are a bunch of soulless, vapid humans is not productive. How about start coming to terms with the fact that you're not good enough to engage in a productive manner with the rest of the world yet? That's more healthy. Also, how about you knuckleheads stop viewing yourselves in such a divine light? That'd be a great fucking start too. How about start improving yourselves, instead of continually catering to your gigantic egos? So suck it up. Get a job, fill out the application for McDonald's or whatever the local fastfood place is... maybe you got to do some cleaning. Whatever... If you can't do that then at least admit to yourselves that you're entitled, and not living up to your own expectations. This simple admittance would be, unironically, the most productive thing you've done all fucking day.

>> No.11108354

one of us... one of us

>> No.11108358
File: 12 KB, 320x240, 1313862969843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11108378

You're right but stop taking it so seriously, this meme has already lost a ton of traction since it began anyways

>> No.11108386

Go print out some resumes and hit the pavement. Walk into your local Goldman Sachs branch and find the manager and demand he give you a job. Dont even take no for an answer. Give him a nice firm, handshake. What do you mean they have electronic security doors to prevent this? You millennials always have some excuse.

>> No.11108620
File: 149 KB, 714x481, 1536939191058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme is good by its own, but buttmad faggots like you make it great. Pic related is your loser NPC ass.

>> No.11108834

>I deserve a high paying job at Goldman Sachs
The absolute state of entitlement here

>> No.11108865

>he can't spot boomer posting

no, you are the newfag.

>> No.11108909
File: 168 KB, 1022x1024, 1536295139512m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who further meme herd together constantly, posting the same image over and over again to get that rush of false superiority they so desperately need.
When confronted with any opposition to their "le hue hue I'm better than everyone because I talk to myself" beliefs, they blindly quote the poster accusing them of not being able to think for themselves. All in a bid to show everyone that they don't just follow the shepard like they accuse everyone else of doing.
This is the state of people projecting this meme forward. Holy shit was a fuckfest.

>> No.11108947
File: 9 KB, 500x500, 1533533337999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not going one step further and rightfully calling you out for being a lazy, entitled sack of shit

>> No.11108948

But it's true. NPCs are really low IQ people. They literally can't think for themselves. Just see how many people voted for Hillary.

>> No.11108964
File: 30 KB, 260x325, 1514683044199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not denying that the collective can be retarded. Pic very much related

>> No.11108970

t. NPC bot fag

>> No.11108973

you sound lile someone who aint got a inner voice ?

>> No.11108975

It's like clockwork

>> No.11108988

>bipartidary memecracy
>"me smart, me voted best candidate"

You're not an NPC, but you're a fucking bluepilled brainlet.

>> No.11109011

So we can go one step further and try to understand WHY they can't think for themselves. The lack of internal dialogue is the most logical explanation so they are NPC's as they can't decide anything.

>> No.11109032

Trump is not perfect but he is far better than Hillary in any metric we debate. So...

>> No.11109057

I have never met anybody that doesn't have an internal monologue. I believe everyone does have an inner monologue, I think what some people can't grasp at is how powerful peer pressure can be. The reason people don't want to believe in peer pressure is it undermines their sense of control they think they have.
I'm not saying people aren't in control, I'm saying that the level of control people have, especially in confrontations with peers, can be limited. Whether we want to admit it or not.

>> No.11109086
File: 43 KB, 324x499, 51eBZw7KQbL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le Bon is cuck and his "philosophy" is the same one as one 17 year old Fedora Virgin

>> No.11109103

I'm sure you have met a ton of people that doesn't have internal dialogue. It's just that they are not going to tell you when meeting you. I have met a shit-ton of them. They are REALLY social and present. You just can't have both. The higher your IQ the more interna dialogue you have.

t. 150 IQ.

>> No.11109106
File: 14 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grug chose one of the two jew candidates
>candidate backed on his words about syria and did everything the other would have done
>grug no mind, grug voted best candidate, grug smart

>> No.11109194

I love this meme

>> No.11109272
File: 831 KB, 497x280, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just that they are not going to tell you when meeting you.
>I have met a shit-ton of them.

>> No.11109883

If an NPC is just a low IQ person, then consider t he fact that you're an NPC compared to someone with a much superior IQ to your own. We are all NPC's in someone else's eyes.

>> No.11109891

This didn't start on /biz/, it started on /pol/.

>> No.11109905


>> No.11109923

pol is full of subhuman losers, even more than this place

>> No.11109929
File: 100 KB, 1305x899, 1537015412968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha why does this meme cause so much rage... so many threads attacking it...

>> No.11109947


>> No.11109948

Because this meme more than any other reeks of a lack of self-awareness, narcissism, and C O P E.

>> No.11109968
File: 164 KB, 548x1266, 1537015317556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11110006

You truly are an elevated being

>> No.11110050

You might want to turn that divining eye of yours inwards to think about why this meme gets you so mad... it's funny as fuck. 4channers rank high on the introvert scale, and a fair share of apd and autismos... of course they are gonna enjoy this meme... I'm almost tempted to redirect you to reddit :)

>> No.11110112
File: 16 KB, 404x410, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at 1.14.04 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharding in 2020 is fine, the platform will be just fine for two years of unusability

>> No.11110121

>why this meme gets you so mad
It doesn't. I'm merely pointing out why people don't like it.

>> No.11110639


U tried

>> No.11110664

Anyone who isnt an NPC realizes that he is surrounded by NPCs.
Obviously its not supposed to be taken literal, its just a term you use for people who are absolutely contempt to do and repeat the exact same thing that all his prior generations did day after day without having a single deep thought about existence as a whole, that is, without being filtered by our society.
These people will live absolutely meaningless lifes and only realise it at the age of 50-60. This is the age where NPCs usually have their first existentiaat thoughts, while some only have it on their deathbed. If you dont have any sort of existential thought prior to that age (and i dont mean "what will i do as a career?", i mean questioning the basis of your reality and society) you are an NPC. Doesnt mean that you have to be against it, but simply to think about it in a deep manner.
These people usually have no ideals nor utopian views, because they think that the whole spectrum of life/existence is what they were born into and that theres nothing else. They conform to popular opinion because they care much more about being accepted in their meaningless social circle than to actually be an autonomous individual.

t. been to one of the best engineering schools in my country, which is IMO one of the best places to observe this phenomenon. i dont necessarily think im narcissistic or arrogant because i have found a lot of non NPCs there who were way smarter than me that shared the same views and even complemented with stuff i wasnt able to catch by myself. Non-bots think alike and bots think alike, and you can realize that in less than a week of interactions (sometimes even less)

>> No.11110704
File: 31 KB, 411x412, Nice one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure fpbp bliss

>> No.11110759

ITT: 4chaners think they’re cool because they created a new meme to make fun of normies

>> No.11110772

Dunning-Kruger Effect: The Meme.

>> No.11110777
File: 69 KB, 400x400, 1536880679917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it's real gay and seems like it came from redditor newfags (rebranding a normalfag). Its dieing though, probably just one fag spamming it now.