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11104054 No.11104054 [Reply] [Original]

My wife just revealed that she has personal loan debt of $45k at 12% interest per year. She makes minimum wage so it is unlikely that she will be able to pay much more than the annual interest. Should I take out a 401k loan to pay off her debt?

>> No.11104064

do it but you better get sex all the time. make good deals. make murica great again.

>> No.11104066

You should throw her ass to the curb. That's like having an overgrown child with a fucking credit card running around and you're going to be footing the bill.

>> No.11104069

lmao the absolute state of boomers if they ever think this is a good idea

shes barely making enough to pay the interest alone if you literally covered all of her other costs year round

>> No.11104074
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You know the drill OP

>> No.11104098

unironically this OP. Plus, she lied to you about 45k of debt UNTIL YOU WERE MARRIED. If she said that in the dating phase, would you not have ran? Dump her ass

>> No.11104123

I do love her and money isn’t everything brahs. Sure it will delay my retirement a bit but she is worth it

>> No.11104158

the point isnt about the money its about her lying

just like cheating isnt about having sex, its pretty much a given people masturbate in a relationship, its about the breach of trust

>> No.11104159

This is the endorphin speaking. She decided to not tell you about something very important untill you married her. She may be hiding something else.
You married someone with a negative patrimony. Always marry someone that can bring you money, either directly(like inheritance) or indirectly(like network)

>> No.11104177

Dump the stupid whore and find a new wife.

>> No.11104180

>she is worth it
based my man, ignore these MGTOW neck beard faggots, do it for love

>> No.11104181

OP this is very important
Is your wife a nigger?

>> No.11104187

i have a barclay ring credit card wiht 40k limit and 8% interest.

your wife is a niggerlover

>> No.11104223

You should instead see if you can get it settled, pay much less and look into whether it will fuck over both of your credit scores, or just hers

But also be wary for this
She could be hiding something else, be it big or small, and she might hide other things from you in the future

>> No.11104226

Go to reddit and ask it on the red pill. You get the best advice there

>> No.11104244

the second you pay the loan she will dump you like the cuck you are. Be smart and leave her, or at least don't pay a cent and keep your credit card secure in your pocket.
Do you have a mutual account ? If so don't put a cent onto it and keep your cash in your personal account.
Idk about the burgerlaw, but in my feminist shithole (france) if your wife have the bailiffs coming for her ass and she can't payback, they seize the husband assets & seize his personal account because "muh wedding, for the best and for the worst" (while the roasties can decide to cancel it whenever they want and run away with half your money without any consequences).

You are playing a very dangerous game anon. Don't be the cuck.
Around liabs' Never relax

>> No.11104323

>because "muh wedding, for the best and for the worst"
I think it is fair. It's part of the oath after all. There was a time that if a woman killed someone, her husband would be judged too because he was supposed to control her.
>while the roasties can decide to cancel it whenever they want and run away with half your money without any consequences)
This is not fair though.

>> No.11104370

To think she probably spent it on buying nice times with her old boyfriend. You are paying for her fuck dates....ouch.

>> No.11104468

Refinance it through co-signing (and assuming your credit history is better than your wife's) you can probably drop it down to 5% apr or so and have nothing more to pay then the equivalent of a car payment.

>> No.11104474

My ex had this debt and dumped me. I laughed at her

>> No.11104479


Either could have been fair without the other, but the combination is evil. You can't eat the cake and keep it whole, either they marry for life, or marriage shouldn't be binding at all. After all if we are gonna be married for 2 years why should I pay her debts ?


The fact that she was hiding it shows that she was afraid to reveal it before the marriage. That she was not confident in you marrying her otherwise. Now that is quite the manipulative behavior, maybe you should accept that if you believe she has other good qualities, but it is a deal breaker(Not the money, the trust).

None the less if you intend to be with her for the rest of your life and you know that she intends the same, than you probably should pay that debt(Otherwise you and your future children would inherit an even bigger debt when she dies).

>> No.11104511

You can’t inherit debt

>> No.11104526

Yes thats why it piss me off. Like anon >>11104479 said, either its an oath or it is not. You can't from one hand be protected by the law because it's an oath and on the other hand being able to nullify it without some fucking serious reasons.
That's why wedding these days is a joke, it's an oath but without consequences if you break it.

>> No.11104562

Omgoodness you are delusional! She is pumping and dumping you bro....wise up! She is a big girl and it's her problem not yours. If she a was honest about it upfront I would personally be cool but cloak and dagger shit is a trifling move.

>> No.11104632


Maybe in your country, It is something you can inherit in many countries.


That is because the west became incredible individualistic and people became very mobile. Which meant that their is no stigma/bad social implication for divorce. In the past it was a big deal, people would look at you differently if you did it. Today you can divorce and everybody does it, so nobody cares, and if they did you can move away. Its easy and nobody is actually friends with his community members nowadays anyway, so they got nothing to lose.

Although I would like to argue that divorcing does have consequences for couples with kids. Children are traumatized by the experience and lets not forget they are cut off from their parents. Either they live with one of them, or they have to rotate between but regardless they can't have them both at the same time. In fact the consequences of the divorce can continue to hunt the children to their adulthood in the form of being unable to have both their parents in a social activity(Like a wedding or holiday meal), out of the fear of them fighting again.

The damage to the children alone should put a big stigma on any divorced person, unless they had a good reason to divorce.

>> No.11104648

You could do that but then you are just enabling her

Better to have her refinance the debt at a lower rate on her own

>> No.11104674

op is a literal npc

>> No.11104707

Pay payments-if you pay it she’ll start borrowing more. Also ask to have her credit limit lowered and have her go into therapy.

>> No.11104710
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>> No.11104764

However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. - American Psychological Association

Would you buy a shitcoin for $45k, hold it forever, with a 40 to 50% chance of it's value going to 0, or even worse, taking half of whatever's left after you buy it?

>> No.11104765
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A) you have to have some mechanism for making sure this doesn't happen again.

Have her show you her credit report every year??

B) you'd better get lots of sex out of this deal because it's a garbage one.

>> No.11104766

These 12% interest are affecting the amount of money you two have available each month, so if you pay it off it would be like an investment that gives you 12% returns.

>> No.11104806

>not having to throw 12% of your money into a fire pit every month is a 12% return
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.11104839


He's not paying it off. He's transferring the interest at a lower rate from her to him through a 401K secured loan then still has to pay it back.

>> No.11104931

daily reminder that wamen are a depreciating asset

>> No.11104942

If you default it is automatically taken from the retirement account along with being taxable

>> No.11104967

Only if you marry one who doesn't prioritize motherhood.

>> No.11104978

good luck finding that outside of religious circles

>> No.11104984

Divorce the cunt
the absolute state of Insects

>> No.11105023

Why would I look for a mother to raise my children from outside of my religion?

>> No.11105210

good boy

>> No.11105218

>Should I take out a 401k loan to pay off her debt?
Might as well bring a blackbull to fuck that roastie too

>> No.11105279

>t. MGTOW incel

>> No.11105284

Think about how you would feel if she left after you paid it off. If you are ok with that possibility, then do it.

>> No.11105379

>lying roastie keeping her debt from you until she had you good and trapped
>b-but we love each other so much
Based boomer buying into the LifeScript

>> No.11105387
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>> No.11105937
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the 30y old boomers who have consumers-debt LMAO

>> No.11106004

Lol the OP thinks his 401k will be there when he retires. Dude the whole thing is going to implode. Take out your entire 401k since it's a scam. Pay off your wife's shit and buy gold and silver before the currency crisis and deflationary collapse of all asset prices

>> No.11106129

What the actual fuck, how is 12% interest even legal holy shit

>> No.11106233
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>> No.11106488

God I hate western marriage laws.

>> No.11106539

Thats not ok. She should have told you when you married. She will just have to work overtime from now on won't she?

>> No.11106564
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If you are both white, and you are making babies, then fucking do it. Put her to work raising your kids, there’s no other real point to even making the money in the first place.plus, SHE’ll be happier than making pennies waiting tables.

If you are nonwhite, save the money, go back to where you came from and live like a king there.

>> No.11106598

Long before it implodes, it will he raided by our new brown overlords, using democratic processes and their superior numbers. Our only way out is high white fertility.

>> No.11106604
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Stop noticing things!!!!!

>> No.11106641


Refinance it with lower interest at another bank.

Then get her ass in school to get a better job. She can be done with nursing in a year.

Or you could expatriate by just fucking leaving. Theyll sell the debt to some hedge fund and nag you through private collections but they’re gayer than AIDS

>> No.11106657
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>> No.11106672

Leave her. You’ll be happier and better off down the track.

>> No.11106737

>money isn’t everything brahs.
Maybe, but I make just over her debt initial yearly, before tax.
No one is worth a third of a years time of my life.

>> No.11106787

Find out how she did stuff like this in the past through those who know her but have no incentive to lie or hire a private eye.
Then make a judgement. If she's known to be fickle, divorce her and take the hit. Better to lose half now than twenty years down the road. Then you test the next woman to weed out traits like that.

>> No.11106817

No. Never take out of 401k due to penalty on withdraw. Second jobs first. Sell everything you can and kill it. If you bail her out she never learns the pain of that kind of choice

>> No.11106831

This is probably the best advice you'll get, OP.

>> No.11106934

M8 you're married, this shouldn't have been kept secret from you.

>> No.11107060

Don’t just lower the credit limit, you need to completely take the card away and freeze her credit so she can’t open another credit line. Then if binding where you live, have her sign a postnuptial agreement stating if she ever does this again, or if there are other debts she has not disclosed in writing in the agreement, that she forefeits her rights to any assets and alimony when you divorce her.

Frankly you should walk away now but if you are dead set on giving her a second chance you need to protect yourself.

>> No.11107180


I actually know a guy who has a good job. Makes good money. His wife is a part time care assistant. He pretty much keeps her really. They had their dream home exactly how they wanted it. Things were looking ok for them. Didn't have much savings or anything but they were getting by ok.

Then she drops it on him that she has rackd up big high interest debts gambling while he was at work. I think it was £30-35k or something. Instead of kicking her to the curb there and then he decides to keep her and they sell their dream home and move back into a shitty rented apartment in a not so hot area, using some of the house money to pay off the debt. It's been a year now since that all went down. Not spoken to him for a few months.

>> No.11107228

It's going to be so sad (really fucking funny) when you pay her debt then she leaves you.

>> No.11107259

12% what insanity