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11103537 No.11103537 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get rich off of WW3?

>> No.11103900
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Be Australian. Sell the bombs.

>> No.11103906

>brb buying australian uranium stock

>> No.11103976

good lad

>> No.11103989

>literally worse than jews

>> No.11103993

I'd be more worry about staying alive.
A substantial number of Jews died because they had expensive furniture like pianos and refused to leave these behind and escape.

>> No.11104004
File: 174 KB, 938x1101, Deny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the blood libel and maybe a 10% reduction in degeneracy. In some areas.

>> No.11104005

Lead RWDS raids through rich Jewish neighborhoods in california

>> No.11104073

Just put money in vix.
>inb4 can't cash out

>> No.11104121

War spoils. Steal jewelries.

>> No.11104130

If ww3 broke out would that mean we wouldn't need jobs?

>> No.11104146

if WW3 Broke out you can bet the draft would return. The only reason for the first two was to reduce global numbers anyway. The third will be the same, we just have better tech now, so it will probably last a shorter amount of time.

>> No.11104196

No, you'll be drafted at best or obligated to work on ammo factories
>we just have better tech now, so it will probably last a shorter amount of time.
Or more, considering that we also have much more access to resources

>> No.11104222

I did say "probably". I can't see into the future. Otherwise I would have bought BTC back in 2010

>> No.11104240

human bodies are nowhere near as valuable as they were during the First and Second World Wars.

Long gone are the days of lining up in trenches to shoot at eachother.

Not saying the draft won't return, but it probably won't be as widespread as with previous wars or will involve supporting the war effort via production more than conscription for combat

>> No.11104245

what would ww3 even look like? i doubt . nuclear weapons would be used since the entire planet will be dessimated

>> No.11104258

WW3 is already going on. It's currency wars. It's worth more to extract value from the populace by putting them in forced labor and reeducation camps(work and school).

>> No.11104275

it was never about effectiveness. trench warfare was fucking stupid and anyone with a brain could see that. it was always about population control. You really think the entire world went to war because some wanky European Archduke got assassinated? Come on.

>> No.11104293

>European Archduke got assassinated
I always found this weird. Like how did it even get to the point that hitler could invade poland. Surely the world superpowers saw it coming and could have de-escalated the whole situation before it got so out of hand.

>> No.11104317

Fucking lol. Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination sparked WW1. Hitler invading Poland was the opening act of WW2.

>> No.11104379

Jesus f christ what's wrong with americans
Here's one for your big brains: imperial japan is all the way over there and ended up allying with nazi germany. How is that even possible?

>> No.11104401

a single falling pebble can trigger a land slide.

There are far cheaper and more effective methods of population control

>> No.11104417

Not an american. Imperial Japan joined the game because they wanted to conquer large portions of China, which they did. Ever hear of Nanking? They only got pushed back out because the Russians were advancing and the nuclear display was just as much to discourage the Russians as it was the Japs.

>> No.11105540

Loot the dead

>> No.11105554

The act of Versailles called for Germany not being allowed to rebuild it's army. There was plenty of time for both France and England to stop Hitler, but instead they laid back and did nothing. Also the Zionists started WW2 by getting economically political

>> No.11105555

you guys are so fucking dumb. world war 3 will be fought for territorial rights for mars

>> No.11105565

tell that to putin, he gives no fucks and america know it, which is the only reason they havent done anything about him.

>> No.11105576

Guns, lots of ammo, canned tuna, Arduino boards, gold/silver. You're money, baby

>> No.11105662

You guys are brainlets if you don't realise Trump's space force pretty much means the USA would have total worldwide domination

>> No.11105910


>> No.11106045 [DELETED] 
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nigger is country in africa?

>> No.11106059

Yes. Niger is a country in Africa you uncultured fuck. Also only has one "G".

Still full of Niggers though.

>> No.11106073

When the colonialists first landed in Africa this was the most black country they'd ever seen and in their pure disgust they named it NiggerLand. Once colonialism and imperialism died out the rebel groups of Niggerland renamed it to Niger. It has gained international recognistion ever since although the Malyasians still call it Niggerland.

>> No.11106186

Marry a Rothschild

>> No.11106197

you fuckin wat m8?

>> No.11106731

Buy weapons, hoard gold and silver as payment for merceneries then become a warlord.

>> No.11106835

long on drinkable water