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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.08 MB, 3000x2000, iphone-x-comparisons-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11103553 No.11103553 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /biz/ hate Apple so much? They're the best phone, and naturally, cost the most.

>Best camera on a phone
>amazing processor
>tons of memory
>great battery life
>security is the best
>looks amazing

So what is it?

>> No.11103558

I agree. New MacBook pros fucking suck though.

>> No.11103607

Uses more power, problems with screen burn in, and more money.

I have an iPhone, but I wouldn't put that as a positive.

>> No.11103773

Well, for one thing they pulled the Binance app from the App Store. So, there’s that.

>> No.11103781

All the galaxies use OLED, btw.

>> No.11103788
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>hate Apple
Lol people actually do this? Imagine being so autistic that you hold such a strong negative emotion towards something that you're not required to purchase and doesn't affect you in any single way unless you purchase it.

>> No.11103840

>Motorola phone
>Lenovo thinkpad

Anything else is trash tier

>> No.11103847

cyberpunk dystopia tier. I like it

>> No.11103851
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>> No.11103973
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>> No.11104033

Yeah, cool, but is pretty much the standard for competitor, once Apple does it sounds like revolutionary. They also called a fucking LCD not HD screen, "Liquid Retina Display" on the iPhone XR, selling it as the "best LCD display on a smartphone".
>Best camera on a phone
>Tons of memory
No removable memory and 64 GB is the minimum in 2018, they alwasy to the trick to jump one memory size. When the mimimum was 16, they had 16 and 64, like they force you to pay a fuck ton of money for the extra memory, where they really make money.
>Great battery life
Hope iOS 12 is decent for battery life, because until now only the iPhone 8 Plus really had a "great battery life"
>Security is the best
>Looks amazing
The notch is pure cancer

>> No.11104045

Iphone master race checking in. They are just more visually appealing. Android layouts look so cheap and ghetto. Having more options to customize doesn't mean it's necessarily better poor driod users

>> No.11104052

That would be a MacBook Pro basedboy

>> No.11104065

iPhone usually has the highest dpi for their lcd screens.

>> No.11104099

fuck off shill

>> No.11104127

no, noone actually does that. It's just made up bullshit incels like you and OP use to make yourself feel superior to a strawman.

noone in this world actually cares about anything, and you are lying to yourself if you say otherwise.

>> No.11104147
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The PPI on the Xr is worse than my 4 year old one plus one, you are actually retarded OP

>> No.11104179

Is this the NPC version of /pol/'s overused "cuck?"

>> No.11104194

The OLED screens hurt my eyes

>> No.11104231

I'm using a Pixel XL first gen. I love this phone; battery life is amazing, unlimited google photo cloud storage, etc. I work at a repair shop so I'm constantly taking pictures of license plates and vin numbers. Makes my job so much easier and organized.

>> No.11104286


you niggers can fuck off with your iShekel phones, I'm fine with my android that isn't overpriced because of it's mediocre and doesn't get obsoleted within 2-3 years through "'"""""software updates"""""""

>> No.11104296

*mediocre specs

>> No.11104434

They are nigger-tier.

>> No.11104466

Average iphone supports all features other then hardware changes for 4 1/2 years fggt

>> No.11104983

This. The Pixel phones are amazing and I won't be surprised at all if the Google ecosystem takes over Apple's. Google Music, Gmail, Calendar, Domain, Drive, Project Fi cell service, Maps, Google Drive, YouTube.

Aside from Google+, Google is the true top tier IT brand. Apple is losing ground very fast.

>> No.11105962

>>Best camera on a phone
>>amazing processor
>>tons of memory
>>great battery life

lmaoooooooooooooo , Apple has been building oleds since last year. Samsung ist building it for years.
Best camera ? Thats what all of you appfags are saying , but you slightly notice it IRL.
Tons of memory? member you can extend memory with sd card? i member .
Great battery life ? yea other devices have like 3.8k mah and apples new fagphones hav 1.9kmah , fagOS doesnt even have computing need since its made for fags who think they are smart and they dont need good background apps
security? member The Fappening?
Looks amazing , yea , literally shitting every year the same shitty fagdesign for avocado eating zoomers and 30y Boomies who think apple is the best

>> No.11105980

Dunno, my s7 edge has been quite satisfactory for 2 years now.
I have to charge it every night now tho...

>> No.11106041

Samsung makes apples OLED screens. Apple just did a deal with LG to make more OLEDs for them

>> No.11106639

I like having a headphone jack and sd card. Also much easier to load Kodi on android.

>> No.11106650

Getting militant and ideological over operating systems is unjustifiable if you've only ever used Android/Windows/macOS devices.
Windows and Mac OSs can all dual boot with eachother on PC.
iPhone is Duplo, Android is Lego. Some people need duplo/can't handle the lego, but they're both usually used as toys.

>> No.11106779

Chinkshit is BTFOing both apple and samshit in recent yeara.
Huawei is better and cheaper than both, while all 3 are made by starving chinks anyway

>> No.11106866
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>no control over your files
>only SJW apps allowed

You will Never make it, retard

>> No.11106889

iPhones are better if you handle crypto
Apps are screened by apple before hand and if there is any malicious app it gets deleted almost instantly
Also iPhone can't be hacked anymore (no jailbreak) so you can't break into the system and even if you do the Secure Enclave will save your ass
Of course android has much more possibilities for using it but in reality I have notebook for this

>> No.11106992

Additionally the Google pixel camera is miles better

>> No.11107434

apple slows down old versions of phones when new versions come out fggt

>> No.11107441

Macbooks are great, iphones are trash-tier

>> No.11107681

Pixel (not XL) is an HTC.

Everything but HTC is Pwnd Red Chink Shit.