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11096248 No.11096248 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have a normal social life and keep your source of income completely secret?

By this I mean not having to lie about not being a trsut fund kid and/or darknet drug dealer or having any other embarrassing income source.

>> No.11096964

Goddamn you, biz, how many of you are n welfare or foodstamps and lying about it?

>> No.11096987


Only if you know how to deflect any and all questions and know how to move like a complete shadow around your social circles

>> No.11096992

yes, you can be vague and people will fill in with what they think you do.

>> No.11097002

I am intyrigued, telle me more, social ninja

>> No.11097004

this. it's not hard, you just have to not care what people think about you.

>> No.11097022

Why not just say you're an "internet specialist"?

>> No.11097064

What the fuck do I say that means, anon

>> No.11097103

Normies will think it's some complicated technical stuff that is beyond their understanding

>> No.11097135

whatever you want it to mean, dude

>> No.11097137

I inherited a bunch of money from dead parents. I run my own business and any bills that don't get paid by that are supplemented by savings.

Everybody else thinks I'm a normie.

>> No.11097149

You can always say that you are professional shitcoin trader

>> No.11097179


based and redpilled -- I did not know that it was any type of social awareness/consciousness on this autism board

>> No.11097215

This, but I dont know how to maintain deeper relationships or friendships anymore, so I don't. That way, it's easier to keep people at a distance & no one askes. I just hook up with girls & know them on a 1to1 level, dealing with 1 or 2 cool girls is easier than a wide social circle, if you want to keep how you live on the DL,

>> No.11097248
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>> No.11097413

I've been having issues there
I don't want to smack down the line of questioning too hard but it needs to be sma cked down in some way other than "I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it"

A joke stops being a joke if it goes on long enough
Example: my life

>> No.11097434

Maybe I'm too alienated from normal people to understand, but are you not tempted to pose as an aristocrat of some kind?

>> No.11097439

>some way other than "I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it"
do you want a fucking script or something? the answers are already in this thread.

>> No.11097442

Just lie, tell them you work from home for a small start-up. Your basically their functional support agent for questions regarding a tax form system.

No one will ask you again about your job

>> No.11097446

I think I am technically a count but the fucking castle is apile of rubble and ivy in hungary
and also owned by someone else

>> No.11097449

Just you help small business with tech problems and that it’s boring but gets the bills paid

>> No.11097455
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These Anons have good advice
All situations are unique, so what helps me might not do the same for you.

>Be politically neutral
>Convince others your are a brainlet or at least an awkward person
>NEVER engage in gossip between social circles, this is usually a probe
>If probed by others and asked what you do for income, just mention something simple, creative and relatable. (I like to choose something freelance like photography or writing)
>Keep people at arm's length
>never show your true power level, no matter what. This included crypto.
>Be yourself but not really

It gets lonely but once you see things from "the outside" it gets easier and sometimes entertaining. Just be careful and consistent and you'll be fine

>> No.11097465

I literally script my conversations in advance, so yes
I am also an alcoholic but for deliberate therepeutic purposes
My diet is carefully planned
As I said, a my life is a very extended joke

>> No.11097483

checked. well said, anon. it helps me to think of it as a game. that way, i don't take things too seriously.

>> No.11097487

Just lie? If you’re a drug dealer just tell your friends you run an affiliate marketing business or something like that. Do a bit of research so you can have a conversation about it if someone asks.

>> No.11097491

Look I am getting sentimental but ignore that and give me the straight shit

>> No.11097512

i do this as well, except i don't plan the exact phrases; moreso the topics. also, i plan out all possible follow up questions anyone could ask so i have a vague answer prepared for them, and they can fill in the rest depending on their perceptions. also, if a question is asked that you have not accounted for, ask them a question back to deflect. people like talking about themselves and this will direct the attention away from you. whoever is asking the questions is controlling the conversation.

>> No.11097586

It's pretty much like writing a dating sim
I especially agree with your last point, you need to be ready to flip the table over if it comes to that

I find I avoid anticipating questions from females because they enjoy abrupt changes in conversation rather than being followed down a line of inquiry
But then they have those flahses of common sense where they think: what does this guy do for a living?
Can't evade that too much without it starting to look like evasion

>> No.11097611

I suppose it's worth mentioning that I am unthinkingly honest 90% of the time

>> No.11097623

Say you're a Tax Consultant.

There's no way you could prove it to them because it's confidential information.

>> No.11097634

you can't avoid it, but they like the mystery. also, if they keep pressing you, it's because they're interested and want to make sure you can take care of them; so take that as a good sign. but you still don't have to answer. whenever they ask what i do, i list normie hobbies that i do. if they keep going, i ask them why does it matter so much? it's a way of calling them out for their materialism without expressly saying it.

>> No.11097641

i am too, which is why i have to give vague answers. if you stick to your guns and keep it light, they will eventually move onto another topic for a while, but they will come back to it.