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File: 102 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-14 at 23.42.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11091865 No.11091865 [Reply] [Original]

Favelanon here, this thread is really important, dont ignore it.

I'm thankfull to all you guys that helped and that are helping me. Now I'm loaded with faith and motivation so here we go boy.

In exchange for all the help you guys gave me I'll do a pack with unique content that I'll release for free in a way to help anons (not just bizfags but advfags or any other anon too) to achieve more social knowledge and concious awareness. That content will be 100% free, without the need for any monetary investment.

Things I will include until now:
-Ways to Increase Height
-Ways to increase girth and make your penis large
-Social knowledge basic, medium and advanced level
-Ways to detox your mind from dank underground shit and loser/weak attitudes
-Realpill content

Then I'll shill it 24/7 over many places too, to be able to reach and help the max anons.

What I need from you guys are advice, recommendations or any good/bad aspect of it.

This will be a trial version, if my idea works I'll be able to employ real professionals to be able to do life coach for anons.

>why should you listen
I have already seen death face to face, had my best friend killed at my front, almost starved to death, hummiliated because I'm poor and I study at richer areas/unis and even with all those facts I'll make it, already have a gf (that was virgin), doing two graduations and now motivated and recovered my faith. All I wish is to be able to help as I dont think anyone deserve to be isolated/ostracized of experiences because he dont even know how the game works.

Thanks for your attention!


>> No.11091867

Peepee poopoo

>> No.11091876

>Ways to Increase Height


>> No.11091898
File: 76 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-14 at 23.42.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a method based on postural correction and maximizing your muscle flexibility, size and resilience.

Its a setup of exercises that corrects your posture and helps your back muscles to get stronger, so you wont lose height over the day like normally would.

When you wake up you are usually 2cm tallers then when you sleep.

The gains are from 3 cm up to 15 cm.

This is a impromevent way, no surgery, no cash needed, just exercise and follow the routine.


>> No.11091959
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>> No.11092020

Will the guide include where to get the best ladyboys?
Like thin and feminine.

If not maybe I'll just read about how to get dark shit and bad attitudes out of my head.

>> No.11092030

Anon, lets have a sincere conversation now.

Do you really like that or do you get into the degenerative fap rollercoaster and think that is normal?

Do you trully like it or there is a chance that you just got deep into that subject but you aint sure yet?

Have you already done sex with a ladyboy?

>> No.11092036

And when I say degenerative fap rollercoast isnt related to ladyboys, its related to the fact that people start fapping and each time they go for "darker" fetishs until they are into some real shit without even realizing.

>> No.11092058

>15 cm.

I don't think so. I can buy 2 - 3 CM with right posturing, fuck even 5 if you tend to slouch a lot / have really terrible form. 15 CM is complete bullshit.

>> No.11092080

> 3 to 15 cm. lmao.
if you don't have posture issues you wont gain more than a cm or two MAX.
not worth it cause once you stop doing it your gains go away.

> grow your penis a few inches.

imagine being that guy who does 1 hour of "dick excersizes" because he's so insecure about his dick.


as if having a huge dong is so imporant.
i hope you do well, but no one will benifit from your lessens. you are, still a tard favel anon.

we already know all this info without you telling us.

if you want to make yourself useful, go meditate until you learn how to plant ideas into peoples head. or master telepathy and then write about it.


>> No.11092102

>Do you really like that or do you get into the degenerative fap rollercoaster and think that is normal?
That started it I think. I was in junior high and some cunt online tricked me into looking at this picture of a really good looking women with subsequent pictures having her with less and less clothing until penis.
>Do you trully like it or there is a chance that you just got deep into that subject but you aint sure yet?
I dunno. Need more experiences with everything first before I know I like anything or not.
>Have you already done sex with a ladyboy?
Yeah but it sucked and I couldn't stay hard because I didn't feel anything for that guy and it was weird her dick was bigger than mine lol

Now I like to shitpost about ladyboys because it's a meme.

>> No.11092112
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I said you can go from 3 cm to 15, there were guys who had maxed their height with that in the end of puberty.

If you know everything doesnt even need to bother to try.

>not worth yada yada
For you, all the anon will have to invest is time and energy, worst scenario he earns flexibility and better posture.

>we already know all this info without you telling us.

if you want to make yourself useful, go meditate until you learn how to plant ideas into peoples head. or master telepathy and then write about it.

I'm already doing it, I have to make people hear something they are interested, then they will be more open to try another kind of improvement.

See you, you are pretending this doesnt work and because you are not convinced you came to this thread to see if I really believe or not.

Thanks for the bump!

Also, this is just advice, I'm not telling to someone do 1 hour, 1 minute or 10 hours.

>> No.11092156

>That started it I think. I was in junior high and some cunt online tricked me into looking at this picture of a really good looking women with subsequent pictures having her with less and less clothing until penis.

Be really carefull and pay attention with that thing I will tell you now: life is energy, whether you believe on God or not you have to realize the fact that energy is real, it can be good or bad.

Memes are nothing more than "sigiles" in a upper level with a concentrate wishfull thinking, so when you shill a meme its like you were worshipping a god of it.

I'm telling you this because the majority of memes are just chaotical impersonations of that "bad" energy on the real world, they are like virus that the host until they are fucked.

If you want to change try to get a spiritual connection and ask for forgiveness, if you want to have disgrace on your life, suffering to the ones that love you just continue this way.

Again: If you arent gay from much before the other guy induce you it means you are a spiritual victim of the thing he induced you too.

Be wise and be aware, those memes arent the things you think they are, do you think that all those energy from virgins, incels and people that adore caos will end up in something good?

Or just continue on that way until you die, no problem too.

>> No.11092169

Apologize for grammar errors, hope you understand anon.

You are just being used.

>> No.11092184

making people start jelqing or back stretching and inversons isn't actually helping.

ok the back stretching and inversions, good one. that might help some people, but don't say they will gain 3 to 15cm, they wont. the anon that wants to do this because he's insecure about his height wont gain enough height to really be noticably taller.

i like that you try to help people though.

I know these things you posted work.

I just don't really agree with getting somenoe to jelq. thats just sad.

its obsessive and pretty retarded.

think about it.

mr 4incher does dick ex for a year, 30 minutes every other day, after a year he gains an inch. so what? the extra inch isn't going to cut it anyway

ok maybe it will. but tht's besides the point.... its still cheating your natural state. you need to respect the natural state.

don't care to much about the material physical superficial world. not that important.
only for el retardo's. cause they don't know any better.

good luck though, hope you make it out of favels.

>> No.11092188

That sounded like a lot of words and strange ideas about memes being gods and stuff.
I just think it would be cool to try some good skirtboybutt since so many woman are fat, cunty, and the good ones are illegal.

>> No.11092203

Favelanon, please tell me how I can stop being gay

>> No.11092207
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its not cool lol. you have issues.
favel anon is right about memes.

I have to go to bed now.

laterino gayerino.

>> No.11092230

Bro, I am not inducing anyone to do jelq, like I told I'm just pointing out because this is why people will come to listen, after that they can choose what they will listen and what they will do.

For some guys an inch after a year will do an astronomous difference in their self esteem, at the end we are humans and as humans we can try to find a way to improve.

Nature would be a nutrition with any agrotoxics, any water contaminated and plastics with bisphenol and woman anticonceptionals that go directly into water supply.

We are not in nature with proper diet, proper living, proper human life, we have to make people have faith so they can reach something that they couldnt.

I'm not selling false lies or material, I'm just telling: -Hey, if you try this thing maybe it will help you, just continue going.

I got your point, but if you try to sell help to someone that is convinced he doesnt need any he will just walks by.
Good night bro.

>> No.11092249

Why would you think to try someone that your parents prolly didnt teached you would be upper cool?

Do you think the people that gave you life and helped you are more dumb then social inapts that have a distorted view of reality and that prolly wont reproduce?

Are you really talking that some anon that you never seen and that never helped you worth more than your parents?

You should come back to reality, anon.

>> No.11092256

the book you recommended on height is in spanish only, what gives

>> No.11092255

When you mean stop being gay, what you want to say, bro?

It's not something wrong if you are really gay, the problem is when someone get induced and end up in a route that will just fuck him over.

>> No.11092285

Its on portuguese, I'll try to translate it for the anons.

>> No.11092294

>Are you really talking that some anon that you never seen and that never helped you worth more than your parents?
Dude what? I just got tricked into seeing pictures of attractive woman who turned out to be a guy. I don't trust it value them at all and they haven't existed since that fateful day.
Then I sometimes got that feeling of mutual giggles, smiles, and "wanna fug" with some ladyboys when I was in Asia, but was mostly too pussyshit to try anything because retard.
Besides my parents are bad examples and I wouldn't value their advise much since the upbringing they gave me resulted in a skinnyfat teenage years and then homeless loser in my early twenties before sorting myself out.

>> No.11092322

Let me think what I can do to try to help you.

What are your current problems, in your opinion?

>> No.11092401

favelanon I found that height increase book but it was only in Portuguese, is there an english version or a quick summary?

>> No.11092421
File: 3.36 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180906_084214092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to search for a translation and didnt found any, I'll try to translate it this upcoming week.

Try to search for "Kundalini Yoga" if you wanna start get stretched.

>> No.11092427

I think we're getting in deeper than needed. I was just kind of shitposting with a pass remark.
Endless problems but I'm getting through everything and really came a long way from even five years ago.

>> No.11092451

Dude, I have time to spare.

If you need I can help you, no cost, no need payback.

If need, from there I send you telegram.

>> No.11092483

I had an affair with a Brazilian woman from work. She’s pregnant now, I kinda think the kid is mine but she is still married and the husband thinks it’s his.
Kek I feel sorry for Brazil anons, your women have zero loyalty.

>> No.11092507

Sad for us you guys have everything we dont have, security, better jobs, better incomes, safer country.. all yada yada that a person that want to have a good life would like too.

Its like we both was into a game and you started it with gameshark.

>> No.11092513

Gonna eat, come back soon

>> No.11092515

Favelanon. I need your advice. Yes I live in a first world country. But it sucks that i fell for the meme of graduate education with a ton of debt. I’m a slave to the debt system. Now I am applying to minimum wage jobs in my field. I only have one interview. I feel like shit asking myself if this is worth it.

How do you get out of your mind when you’re stuck in a rut. Like your literally fucking stuck in your career and life. Life sometimes feels like it’s all mundane. How do you break out of this self defeating cycle ?

>> No.11092562

Nah her husband was American

>> No.11092605


I love how you've nailed exactly what /biz/ needs.
>positive outlook
>larger penises

You're part of the chemo that fights the cancer favelanon, keep it up.

>> No.11092608

I'm back, I'll take some time but I'll answer you.

>> No.11092618



>> No.11092636

Lol, I dont know why but I laughed hard. What you gonna do if the baby looks like you?

Will you do a wallet for him and send him when me make 18 years old?

>> No.11092686
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Bro, first things first: survival
Do you live with parents? Do you have enough food to eat? Do you have enough for transportation? Are you alone or does you have people that can help you?

Two: Support

Is there any parent that can lend you money, if yes in what conditions? Could you save money by doing and receiving favor of your parents? Do you asked your family for help to get a job?

Three: What you can do?
What things can you do? How much do you have to invest? What kinds of things you wouldnt do?

We have to make divisions, first come survival, second come support and stage three come what you gonna do.

Because if you can save enough money by living with parents you wont need to get a job that will fuck you up.

Lets organize first.

Always remember, even if the hard times dont go away you gonna be used to them so it will be easier.

>> No.11092721
File: 49 KB, 541x532, 1529990918181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qual e o nome do livro que esse cara mencionou?

>> No.11092725

John Pathaday - Como aumentar sua estatura

>> No.11092736


>> No.11092742

Eu dei risada da foto que você postou, parece uma bunda.

>> No.11092883

Thank you Favelanon. This resonates a lot with me

> Always remember, even if the hard times dont go away you gonna be used to them so it will be easier.

Yes I’m under my parents. Which sucks since I’m leeching off them and can’t contribute anything financial to the house. It’s weird because my parents are immigrants from a shit poor country, they “made it” here in the US by being smart and doing manual labor, and here I am their son professionally educated, and still leeching from them. I think this is what bothers me the most about myself.

My parents financially and morally. I’m blessed. We don’t have family connections or anything like that.

>what can I do
Honestly Jesus I think I need to go out and network in my field like a hungry prostitute. Part of me is scared that I’m not on their level (pretty stupid). Also I don’t sound articulate or well versed to feel like I’m “one of them”. I think my attitude has to change. I’ve become very slothful, not taking life by its balls. I’ve become more reserved and to myself. Been doing jiu jitsu to counteract that. Outside of that... keep reading/writing/applying for jobs/ and be willing to do any work in my field.

Thank you favelanon. I think you’re right. Gotta accept it and get use to these hard times and not be a bitch about it.

>> No.11092893
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Thanks buddeh, I'm 5'9 but could always use another inch
You seen any results stretching your height?

>> No.11092903


kek, yes

>> No.11092945
File: 3.87 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180906_091019507_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, always remember that: your parents love you and there is no need to you get into troubles and fuck your health if they can help you to survive because as a responsible man you will pay them off later, right?

Doesnt get into that bullshit meme that you are being shit or fucking everything, your father acquired wealth so you could have better chances and a better life with had to bypass all they had.

You can go out and you will go out, the people that loves you depends on you, you aint worth less or more than any other human being that is rich or poorer than you. Focus on your talents and take advantage of your skills, use jiu jitsu to get in shape and clear your mind, be a good son and keep in your way and you will achieve something.

Dont give up, we all need to talk sometimes, if need to have some free talk or motivation I'm here.

Yes, I knew this method since I were young, so I did it a lot with swim and other things.

But anon, being sincere to you this is just a improvement, your value asa human being isnt purely attached to your height, dont get fooled by the memes.


>> No.11092959

>without had to bypass all they had

Sometimes I think faster than I write, then those things happen, lol.

>> No.11092968

I feel really guilty about the whole situation actually. I quit my job and moved across the country to get away from the situation. Meanwhile the girl didn’t give a fuck lol. Women are ruthless.

>> No.11092987

>Yes I’m under my parents. Which sucks since I’m leeching off them and can’t contribute anything financial to the house. It’s weird because my parents are immigrants from a shit poor country, they “made it” here in the US by being smart and doing manual labor, and here I am their son professionally educated, and still leeching from them. I think this is what bothers me the most about myself.

Holy fuck anon I am exactly the same except I live in Canada. The best thing we can do is appreciate what our parents went through for us and how they're helping us and improve ourselves.

I've had a job for the last 6 months or so though so I've been contributing and helping them out. I want to get an even better job in the next year, hopefully.

>> No.11092990

Kill yourself you annoying nigger

>> No.11093007

Sorry for make a joke, I was thinking you didnt care but now I understood.
Some woman are like that, anon, maybe its your, maybe not, maybe have another guys and not just you, maybe he is cuckold, some things we will never know. Just save some cash to be able to help the innocent children that will come to this world if you realize he is your son and something of bad will happen to him.

At a primitive level she is in a win/win scenario.

Hope you are able to keep going with your life.

There is no problem, you gonna reward them someday, just dont get into shit and its fine.

>> No.11093022

Who gonna kill who never lived and just survived?

Gonna call me a "macaco loco", "quer banana", "third world shithole", "sent you 100k", "hey I saw your mom in the zoo" or some other passive agressive dank meme irony? Its fine bro, it doesnt even hurt, if you ever know real shit that fucks your heart and soul would have seen that these words you said are like compliments.

>> No.11093032
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btw I have had great success with jelqing and stretching. In one year of occasional PE I gained an inch in length and half an inch in girth. I recommend anons follow this guide, just the simple one of 5 mins warmup, 10 mins stretch, 10 mins jelq 4x a week.

>> No.11093037
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>> No.11093044

Do you have one website or recommendation so I could use as example to put in the book/pack?

>> No.11093051
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>> No.11093061

yeah, pegym and thundersplace are good resources. The JP90 program is a classic, lots of guys getting 1 inch length in 6 months using it.

>> No.11093068

Do you have the material? When I tried to search all those sites tried to sell the things and didnt had material.

If you wanna send by email:princeofcrypto@protonmail.com
I'll take this upcoming week to translate and do a pack/book.

>> No.11093097

I've seen a few people with insanely bad posture, like nearly a 90 degree angled neck. 15 cm could be possible.

>> No.11093117

I can't link it but it's the first thing on google if you search "jp90"

It's pretty simple. But I recommend going even simpler and just doing 10 mins manual stretching and 10 mins jelqing after warming up. No need to pay for anything and plenty of guys on those forums have made gains, even picture proof.

>> No.11093134

Thanks anyway.

>> No.11093164

You’re real hope man. You’re thoughts and words speak truth. I know this because I feel a glimpse of hope in the pit of my stomach.

I’d love to join your telegram group. Having good people like you in life is vital. I will definitely pitch in some coins for lunch when I can too.

This seems like the biggest disappointment of our generation, especially with those whose parents came from nothing or very little. Feels good I’m not alone in this feeling fren. We will make it one way or another

>> No.11093212

I dont have a telegram group yet, just a profile, if you wanna just send a email after and I give you the @, I really wish you can get better, because when you do those people that depend on you will get better too.

From everything I have seen I just came to one conclusion.. its already full of rippers and fuckers, to be another one would mean nothing besides helping that cursed system that destroy freedom, destroy families and induce people to bad scenarios.

>> No.11093351

Good night buddies

>> No.11093359

Hey man I need your help shilling my project and products

>> No.11093377

Send email anon

>> No.11093469

Fuck yeah FA. Sent

>From everything I have seen I just came to one conclusion.. its already full of rippers and fuckers, to be another one would mean nothing besides helping that cursed system that destroy freedom, destroy families and induce people to bad scenarios.

Fucking this.