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11085996 No.11085996 [Reply] [Original]

>"Your resume indicates a 3 year gap from 2015 until today. What did you do during this time?"

>> No.11086024

gf unironically had to go through this crap when they hired her for morgan stanley.
she got off easy but there was a guy that thought it would be a good idea to travel around the world before getting into wagecucking. he has to provide proof of his exact whereabouts for that 2 year gap he was in like a 100 countries all over. rofl shit is insane. never admit you were traveling just say you were helping out in the family business.

>> No.11086081

advancing adoption of distributed ledger systems and fungible tokenised commodities via smart contract new paradigm blockchains on the internet of things.

then i got liquidated

>> No.11086084

>rofl shit is insane

That's not insane. If they hire a terrorist or a drug trafficker they can have big trouble.

>> No.11086295

well i guess if he was fighting for isis and raping lolis slaves in that time one would want to know.

>> No.11086381

>raping lolis slaves
Morgan Stanley would hire him on the spot

>> No.11086384

>Fapping to traps and shitposting on 4chan

>> No.11086392
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Ask your mother.

>> No.11086413
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>> No.11086415

unlikely they are pretty anal about public presentation.

>> No.11086531

Just say you were helping little niggers in Africa
In worst case photoshop yourself nest to a starving niglet
You will get sum diversity points and a job

>> No.11086568

h-haha... yeah... it was a 3 year gap. and definitely not a 17 year gap

>> No.11086633

This is going to be me after I make it with LINK

>> No.11086671

after the labour that your mom done

>> No.11086986

why would you wagecuck after making it?

>> No.11087059
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Is that Patrick Bearman?

>> No.11087080


>> No.11087097

marcus halbearstram

>> No.11087099

Anons what do I actually do when someone asks this?

I’ve done nothing for 4 years except make like £50k off of crypto. Literally fapping, eating and vidya gaming my life away. Occasional catfishing as well.

>> No.11087118

Make a blog about that stuff and just tell them your were a freelance lifestyle/crypto consultant.

>> No.11087167
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>> No.11087172

please provide some references from your consulting work

>> No.11087192

Woah, that's a new rare spurdo if I've ever seen one

>> No.11087197
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randomnamegenerator and burners

>> No.11087236
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>> No.11087277

>he didn't just lie on his resume

I had an almost 4 year gap of NEETdom and i just lied

>> No.11087299

How so

>> No.11087302

You know how boring it is to not work?
Pretty fucking boring.

>> No.11087346

This unironically

>> No.11087353
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It's not that rare :3

>> No.11087372

>Not lying on your resume and closing any non-work gaps >2 weeks. Even if you have to make up bullshit companies with your friends as a reference.

>not gonna make it.

>> No.11087373
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I was gambling on bitmex

>> No.11087511

What do you mean? You just put in a fake job(s) on your resume. Most places aren't going to check, and what happens if they do? You don't get the job you weren't going to get anyway. It's not illegal or anything to lie on your resume. The only thing you have to worry about is in small industries blacklisting you but that isn't going to apply to most people and most companies aren't going to put in that effort anyway.

>> No.11087945

Since when is 3 years a decade?

>> No.11088294

Nah, that's not Marcus, you can tell because the bearcut is slightly nicer

>> No.11089101

I was making a film

>> No.11089187

wow thats so cool, can we see the film ?

>> No.11089277

This really grinds my gears
When I was younger I imagined that when I was grown I could take some time off for a year or two every so often to just do whatever I want, maybe go live innawoods, I don't know
But now I find yet another thing keeping one from straying outside the system of perpetual wagecuckery, these fucking gap year soft-limits.
Even if you go only a year to simply take a break from making your higherups more money, you're standing among other applicants will lower drastically
God forbid you take two damn years off to just do whatever, especially when you have the money to do so.

It's not like you lose the "skills" needed to do most office or other wagecuck jobs in the span of a year

>> No.11089278
File: 89 KB, 855x1069, 27581994_150231485650351_6810863489075118080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 19 and i never had a job in my life... i'm still in school tho. Should i work and if so; what job can/should i do (no Mcjob plz). something that pays a lot is appreciated

>> No.11089461

Sure thing, I can bring it in on the first day. I financed it with minor PA work which I have references for. I didn't include it on my resume because it was a one time thing I wanted to do which was not relevant to my career choice.

>> No.11089520

Learn programming. Do freelance shit for local businesses, like making a website.

>> No.11089536

let me tell you about the jews
and dogecoin

>> No.11089629

How bout I took a break from slavery to find myself. Or I had money saved so instead I just helped ppl to stay busy. Or how bout I want to get back into the work field because I want to stay active. Jus the creative give them something to envy and respect you.

>> No.11090586


>> No.11090594

Anal pubic penetration lol

>> No.11090833

no joke i had to explain fucking three month gap during an interview yesterday, I just graduated for fucks sake

>> No.11091063

You anon, you're a man of many knowledges.