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11085024 No.11085024 [Reply] [Original]

If I go up to attractive women on the street, and then offer them $100 bucks to feel them up for a bit, what are the odds that they'll say yes?

>> No.11085077

0 if you're ugly

>> No.11085087


If you're attractive they'll giggle and let you do it for free

>> No.11085100

tough call between H and J, but i guess H for the children

>> No.11085105

Anyone not going for C is fucked up

>> No.11085107

K for me.

>> No.11085108

>> No.11085115

>wanting to breed with keltec owners

>> No.11085116

The odds that you'll get arrested are 100%

>> No.11085119

I'll take C, i basically already got 2/3 of the picture already... All i need is the girl.

>> No.11085121

F obviously

>> No.11085120

C is honestly a threadkiller, way too far out in front.

>> No.11085136

Roll for H

>> No.11085141

for burgers who romanticize an europe they've hardly ever been to this makes sense
as someone who's lived the med life, nah. getting too cramped and crowded, and too brown

>> No.11085150


>> No.11085154

C is boring af, let me guess, hobby: music, TV series, dancing.
Fucking kek, who would EVER wanted this. And now look at F. Interesting, hot and infinite possibilities. Fucking gay faggots choosing C

>> No.11085162

I. I'm in to the high rise dystopian hell aesthetic.

>> No.11085202

Meh, I'm from Italy and wouldn't live anywhere else really. Could use some less brown tho, I've seen a couple lately.

>> No.11085205
File: 566 KB, 2500x1406, tuscany-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europoor here
tuscany is fucking patrician
neck yourself

>> No.11085232

Whoever made this must love redheads because only K and H are bearable.

>> No.11085253

Y’all not saying K is why biz will never make it

>> No.11085282

Depends on a lot of factors - where you are, what you look like, time of day, etc
If I had to guess, it'd probably be around 1 in 20 who'd say yes
Also, K pls

>> No.11085305

Ill be happy with:

>> No.11085320

I got 2/3 as well. Cept i got the girl and the car, just need the house in the environment.

>> No.11085410

All women are whores, they only have different prices. So the sucess rate of this experiment depends on where you are. If you are in a poor country where 100$ is considered a lot then >90% will say yes. If you are in a rich country where 100$ is the normal ammount you spend when goin out to eat and wacth a movie then <10% will say yes. So it really depends of the relative amount of value you are offereing them in comparison to the effort they have to make to obtain those 100$ by other means.

If you want to increase your chances do it in a poor country whith a culture where where promiscuity is socially acepted. Or do it on a rich country but offer a higher amount.

>> No.11085472

Nah, I live in favela and you are tottally wrong.

Woman fear social judgement and social isolation/ostracization, thats why a lot of them will make sex with you if you pay all the entertainment and at the same time they wouldnt do sex if you paid them money for that.

When you approach someone in the street their social shield is at maximum value as you could be a maniac, a psycho, someone with bad intentions, a prank guy or someone recording it.

So they will have their shields ready.

If you do it on "Tinder" with a facebook profile pic "Secret fetish: I like to pay my girls, secret and anonymacy, match if you would like to hear more" you will have more results than street mode.

>> No.11085511

C easily comes with the best house.
"A" looks like the best place to live, but that roastie had to ruin it as always.

>> No.11085580

Balls deep into K or H

>> No.11086750

You have a good head on your shoulders my dude. I used to have a Cuban buddy named Sal who talked like you. He was smart as fuck too. I hope you make it. If you ever can and you have the desire, come to the US. Immigrants with your mindset end up millionaire success stories if you can keep away from crime and shit. Good luck,

>> No.11086789

K is god tier everything else means you have shit taste in women

>> No.11086805

Favelanon you are going to make it!

>> No.11086808


>> No.11086834

I want J, but I don't want autistic hapa kids so I pick K.

>> No.11086849

If you're not choosing B or J you don't belong on this board

>> No.11086909

E or H

>> No.11086923

J>H>K> the rest

>> No.11086926

H and K all the way, rest is for plebs.

Who am I kidding pic is missing L: your hand, your mom's basement and your tired legs

>> No.11086931

Going for B, sue me faggots

>> No.11087000

L should be a latina club slut, a clapboard house crawling with mexicans, and a 1997 honda civic hatchback

>> No.11087374

not f

>> No.11087783
File: 736 KB, 1280x255, mexportfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits command

>> No.11087882

This guy knows what he's talking about

>> No.11087922

lmao i take that over my current situation desu

>> No.11088066
File: 79 KB, 377x346, 1530018674274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fancy apartment in bustling, lively city
>10/10 most attractive & qt grill
>bike because everything you need is close by, don't have to depend on the gas guzzling jew
B is the true god tier. Only boomers want to live in the middle of nowhere with an SUV and obnoxious redneck wife.

>> No.11088199

>watches public agent too
>martin isn't real guy
hey fren

>> No.11088265
File: 554 KB, 1051x254, 56756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better version

>> No.11088352

F if she has a penis

>> No.11088389

No they will not

>> No.11088410

sure thing buddy. i go to a bar and give a girl a $5 rum and coke and im feeling her up.

>> No.11088415

who else H and K are the best

>> No.11088564 [DELETED] 

Option K

>> No.11088625

You can do it anyway. They let you do anything. You can grab em by the pussy

>> No.11088816


>> No.11088863


C or I for me, thanks.

>> No.11089576

wife of K, but if necessary she can act like H
house H
car K or H

>> No.11089647

I'm Croatian and I want C. But to each their own. K, H, E, and D in that order were up next and appealing in their own way.

>> No.11089983

Gonna have B when I make it.
Gonna move to Tokyo, ride a bike or whatever. Make music and chill with cutie gf.

>> No.11090051

Tfw no J gf

>> No.11090100


>> No.11090111

second best, decent

>> No.11090141

you will make it

>> No.11090147

they're just meme videos anon

>> No.11090347

>miss me with that gay shit

>> No.11090376

E, G, or J
I want a hoodrat gf. Now.

>> No.11090387

My African American.

H is far superior. New F150, a moderately attractive girl, and a nice house secluded away.

>> No.11090415

it's not just about the bitches, dude. it has more to do with the lifestyle.
i'd fit perfectly in "I" as I am a french educated ethiopian living in ethiopia, essentially grew up in the frog culture and most people consider me as being a froggy as well.
"J" is where i am heading because i now have a ukrainian gf who wants me to move to ukraine with her
and lastly "H" is the dream.

>> No.11090457

mon bougnoule,
hear-hear!! "H" is god-tier all the way.
wifey material gun toting gf; nice lawn; fuck the environment truck.
if only...

>> No.11090485

B and I are the only truly aesthetic choices and the rest are pleb tier

>> No.11090535

A;B;F are straight up autism
C is a retired couple kinda thing
D is too high roller for my taste
E is the youtube/indie artist lifestyle (too outgoing)... miss
G is what every thug in america has
I is what every frogs wish they had
K is too bland, probably will end with a suicide and a divorce
J is weird, because the girl is too young and pretty, substitute her with a middle-aged women and you've got yourself a writer's lifestyle.
H is patrician taste.

>> No.11090828

w2c grill in I? I dread she'd be of the /fucktrump/ persuasion tho.

>> No.11090887

no regrets