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File: 669 KB, 593x443, NPC Bhudda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11083027 No.11083027 [Reply] [Original]

Is Buddhism a low IQ religion? They literally hate the inner monologue and want to destroy/suppress it.

>> No.11083032

Low level bait

>> No.11083035


>> No.11083055

I think they realized the inner monologue is the source of all of our discontent and lack of peace

"Man could avoid all of his problems if he was happy in a room alone"

>> No.11083072 [DELETED] 

a fitting ideology for a collectivist race of bug people that shuns individuality.

>> No.11083085

For asian buddhists, it's a religion not much different from any other big religion.

For westerners, it's a bait and switch. Westerners like to think it's all metaphorical and psychological stuff like "if you had fewer desires you would be happier". That's wrong. The Buddha specifically taught that craving is what causes you to be born in the world (somehow), and that once you are born, suffering is inevitable. His proposed solution is not to desire less stuff so that you're more content with life, it's to desire as little as possible in the hopes that you can avoid being born again.

>> No.11083109

Buddhism is rich with invaluable wisdom. The problem is most people are materialists and can only find meaning through inconography, which they don’t even understand either.

>> No.11083463

lobotomy is the answer, I see

>> No.11083488

Buddists fail to realize that there is wealth of satisfaction in the world outside them.
Buddist may have invaluable wistdom, but most of problems with hardcore Buddhists is that they fail to realize or have failed to achieve satisfaction for external discourse or have given up.

>> No.11083501

buddhists are the gay people of the east. Radically self centred narcissists.

>> No.11083511
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>Sit on your ass all day and do nothing and you'll find inner peace.

Literally NEET religion.

>> No.11083524

Thats bullshit. Nirvana is a state of spiritual and conscious transcendence.
Buddhism just says your inner monologue is tellinh mostly bullshit

>> No.11083549
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It's not a religion fren

>> No.11083568

For white people, Buddhism is the thing that NPCs do when they’re trying to prove that they’re not NPCs. It’s surface-level religion for them, that they use as a tool to stand out from other NPCs. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do anything to erase their status as NPCs, and their desire to stand out does not stem from some innate inner voice, but rather the typical NPC narcissism and pre-programmed desire for societal acceptance.

>> No.11083581

Buddhism tells you that your ego is BS.
Here's the path that led me to Buddhism 4 months ago:

Incognito, written by a neuroscientist, showed me that all the things I assumed I was in control of are actually done unconsciously by the brain, sometimes seconds before you are even aware of it. Essentially it rid me of any beliefs I still had of free will. Even if 3% of those actions were done by free will, they are still heavily influenced by genetics and society so they're not really free in my opinion.

Afterward, I thought about my identity and realized every aspect of it had either been due to genetics or from environmental influences. I was not responsible for my identity or my beliefs or even my actions (I tend to get negative reactions when I mention the last part due to the social status quo). Since the ego requires an identity to feel special, I realized my ego was an illusion based on false pretenses.

So whether or not we have souls that are experiencing consciousness, I realized the soul will not carry identity with it. I am really the consciousness and my identity is just a creation of society that does not really belong to me.

I did further research on that and discovered similar ideas in the four noble truths. And since then I've been looking more and more into Buddhism.

>> No.11083631

This is pretty much what I was talking about here >>11083085 with the bait and switch. Redpill yourself on buddhism before you get in too deep - unless you are prepared to accept that somehow, defying all reason, desire and craving are the cause of you appearing in your mother's womb, you are ignoring the central pillar of the entire belief system. All of the psychological and mental stuff people associate with it are the result of a several thousand year game of telephone. Buddhism is absolutely 100% not compatible with scientific materialism, any more than Christianity.

>> No.11083641


fuck thats gay. asian manlets have a spiritual path upwards to heaven where they can fade away.

chad Aryans have a spiritual path to conquer the earth and bring heavens law down here, then die valhalla style so they get a free pass all the way upwards, bypassing all these bhuddist manlets, causing them extreme jaelousy and sending them all back down to China, where they live shit lives again.

>> No.11083642

Stoicism/Buddhism is cool and all but how do they reconcile with international kikery?

>> No.11083678


Look out OP, you just kicked the instagram buddhist hornet nest.

>> No.11083679

So when did you accept national socialism as the true path?

>> No.11083684

Buddha created these schools knowing most people will not individuate in their lifetime, however people can be inculcated a peaceful way to life. I live in a Buddhist country, it is very pleasant. Buddhists are really nice people, but they’re no different than kind Christians. And traditional Buddhist or Christians who are reclusive are not that way because they don’t understand the world around them. It’s quite the contrary.

>> No.11083689

That’s luciferianism. The worship of the intellect. Self aggrandizement. Also known as spiritual retardation.

>> No.11083695

Based and redpilled

>> No.11083703

Here is one reference on this subject -


If you don't accept this unusual metaphysical idea, the entire conceptual foundation falls apart, since breaking this chain is the goal of Buddhist practice.

>> No.11083706

I don't have to agree with every teaching of Buddhism. There's no evidence for the mechanism of rebirth that they claim so I don't buy that part. Even after getting input from Buddhist forums about it I still don't see it.
Just because one part of a religion is flawed doesn't mean there isn't good advice to be found. A lot of Christianity seems like BS but it includes advice on being a good person.
Western philosophy is based on Descartes "I think therefore I am" but I think thats flawed. The second "I" is referring to the ego, the individual self. Rather it should be "I think therefore the universe exists."

>> No.11083707



>> No.11083731

Fair enough, but then you absolutely aren't a Buddhist, just someone with philosophical ideas that are sort of like Buddhism. The Buddha taught his idea of rebirth and how to end it, that IS the religion, it's not just a "part" that might be flawed. The goal is to end rebirth; if you were to go back in time and ask the Buddha if there was any point to Buddhist practice in the absence of this goal, he would say there isn't. There was a sutra I saw at some point where he basically says exactly that, but I can't remember which one right now.

>> No.11083734

>breaking this chain is the goal of Buddhist practice
That's buddhism as a religion which stems from Hinduism but in Buddhism as a philosophy the goal is to just recognize the illusion of the ego.

>> No.11083743

We're on the same page then. Idk if its legit but he said to question everything he said as well.

>> No.11083761

Buddhism is great. To all "Chad Aryan" types, we need both types - extroverts and introverts. In ancient Asia focus was more on self-introspection and conquer self-greed/desire whereas West as focused more conquering the outside/world starting from Aryan invasion. Two different philosophies. Both has valid points.

However, now that World is a mess due to runaway capitalism and there is nothing else to conquer (unless you start getting Mars / interplanetary), more and more focus is being shifted towards self-introspection.

Problem with Buddhism is about its anchoring. Beyond body and mind they talk about "The Void". It's inherently atheistic. I practised it for a while but can't attain any tranquility.

Then moved to Non-dual Vedanta and Kashmiri Shaiva-ism (highest form of Tantra). The anchorage is non-dualistic omnipresent good with dualistic/pluralistic manifestations. It gels well with my affinity towards interconnectedness in earth. Think about air / food / water you consume. Who produced it ? Your body was formed with genetic materials from Mom and Dad. And then Nature is nurturing you. Whoever nurtures unselfishly, I call her Mother. This solved my anchorage issue.

Everyone is different. And so as their spiritual liberation pathways.

>> No.11083762

buddhism is the bad copy of jainism as islam is the bad copy of christianity.
/Biz/ leads to hell for sure lmao

>> No.11083771

You desire not to desire anon.

>> No.11083783

See >>11083731
That's like saying "Christianity as a philosophy is about forgiveness and redemption". It's silly, because Christianity isn't a philosophy, it's a religion. Take the supernatural stuff out of it and it's nothing, just a hodgepodge of ideas based on a core of pure delusion. Same goes for Buddhism - it IS a religion, not a philosophy. Even if you like the ideas, if you don't accept the core of it you have a hard time getting around the fact that it's based on a whole lot of people just sitting around subduing their desires based on ultimately false beliefs.

>> No.11083785

Buddhism logically makes 0 sense. All is suffering but there is no self to actually suffer. Its a corruption of advaitic hinduism which actually does make sense. Biggest meme religion ever

>> No.11083802

I'll have to correct you on that a little
>Student: Master, I have let go of all desires
>Buddha: Very good
>Student: But master, now I still desire to let go of all desire
>Buddha: At last you begin to see the problem

It's not about not desiring, it's litterly letting them go. Realize you have desire and letting them go emotionally and psychologically. It does not mean you don't have desires, it means these desires do not affect you and cloud you. And no it's not desiring as little as possible in the hope that. You either break the chain of rebirth by attaining full enlightenment or becoming a Buddha or you go trough the same cycle again and again untill you do. That's really what being a Buddha is about.

But at the same time, Buddhists, a lot of buddhists suffer from the same superstitions and false beliefs you'd expect in any religion.
A lot of Westerners think that that's what Buddhist monks do, and though some do, a lot of them don't and they are very active in the world. It was quite recently that the Dalai Lama said
>Meditation is fine
>Something something is fine
This image that monks are sitting somewhere in the Himalaya's chilling and meditating is very screwed. They do occasional retreats of hardcore meditation but you're more likely to find them helping the poor, taking care of orphans and so on.

And in a Buddhist pov the inner monologue isn't bad, it's just that the inner monologue often consists of ramblings and thoughts that don't serve any purpose other than distracting you from the present. Also the Buddha encourages engagement in inner monologue, talking to yourself as a means of philosophical progress and also training speech. Preferably, you'd stop thinking in yourself and start talking out loud to yourself as this doesn't require you to think and you can keep the stilness in your mind you presumably attained from meditating.

>> No.11083804

Better frame of word for what Buddha said would be
>At last you begin to understand

>> No.11083829

Everyone has desires, and even enligthened ones will have desires, but they have let them go. It means they can engage in selfless service to beings. And for the record. It was Buddha himself that sought out students and people that were interested. Litterly going door to door. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research into Buddha's life would know this. But ofcourse everyone assumes that just because they read an article online they know it all.

>> No.11083842

It’s literally the opposite. It’s a one person circlejerk in your mind

>> No.11083859

I see the 4 noble truths as more of a philosophy (The ego is illusory and here are some ways to deal with it) and everything else as a religion to justify it because most people cant handle meaninglessness and crave some sort of religion.

>> No.11083862

Aum Mani Padme Hum is litterly a chant to stimulate different parts of your brain.
>Train speech
>Train mind
>Train body

>> No.11083893

>And this, monks, is the noble truth of the origination of stress: the craving that makes for further becoming — accompanied by passion & delight, relishing now here & now there — i.e., craving for sensual pleasure, craving for becoming, craving for non-becoming.
>And this, monks, is the noble truth of the cessation of stress: the remainderless fading & cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, release, & letting go of that very craving.
Yes you're supposed to let go, but don't ignore the "remainderless fading & cessation" of "the craving that makes for further becoming". In Mahayana they have all kinds of mumbo jumbo about what "enlightenment" or "Buddhahood" mean, but in the sutras it's very explicit. Enlightenment = cessation of craving, leading to the cessation of everything else because everything originates from craving, via birth.
Well I guess you're free to take it any way you like, but that view is very ahistorical. Back in the day people took their religion very, very seriously, as did the Buddha himself.

>> No.11083897

Not sure if you're implying Buddhism is meaningless, but it certainly ain't. Quite frankly, Buddhism is a lot of going around in circles so yes at some point everything is meaningless and once you go full circle you start to see that everything does in fact have meaning. And that there is purpose. But ofcourse when you're dealing with transcendence, which language isn't build to deal with unless you start speaking in ancient languages like Sanskrit who we're developed from a transcendental POV it will seem like buddha's and yogi's are constantly contradicting themselves.

>> No.11083914

you do not know

>> No.11083947

>The Buddha specifically taught that craving is what causes you to be born in the world (somehow)
Some thot craved the D and here you are.

>> No.11083957

Some people unironically try to rationalize it that way. They're just grasping at straws though, it's supposed to be craving from a previous life that somehow deposits you in a womb.

>> No.11083967

most of the thoughts are coming from elsewhere. If you sit still and listen you will realize that most of your thoughts are coming from outside. You can even observe it being spoken into your head with different voices. If you seen revolver movie you know what I'm talking about. it's like a telephatic hypnotic suggestion

>> No.11084095

From my point of view, the meaning seems to be close an emotional feeling rather than a logical one you can put into words. A type of qualia, so to speak. For example, I cant tell you in words how to experience the color red. However, the color red doesn't actually exist, it is just how our brains process visual input. So again the meaning seems to stem from existence and there would be no meaning if there was no life.

Oh yeah? You think in Japanese? You think of something you've never heard before? They're produced by the brain. Thoughts are illusions as well according to Buddhism.
>You can even observe it being spoken into your head with different voices.

>> No.11084149

>defying all reason, desire and craving are the cause of you appearing in your mother's womb

I don't really see how this is defying all reason. sure the materialistic explanation includes a sperm and an egg, but it's not like there is a materialistic explanation for consciousness per se, i.e what exactly is consciousness, what differentiates different consciousnesses, what causes a particular person (in the sense of consciousnesses, awareness) to be non-existent then suddenly spring into existence at a particular birth.

I agree that I see no evidence for the idea of reincarnation, or more specifically "desire to have a body creating a body around the consciousness". on the other hand, it seems that pretty much every one of the teachers agrees on this point, and claim it based on knowledge and not belief. if this knowledge is to be intuitively gained at realization, it seems odd, as it is not really an insight into the nature of reality, but is purely empirical (what is the mechanism by which consciousness emerges in the world as a gross body).

>> No.11084152
File: 1.06 MB, 1310x660, occipital lobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related to add more thought to this thread.

This is the part of the brain that processes visual input. If only there was some way we could see what was going on in there.
Oh wait, we do with every glance. Your experience of vision is the result of the process that occurs in that part of the brain, bringing all external input obtained through the eyes together and mashing together a visual reality.
We're only evolved to see a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum because it was most relevant to us. When we look at an object, we don't see individual atoms connected to each other but rather an interpretation based on what our eyes are capable of observing.
Is it not possible there is a lot more to the universe than we can see or detect? Or parts of the universe that don't ever interact with us? Not that there has to be, but it is in fact possible.

>> No.11084164


>> No.11084201

It's possible there is an entire dimension that we haven't described yet that overlaps with the dimensions we observe. Which is actually a valid answer on where heaven, our soul or God would be.

I see no reason why it should be the case, but theoretically it can be the case.

>> No.11084205

The problem I have with it is that although there is no materialistic explanation for subjective consciousness, there IS a materialistic explanation for craving, and that explanation is fairly likely to be correct. Neurons, dopamine, etc. These have been studied extensively and we can fiddle with neurology in people and animals to get various effects on cravings. We know how such things can be modulated by drugs, how addictions form, etc.

The problem this causes for the Buddhist idea is that if craving is an artifact of neurology, it's no longer the kind of metaphysical thing that could plausibly cause someone to come into existence. It's just not the right "kind of thing" for that.

>> No.11084309

I agree with you on that point. I would also mention "mental tendencies" (Vasana) which are claimed to survive subsequent births and influence a person's mental constitution.

I've also read teachers from the 'Advaita Vedanta' school of thought (mainly those from 'Inchegeri Sampradaya' lineage like Nisargadatta) and they seem to claim that everything is just a mental projection, and basically the world (including rebirth) is not real / does not exist. in that sense "liberation from rebirth" (muksha) does not mean stopping the process but just realizing that nothing is true (everything appears but does not exist), which seems to imply that a literal cessesion of the process of rebirth is not the goal. of course it's hard to put this into words, as the teachers emphasize "an intuitive understanding" which cannot be conveyed through words

>> No.11084347

This is what makes me an Agnostic Atheist rather than an Atheist. Atheists are 100% sure there is nothing else just as Christians are 100% sure there is God.

>craving is an artifact of neurology, it's no longer the kind of metaphysical thing
I never considered this and it is a good argument against Buddhist rebirth.

>> No.11084361

business and finance

>> No.11084418

Where's the religion board on 4chan?

>> No.11084422

hinduism is the true redpill, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SjHVDpXYgw

>> No.11084427

biz is a religious board, you could be investing in stocks and bitcoin, but you invest in elusive alt coins just to make a quick buck. it takes some serious dogma to invest in some shitcoin and then making claims that it will redefine the financial world.

>> No.11084508

>there IS a materialistic explanation for craving
how does that invalidate buddhism?

Surely consciousness / the soul wants to be free from the material suffering

>> No.11084514

this is a bearmarket indicator thread
Nobody has time to think in golden bullrun fomo mode

>> No.11084515


>> No.11084545

Thanks, I was looking for something like this the past 2 weeks.

>> No.11084550

couldn't you simply click all the links to see where they go?

>> No.11084586

I agree OP;
Why go for Nirvana when you have Valhalla.

>> No.11084591

>"Man could avoid all of his problems if he was happy in a room alone"

Clearly low IQ.

>> No.11084595

Taoism is the final red pill

>> No.11084602

No, Egyptian religion is the true red pill.

>> No.11084631

"lets all be dumb guys,!! xD"

>> No.11084835

This is where non-dual Vedanta has lost me. How world and universe is illusory. Even though objects are mental projections, there is a remarkable consistency in our subjective interpretations of true reality. Around Eiffel Tower, every tourists can attest that are seeing a high tower with exquisite architecture.

This is where Kashmiri Shaivism starts making lots of sense. It's a duality of Shiva and Shakti. Maya is a play of Shakti (a canopy masking the true nature Shiva). And there are some remarkable parallels to the Holographic theory of Universe.

>> No.11084933

it's hard to put into words the feeling "everything is a mental projection". in that mode of perception you see that everything, including other people, is just your own thought.

>> No.11085015

Buddhism is PUA in ancient times. Grooming yourself into high status behavioral patterns. No despondent person would say any of the things fought there when harsh reality of the world grinds him everyday. From pain, to hunger, to stress to unpleasantness that needs to be resolved RIGHT NOW. No time for mindfulness in the lower calsses

>> No.11085312

I glanced at history and didn't process "humanities"

>> No.11085400

You know how a game would be slow and laggy on 1980s hardware but games on modern systems are lifelike/ HD and run smoothly even playing with others on the internet?
Dreams (crappier version of real life) can be compared to games on the 1980s hardware and there is no consistency between what happens in your dream and another person's. Real life can be compared to the newer video games where more than one person can see the same thing happen at the same time (via online multiplayer) and it has a much more REAL feeling to it.
What is interesting is that there's something even more REAL than those video games and that is our reality. Video games are just projections/simulations.

80s games < 2010s games < real life
Can be compared to:
dreams < real life < ????

Its possible there is something more REAL than real life. Not saying there IS but just some food for thought.

>> No.11085489

Red pill.

It may sound gibberish, but I hypothesise (without objective research) that dark-matter has something to do with consciousness (not usual day-2-day consciousness, but spiritual consciousness / super-consciousness / Brahman / Om)

Our brain has a very band-limited (just enough for day-to-day living) exposure to the cosmic drama. There are lots what more we don't know and will never know via scientific-reductionism. Observer-paradox of quantum mechanics.

>> No.11085507

Some meta-physicists and physicists believe that universe is just a dream of a superconscious being (Shiva). What we consider reality could be actually a dream / simulation. Elon was right !

>> No.11085519

Based and chadpilled

>> No.11085524

Suffering is the only path to growth. With Buddism, you start a path to nothingness. I think it's a hugely misguided worldview. Just kys and get it over with if you don't want to experience life.

>> No.11085599

I don't like to combine two things that no one understands and say they're related.
Maybe its the universe's brain, who knows?
Maybe we'll never know, maybe it would be like describing philosophy to an ant.
Just a bunch of maybes.

Mr. Nobody was a good film with a similar premise.

>> No.11085621

That would be logical if it werent for reincarnation

>> No.11085658

The end goal is to kys without wanting to live or wanting to kys.

>> No.11085727
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>> No.11085802

>make a thread about Buddhism on /biz/
>totally off topic
>80 replies
>half of them are bad english

/biz/ confirmerd Pajeetboard

>> No.11085819

Are those Pajeets or chainlink devs tho?

>> No.11085840

>some npc skims another npc's fake writing about detecting wether or not people are thinking "with a voice" (?) Believing whatever mumbo jumbo pseudoscience without thinking.
>npc latches onto retarded idea that we can detect how people are thinking
>people who repeat this thinking its real in the slightest are the real npcs.

>> No.11086625
File: 543 KB, 480x480, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rid your body of ego
>increase your focus by practicing meditation
>become a robot who fears not social consequence or even death
>become a biz magnate with your new found focus and reserve
>accumulate wealth for the sake of accumulating wealth to facilitate happiness and charity around your life
This is why you're all poor still.

>> No.11086639


It's a religion for ant people