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11072685 No.11072685 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you have kids if you weren’t rich enough to not work? I can’t imagine bringing a child into this world and forcing him into a lifetime of wage slavery to make someone born richer than him even wealthier.

>> No.11072704

This is why i won't have any kids

>> No.11072756

idk how u can have a kid when ur a wagecuck like wtf uh ave 0 time to do anything then , would literally kill myself

>> No.11072781

You see son, when a man and a woman love each other very much, the man inserts his penis into her vagina.

>> No.11072796


The Jews taught them that. The Jews need you to create more wage slaves so that shekelberg can get richer from your son slaving to him while he fucks your daughter.

>> No.11072815


This. Middle class is the worst position in the West today. You exist to make rich kikes even wealthier off of your labor, but also pay for NEETs too. The middle class sustains both the NEET and the rich with his labor, and keeps the scraps for himself.

>> No.11072893

want someone to take care of them at old age + social pressure + conformity "all my friends are having kids" + need a family to have a raison d'etre + lecherous apes and birth control is either not comfortable or not available

>> No.11072975

>want someone to take care of them at old age
the chance for this happening is close to zero
>social pressure
>conformity "all my friends are having kids"
>lecherous apes and birth control is either not comfortable or not available
<insert npc meme>
>need a family to have a raison d'etre
ok enough

>> No.11073002

Npc behaviour

>> No.11073051

Wagecuck here with a kid. Having a kid has enriched my life in ways you newfags just can't understand at this point. Plus, I am doing it the smart way. Get hand me downs from friends/co-workers with kids, have family help instead of sending to expensive daycare etc.

>> No.11073063

Selfishness. Having kids is the only way to make wageslaving bearable. At least they can tell themselves "my life is shit but I'm doing it for my kids."
Basically they have the ultimate excuse never to try anything new or dare a bit more in life. They never did because they lacked cojones, and now they never will because muh providing role.

>> No.11073076

This and throw in the NPC meme how they are just following what all their peers do

>> No.11073166
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good goyim supporting white genocide

>> No.11073202

Retard ass virgin men I have fucked over 20 chicks mostly raw and pull out everytime with flawless precision

>> No.11073208
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If you possess above average intelligence and can afford it, reproduce.

Low IQ people naturally reproduce much more. The majority of the middle class today, are the lower class of 50-100 years ago. Now our middle class is going /r/childfree and thus the modern lower class (even dumber than previous generations) are going to become the new middle class.

>the world is overpopulated
The third world is over-populated, western nations have birth rates below replacement, thus the immigration of poor, dumb people.

>education will fix it
IQ has a .75 heritability.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to society/environment
It's likely that if you consider the broad effect of having children and decide against it, you have the compassion, conscientiousness that must be passed on genetically for the good of society.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to the child
It is highly likely your child will succeed as much as you due to genetics.

>i dont care about society
You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

>i care more about toys
Reflect on your life. You likely have a personality disorder if you value toys and status more than your community.

Also this, except I don't believe Hebrew people are organizing this as much as this is an accidental effect. But yes, white people won't have a homogenous, ethnic home by 2100.

>> No.11073216

Where did I say that having kids is inherently wrong? Having kids to excuse your wagecucking is wrong. You are raising more zoomer slaves for the kike machine with your cuck mindset. First you become a free person who's happy with his own life, then you have kids.

>> No.11073224

many people like living even though they are not rich

>> No.11073231

Have 6 kids, working on more. Statistically, alphas have more children. No "benefits" from the state. Farm raised - farm fresh. Red-pilled at birth. Doing what I can to secure the future for mah race. These tiny versions of myself are fucking woke.

>> No.11073259

>dat projection
I support all genocide

>> No.11073529

Based and redpilled.

A proud White alpha male only need:


>> No.11073592

>Wagecuck here with a kid. Having a kid has enriched my life in ways you newfags just can't understand at this point

yeah but do you also enrich the kids life? my father liked me, but i always hated him because he was stupid, poor and sligthly aggressive.

>> No.11073625
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He raised well enough for being redpilled atm
Respect your dad faggot
He would have stab to death anyone trying to assault you.

>> No.11073653

this. white people not having children is not a problem. nonwhite people having children is the problem.

>> No.11073680
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you are beta males, unironically.

niggers and spics, while struggling in poverty, are still able to inseminate women. A thing you stop trying to do so much you are beta faggots.
Your omega genes will disappear and humanity will be stronger.

Fucking jew asslicker

>> No.11073736

As someone who has fertility issues and is only in the crypto game to pay for the treatments for beeing able to have own offspring posts like these show me the exact opposite end. Someone who goes out of his way to not have children compared to someone who wants them at all cost

>> No.11073754

>Why would you have kids if you weren’t rich enough to not work?
This argument worked great, until I got married and suddenly became rich enough to not work.

>> No.11073869

I am 30 years old and have 5 kids. They cost almost nothing and the oldest (12) already work in my business (restaurant) and add income to the home.
I have other two kids with some random women that I don't fully acknowledge.

Kids are real money makers. I will be making money from my kids during all my life. They are also part of my pension plan when I get old.

Wish I could be polygamous.

>> No.11074393

why do you think i am white?

>> No.11074702

Struggle is a part of life but life is still worth it. You might feel like shit 90% of your life, but the other 10% makes it worth it for most people.

>> No.11074739

And I grew up with parents who were rich enough to not work. It was a terrible childhood they had no responsibilites or motivation. They were and still are practically waitind around to die. People who work are actually living for something

>> No.11074768

They have nothing interesting going on in their own lives so they have kids to fill that hole

>> No.11074806

>Statistically, alphas have more children
Didn't realize Africans, Mexicans, and Muslims were so overwhelmingly alpha

>> No.11074832

literally the reason i haven't had one yet. that and adding a shitload of karma to my life by having to control another human being for 18 years, so they don't become a fuck up.

>> No.11074866

>You might feel like shit 90% of your life, but the other 10% makes it worth it for most people.
only for the slave caste

>And I grew up with parents who were rich enough to not work. It was a terrible childhood they had no responsibilites or motivation. They were and still are practically waitind around to die. People who work are actually living for something
literally born to be slaves. disgusting. and you're perpetuating this low-quality stock by breeding.

>> No.11074867

>are still able to inseminate women
It's not about ability. I've fucked over 100 women but I always use birth control because I like my freedom. I can pick up and go any time I please and am responsible for no one. I have no problem with people who have kids either but don't act like reproducing makes you an alpha when literally anyone ANYONE can do it quite easily.

>> No.11074906


>That's right goyim, don't have children. Don't ask for a raise. Play vidya or go clubbing! Just relax and let us hirre some pajeets instead!


>> No.11074914

Good goy.

>> No.11074978

have 4 kids. Fatherhood is immensely rewarding.

>> No.11075034

We are working animals alot of people choose to work when they don't have to. Also being rich enough to do whatever you want for the rest of your life, as well as your children's life is almost impossible.

>> No.11075036

>That's right goy, get married and have a family. Keep working. Take out a mortgage for a big house in an area with "good" schools. Just pay your taxes, let your wife spend your money, and let the state raise your offspring, it's the right thing to do!

>> No.11075113

>Also being rich enough to do whatever you want for the rest of your life, as well as your children's life is almost impossible.
There's difference between working for "whatever you want" and being dependent on another man paying you for your labor simply to survive. The latter is what makes one a wagecuck. If you only have to work for money to spend on things you don't need, you will not put up with anywhere near the amount of shit a true wagecuck will and your work will be more tolerable as a result (because you can leave). Then you'll probably wonder why wagecucks complain so much, work isn't so bad.

>> No.11075134

Nigger, the reason (((they))) push birth control and childfree living is so they can replace you with cheaper immigrant labour.

>> No.11075176

Fuck off (((mate))), I ain't having no fucking kids.

>> No.11075191
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Good goy.

>> No.11075215

I have two girls and they will be rich af. I have made wallets with 1 BTC for them and will hand them over when they move away from home like 20 years from now. These were made prior to any forks so if e.g. BCH flips BTC it doesn't matter..

>> No.11075262

(((they))) don't need to push that shit, people gravitate towards it on their own because they don't want to take on a massive, uncompensated liability.

What (((they))) push for is increasing the birthrate and getting men married so they have more slaves to pay into the system and increase the supply of labor. Marriage is important for putting men's money in the hands of roasties who will proceed to blow it on bullshit, which keeps the consumer economy going. When the native population doesn't cooperate, they threaten them with importing immigrants, who are economically unproductive and just put more strain on the system.

Having a family in the (((west))) is a scam, and the way things are going it will be no different elsewhere.

>> No.11075289

>IQ has a .75 heritability
It's actually .80 - .86 in adults according to more modern studies.

>> No.11075300

Then don't have kids nigga, I ain't here to save you. A world where my family thrives and yours is dead is inevitable and that'll make your homes cheaper for my grandkids.

>> No.11075301

>What (((they))) push for is increasing the birthrate

Then why are the Jews behind every major population control movement?, you retarded cunt? They don't want the native population breeding so they can import cheap labour. Birth control was always a Jewish psy-op.

>> No.11075345

Because niggers are going to have kids regardless of their income, and if we don't too, the white race will be extinct.

>> No.11075376
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Dear lord.

If any generation should drop out in mass numbers it's this one, it won't be missed. If we don't at least to attempt some form of selective breeding system soon, you can't blame someone for not wanting to participate.

>> No.11075431

I think the only way to have kids in the west without getting cucked is to use a surrogate from a third world country (or adopt, but good luck with that as an unmarried man) and raise them yourself or have your parents do it or something (can't keep a woman around or you'll end up in a common law marriage). It's tricky because you have to keep them out of the (((public education))) system, which (((they))) don't like. I think I might do this after I make it just to piss off /pol/.

your family won't be thriving if you're a wagecuck.

>They don't want the native population breeding so they can import cheap labour. Birth control was always a Jewish psy-op.
what a fucking retarded argument. They'll import cheap labor regardless. It's actually better for them to have a high native birthrate because that increases the competition among labor even more. The reason they don't import as many as possible at all times is because most "cheap" immigrants are actually an economic net drain, it's a move of last resort when the natives won't cooperate with the (((plan))).

>> No.11075523

90% of whites are idiotic trash. barely above pajeets and tyrones.

(((they))) have already won. They have all the money and allies.

>> No.11076474
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>> No.11076527
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>> No.11076960

>yeah I'm on the pill teehee
"oh ok, I'm still gonna pull out though, we're definitely not in the position to have kids"
>oh ok teehee
"holy shit I'm about to cum!"
>*wraps legs around guy in a chokehold*
"woah wtf let go you dumb slut" *cums*

Whoops guess you're a father now even though you're not in love, too young, and not in the position you wanted to have kids. She wasn't on birth control, have fun with child support ;) ;) ;) l) ;)

>> No.11077551

Nice. I want kids but really don't like the idea of parking them at daycare for 8+ hours a day at such a young age. If I have kids I want my wife to not have to work at least until they can go to regular school. The more I've thought about the concept of leaving babies and toddlers with strangers for so long the more fucked up it seems.

>> No.11077691

I feel the same way which is why my wife left her job before our son was born and won’t go back to work until the last of our future kids is in school. I ended up getting a job that pays more than we used to make combined. We ended up selling our house and moving closer to family for that new job and now we rent an apartment from an elderly family member for a fraction of what our mortgage payment used to be. The downgrade in space is well worth the amount of money we are able to save and invest while she raises our son. Daycare around here costs 15-20k per year. Fuck that.

>> No.11077763

im going to make 4 babies. waging or not.

you are a retard faggot.

>> No.11077869

that's why the wise have always recommened abstinence. let's be honest, by having sex you reduce yourself to an animal, and that is how animals procreate

>> No.11077905

>not bashing her face in the moment you feel she wraps her legs
>not choking her out
>not goungin out her eyes
>not putting you hands down at her pussy and ripping it apart
God I hate betas.