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File: 149 KB, 714x481, 234566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11075064 No.11075064 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this of all memes trigger normans so hard? Is this how we get rid of them and make them fuck off back to plebbit?

>> No.11075085
File: 79 KB, 250x242, npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than them boomer monster shills

>> No.11075087

No clue but people arguing over this meme is funnier than the meme itself.

>> No.11075089

hello r*ddit

>> No.11075092

Same shit, different template, just as little value conveyed.

>> No.11075098

They trigger oldfags, OP, people who use imageboards before you discovered MUH 4CHAN LULZ MEME. It was deplorable to force a meme like this. But, you see, the new days are here.

The NPC meme was good without the need to have a image to it. Now it's a cringe meme.

>> No.11075109

Because its unfunny forced shit forced by a discord full of autists and will be forgotten within 3 months thslike all the other unfunny forced shit memes

>> No.11075111
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Boomer memes were creative and funny, this is just edgy teenager shit. "nobody thinks like me, they are brainless zombies, wake up sheeple!!" Jeez, what a cringe.

>> No.11075116
File: 7 KB, 271x186, 1530895073381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you are the reason I haven't left this place yet but it's time to visit it less.

>> No.11075137

I saw a man in a plaid shirt. He was walking very swiftly. He was mumbling something about the moon.

>> No.11075139


Lol that pic. Exactly my thoughts. If you think other people are "NPCs" and only YOU are the real deal you're just slightly mentally retarded. It's either some sort of autism or narcissism not sure.

>> No.11075141
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>normalfags -> "normies" -> """""""normans"""""""
Get the fuck out.

>> No.11075152
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funny how the boomer meme disappeared after this one showed up

>> No.11075157
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You NPC's are exactly who I am talking about.

>> No.11075160
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it's all part of the same CIA psyop campaign

>> No.11075183

I am not triggered by them because they will be dead in a couple of days as all terrible memes do. Like that red pepe, what was his name, Trevor or some shit?

>> No.11075212
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>dude boomer is shit, NPC is way better lol

>> No.11075242

it came from /pol/ when someone posted an article about a study that showed only 20% of people have an inner voice.

>> No.11075259

yes, when (((someone))) just randomly posted a 7 year old study and this meme went into full gear out of nowhere

>> No.11075268
File: 4 KB, 193x261, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NPC's talk to themselves in their head?

>> No.11075277


>> No.11075279

no, the ones who have no inner voice are the npc's

>> No.11075295

Fake. If you didn't have an inner monologue you would be a brainless zombie

>> No.11075338
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1512693342180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old meme good
>new meme bad

>> No.11075381

>invent a whole new 3-syllable way to say "normie", a 2-syllable word
fucking neck yourself

>> No.11075417

>not realizing where zombie apocalypse movies actually come from

anon, the least "real" movies are actually the most real ...

>> No.11075432

NPC here, it's mostly for the same reason 4channers got upset by self diagnosing SJW special snowflakes, because it's just attention seeking

>> No.11075462

You just described most people.

>> No.11075470

>people arguing over this meme is funnier than the meme itself.

That's the mark of a quality meme. It presses normans buttons, apparently.

>> No.11075590


I honestly don't know what a inner monologue would sound like? Like my own voice in my head?

>> No.11075612

If you're capable of introspection then you have an inner voice. Most people are not capable honestly.

>> No.11075735

kekistan was forced shit. everything else has been zoomer memes.

>> No.11075750
File: 98 KB, 376x401, npc thought processes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this is the correct picture

>> No.11075789

wtf how is it like to not have an annoying ass voice? i need to know.

>> No.11075808


I can introspect (?), but there literally is no sound or voice in my head. If I think about things I did or want to do, I just "think" about them, not sure how to even explain it. Isn't that everybody?

>> No.11075811

yeah it's likes speaking to yourself, introspection or sub vocalisation while reading. In my mind
it is exactly how I think I sound when speaking. if that makes sense. it can be a real hindrance desu if your negative and self critical

>> No.11075813

Hurrr normies only think about money and tits.

>How much money to "make" it.
>How do I get a girlfriend?
>Every thread accompanied by a tna pic.

Anon you are the NPC.

>> No.11075894

Can you not simulate a voice in your head? Commenting and saying shit, often beyond your concious control?
> I just "think" about them
Yeah that is everybody, but some also have a fucking on the side voice commenting on those thoughts, some even have several

>> No.11075915

Now you're just talking about Schizophrenia.

>> No.11075966

combine these and you'll be true to reality

>> No.11075990

No, these voices are a part of your self. Schizophrenia is when they feel seperate from your self

>> No.11076007

>No, these voices are a part of your self
and a part of the normal thought process, for that matter

>> No.11076028

You're aphantasic.
Google aphantasia, it'll blow your mind.

>> No.11076063

Not having a voice in your head is the best, I've practiced mindfulness to live only in the now. you live on your instinct and stop caring about so much useless shit. inner voice is a virus.

>> No.11076220

Please anons read this. Why do you gobble up retarded jewish studies like this ? Holy fuck i hate you guys. "Yep we can now listen to peoples thoughts" how is this even science this is retarded vice pop news. Repeatable science or gtfo

>> No.11076240

Wasting your life on a message board makes you an NPC

>> No.11076248


Unironically this. Boomer memes were the most Reddit thing in the universe.

>> No.11076286


FYI this is exactly what I mean when I say boomer memes are Reddit-tier whilst NPC triggers you Reddit fags. That pic is from xkcd, a famously s*y webcomic, another medium loved by resistors.

Then the sentiment is also pure Reddit, “hurr durr we think we’re different but we’re all actually the same” which is bs. Talk to more people, inform yourself instead of deriving your beliefs and arguments from comics on the internet.

>> No.11076347
File: 43 KB, 550x422, 1536795596028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no there's boomer npcs now

>> No.11076522

normalians need to die

>> No.11076596

I think people are just tired of the endless wojak edits because this place has become so devoid of creativity since zoomers and reddit started posting. If you actually think about it they're really making fun of themselves with the NPC meme. Mindlessly drawing the same edits for years on end.

>> No.11076622

Dude ur right

>> No.11076638

Maybe you need to lay off 4chan there bud, its frying your brain

>> No.11076642
File: 21 KB, 475x490, 4q36236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out this witty comic from XKCD that perfectly refutes your point

>> No.11076646


>NPC: the post

>> No.11076647
File: 4 KB, 304x166, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you guys, I thought this was a meme. You are scaring me. I don't have a internal monologue. If I think about coffee, there is just the word "coffee". I cannot see coffee, its just the word. It doesn't resonate in my head as a word, its like when you're about to write down the word "coffee" in a paragraph, you know how to spell it right? That's how my mind works, I just spell out the thought, and I thought everyone else did to.

> aphantasic


>> No.11076679

you don't imagine your voice while you're thinking? When you do some introspection you don't imagine lots of things and have an inner monologue?

>> No.11076691

I find it ironic that you're accusing me of being an NPC when you talk like every 4chan NPC out there with your buzzword vomit

>> No.11076692
File: 33 KB, 550x422, 15369457102514[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This place was way cooler before!

>> No.11076705


"imagine my voice"?

> When you do some introspection you don't imagine lots of things and have an inner monologue?

Maybe when I am smoking weed, but otherwise no.

>> No.11076729

Wow not him but sometimes i even argue against myself in my head i will think something and then "no its different because this that" and sometimes there are songs playing inside my head but not earworms but songs my unconscious kinda made up which is similiar to what im listening to recently (mostly melodic hardcore or metal) dont you ever have any of that?

>> No.11076792

that's crazy, I'm always thinking about different stuff, all the time, even when I go to sleep I need melatonin to slow it down. Audio, video.. all there all the time.

You have none of that?

>> No.11076808

Thanks anon! I learned a new word today.
I remember a situation in school, a chemist teacher was describing a molecule, told us to visualize it and then said that 'here' is that atom etc.
One guy said jokingly is she took some drugs that make her see things (yeah that was a public school). Out of the class only I and the teacher appeared dumbfounded.
Now I know that was a NPC with aphantasia

>> No.11076817

>is she took some drugs
if she took*

>> No.11076862

It's ok, you can break free from the game and become a glitch. Become conscious of yourself and start imagining that coffee taste.

>> No.11076885

Underrated post, all you can do in these bullshit studies is ask people "can you simulate a voice in your head". People can lie or tell the truth. You will never know.

>> No.11076888


Fucking this, any time I have an opinion I will argue with myself about it. I will try to deconstruct my own opinion on everything and I do this 24/7, I do it when I’m grocery shopping etc.

>> No.11076913

Nah it's just lame and uninspired

>> No.11076917

It's childish and makes you look like an aspergers kid playing video games.
The wagie and wagecuck memes were better because they are more biting. But you know that, shill.

>> No.11076931

This is seriously it. I understand your pain fren.

>> No.11076952

He’s probably trolling I’m pretty positive everyone has an inner voice, how the fuck else would you function day to day.
I’m with these anons always having debates and thinking of shit/ hearing songs in my head to the point where it is sometimes difficult to sleep because of all the thoughts. I practice meditation pretty regularly but that still doesn’t stop the constant stream of thoughts. The reason I think this is a troll is because all the meditation books I’ve read discuss slowing down the inner monologue. Devils advocate I suppose is that a true NPC would never open a meditation book unless it became a faceburg/instagoy challenge or something.

>> No.11076982

This. Just like how people get really mad about the boomer meme.
> muh 30 yos are not boomers

>> No.11077001
File: 16 KB, 230x219, 1439259027068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11077017

Before i learnt about it, insanity was for me always "can see/hear things that don't exist".
Which is apparently 95% of the population, who when they talk about insanity talk about the same thing as me, except it's involuntary.

Before i learnt about it, my opinion of the average person was very low, but now that i know that you have effectively an augmented reality kit in your head, i have nothing but contempt.
The possibilities to exploit such a tool are endless.

That said, i will never try to develop phantasia, through shrooms and other.
Immunity to insanity and trauma is priceless.
And above all, knowing that i literally cannot hallucinate and can trust 100% my perception is very liberating.

Lack of inner voice and aphantasia is different.
Inner voice is not a literal voice*, but the lack of a capacity for introspection, to conceptualise yourself, the world, the relitionship, the potential and so on.
As long as you are not acting automatically without thinking, not living in the now like niggers/women/jews/others subhumans, and others such thing generally associated with philosophical zombies, you're good to go generally.

*Well, for phantasia cattle, it's probably a literal voice kek

>> No.11077048

Insanity is when you have no control over voices and movies/images.
How do you plan things? Are you able to make a building out of legos? How do you know where to put the bricks?
I imagine the finished thing in my head and just put bricks 'in place' so to speak.
Same works for machines etc.

>> No.11077097

>except it's involuntary.
Damn mine is borderline, can't stop the train of thought. I can critizice myself relentlessly and i can't do a thing about it. Feelsbadman.

I wouldn't call it insanity just because it is involunary. To me the important part is if you can distinguish it from reality, or figment of your brainworkings.

>Well, for phantasia cattle, it's probably a literal voice kek
It usually takes that form, at least in part. The process is definetly simulated though.

>> No.11077142


Btw, feel to ask a, appearently, borderline schizo anything about uncontrolled simulations/phantasms and the difficulties of distinguishing them from reality. Sometimes gets spooky as shit.

>> No.11077150

Yes, that's one of the reason i have nothing but contempt for you.
Why are you not all artists ?
You can literally imagine the picture, then trace.
I mean, in artist circle, tracing is seen as a sin, which i always interpreted as simply an honour thing because you need to use your skills to draw, because you obviously can't picture in your head and just trace over it on some paper eeexcept you can.

Typing on a keyboard without looking at it must be really easy, just make a keyboard in your mind and imagine your hand moving on it accordingly.
Music instruments ? Same.
Learning a language ? You can literally talk non-stop in your head, you can even literally see a given book and just read it out loud in your head.

The possibilities are endless, yet the average person is mediocrity personified.

>> No.11077187

>you can even literally see a given book
lol we don't have unlimited RAM

>> No.11077214

Not being able to stop your thoughts is normal as far as i'm concerned.
Always analysing the past present and future, looking for opportunities and pitfalls, in the physical and social spheres, is probably impossible to stop.

Yeah see, since i was a little kid i was always afraid to be like you.
So i won't ask you anything, because it IS spooky as hell.

I hope you will find a way to deal with it, sincerely, because i cannot imagine what you are going through.

>> No.11077217

I started thinking how it must work, and aphantasia and no capability of inner voice must be brain damage.
You have:
eye -> visual cortex -> simple processing -> 'recognized' image in an internal data format -> general processing
In normal people you have a loop:
general processing (generates image in an internal format) -> general processing
which is imagination.
Apparently, some humans lack that.
Can they even be called human though?
>You can literally imagine the picture, then trace.
I could do that when I was a child, but can't anymore. Resolution is too low.
I can still do that on LSD.
>The possibilities are endless, yet the average person is mediocrity personified.
ability to imagine is necessary to be a good programmer or an engineer, as you have to imagine the internal mechanism, simulate it in your mind and once it starts working 'transcribe' it into reality.
A big fraction of the population just can't learn coding no matter how much time they spend, they just memorize stuff but that's it.

>> No.11077245

Some do, apparently.
Elon Musk for example can read a book once and then repeat every line of it like Rainman.

I guess you need the right brain structure for such a memory, but still, you can do all the rest on the fly as needed.
Literal Augmented Reality, that's awesome.

>> No.11077288
File: 24 KB, 246x404, Fantasia-poster-1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11077321

I always had aphantasia, and since i knew of the concept i asked around in my family, almost all of them have it.
So it's definitively 100% genetic, at least for my family ( no brain damage except for stroked grandmother, who i know always had aphantasia since she did say she always needed a model or picture to paint anything. Doesn't sound like someone with an holodeck in their head ).

>> No.11077346

What a cruel world. My memory is goldfish-tier.

I know you didn't want to hear anything about it, but sometimes my subconscious compensates by simulating memories. Nearly every day i get tricked "by my self" in that way, sometimes with very bad outcomes.

>> No.11077374

did you try psylocybine or lsd?
It's not magic, it's just a matter of neuronal connections

>> No.11077378

oh nvm you said you aren't going to

>> No.11077423

Yes, i know of all the methods, and will try none of them, because >>11077346
Stuff like not being able to trust my senses and my memories always scared me since i was a child.

I was already wary of doing drugs before because i want to become an immortal cyborg, and for that i need to have an healthy brain long enough until i can afford to buy/develop brain synthesis, but now i proactively avoid any.

>> No.11077446

Can lsd change brain patterns in a restricitive way? maybe giving me aphantasia?

Im really against drugs, but that would be great

>> No.11077478

I think this is one of those things where everyone is just arguing over different descriptions of the same internal experience. Everyone has thoughts, just whether you describe those as words or not is pretty arbitrary.

>> No.11077520

Phantasia seems to be the normal state of humans ( 95 % is a pretty big majority ), and since psychedelics induce neurogenesis, it's more likely that they can only help to cure aphantasia and other brain malfunctions.
I don't think anyone developped stutter from them for example, yet people with stutter being cured are relatively common anecdotes.

>> No.11077545

if you want aphantasia just get really drunk lol

>> No.11077609

>get really drunk lol
I have, and as i say im really against drugs. When im drunk i get really sad, and my mind really slow. But in the opposite order. Funny how im happier as the normal schizo me. It can be entertaining as well as difficult, if you understand. If aphantasia is like being drunk, then im actually happy about my situation when i think twice.

>> No.11077637

really drunk, when you start vomiting from alcohol poisoning and losing consciousness. that's what made me think it must be some kind of brain damage

>> No.11077654

based and redpilled
me on the left

>> No.11078266

Top kek

>> No.11078287


>> No.11078312
File: 96 KB, 380x349, 1536780648042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.
*crack* *sips*

>> No.11078426

Reddit is currently purging a ton of "hate speech" boards, we are seeing a huge influx of redditors

>> No.11078479


oldfag here, exactly this

>> No.11078724

NPCs are free agents, just as I or you are. They have ambitions, thoughts, feelings, and so on and so forth. The difference is that NPCs only have an I-YOU relational interaction interface. They cannot project such relations unto themselves to create I-I relations.
I-YOU relations are those that pertain to others in relation to the self. What should I do because of YOU. How do YOU react to what I do. The interplay between I-YOU governs the world.
But it does not govern the SELF. Here is where the I-I relation takes precedence. To govern the SELF requires one to extrapolate this I-YOU relation unto the SELF, thereby making it I-I. You address yourself, you talk and think and feel not only as a consequence of external acts, but as a consequence of internal acts. Higher thinking.
In conclusion. NPCs cannot have conversations with themselves. They are free agents in the most liberal sense of the word, for who among us is truly free who can be manipulated by externalities?
If you have an I-I relationship, then you are truly free, and can govern yourself.