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File: 9 KB, 200x156, 200px-Mastercard-logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11065964 No.11065964 [Reply] [Original]


>Mastercard Track--powered by @Microsoft Azure--will enable businesses to manage business identity, compliance and payments in a more efficient way


>Unique B2B platform powered by Microsoft Azure better connects buyers and suppliers with networks, banks and solution providers

Grab your shovels boys, lets dig

>> No.11065976

Are you implying that it has smth to do witch chainlink?

>> No.11065992

>he doesnt know

>> No.11066042

oh shit lol we're gonna be millionaires

>> No.11066053

MASTERCARD uses azure
AZURE uses link and corda as an oracle provider
LINK 1000$ EOY

>> No.11066058
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It is foretold

>> No.11066061

Chainlink's partner Factom follows Mastercard News in Twitter.
Additionally, Azure is linked to Chailink unofficially.

>> No.11066062


>> No.11066091

In case any of you aren't aware of the Link and Azure connection

>Basically Jonny, founder of Linkpool.io, provides a great deal of evidence that Microsoft Cryplets is an SDK which uses Chainlink. If all the evidence wasn't enough here is a video of Sergey stating that he is helping create Cryplets. https://youtu.be/ytv8U0bejPA?t=46m2s [Open]
>Ok. Here we have proof Sergey and team has helped create Cryplets and the damning evidence of cryplets utilizing the Chainlink network. Now, here is the newer stuff. Microsoft has another name for cryplets, Enterprise Smart Contracts.
>Here you can see the readme states - enterprise smart contracts (a.k.a. cryptlets) Coming soon, ESC Test Drive and cryptlet sdk preview...Now realize they are going to open source their code but have not made any new progress publicly for months. Marley Gray is the main contributor and Principle architect for project Bletchley at Microsoft. He has shared a meetup with Sergey in the past. He recently was interviewed in January found here.
>listen from 5:00 min on, he is basically selling Chainlink. I would pull some quotes but hopefully some of you can pull the interesting stuff.
>Now an even better interview from last month can be found here -
>with a rough transcript here - https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SED550-Enterprise-Blockchains.pdf

>> No.11066092

>followed by the CEO of 11:FS
>Blockchain Live 2018 held in London September 26
>Conference has presentation called Blockchain Leader 2018 Fireside Chat: Bracing for Blockchain’s Next Wave
>Presented by Blythe Masters and Simon Taylor
>Simon Taylor is Co-Founder of 11:FS and their Blockchain Director

>> No.11066102

Hot damn

>> No.11066125
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>> No.11066141

If the anons who said LINK was partnered with MasterCard, Visa and Paypal were telling the truth, I'm going to give them a big sloppy kiss at the yacht party

>> No.11066149
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>> No.11066167


Read this thread if you haven't already

Ok my copy and paste was too long so got to break it up.


Basically Jonny, founder of Linkpool.io, provides a great deal of evidence that Microsoft Cryplets is an SDK which uses Chainlink. If all the evidence wasn't enough here is a video of Sergey stating that he is helping create Cryplets. https://youtu.be/ytv8U0bejPA?t=46m2s

Ok. Here we have proof Sergey and team has helped create Cryplets and the damning evidence of cryplets utilizing the Chainlink network. Now, here is the newer stuff. Microsoft has another name for cryplets, Enterprise Smart Contracts.


Here you can see the readme states - enterprise smart contracts (a.k.a. cryptlets) Coming soon, ESC Test Drive and cryptlet sdk preview...Now realize they are going to open source their code but have not made any new progress publicly for months. Marley Gray is the main contributor and Principle architect for project Bletchley at Microsoft. He has shared a meetup with Sergey in the past. He recently was interviewed in January found here.


listen from 5:00 min on, he is basically selling Chainlink. I would pull some quotes but hopefully some of you can pull the interesting stuff.

Now an even better interview from last month can be found here -
with a rough transcript here - https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SED550-Enterprise-Blockchains.pdf

>> No.11066190
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>> No.11066201

Tbh this doesn't seem to have anything to do with blockchain

>> No.11066216


20 september zurich 25 september dreamforce

>> No.11066223

Azure has nothing to do with chainlink we've been over this before countless times

>> No.11066230

ups wrong link https://twitter.com/stefanotempesta/status/1040331752193982464

>> No.11066231

>Tbh this doesn't seem to have anything to do with blockchain

>> No.11066234


>> No.11066244


>> No.11066262
File: 171 KB, 600x606, 1527672028765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit

>Businesses exchange $120 trillion of goods and services a year
>Aragon Research's report finds that ~35% of B2B contracts will be smart contracts by 2023
>$120,000,000,000,000 * 0.35 = $42,000,000,000,000
>If Chainlink tokens make up 1% of that transaction volume that's $1,200/LINK @ 350MM tokens by 2023

>> No.11066313
File: 633 KB, 1070x1436, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 11.35.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the bond market, that's another $800+ making LINK worth over $2,000.
Pic related.

>> No.11066322
File: 27 KB, 223x225, 1524018756676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will hit 1K per link by the end of this year

>> No.11066328

Sergey contributed to Cryptlets before ChainLink was conceived. Sergey thought he could do Smart Contracts better AFTER THAT on his own.

Enter useless cryptocurrency ChainLink which certainly isn’t better than what Azure has going on. But I mean: it is Microsoft vs. SmartContract.com’s cryptocurrency.

Not even FUD.

>> No.11066330

I can't wait to make suicide cope threads for all the NOLINKERS.

>> No.11066335

Damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

>> No.11066350

Just sold 100k.

>> No.11066351

The funny thing is, you don’t know it’s true. You’ll find out eventually.

>> No.11066365


>Sergey Nazarov, Founder and CEO, SmartContract.com, said: “$150 billion is extremely conservative when you look at the back-end infrastructure that blockchain-based systems are set to replace or completely reform in the next five years. What is the value of the systems that currently secure every institutional securities transaction, insurance transaction, and trade finance transaction worth? Much more than $150 billion. The World Economic Forum arrived at its valuation of 10% global GDP by 2027 on blockchain-based systems, which is in the trillions, and many of those same global thought leaders now feel those projections were conservative.”

>> No.11066370

It’s fucking nothing

>> No.11066372



to anyone who doesnt want to click my youtube link type microsoft azure blockchain part 1 to the youtube.

Watch this video and tell me what you see at 1:46
Listen to this video and tell me what they talk about

>> No.11066373
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>> No.11066397

Cryptlets IS Chainlink. Read it's description, it's the exact same product, just rebranded. If they were working against each other why is there an Azure dev working with them on the Github?

>> No.11066406

He's either retarded or holds a bag. Those are the only two types of people on biz.

>> No.11066422

Yup, if we add together 1% of all these financial markets we end up with a huge link price.
Even if we add up 0.1% we gonna make it

>> No.11066435

Hope your ducks are in a row anon!

>> No.11066468
File: 331 KB, 234x320, 1536826472968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit no, they're in a squiggly line anon what now?

>> No.11066510
File: 397 KB, 1011x739, 1536691915091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only straight rows anon, squiggles wont do

>> No.11066720


>> No.11066776

Another night another cosy comfy link thread. Sleep well Britbongs.

>> No.11066843

35k here. Am i gona make it? I feel poor af even if i have 4m worth of land

>> No.11067001

Nobody cares faggot

>> No.11067016

WTF is this channel. Too many Link YouTube channels now appearing



Check out this video of Sergey.


>> No.11067428

Yes but in that last vid or whatever he was actually talking about CHAIN @chain on twitter.

>> No.11067573

>If the anons who said LINK was partnered with MasterCard, Visa and Paypal were telling the truth, I'm going to give them a big sloppy kiss at the yacht party
on the benis pls

>> No.11067643

Fucking checked

>> No.11067675

Im aware, but if you think that one element in any way discredits the others, you're missing the forrest looking for the trees..

>> No.11067824
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>> No.11067991
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>> No.11068217

> better connects buyers and suppliers with networks, banks and solution providers

Sounds like interledger.


> Ripple: We’re exploring how the Interledger Protocol can be used by the Azure enterprise and developer community to enable new and novel use cases within Microsoft's Blockchain as a Service offering.

It's Ripple.

>> No.11068276
File: 203 KB, 1213x921, F84E71A4-1314-4EF2-B236-1BB6C4428A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mastercard Track is a tool that will help reduce frictions in the global trading system and promote increased exports – especially by small and medium-sized businesses.”

Hehe. There’s an article out there that talks about chainlink specifically helping small and medium size businesses first too.

>> No.11068384
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>> No.11068403
File: 65 KB, 711x416, 1EDA0706-690D-40B4-9693-F30950DBC93B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys could be buying Stellar. Visa B2B Connect will use Stellar.

>> No.11068445

how many more years are you going to be hoping for the same things that never arrive?

its been a year already since the ICO, longer since the tech was announced. still no real interest, still no external technical praise for their centralized api + decentralized network model.

how many more years are you going to waste hoping for something thats never going to come, missing out on bull markets like 2017?

>> No.11068493
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>Beginning in early 2019, customers of these organizations will be able to maintain, retrieve and exchange key information relating to themselves and their trading partners through the Track Trade Directory, a secure, permissioned repository of over 150 million company registrations worldwide. This central directory will integrate feeds from more than 4,500 compliance lists into one place, making the screening and onboarding of suppliers more efficient.

O N E T H O U S A N D U N I T E D S T A T E S D O L L A R S E N D O F Y E A R 2 0 1 8

>> No.11068527

Cryptlets is a SDK which pulls data from the chainlink network.

>> No.11068592
File: 699 KB, 1062x1300, chainlink VISA chain connection1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink oracles are everywhere bruh

>> No.11068650
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>> No.11068706

this has all the hallmarks of a professionally made meme. I also have evidence that the marketing company responsible was financed by Sergey PERSONALLY.

I am about to forward my evidence to the SEC. Hopefully, LINK will be deemed a security and Sergey will be extradited to the gulag for willfull PnDing.

>> No.11068811
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>that first reply

>> No.11068901
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>> No.11068905
File: 56 KB, 964x912, 2dpwzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Who is he? Nick Szabo is following him on Twitter ffs

>> No.11068906
File: 774 KB, 1125x2436, EC2B2B4D-89F2-4C26-AD5D-805B2FD63410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick szabo????????????

What universe are we in

>> No.11068933

that's actually big.
found our larp.
link is going to be massive. i just wish we'd moon already

>> No.11068944

when did this happen?

>> No.11068985

I know, he has no info on his bio why tf is Szabo following him?!

It's been 2 people now I think. One guy hinted at it, the other explicitly said it.

>> No.11069012


>> No.11069027
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See you on the yacht, boyos.

>> No.11069095

>implying it shouldn't take longer than an entire year to revolutionize entire industries

>> No.11069130

no he's not

>> No.11069135

yes he is you brainlet

>> No.11069141
File: 447 KB, 800x800, 1516414039736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>junko suzuki
>still no external technical praise for their centralized api + decentralized network model

>> No.11069148

I don't have a twitter account but I saw >>11068906

ty anon

>> No.11069151
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chucking chekt, chags

>> No.11069174
File: 304 KB, 1079x1440, DeepFryer_20180903_193441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Quant is collaborating on Mastercard's blockchain strategy


QNT-LINK is the only way to make it.

>> No.11069177

<3 ily

>> No.11069200

was this the guy that larped in thread with the riddles?

>> No.11069223
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Also if link captures 0.01% of the derivatives market (1.2 quadrillion mcap) that would give it a price of $343 off that alone. That's not even taking into account the speculation and normie hype from marketing. If these big partnerships do get revealed along with proper marketing AND staking which reduces the supply... brehs...

>> No.11069235

Are we in the 10K timeline yet?

>> No.11069243
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If you believe you are and manifest it into your reality, then yes.

>> No.11069283
File: 572 KB, 576x543, A5C8AA6F-CA08-4A4C-A4C1-2B99057003EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh can someone explain this to a brainlet. I know who szabo is... but no idea on the other 2.

>> No.11069284
File: 698 KB, 1125x1502, F361AB76-2649-4B23-A6B4-B06413E7D3FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also let’s solve the riddle.

Also i screen capped the one before he deleted it two days ago?

>> No.11069337


so EY could mean bluntly that it’s EY as they are working with Microsoft.

>> No.11069341

it's szabo himself

>> No.11069363

the last three are clearly one thousand eoy lol

>> No.11069388

Some rando that Szabo follows says 1000 EOY. This is inane lads

>> No.11069391

? ? li(nk) o(ne) thousa(nd) eoy

>> No.11069417

EY using link one thousand eoy

>> No.11069424

we actually have real insiders here MONKAGIGA

>> No.11069431


Is probably a verb. Working, marketing.
Could be ING.

NK could also be bank. NK was also previously used . The larp said that SEPT 15 is suppose to be something

>> No.11069434
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>> No.11069452
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How much should I buy?

>> No.11069464
File: 125 KB, 1281x720, 1C2F03B4-10C9-4C47-852E-DB0975FDFE9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is the EY

>> No.11069509

Bletchey using chainlink one thousand eoy

>> No.11069512
File: 190 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180914-035206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?
I just want enough to get out of the nigger infested city I live in and have children with my gf...

>> No.11069514

Ey using Link one thousand eoy

>> No.11069539

Bletchley using chainlink nine thousand end of year.

>> No.11069553

There's actually a high-ranking guy who works for Raiffeisen Bank in Switzerland in the Slack. Look up 'selmir zukic'. It's a small IntellectEU breadcrumb. I'm sure there are some EY guys in the Slack as well.

>> No.11069701


> Bletchley using ChainLink nine thousand eoy


>> No.11069728

I thought niggeranus said it was the 25th

>> No.11069749


>> No.11069826 [DELETED] 

I think it's

letchEY (as in microsoft azure's Bletchley)
1000 $ EOY

>> No.11069838

why would you write letchey instead of using Bletchley in the first place?

>> No.11069863

took out the capital B and forgot to put a regular b
I'm tired, feeling sleepy...

>> No.11070080

its okay fren. sorry for being so hard on you