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11063460 No.11063460 [Reply] [Original]

I am already quite invested in Holo, but I am a bit scared to put more FIAT in, now that I have watched ETH losing 50% of its value in just a few months. ETH traded around $500 when I bought my first HOT kek.

Would you put more FIAT into Holo in this market? I know HOT has been pretty stable, but the last few times ETH dropped, Holo shortly tanked as well.

I am concerned that even HOT and good projects will tank if the overall market sentiment gets worse - won't all normies panic-sell and lose hope in crypto if ETH goes back to $40-80 by EOY?

What is your opinion?

>> No.11063475

"holo marines"? kys please

>> No.11063485

stop capitalizing fiat holy shit i've never cringed so hard at anything before

>> No.11063512

We could see 500mill mcap or a good 2x from here quite easy imho

>> No.11063514

5000 gwei eoy

>> No.11063629

i think holo can rise for sure. i am just concerned because dapp protocols will really look like a meme if ETH goes back to double digits. i don't see how we can keep up any hype or confidence for the technology.. or where am i wrong?

>> No.11063668

>they'll look like a meme if ETH goes down
>they'll look like a meme if ETH goes up
nonsense, platform coins are doing fine

>> No.11063721

what makes you so confident?

>> No.11063732

ether is worth tens of billions, EOS is doing well, HOT is doing great, the list goes on
what more do you want? you seem like a panicked newfag

>> No.11063817

Right now this might be true... I am just trying to think a few steps ahead. Do you really think we will get more investors if the flagship dapp platform is collapsing?

>> No.11063835
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it might go to double digits but yeah I do think that, if anything that will simply give ETH more time to scale because things will slow way down

I'm thinking 100 steps ahead here

>> No.11063850

I'v been reading the green paper and, no FUD intended, can someone shine a light on me about the Holofuel price? Do you guys think that we will have space to achieve 1$ or it will be alway around the cents?

>> No.11063867
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>Do you guys think that we will have space to achieve 1$

>> No.11063897

i think the 10 cent mark is decent for what holo is. Although i have a 1mil stack of holo, i bought at 7 sats, and waiting to see it reach 1000 sats in the near future.

>> No.11063915

it's consistently a high performer, which explains the constant threads

>> No.11063965

$1 would mean a "mcap" of 177 billion USD. i think $1 has always been a meme, they put it out there intentionally to get faggots hyped up. Yet there are a ton of IFs and no one can predict the future. I am an early investor and even I think everything above $0.25 is absolutely delusional. my dream sell target is like $0.10

look how carefully they worded it, the $1 prediction is really vague and hypothetical. but it still worked as marketing copy, rumors like that helped a lot to get traction

>> No.11063986

deep analysis

>> No.11063992


>> No.11063999

>ETH will scale
it will take several years, i don't think ETH will be still around by then. adoption right now is a joke and it won't get better with more competitors. i am also only focussed on overall market sentiment for dapps - i really want to make sure I am not buying into the market right before the purge

>> No.11064005

with dapps, there is only eth
EOS is a meme for retards who don't understand what dapps even are

>> No.11064010

still I am a holochad myself in case you guys missed it, i am not trying to FUD at all

>> No.11064015


>> No.11064022

Holo will be $1 in a couple years. At the prices right now you're getting HOT for a steal. Personally gonna invest 100k more in Holo soon.

>> No.11064024

there are many fast dapp platforms today, i don't want to give away all my gems but it is foolish to think ETH is the only viable option

>> No.11064028

>i don't want to give away all my gems
rolled my eyes anon

>> No.11064034

HOLO marine checking in

>> No.11064060


>> No.11064081

no one is selling holo sub 1 cent

>> No.11064330


>> No.11064349

I would, I'm broke else I would have.

>> No.11064862
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>> No.11064903

Holo doesn't even have a consensus algorithm you idiots

>> No.11064907

>Holo doesn't even have a consensus algorithm you idiots
You dont reach consensus, but before trading with someone you download and then verify their entire trade history to make sure they arent scamming. You also check the last block against a distributed hash table (which is monitored by a notary, sort of like a trusted verification node) to make sure they didnt drop any blocks. There is no global consensus though. You only verify each others chains to be able to trade.

>> No.11064991

Yeah, I know how it works. It is just a shit idea.

You buy 10 Holo on a Exchange, later on the it gets found out that 7 of the Holo you bought before were owned by a scamer. Now everyone decides to just accept the 3 "legit" Holo you bought.

>> No.11064999

you sound like a schizophrenic person who conflates concepts from entirely different contexts

>> No.11065020

sorry, pls explain to a brainlet what this means

>> No.11065028

It's not a ticker symbol anon.
And yeah holo looks good, like TRON for sjws.

>> No.11065043
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>> No.11066285

>have to pass KYC + credit check for every coin on holochain.

>have to either maintain your own personal blockchain history, or trust that someone else is storing it for you. If either party loses the chain data you lose all your money. It doesn't have guaranteed permanence like bitcoin. If being a notary (a node that maintains records) ever becomes unprofitable they will dump your records and bail in a heartbeat.

>have to pay fees to notaries any time you do anything. Its ethereum all over again.

>HOT is not even required to use holochain; its bordering on useless even if holochain succeeds.

>> No.11066815


>> No.11066938

>>have to pass KYC + credit check for every coin on holochain.


>> No.11066960

you literally have to email the department of defense a selfie. confirmed by Arthur Brock himself.
it's fucking OVER
sell your holo

>> No.11066984


>> No.11067022


ETH sucks at delivering dapps, though. You can’t measure the potential of dapps by the slow, shitty, and damned near worthless ones that exist on Ethereum. It’s like saying the internet would never amount to anything in 1996 because modems could only handle 28k speeds.

>> No.11067118

but developers have a choice to use KYC or not

>> No.11067125

Who else thinks this one might dump a little the next days? I'm getting ready to swing trade mine

>> No.11067368


>> No.11067381

Bitcoin is one of the slowest cryptos, it's still #1. Eth has made a name for itself for years to come.

>> No.11067593

Reasons not to buy Holo today:

>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo because "it's not about money"
>lead dev and the other guy are both faggots(maybe even together?)
>lead dev was the head of occupy wall street, gave speeches etc there
>lead dev pimped out his 5 year old daugher just to make a point about capitalism or something(taking it a bit too far there mate?)
>the structure of holochain is "feminine", not on purpose though feminine just turned out to be better and more robust according to lead dev
>use fancy buzzwords like "immune system" etc
>literally have to email the department of defense a selfie
>purchases exceeding 1,000,000 HOT require cavity search, including anal speculum
>cost of finger box not included, literally have to bring your own finger box
>you have to personally maintain your own chain(mandatory KYC ofc)
>your chain dies forever if you go offline, all data is lost since there's no global consensus
>HOT token supply is dynamic, can be created out of thin air in order to keep the price stable
>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
>the HOT token is not even needed for using the dAPPS

>> No.11067896

You took the TPS meme too far

>> No.11067971

Nothing the scenerios are completely different as the moving averages we're crosses and now became resistance .
Just a bagholder trying to justify not selling .

>> No.11067983

>Nothing the scenerios are completely different as the moving averages we're crosses and now became resistance
lol, you're just spamming word salad
the eth/btc ratio pumped massively

>> No.11068009

Just buy anon! Us holomarines stick together..we will make it

>> No.11068029

>but developers have a choice to use KYC or not
Yeah they have a choice to give everyone unlimited credit too.
The point is there is no native security model. Any app has to have some "watchtower" or centralised validator or KYC of some kind. There has to be a clunky overlay, which btw hasn't even been designed yet, to provide security.

>> No.11068046

>Yeah they have a choice to give everyone unlimited credit too.
...someone would have to pay for it dumbass

>> No.11068069

>...someone would have to pay for it dumbass
Why are holofags so rude?
You clearly don't understand your own "investment". In a mutual credit system the default state is debt. We all start out with 0. If you "pay" me 10 units, my account goes to +10, yours goes to -10.

>> No.11068079

>You clearly don't understand your own "investment".
you can't randomly issue credit, holofuel is credited and the customer INJECTS VALUE INTO THE SYSTEM to achieve that

unless you mean a "side chain" in which case it's irrelevant

>> No.11068143

Ok anon. In the holochain framework, what is the general principle that stops someone from making an account, screwing around (being a bad actor), and just making another account and doing the same thing all over again if they get caught?
How do you deal with malicious actors?

>> No.11068154

literally no different than any decentralized system, there's a positive benefit here and you're trying to spin that as a negative, completely asinine

>> No.11068213
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>literally no different than any decentralized system
You're seriously claiming it has the same security model as Bitcoin? When that's blatantly, obviously untrue?
Did you get bumped on the head?

>> No.11068221

>let's just conflate a bunch of shit and take things out of context until the other person gets sick of arguing with me
ok you win, you are the bigger retard, congratulations

>> No.11068245

I accept your surrender.
Next time try to understand the things you put your money in.