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11068142 No.11068142 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else wish they could go back to their teenage days when you had $300 to your name but life was okay because you had an entire Saturday to explore a new zone of Azeroth in the coziness of your parents house?

>> No.11068198

My poison was RuneScape and those were extremely lonely days. I'd go back to get more involved in team sports and AP classes.

>> No.11068225

so much this
>growing up easter euroultra poor anon who never had more than 5$ savings account
money is nearly a tool, real investment comes from within yourself

>> No.11068251

i wish i could go back to being in 7th-9th grade when $20 was enough for a day out doing random shit like walking to the neighbouring city or trying to learn how to freerun at the park

>> No.11068313

The feels

>> No.11068340

>A few hundred dollars to my name
>Only responsibility is going to school
>After school i would either play video games or ride bmx bikes with friends all day

>Everyone graduates high school
>Everyone starts working
>Friends dont ride bikes anymore, and videogames dont feel the same
>Makes it in crypto
>No responsibilities anymore
>Can ride bikes and play video games all day
>All alone

>> No.11068343
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>> No.11068414

howd you make it?

>> No.11068439

life savings in ethereum before crypto was the cool thing to do

>> No.11068459

i wish i could be young again :(

how do i beat this feeling /biz/

>> No.11068479

>and videogames dont feel the same
i was never big into video games but at 25 smoking weed and listening to music dont have close to the same effect as at 16....
In general everything is fucking duller but i'm sure a lot of that is depression that mostly stems from financial worries and an inability to even be sustainable while enjoying what im doing.

>> No.11068481

No because I didn't have any money and I was a virgin.

I'm still a virgin now but at least I can cope to max with high quality entertainment.

>> No.11068509

For me it was Alpha Centauri on a Friday night

>> No.11068791

I had zero dollars to my name as a teenager so no

>> No.11069275
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>teenage days when you had $300 to your name
>had $300

>> No.11069316

FUCK! The feels ;_;

>> No.11069320

NPC version of this?

>> No.11069351

Back in my day it was Starcraft, Diablo II, or Team Fortress, the original before they turned the graphics cartoony.

With friends though we'd play GTA San Andreas or Fable together.

>> No.11069416

Honestly....... Im 26 and i just discovered the doors. Zepplin pink floyd and beatles so far. I just kinda ignored all this music while i was in school and listened to indie shit and dubstep. I got a new graphics card and pirated maybe 30 games but i donr get happiness from it just a distraction from life. I started my first real job and work 12 night shifts and i can feel my life slipping through ny fingers. At my parents in a small town i would go canoing every day and see my turtle and duck friends smoke week and read books and playing guitar on the water. I started biking through the woods. And got good at that i would just choose a direction and go straught into the woods and have a blast. Now what? I live dead center city, there isnt a forest larger than my pubic hair within an hour and a half drive and the only things i can do on my nights off is do mushrooms and watch pta movies. I ask my friends to hang out they say "sure but only one these 1 or 2 days i dont work what do you want to do? " i just want to be with my friends i dont care what we do :( i just want to ride bikes with my best friend again but he has 2 children. No longer can we run around and throw stink bombs at each other and older children, even strangers. Keep your voices quiet they say dont laugh too loud.

>> No.11069572

My friends are having kinds also. Nothing makes you feel more alone than watching your friends start a family and no longer have time for you