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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11067277 No.11067277 [Reply] [Original]

I’m afraid to get a gf because only ugly girlslike me and my friends and family will probably talk shit about her and me behind my back

>> No.11067296

They always do but love is love. Just gotta move up the ranks slowly

>> No.11067302
File: 131 KB, 743x853, 1535777479240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta slay a couple dragons to get the princess anon.

>> No.11067304

Same, my family always tells me looks don’t matter, but they ALWAYS end up mocking someone’s appearance whenever we go to a family gathering/reunion thing or whatever.

“Man, she really put on some weight”

“He looked terrible!”

>> No.11067305

im afraid to get a gf because i feel threatened by their sexual histories.

>> No.11067341
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 1536333281281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your father anon
Your last gf was a real pig I wouldnt fucked her with your dick.
I'm sorry I didn't divorce your mom sooner and you never walked in on me fucking an underage azn exchange student. I blame myself for not setting an example for you

>> No.11067365
File: 77 KB, 886x1024, 38F985C6-DD33-491A-97AA-C40DC3DF4695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring what other people think of you

>> No.11067396


>> No.11067413

Come to my post, OP, I will help you

>> No.11067429


not a Trump supporter but this is one area where he is absolutely based

screw em OP do what u want

gfs are a scam though, you have been warned.

>> No.11067450

is it weird that i can't find the qt at work on social media? i searched facebook, instagram, twitter and got nothing

>> No.11067480

she's preemptively blocked you

>> No.11067499

then why does she always randomly come to my desk and talk to me since i started this job

>> No.11067519

she thinks you're special needs

>> No.11067529

why would she ask a retard for help with excel

>> No.11067810

Don't worry op..I'm a good lookin chap and I can't land a bitch on tinder or bumble cuz what I've been told is that I look like a catfish profile.

>> No.11067826

So you can feel like you aren't special needs. very compassionate of her.

>> No.11067880
File: 23 KB, 412x441, E6C7086C-2AD3-40FC-AE45-D328A8A2DB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha good one!

>> No.11068049
File: 340 KB, 818x854, 1536802965579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, original post friendo!

>> No.11068053


I just want to marry a qt asian girl lads...

>> No.11068134

Some anon was here a couple days ago with some insider knowledge about Tinder and why it sucks now. They have some stupid algorithm that gives your profile ELO like with video games and if you're elo is low you don't get a lot of matches. I don't see how the fuck this makes any sense but I too am a good looking lad and I don't get much matches anymore since I disabled my facebook a year or two ago and had to remake my Tinder. I just superlike bitches with big tits now, get a couple decent matches a month.

>> No.11068141

You sound like a race traitor. Why don't you come by /pol/ and enlighten yourself sometime?

>> No.11068182


fuck off storm weenie

>> No.11068274

There’s no way this is a real feeling, you are such a weak person if you think about things like this and you need to re-examine your entire existence

>> No.11068330

yeah i know right. i literally scream out "im a huge faggot" at random times in public to train myself not to care about what others think.

>> No.11068334
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1536549473523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for pol memes

>> No.11069430

>ignoring the fact that he is in /biz/rael
Bad goy. This is the chosen anon's land. You do not belong here except to make Trump and 56% memes.

>> No.11069457

What's wrong with ugly girls? I'm not even memeing, but personality>looks. Sadly, most of the ugly girls I've dated were batshit crazy, too. Sometimes moreso. But that doesn't mean they all are. Keep in mind that you spend literally 80% of your free time with a mate, usually, and you might see friends/family once or twice a week. Find someone you can actually stand. Also, why isn't this in /adv/?

>> No.11070060

Find a really pretty blind gal.

>> No.11070882

Fuck I know those feels.

>> No.11071249

your family is probably already talking shit about you. When my dad gets drunk he always talks about how I'm probably gay or my dick doesn't work. While I actually spend all my time 24/7 on trading trying not to become a faggot loser like him

>> No.11071267

pretty much true. waiting for them to die